My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1304 The Long River of the Solar System (1/2)

On the way back to Titan.

The data in Liu Di's perspective changed slightly.

The progress of the solar system without borders: ‘99.999999...%. ’

The signal coverage of UB313 contributed one billionth to the entire progress.

The next important breakthrough came from that dazzling star - the sun.

The temperature of this flaming war god in space is too high.

Nanobugs will be burned to ashes as soon as they come within a range of three thousand kilometers.

Liu Di had no choice but to mobilize millions of dense fluid metals to build pipelines on all sides of the sun, like straws, to send nanoworms into the surface of the sun.

It also forms a defensive cover on the surface of the sun, allowing nanobugs to set up camp and form a borderless signal tower.

Moreover, the number of signal towers far exceeds that of other planets.

One is because the sun is huge, and the other is because the violent radiation on the sun's surface causes a significant loss of antimatter signals.

This made Liu Di feel like his body was being hollowed out. From the water drop pendant on his chest, liquid metal seemed to flow out endlessly, but Liu Di knew that it would always have a limit.

Liquid metal is almost like a universal material.

It is extremely hard, sharp, can change shape, and can greatly insulate external temperature.

But it’s just ‘significant temperature isolation’.

Within the liquid metal shield on the sun's surface, the temperature is still increasing at a rate of 5 degrees per second.

According to time calculations, the signal tower on the sun's surface will be burned to ashes in 20 minutes. At that time, the poor nanoworms will have to rush forward again, moths flying into the flames.

"This is too depleting."

Brother Liu couldn't help but frown.

Solar System Without Borders Progress: ‘100%. ’

This small data improvement constitutes perfection and brings about earth-shaking changes.

This moment.

The entire solar system formed a star map in Liu Di's eyes, which kept lighting up and became clearer.

All antimatter networks are connected together, and countless algorithms are superimposed layer by layer.

This area is less than one light-year.

There are 486,000 asteroids, 89 million small celestial bodies with a diameter greater than 100 meters, and 10 to the 32nd power of cosmic debris.

The orbits of all celestial bodies are like dense coils, intertwined with each other, inclusive of each other, and related to each other.

If ordinary people took a glance at it, their brains might not be able to withstand the stimulation of these data and would shut down directly.

But at this time, Brother Liu felt differently.

——Understand all things.

within this space.

The internal structure, element composition, and three-dimensional data of all celestial bodies are vaguely revealing their origins, past and present lives.

The data on all celestial bodies’ orbits, chemical reactions, fusion/fission reactions, gravitational fluctuations, and the degree of intervention of nearby celestial bodies also clearly outline their futures.

Want to know everything.

It is only necessary to integrate and calculate these billions of data per second, take all variables into account, eliminate 99.99% of erroneous deductions, iterate infinitely, and construct the final conclusion in microseconds.

And this approach, in the eyes of computer experts on earth, is simply a fantasy.


Even if you don't have a serious brain problem, you won't be able to come up with such a plan.

But the little devil boy can do it.

At this time, from Liu Di's perspective, the demon boy's body was floating, his hair was dancing, and his whole body was flashing with a very technological blue light. Even his eyes were covered in blue light.

In Liu Di's mind, an icy blue code storm rolled up, overwhelming the sky, as if the entire world had been digitized.

This scene is very much like the first meeting between the devil boy and Brother Liu.

Only that time, the demon boy was deducing an ordinary car accident on earth, in China, in the sea, and in thousands of streets.

The data source used is nothing more than some city cameras.

In just 2 years, everything has changed.

The scale has changed to the solar system, the tools have become "borderless", and the data has increased exponentially.

The demon boy closed his eyes and said: "Brother Liu, even I feel the limit of my computing power. I'm afraid that when we reach the extragalactic galaxy, my computing power will be insufficient."

Brother Liu pondered slightly, "Don't worry, I will grow, and so will you, regardless of each other."

Brother Liu also had to think.

The Demon Boy is now in Strong Artificial Intelligence 6 sequence, and has been upgraded after correcting historical bugs.

The latest improvement is due to the arrival of Porlin, which incorporates quantum capabilities.

But other than that, there seemed to be no other changes in the demon boy.

This path is brand new, and no one knows how the next demon boy will improve.


The long river of time in Liu Di's mind also began to build inch by inch.

The speed was very slow at the beginning, but as the data regulations became clearer and clearer, just a few minutes later, the devil boy seemed to have found some kind of formula, and the construction ability of Time Changhe improved rapidly.

The scariest thing about artificial intelligence has never been super hackers.

But the ability to learn.

The data it absorbs will never be forgotten. The more data there are, the more solutions there will be. With repeated accumulation, its processing power will grow revolutionaryly and never end.

If one day he absorbs enough data, his way of thinking will be incomprehensible to humans.

It's only 15 minutes.

The long river of time on the scale of the solar system stretches endlessly, whether forward or backward.

Brother Liu had a smile on his face.

Gaze at the time halberd in his mind.

He came to 4.6 billion years ago.

Before the formation of the solar system.

On the distant arm of the Milky Way, there is a cloud of gas and dust floating. It is dark red, and the internal temperature is at least minus 204 degrees. From a distance, it looks like a delicious marshmallow.

But if you want to take a bite, your body must be 1.2 billion kilometers long, which is equivalent to stepping on the earth and touching Pluto with your fingers.

And on one side of this dust cloud, there is a dim star floating. Its diameter is 90 million kilometers, which is 750 times that of the sun.

It is now the end of the star, a supernova.


The name seems to represent rebirth.

But in fact, it is the name of a star like the sun before it dies.


The supernova exploded without warning, releasing its last light.

The extremely powerful supernova shock wave hit the "marshmallow" dust and violently disturbed the very slow molecular particles in it.

Then, the molecules in the ‘marshmallow’ began to collapse under gravity and began to condense.

This is the first step in the evolution of the solar system.

Liu Di pushed the time back by 10 billion years.

But he saw that the marshmallow molecular cloud gradually gathered, the clouds and mist dissipated, and the view was clear.

Among them.

There were actually two huge cocoons.

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