My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1469: Heaven's Methods (1/2)

But not before lightning struck.

Two blue spaces lit up around the body of the mechanical Xizi, and they closed suddenly. The huge mechanical body was instantly squeezed into scrapped parts, and scattered in the sky.

But the lightning from Xizi also struck down.

It hit Liu Di's palm, which was covered with liquid metal. Liu Di's body instantly flashed with violent sparks, and then returned to calm.

The rescued residents stared at all this with wide eyes.

He is faster than lightning.


Brother Liu slowly turned around, with slight redness appearing in his eyes.

I thought it was on the ground not far away.

The half-grown child who was picking apples had his body cut off at the waist and was already dead.

As for his grandfather, it seemed as if some kind of sword flashed across his neck, and there was a wound three fingers deep. At first glance, he only had half of his head connected to his neck.

But the old man did not die. Instead, he covered the wound with his palms, crawled on the ground, and kept getting closer to his dead grandson.

Brother Liu stepped forward, picked up the old man, and placed him in front of his grandson. The old man glanced at Brother Liu, his throat rolled, and he could no longer speak. Then he looked at his grandson whose body was broken into two halves and cried bitterly!

Brother Liu slowly raised his head.

Only the end of the street is visible.

There stood a figure with bursting muscles. It had no head, ferocious facial features on its belly, limbs as thick as buckets, and held a large ax and shield in its hands.

"Mechanical Xingtian."

Brother Liu squeezed out a few words through his teeth. This guy is also the 'god' who kidnapped the members of the Tianjue!

Liu Di's right eye was already red, and a scene of the mechanical Xingtian being crushed into powder even its parts flashed through his mind.

Right now.

From Brother Liu's perspective, two figures slowly walked in.

The one in front was a man wearing a black robe, with long black hair, and a somewhat feminine face. He was holding a book and flipping through it.

Behind him was a human-sized machine. It was clad in a metal cassock and had Buddhist beads around its neck. Its facial features were exactly the same as those of humans, and it had kind eyes, a bald head, and nine metal ring scars on the top of its head.

The robot clasped its hands together and looked indifferent to the world.

Liu Di's eyes did not stay on the robot, but looked at the black-haired man.


"The Universe Heavenly Court has finally sent a decent person."

Brother Liu stared closely at the man studying.

But Feng shook his head and said, "I didn't receive an order to kill you."

Brother Liu knew Feng's character and immediately said, "Then get out of the way."

Going to see Feng, he walked straight to the middle between Liu Di and the mechanical Xingtian, and the mechanical monk followed quietly.

Feng's eyes never left the book and said, "I don't really want to see you kill Xing Tian in that way."


"Space squeeze?"

"Does it matter how it dies?"

Brother Liu frowned tightly, "When did you learn to make excuses?"

Feng still flipped through the book and said calmly: "The god Xingtian is different from others."

"God Xingtian? Are you different from others?"

Liu Di gritted his teeth and said: "There is no difference! They are all a bunch of machines! The true face of your universe is disgusting, and those mechanical gods are nothing but murder weapons!"

“I couldn’t imagine it, and it was such an eye-opener.”

"As humans who have evolved for 7 billion years, you have just developed to this level?!"

"Control the five senses of the residents, build a bunch of machines, confuse people all day long, and massacre the city as soon as there are signs of rebellion?"

"As an Earthling who is 7 billion years behind you... I really only have contempt in my heart, endless contempt!"


I saw the mechanical monk behind Feng chanting softly, "Amitabha."

Liu Di's expression was extremely helpless, "What is this? Mechanical Buddha?"

But Feng slowly raised his head, finally no longer looking at the book, but looking at Brother Liu, "Since you know you are lagging behind, it means you don't understand."

"Haha, I don't understand?"

Brother Liu looked at Feng with fire in his eyes.

I saw Feng slowly saying: "The heaven of the universe has a life span of 7 billion years. The point is not how far technology has developed, but that in 7 billion years, which is enough time to support thousands of species cycles, we still exist. Not wiped out by fighting, not wiped out by illness, and not wiped out by the desire to explore, the residents can continue.”

Speaking of which.

Feng raised his head slightly, "How old is the country with the longest reign on your planet? Is it more than 3,000 years ago?"

Brother Liu frowned slightly.

Feng continued to sigh: "3000 years, such a short period of time, that peaceful and prosperous country, where the residents thought that it would never decline, began to fight among themselves, flowed into rivers of blood, and disintegrated?"

"The most dangerous thing in this world is human nature."

Feng carried his book behind his back. "In 7 billion years of observation, we have discovered that the final outcome of 80% of civilizations in the direct or indirect self-destruction."

"Isn't it the earliest time your Earth was discovered by space species because of the so-called 'exploration spirit' in the minds of some scientists? It was they who took the initiative to launch space signals."

"science and technology."

"It is indeed the key to the survival of our species in the vast universe."

"But that's not the main thing."

"As a ruler, we want long-term peace and stability."

"The thoughts of all people must be controlled."

"What they see is only what they should see, and what they believe in must be shaped by the rulers!"

"The rulers have created a mental prison, and the common people don't even know what is missing."



Feng chuckled, "Whether it is you or us, these species do not exist in the history of evolution, but people believe in this ethereal thing, so the rulers here carry it forward and firmly control people's thoughts."

"Have you seen the 'praying' scene before?"

"That's the ruler reviewing his own achievements."

"Under such circumstances, people become dull, systematic, impersonal, and start to obey blindly."

"But they don't know it."

“They will live wherever the rulers let them live, they will be grateful to whomever they are grateful to, and they will hate whomever they are allowed to hate.”

"They won't really innovate, they won't fight, they won't cause any trouble."

"The rulers told them to die, and they could even sum it up with the word 'sacrifice'."

Feng looked around, seeing the dilapidated city and corpses all over the ground, "Of course, there are also a few residents who will suddenly wake up and see the truth clearly, and often such rebellious thoughts will quickly turn into sparks and burn throughout the whole place. mainland."

"So, the way to deal with this situation is to clear it all. No information can be leaked. As for the cost, it is only a few states, which is insignificant."

Brother Liu stared at his grandfather and grandson on the ground, "Merely?"

Feng sighed, "In the pitifully short evolutionary history of humans on Earth, how many wars have occurred? How many regime changes have occurred? You can't count them, right? How many corpses are buried in your land?"

"And this continent under your feet has been without war for 7 billion years."

"If you think about it carefully, for the sake of the peace of the entire continent, is the cost of destroying several states really high?"

Brother Liu was slightly startled.

Feng said and looked at Brother Liu again, "In the past 7 billion years, we have not only researched technology, but the most successful one is thought control. It is this ability that has shaped today's universe and heaven!"

Brother Liu felt dumbfounded and sneered: "Nonsense."

Feng slowly shook her head, "Isn't your home like this?"

"Can you guarantee it?"

"In the future, won't your homeland be depleted of resources at a rate much faster than the rate of research and development of interstellar colonization due to human greed? In the end, all humans will be trapped and die on the earth?"

"Can you guarantee that?"

"Won't the various countries in your homeland cause a world war for profit reasons, and eventually nuclear pollution kills everyone?"

Feng glanced at Brother Liu coldly, "Only when you, the human race on earth, have lasted for 7 billion years without becoming extinct will you be qualified to argue with me about right and wrong."

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