Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Xingshi asks the crime

Time passed quickly overnight. Su Jie didn’t sleep well all night, but the sky gradually brightened.

The next day, Su Jie got up with two dark circles under his eyes, which made Kirino and Hido Michiru feel a little abnormal. After asking a few questions, they all went to school. Today is not the weekend.

Ding dong!

nine in the morning!

Someone knocked on the door of Su Jie’s house. Don’t ask, it must be Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Sure enough, when Su Jie went to open the door, he saw Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, a black-bellied girl.

I saw Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wearing a light blue dress, with a white headband on her head, and a tall, black, straight figure standing at the door, like a slim green lotus.

Girls are naturally extremely beautiful. If you only look at their appearance, Su Jie would not object to such a beautiful girl’s visit if it weren’t for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s visit today.

“You don’t even need to go to school!” He murmured to himself. The girl was right in front of him. Su Jie turned his body to get out of the way of the intersection, and said, “You asked for leave from school, have you had breakfast yet? Would you like me to make something for you?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s face showed no unkindness, nor was there any indifference or murderous look on his face. On the contrary, there was a slight smile on his beautiful face, and two small dimples were faintly visible, like a breeze blowing on his face, and said: “I’ve eaten it before. I can’t wait for the matter, do you still have the mind to let me go to class?”

Ok! Although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu pretended to be calm, Su Jie could still feel the anger of the other party. This was a man’s intuition.

“Come in and sit down first. Let’s stop talking at the door. I’m the only one at home.”

Su Jie brought Xiazhiqiu Shiyu into the room, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu snorted slightly, and said, “I know that something is wrong, so I sent my sister and cousin away in advance, right?”

“People are going to school, not everyone is so leisurely.” Su Jie said while pouring tea, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu chose to sit on the single sofa opposite Su Jie, her beautiful legs wrapped in black silk stockings were crossed.

“It’s indeed my fault. If I hadn’t been too leisurely and didn’t take a fancy to you, you wouldn’t have gone to see Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka, would you?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu curled her lips and her voice turned cold.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Su Jie picked up the tea and sipped it as a cover-up, grinning his teeth from the heat.

From these words, it can be heard that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s view of Su Jie’s relationship with Hiratsuka Shizu is that she felt that Hiratsuka Shizu took advantage of the loopholes, otherwise her relationship with Su Jie is obviously the best chance of winning, the only competitor There is only one Asuna, but things often do not develop as people expected, and it is the same now.”I knew you would talk about this topic. Asuna told you everything yesterday.”

Su Jie sighed and was not surprised.

“I didn’t really believe it when I heard this yesterday, so I’m here now, and I want to hear the answer you told me.” Xiazhiqiu Shiyu clenched her fists slightly and asked straightforwardly.

Su Jie put down the teacup. He knew that he couldn’t hide it, and he wasn’t going to hide it. He said to Asuna, “I’m indeed in a relationship with Mr. Hiratsuka Shizuka. Asuna didn’t lie to you about this.”

“The answer is simple enough, so you’re not going to say a few more words, and you’re going to send me away with just a word of communication?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Erlang kept shaking his legs, and did not continue to sit quietly. His charming wine red eyes gleamed, as if he was about to A volcano that erupts with furious flames.

Having been together for so long, Su Jie also knows some personal habits of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. For example, shaking his legs is a manifestation of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s anger. According to the speed of the shaking, one can see how angry Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is.

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Su Jie spread his hands and said helplessly, “How do you want me to explain, saying that I am playing hard to get again? It’s a trick? It’s impossible, everything you see is real Unmistakable.”

When he and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made it clear to separate, the other party once said that Su Jie wanted to play hard to get. Now it seems that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still has this kind of view. misunderstanding.

The teacup was turned by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s hand. After half a minute, the water in the teacup splashed a little, which seemed to symbolize the girl’s heart. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu herself raised her head suddenly and met Su Jie’s eyes.

“Oh! It’s really interesting. The lamb and the tiger are neighbors. I have only seen those who avoid them, but I have never seen ones who take the initiative to deliver them to the door.” The speed of shaking legs is faster.

