My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1316 Triple Star System (1/2)

The limit of the human observable universe, 93 billion light years away.

In a quasar emitting red mist.

Two figures stood on the platform, their figures were illusory, and there was a pull of light between their bodies.

"That kid went to Proxima."

"He is about to discover the first secret, and then he will soon become what he calls the 'seventh dimension'."

"The funny thing is that he turned himself into a puppet and acted recklessly in our world."

"Can you still bear it?"

A figure said slowly, and the details of his face could not be seen in the light.

Another figure said: "In the vast universe, the most lacking thing is secrets. What he is about to discover is just a small one. Even if he has some insights, it is just a stronger ant, which is far from shaking us, like looking up from under a cliff, and cannot be seen."

"As for the means of that 'puppet'?"

"Don't you think... this is very ornamental?"


A calm smile fell, and the two figures merged into an old man in a yellow robe.

The old man tilted his head slightly and looked at the peach blossom forest under the high platform. A woman in a white dress whiter than snow stood in it, completely immersed in the world and sniffed the peach blossoms.

The yellow-robed old man chuckled again, "Isn't he a puppet himself?"


In the deep space.

Tianjue flew quietly.

After leaving the Mini Aquila, Liu Xiaodi still felt like a dream - we are actually flying outside the solar system?

A burst of colorful light flashed in front of him, and a huge impulse was triggered.

Tianjue slowly drove into it, and then the light twisted, and the Silver Shuttle disappeared.

4.217 light years away, in the deep universe, the colorful wormhole lit up again, and Tianjue slowly appeared with a solemn momentum.

All around, it was still dark, cold, and silent.

Just in front, tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Three dazzling light beads were quietly suspended.

From the current perspective, their positions were at the tip of a triangle.

Centaurus, Proxima region.

This is a triple star system with three adjacent stars, which is the legendary three bodies.

These three stars are Proxima Centauri, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B.

Human imagination is endless.

The three bodies have derived countless versions of the story, which makes people applaud.

The main reason for people's imagination is these three weird stars.

The mass of the star is huge, so its gravity is also huge.

The human mother star, the sun, can condense an entire solar system with its own gravity alone.

The positions of the three Proxima Centauri stars are so close that their gravity is intertwined and playing with each other, and the invisible stellar force is surging in the space.

It even presents the irregular movement of the stars.

When there are only two stars, their trajectory is easy to calculate, but once there are three stars, the problem becomes extremely complicated, and there is no way to accurately calculate the trajectory of the three stars.

This is the three-body problem.

So far, it is still an unsolvable mathematical problem.

From the basis of human astrophysics, the triple star system will be a world that completely subverts common sense.

Liu Di had these questions in his mind.

He looked forward.

From the current perspective of Tianjue, Proxima Centauri is only one-eighth the size of the sun, and the distance between it and the other two stars is very far, about 0.21 light years, nearly 2 trillion kilometers.

If you stand on Proxima Centauri, you will not see the "sunrise" of the other two stars, but you can only see two very bright stars in the distant sky.

In theory, this should not produce any strange effects.

At this time, the black-haired Taozi said coldly: "In the binary star system of my hometown, the two suns are much closer than here. When they change, they almost collide with each other."

Liu Di paused slightly.

What Taozi said is almost impossible in the eyes of earth scientists.

If it is true as she said, the two stars are so close, they will inevitably collide with each other due to gravity, causing a huge disaster until one of the stars is swallowed by the other.

It seems that Taozi's weird hometown also hides unknown secrets.

If there is a chance in the future, you can go and explore it.

But for now, we need to focus on this Proxima Centauri.

According to the irregular orbits of the three stars, there will be no habitable zone here at all.

The asteroids around here may face such a situation. 1,000 years ago, you were moderately close to the ‘sun’, the temperature was 30 degrees above zero, and you could breed primary life.

But 1,000 years later, the sun may have directly run to your ‘head’, the surface temperature instantly soared to 800 degrees, and all life was directly roasted into jerky.

Of course, it is also possible that the ‘sun’ directly abandoned you, the asteroid fell into extreme cold and darkness, and all life became ice sculptures.

In short, it is three suns running around.

Even if life can be brewed in the gap, the ending is very miserable.

Jerky, ice sculptures, or homes are directly torn apart by the gravity of the ‘sun’.

In the end, they are all tragedies.


In December 2020, Earth time, earth scientists used ‘listening——

eakthrough Listen’ project detected an electromagnetic signal from the direction of Proxima Centauri, and this signal was named BLC1.

It is not the result of any identifiable astrophysical activity.

It is a purely ‘man-made’ signal!

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The entire astronomical community on Earth is shaken.

Could BLC1 be a greeting from aliens to us?

Liu Di narrowed his eyes.

About this ‘BLC1’.

Either the Earth’s instruments made a misjudgment.

Or... there are alien creatures living in the Proxima Centauri region that humans cannot imagine!

If they really exist.

The flesh should be very tenacious and the technology is very advanced.

After all, there is a chaotic triple star system here!

Moreover, their detection technology can break through the star system and discover the earth!

At this moment.

The nanoworms released by Liu Di sent detection data.

The demon boy said: "Proxima itself is a star, and there is no life on its surface, but... as a sun, it is nurturing an asteroid - Proxima b."

"The most amazing thing is that Proxima b is actually in an extremely precious habitable zone."

"Under such chaotic gravity, even if it is only a temporary position, the probability is less than one in 2 billion."

"Moreover, the temperature is similar to that of the earth."

"It is very likely that there is life."

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