My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1453 Sacred Geometry (1/2)


"I'm not dead yet."

A faint voice suddenly came into Liu Di's ears.

But he saw Fu Qing, with blood all over his body and incomplete limbs, using his shoulders to support the ground and turning over with difficulty.

It had blood in the corners of its eyes and looked at the sky, "Ahem, boy, calm down, don't be impatient, what you are doing now has nothing to do with the Eight Dimensions, use your little brain well."

"Fu Qing?!"

Liu Di paused.

I saw Fu Qing coughing up blood and laughing: "You will never understand the recovery ability of my Zerg, don't worry about me, find a way to kill the spectator!"

It was like taking a reassurance pill, and the rage in Liu Di's heart was instantly reduced by more than half.

The man in the white shirt exhaled slowly.


Fu Qing is the fastest man in the world, and he recovers the fastest.

I was so angry.

Liu Di closed his eyes again and let the spectator destroy his [sample space] crazily.

"It's easier to understand if you imagine space as a painting."

"Use Space Master as a paintbrush to draw cubes one by one."

"This should be the eight-dimensional perspective."

"This world is also like a delicate painting."

"【Topological space】 provides me with multiple observation angles, just like the gaze before copying."

"【Vector space】 provides me with countless details, I can determine the composition form, the position, size, and proportional relationship of objects."

"The essence of 【Mapping space】 is mental power, which is the blueprint of this painting in my mind, and fills it with rich colors."

"【Mutually exclusive space】 is like an eraser, erasing the auxiliary lines I don't want."

"And this painting will eventually be drawn on a drawing board called 【Sample space】."

Liu Di tilted his head slightly, feeling the spectators who were destroying it crazily, "Now I just need to conceive a figure."

The next moment.

Space Master drew three circles in front of Liu Di.

The three circles slowly approached and entangled together.

Then, more circles appeared, overlapping each other, and all the centers of the circles were located on the circumference of another circle.

After 7 complete circles appeared, the whole figure rotated outward, the area expanded, and then split into 8 circles, and then 9, 10, and so on.

The audience looked at the complex figure in front of them, a little stunned, "What the hell?!"

"Sacred geometry."

Liu Di closed his eyes and said: "This comes from the earth civilization, a thousand years ago."

"What you see is a pattern recognized by countless religions. It is called the 'Flower of Life'."

"This two-dimensional figure is made up of countless circles interlaced, just like the tightly connected cells in the human body, and it is also a simulation of the orbits of countless celestial bodies in the universe. We earthlings believe that the flower of life breeds all things and can explain the mysteries of the universe!"

Liu Di's eyes suddenly opened.

But he saw that the red in his right eye faded, but it was not the purple it used to be, but a mysterious blue light.

The demon boy constructed an extremely exquisite geometric figure for him.

The audience felt that the pattern had an inexplicable mysterious power. At first glance, they seemed to be deeply attracted. Moreover, the pattern gave off an illusion that it could encompass everything.

Brother Liu tapped his foot.

The flower of life suddenly blossomed.

The circles intersected and cut out countless elliptical spaces. The tails of these elliptical spaces gathered together to form blooming flowers, and new circles were derived from the tops of these flowers.

Brother Liu was in the center of the flower.

The pattern suddenly became three-dimensional.

The flower of life also spread endlessly.

There was a sound of shattering in the distance.

The expanding flower of life touched a glass wall. Before, the wall seemed to be hidden deep and could not be detected.

The audience's pupils widened, "My sample space? You can actually find its wall?!"

Brother Liu smiled calmly, "The characteristic of sacred geometry is that it interprets everything with the simplest graphics. The flower of life is the only geometric structure that has unchanged logic and can be infinitely magnified!"



The spectator's [Sample Space] began to crack, and eventually broke into countless small pieces and disappeared!

And this [Sample Space] was the one where it had imprisoned Liu Di for a long time.

"I didn't expect that this useless little thing could be played with so many tricks by you?"

The spectator's body still smiled contemptuously, "Wait for me to destroy these space ghosts! Let's see what tricks you have left!"

After that.

The spectator flew straight to one of the flying space ghosts!

But the next moment, the spectator's world became pitch black. In front of him, there was only a door with totems carved on it, and it was ancient and fragrant.

It was slightly stunned, and subconsciously pushed it open, but found that there were more doors standing in the void.

"What tricks are these?"

The spectator looked back, but found that it was pitch black all around, and there was no trace of Liu Di.

Liu Di's voice came, "Another figure in sacred geometry is called 'Mandala'. It looks simple, just a square with a circle and four doors."

"But this figure contains 5 Plato's cubes and Metatron's cubes."

"Do you understand?"

"You probably don't understand."

"Among the humans you call ants, there is a subject called 'mathematics'."

Mathematics? !

The spectators were obviously stunned.

"When you push open one of the doors, you will see 4 to the 12th power doors, endless."

Liu Di sneered, "This is the second sample space I just drew. To be honest, I put every space Weng in it. You want to find them? Even one! How about silicon-based creatures? Spend the rest of your life!"


"The second [sample space]?"

"When did I fall in?!"

The spectator rushed around in it, and there were only endless doors in front of it. Open one, and there are more.

Its heart became more and more anxious.

"Come out."

Liu Di's voice came vaguely.

The spectator only felt that the surrounding scenery changed, and a wide and straight road appeared in front of him.

The spectator rushed forward frantically along the road, only feeling that the years were endless and the road was endless.

Liu Di said: "On Earth, children will use paper strips to build it. This is called a Möbius strip."

"What is that!"

The spectator's eyes were already red.

The next moment

A circular hole appeared in front of the spectator, as if connected to a pipe. It hesitated for a long time, wondering whether to go in, but there was no other way, so it had to grit its teeth and go into the hole!

And what greeted it next was still an endless cycle.

It walked for a long time and felt that it had come to a wide space, but there was no other way out in this space, and there was still only a dark hole!

It continued to drill, continued to return to the wide space, and then continued to see the hole!

Liu Di smiled and said, "This is called a Klein bottle, and humans call it a bottle that can never be filled."

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