My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1532 The Four Ferocious Beasts (1/2)

The phoenix confronted the four fierce beasts.

Like a thin human being confronting four gods.

But the raging fire wings behind the phoenix showed his extraordinaryness.

"The four gods of the universe, the phoenix, will fall here today!"

The four fierce beasts roared to the sky, and their voices were like the intersection of gods and demons.

The fierce beast Taotie turned around first, and the huge mouth on its chest opened in an extremely exaggerated proportion, but it bit the land behind it. The land was like a cake, and it bit off a huge gap!

Countless soil, gravel, and vegetation were chewed in its mouth.

At the same time, between the two red horns on the head of the Taotie, a small bull head grew again, with winding horns, as if a red-eyed bull demon king had grown on his head.

The bull demon king opened his mouth fiercely, spit out a black light, and rushed straight to the phoenix!

In the [sample space].

Brother Liu watched this scene.

Taotie swallows the sky?

But what is that little head spewing out? Is it the converted energy?

Liu Di's eyes flickered.

It's not conversion.

It's similar to Feng's flaming sword.

They are all element decay.

Energy is obtained through the decay of protons to neutrons.

In simple terms, it is through the recombination of quarks to form new protons or neutrons. In this process, heavy elements will quickly decay into light elements, and then at least 50% of the mass of matter will be converted into energy.

This is a more advanced energy technology than nuclear fusion, and the dream of earth scientists.

——No need for oil and natural gas, stones can also be converted into energy. Put it in the universe, and any planet you capture is an energy treasure house.

This is also similar to the energy released by Liu Di using [Vector Space] to shrink objects.

Liu Di continued to observe.

Taotie eats with a big mouth and attacks with a small mouth.

It's a bit weird.

But it really interprets the prototype of Taotie in ancient mythology.


Liu Di's eyes moved slightly, "What is that?"

Liu Di noticed that the energy spit out from the mouth of Taotie was mixed with black things similar to pebbles.

"Taotie's elements decay incompletely, and high-density residues will be produced."

"The atoms of matter are condensed and compressed together, and a spoonful can be equivalent to half a green mountain."

"Throwing out a random substance is an existence that outsiders cannot accept."


The phoenix standing proudly in the air was swept by the energy and hit by the "pebbles" hidden in it. The whole body flew out as if it was hit by a mountain.

But this was not enough to hurt Feng. He turned his body, drew out the flaming long sword, and kept splitting the subsequent "pebbles"!

At this moment.

The fierce beast Taowu roared, and the two blue tails behind him suddenly emitted a strange light. A layer of blue matter like smoke could be vaguely seen, spreading out and covering Feng.

The Feng was stunned immediately.

Because the flaming sword in his hand first went out, revealing the black-gold metal sword body.

Then the sword body began to corrode, as if it had encountered aqua regia. The whole sword began to emit bubbles, and finally turned into mist and spread in the air.

For a moment, Feng's hands were empty.

Taowu roared, "Under my material theft, you still want to hold a weapon? Dream on!"

Liu Di also observed Taowu's ability.

The combat power of the four fierce beasts and Feng seemed to revolve around chemical elements.

And Taowu's ability is easy to explain.

To put it nicely, it is called material theft, and to put it bluntly, it is the "element replacement reaction" taught in junior high school chemistry classes on Earth.

Such as.

The most basic replacement reaction is metal and acid.

Iron and dilute sulfuric acid react to produce ferrous sulfate and hydrogen.

Iron replaces hydrogen, the material form changes, and a lot of hydrogen is released.

Taowu replaced the metal sword in Feng's hand with hydrogen and oxygen, and these two elements formed water, turned into steam, and completely dissipated.

Once this ability is exposed, it does not seem mysterious.

But if the two fight, it is quite fascinating to dissipate the opponent's weapon out of thin air first!


But the huge body of Hun Dun stomped his feet violently, and the fat on his body trembled frequently.

It was also at this moment.

A faint smoke suddenly spread out from Feng's head.

Hun Dun's ability seemed to have forcibly stripped something out of Feng's brain.

But Feng, who was fearless just now, was seen.

His eyes dimmed in an instant, his expression was ashen, and he lost all his fighting spirit, and seemed to have lost his attachment to the whole world in an instant.

Feng no longer had a weapon in his hand, and he supported his knees with one hand, knelt on one knee at the same time, and slowly knelt down.

Feng's eyes full of dead silence stared straight at the ground.

It's not like losing his mind, but the kind of sorrow that is greater than the death of the heart, and it's the extreme sorrow that is greater than the death of the heart.

Chaos grinned: "This is the 'dark world' I gave you."

Liu Di frowned, "What's the principle?"

Liu Di carefully analyzed the smoke that had drifted out of Feng's brain before. When he zoomed in, the smoke was ethereal, with a very low density, and vaguely colorful, like a rainbow after rain.

"It's also an element."

"Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine..."

Liu Di closed his eyes and felt it, and soon analyzed these four elements from the colorful smoke. This is because Liu Di's previous experiences have enabled him to gain control over these four elements.

"There is also a fifth element that I have never mastered... What is it?"

Brother Liu is thinking.

The devil boy suddenly said: "I speculate that the fifth element is nitrogen! Because one ractopamine molecule contains 46 atoms, which are the five elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine, and their number of atoms The ratio is 18:23:1:3:1.”

An idea flashed in Brother Liu's mind.

in the human brain.

A substance composed of five elements: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and chlorine, is called dopamine.

This kind of thing is a chemical substance in the human brain, also called the "source of happiness". It gives humans a sense of excitement and joy.

Often, people will promote the secretion of dopamine after a lot of exercise. This is why people will be very excited after a hearty basketball game.

Of course, taking certain banned drugs directly can also achieve the effect of stimulating dopamine secretion, making people feel elated.

Brother Liu already understood everything.

The so-called ‘grey space’ of the ferocious beast Chaos is to remove dopamine from the opponent’s brain.

Dopamine is a substance that, when increased in quantity, can make people excited and happy.

But if it is less than a certain extent.

That is death, silence, and despair.

The level of dopamine secretion in many patients with depression is far lower than that of ordinary people.

Brother Liu pursed his lips.

In other words, Feng... was depressed and extremely emo.

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