“I don’t think this metaphor is very appropriate. Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka is actually changing too.” Su Jie gave a wry smile. Naturally, Su Jie and Shizuka Hiratsuka had opinions on who Kasumigaoka Shiyu was targeting.

“When I was in school, you complained to me all day about Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka’s making things difficult, and now you changed your face, saying that Shizuka Hiratsuka is the best, the most beautiful, and the softest. Is this how you cheat others? “Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made up his own brain, brought the character into it, and instantly felt anger gushing out of his chest, and sneered at Su Jie. This is very Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who likes to be sarcastic.

“Didn’t you like Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka quite a lot when you were in school? It’s not unusual now.” Su Jie complained.

“She was a teacher when I was in school, but now she is a rival in love. Have you ever met anyone who is friendly to your rival in love? They have poached my corner, and you still leave me indifferent. Are you stupid or am I stupid? Do you dare to say that you made Hiratsuka Shizuka As a teacher?”

“Ahem, I’ve been graduating for several months. A lot of things have happened at this time, and I won’t be able to explain clearly for a while. I feel that Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka’s relationship is logical, and it’s not worth making a fuss about.”

Su Jie thought for a while, looked at the girl with cold eyebrows in front of him, and added: “And I didn’t mean to deceive you, you and Asuna we both made it clear in the teahouse, when you and Asuna They all chose to reject me, and now I have found Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka again, which doesn’t look like a heinous crime to you.”

“It’s a heinous crime, deserves the crime, and deserves death.” The silver tooth was about to be crushed, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu put down his upturned legs, his eyes seemed to kill people, and he said angrily: “Did anyone tell you that you cheated on a woman?” Feelings, what are the consequences?”

Su Jie was taken aback, subconsciously looked behind Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and confirmed that there was no hatchet or anything, then smiled and said: “Consequence, this is really not a deception, you see, I am telling you the truth very sincerely, how can it be counted?” cheating.

Four hundred and thirtieth IX: Two strong confrontation

What will be the consequences of deceiving Kasumigaoka Shiwa? Su Jie didn’t know before.

This is an unsolved mystery, but soon, Su Jie realized it for himself.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu got up, and without waiting for Su Jie’s reaction, he rolled over and got on Su Jie’s body.

Looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was sitting close to her body, riding on her lap, Su Jie’s scalp was numb, and it seemed that he was enjoying all the beauty, but he was actually suffering, because Xiazhiqiu Shiyu picked up a pair of small scissors from under the tea seat , Aiming at the little brother Su Jie if there is any.

Don’t let others get what you can’t get. Some people have such radical thoughts. The difference is that some people will indulge their impulses, while others can restrain their impulses.

“Calm down, Shiyu, don’t do stupid things!” Su Jiehun was almost frightened, and tightly grasped Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s bright wrist, preventing her from moving the scissors, cold sweat broke out on his forehead: “This is not a joke Yes, put this thing away.”

“You also know to be afraid? When you cheated on Hiratsuka Shizuka, you were more courageous than the sky.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu whispered and smiled, the small scissors clicked, and the scarlet pupils were like the gaze of the devil, as if released The evil in his heart was completely blackened.

“My courage is not the reason for you to use the scissors. Don’t take your feelings as violence. Besides, I am a normal relationship with Mr. Hiratsuka Shizuka. How could it be cheating in your mouth?”

Su Jie thought in his heart not to provoke Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu any more, but he couldn’t help but open his mouth when he heard the cheating.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is now his real girlfriend, even if he doesn’t care about these words,It doesn’t sound good to Shizuka Hiratsuka’s ears, so it still needs to be maintained, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa can’t be allowed to continue to misunderstand like this, so I can explain it clearly now.

Thinking of this, Su Jie took back the scissors from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, but Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn’t move, allowing Su Jie to take away the only threat in his hand, it was obvious that she took the scissors out of anger, He didn’t really want to do something, otherwise he wouldn’t have given the scissors to Su Jie.

“Aren’t I more suitable for you than Shizuka Hiratsuka? Shizuka Hiratsuka obviously doesn’t fit with your character.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu gritted her silver teeth.

