My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1145 Three-word plan (1/2)

This time the canopy watch is released.

There is no unprecedented publicity about the product itself.

There was just a promotional video played on the Haishi marquee and an online press conference.

Most people are completely unaware of this technological wave, and they have never imagined that their lives will undergo revolutionary changes in the future.

Only one thousand units will be released.

The main reason is that large-volume production capacity has not yet been lifted, and mobile phone manufacturers have not yet achieved large-scale integration.

Liu Di disdains those hunger marketing routines.

But after a thousand canopy watches flowed into the market, they created a feeling that everyone agreed on.


Very stunning!

3D void projection technology is often seen in science fiction movies, but when people touched it in person and it came from the small watch on their wrist, people were shocked.

A feeling of science fiction coming into reality.

This little watch combines all the functions of a traditional mobile phone, and the picture is presented in 3D.

The price is 8999.

The price is similar to a certain fruit product, but the technology level is completely superior.

But those 1,000 owners feel that this is the most worthwhile expense in this life.

In a supermarket in a small alley.

The boss said lazily: "A box of cigarettes and a bottle of Coke, a total of 23 yuan."

The fashionably dressed young man smiled lightly, stretched out his wrist, and revealed a black watch. Immediately, the surface of the watch lit up with blue light, and the 3D condensed camera emitted a blue straight line to scan the QR code up and down.


The merchant's wallet received 23 yuan.

Immediately, the light on the young man's watch disappeared without a trace.

The boss was stunned, "What is that!!!"

The young man turned around and looked at the supermarket owner who was quite young. There was still someone who didn't know about the canopy watch?

After that, the young man changed his expression and said mysteriously: "I don't want anyone to know about the existence of our KFC alien supervision organization. Is this citizen willing to keep it a secret for me?"

The boss was stunned.

No wonder it is equipped with black technology, it turns out to be a secret organization that manages aliens!

He immediately stood up straight and saluted, "I swear to keep it secret, please don't erase my memory!"


Inside the park.

A programmer wearing thick myopic glasses quietly stared at the scenery.

He said to his girlfriend next to him: "I don't have a house, a car, and no savings. Alas... I know you are not willing to marry me."

The girl with light makeup next to her said: "In this society, it is impossible to live without money."

The programmer said calmly: "But yesterday... I grabbed a canopy watch on the official website."

The girl's eyes lit up, "You can earn money slowly. I believe in your future, and I can marry you! There is just a small prerequisite... Can you give me a canopy watch as a gift?"

The programmer silently covered his wrist, "I suddenly felt that living alone is pretty good. Goodbye."


Canopy watch.

In an instant, it became a product that stood at the forefront of fashion.

Even if you go to a high-end cocktail party, you will immediately become the center of attention, outweighing all kinds of workers, all kinds of ghosts, and all kinds of million-dollar watches.

In the scientific research community, if anyone can wear such a watch, it seems that his or her academic level will be raised by a level!

The rich second generation does not need to compete with young models for luxury cars. In terms of their own financial resources, the appearance of the canopy watch on their wrist can directly explain everything.

On some auction websites or social networks, a canopy watch has been sold for millions of dollars, and there is still no price!



In the official state-level office building.

Nan Ruoyi and Moore were sitting in front of the desk.

Behind the desk is Mr. Nan Tian Hainan. He is wearing spectacles and flipping through the list of materials in his hand page by page.

China has a sound legal system. If you want to create a large-scale enterprise and manufacture new categories of products, you must go through a series of registration procedures.

Nan Ruoyi went directly to find his father, not to operate illegally, but to pursue an efficient one.

Mr. Nan Tianhai exhaled slowly and spread the materials on the table. "There is no company in the world that can manufacture so many products at the same time. Even if they are manufactured, they are full of defects and cannot be used. Even if the defects are acceptable, sales It’s impossible to keep up.”

"Listen to my words and do one thing with concentration."

"Ruoyi, you can't do it, Brother Liu, he can't do it either."

Moore straightened his body and said, "Mr. Nan, in our eyes, that is just one thing."

Nan Tianhai lowered his gaze slightly and read the title on the material: "Internet of Everything, AI of Everything, Whole Industry Chain, Full Daily necessities Manufacturing Solution?"

Moore nodded, "This title was written by the company's internal copywriter, which is a bit cumbersome. In fact, we have a simplified version of this plan internally."

Mr. Nan raised his head slightly, "Simplified version? This is good. Tell me about the simplified version plan."

Moore nodded again and said solemnly: "This is easy to say, because there are only three words - create everything."


Nan Tianhai inhaled slightly, and immediately wanted to classify this Moore as a psychopath, but he couldn't because there was a very smart boy named Liu Di standing behind him.

"Create everything."

"It's really refined."

Nan Tianhai fell into deep thought.

But Nan Ruoyi said slowly: "Father, Mr. Liu has already designed the corresponding fully automated production line while designing the product. We have the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world, commanding hundreds of thousands of production lines, which is only its most basic ability. In terms of efficiency, precision and standardization, it is also dozens of times ahead of the world."

"All we need is an official pass and a large-scale production base. Apart from that, there is no obstacle in our way."

Nan Tianhai paused slightly.

My daughter is intelligent, wise and calm.

These few words are well-reasoned and much more convincing than Moore's "create everything"!

"In the future, our products will be all over the world."

"The Creator will also become the world's technological holy land."

Nan Ruoyi said again: "Mr. Liu said that all new qualifications in the project will be registered in China, and the headquarters, core factories, and core technologies will also remain in China. Putting aside economic contributions and taxes, China at that time will be the center of the world. Who dares to underestimate it?"

"Painting a big cake for you?"

Old man Nan supported his chin with one hand and spoke in a low voice, but his eyes were shining.


Nan Ruoyi said slowly: "Father, I'm informing you in advance."

For a long time.

Nan Tianhai sighed, "Approve half of the products first. I see that in your plan, don't you want to use Hai City as a pilot?"

Nan Ruoyi immediately understood, "Please come to Hai City for inspection in three months."

Nan Tianhai was slightly startled, "Three months?"

In his mind, so many kinds of technological products are produced and manufactured, updated, and can be spread throughout the lives of citizens. How can it take more than two years?

But Nan Ruoyi's voice was calm, "Then it's two months."

Nan Tianhai was stunned again!

But Nan Ruoyi spoke again, "One..."


Nan Tianhai stretched out his hand to stop him, "It's settled, two months! I'll give you all the green lights in Haishi, and see how you can change your life!"

"Also, I'll invite Mr. Song to go with me!"

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