Such a vast universe.

Not to mention that there is no existence that reaches the speed of light. Even if there is, to cross such a long distance, it must be in "billions of years" as the unit of travel.

Tianjue is constantly shuttling in the wormhole.

Wormholes are closer than the traditional shortcuts. They are the existence that directly connects two unrelated spaces.

But even with such a shuttle, Tianjue still sailed in the vast universe for 35 days.

During this period, whenever the wormholes are exhausted, new time halberds will return with wormholes with a wider range. The sixth and seventh halberds all return, like timely rain.

The expectations and goals in everyone's hearts are the same.

It is to reach the "endless scale" outside the edge of the universe, help Liu Di find Gu Fan, and also draw a perfect end to his journey in the universe.

And Liu Di.

Always transform into different ethereal forms, sailing around Tianjue.


You can see Liu Di's looming face above Tianjue.

Slowly, his eyes were no longer confused, but deep like the starry sky.

Like a god in the hustle and bustle of the world.

The universe.

How big is it, how is it defined?

Of course, humans have not explored the entire universe, let alone observed the entire universe.

The so-called "observable universe" is actually an algorithm, calculated with the help of changes in the light bands, radiation energy, ultraviolet bands, and infrared bands of celestial bodies.

The age of the universe should be about 13.72 billion years.

The area of ​​the universe is a sphere with a radius of 46.5 billion light years and the earth as the center.

So according to this inference, the universe will be a disk?

About this information.

Brother Liu once held a helpless and self-deprecating mentality.

The earth, as a speck of dust among the countless stars in the universe.

Human beings, as an ordinary family among the countless lives in the universe.

But to summarize the entire universe with oneself as the center, it is somewhat self-promotional.

Brother Liu did not mean to despise his homeland, nor did he despise the achievements of countless human astronomers.

It's just that.

The universe is vast, how can we be arbitrary.

But with the recent voyage, the outline of the universe has become clearer.

Liu Di felt that he was slapped in the face.

According to the current judgment, the universe is really a circle, not an ellipse, not a square, not an irregular dispersion.

In addition, there is another thing, that is, the periodic table of chemical elements in the junior high school textbooks of human beings, the 118 elements actually encompass the universe.

Liu Di felt a little like a dream.

Are humans so strong?

As a 0.7 level civilization, it is actually the center of the universe and can understand the composition of all matter?

Or... there is some unknown connection hidden behind this.

Why did Liu Di infer that the universe is round.

Because the route of Tianjue's voyage this time is based on the earth, completely straight, all the way west, pointing directly to the "end of the universe".

At this moment.

Tianjue has sailed 464.5555... billion light years, and there is only "one finger" left from the theoretical "edge of the universe".

Of course, this "one finger" refers to the scale of the entire universe, and the actual distance is still hundreds of light years.

The surrounding scene at this time can be described in four words-no one's land.

It is dark and deep here, and the light is extremely weak, close to nothing.

And within hundreds of light years, there is no decent celestial body, and only some large rubble can be seen sporadically.

According to the theory of cosmic expansion, this piece of the universe has just evolved not long ago and does not have a complete ecology at all. Even slightly larger celestial bodies have not condensed into shape.

As for stars and life, it is even more impossible to exist.

Liu Xiaodi exclaimed in the bridge, "Is it... no one has ever arrived here?"

Liu Xiaodi's voice sounded in Liu Xiaodi's ears, "If you have such an idea, then others will have it too."

Liu Xiaodi, who was spreading in the vacuum, felt something in his heart and looked forward.

But he saw thousands of huge golden starships floating quietly in front.

Liu Xiaodi saw it clearly.

Those starships were made of the most advanced alloys in the universe, and the assembly process was almost flawless. The appearance of those warships was like ceramic artworks placed in the sun.

Liu Di instantly obtained their information.

Jasper civilization, a level 10 technological civilization.

The crew of Tianjue was ready to fight. Is there another blind person preparing to block the way?


Liu Di and Tianjue just calmly and slowly passed in front of the Jasper fleet.

Liu Di knew.

Jasper civilization is just a technological civilization that is motivated to explore the limits of the universe, not arrogant and domineering.


At the level of level 10 civilization, both technological means and racial wisdom have reached a certain height.

Unprovoked fighting and bullying oppression are completely out of their scope of action.

From the outside, the Jasper civilization is just quietly observing the Tianjue.

But Liu Di can hear it.

The creatures inside them are very surprised and discussing.

"It is hard to imagine how a starship this small, with incomplete supplies and equipment, managed to travel billions of light years."

"Do they have the financial resources to support countless star gates?"

"And, does this small starship seem to have to continue sailing?"

"I'm afraid it can't resist the front."

"Even our Jasper civilization has stopped here."


The two forces passed each other peacefully.

The Tianjue continued sailing, and after entering a wormhole, the tenth-level technological civilization Jasper was left far behind and disappeared.

After Tianjue sailed out of this wormhole again.

It is already 20 light years away.

The universe here is lonelier, darker, and quieter.

It was almost a pure vacuum, and even smaller gravels could not be encountered.

But everyone, including Brother Liu, had a strange feeling.

This feeling is like... being unable to perceive the passage of time.

Just like Liu Xiaodi.

He stood on the bridge and suddenly came to his senses. He didn't know whether he had been standing for 10 minutes or 10 hours. He had no clear idea at all.

The white-haired Taozi looked at the peach core in his hand in despair - ah, when did I eat this big peach?

‘Kun Sang’ was carrying his baseball bat, keeping one leg in the posture of stepping out - um... what was I going to do just now?

The small bottle cap looked at the plant in his hand, a little confused - when did it bloom? Um? When did it bear fruit? Um? Why has it withered?

The Tianjue sailed quietly.

Because the external scenery is pitch black without any reference, everyone has no idea whether the Tianjue is sailing or stationary.

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