From a moral point of view, Su Jie is right to say so. At the beginning, Su Jie had already broken up with her and Asuna and did not become a relationship. Now that Su Jie and Hiratsuka Shizuka have become boyfriend and girlfriend, she seems to have no excuses. get involved.

But you have to know one thing, women don’t reason with you, and it is also applicable to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu now.

“If you choose me, I can write novels with you, commute with you, and make animations with you, even if I can cook, I am good at both Japanese and Chinese cuisine, and I can also accompany you flirtatiously. …I am no worse than anyone else, why did you choose Hiratsuka Shizu?” Kasumigaoka Shiu moved her body, leaned closer, pressed Su Jie’s shoulder, and her voice was much louder than before.

“Let’s pull away a little first, it’s hot like this.” Su Jie moved his butt a little uneasy, wanting to back up a bit. Now Xiazhiqiu Shiyu almost presses his upper body on Su Jie. This distance is either for kissing or fighting.

“Why did you choose Shizuka Hiratsuka? She obviously likes to use iron fists to punish you. She is so much older than you, and her female power is so weak. She is not gentle at all…” Kasumigaoka Shiyu gnashed her teeth behind her, and she didn’t hear it at all. Su Jie’s words.

“Speaking ill of people behind their backs is not the behavior of a good student. You have changed.” A burst of cold laughter came from outside the living room. Su Jie turned his head in astonishment, and found the figure of Hiratsuka Jing appeared in front of him, holding a Bunch of keys.

“Jing Jing, why are you here?” Su Jie was greatly surprised, he did not expect that Jing Jing would also come.

“A rival in love came to the door, or a girl who is still flirting with you, do you think I can rest assured? If I come later, maybe you will be eaten by someone.” Hiratsuka snorted quietly, His eyes glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who was sitting on Su Jie’s lap, pressing against Su Jie, and had opinions on the current position of the two of them.

“Ahem, no, um, how did you get in here?”

“I’m looking for the key your sister asked for. Fortunately, I’m too careful. The private meeting didn’t work out. I’m very frustrated, aren’t you?” Hiratsuka Jing stood in front of the sofa, feeling a little dissatisfied with the voice, probably only listening to the second half of Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s words , being slandered like this, I definitely can’t calm down.

Su Jie understood. Seeing that Hiratsuka Jing didn’t say anything yesterday, he thought that the other party didn’t care. It turned out that he had planned to come here today to make a surprise attack.

Su Jie’s head hurts. Dealing with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is already troublesome enough. Now that Hiratsuka Jing is here to disrupt the situation, this is to prevent Su Jie from living a good life today.

“Just becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, you have to be inseparable and not allow others to have any privacy? The investigation is really strict.”

The sneer was accompanied by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s head turning, and the two women with the style of Yujie looked at each other at this moment. This was no longer an electric spark, but a spark hitting the earth.

“You also know the relationship between Su Jie and me, so please get up from my boyfriend. I don’t need to teach you what the distance between friends should be. Of course, if you don’t understand, I can teach you as before. After all, you were once my student.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka was already restraining her emotions, just looking at the ambiguous positions of the two, this was not an easy task.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised her body and said lazily: “Asuna told me that Su Jie chose you because you can tolerate his flirtatiousness and you can generously not interfere with his friendship behavior. Now it seems that it is exaggerated. , I just came to the door, and you came over eagerly. If you want me to say, since you don’t trust Su Jie so much, what’s the point of such an association?”

“It’s someone else. I have a million worries about you. If it was Asuna who came here today, I wouldn’t need to come here at all.” Shizuka Hiratsuka said very directly, which is right. Su Jie’s ambiguous teasing, this is not once or twice, which is why Hiratsuka Jing is worried.

“In the final analysis, it’s still a matter of distrust. If you doubt me today, you may doubt others tomorrow. Putting these aside, I work for Firefly, and I have many opportunities to meet Su Jie.”

“Su Jie didn’t choose you now, will you continue to pester me?”

“It’s just a relationship, and I’m not married. It’s not certain whether I can have the last laugh.”

The more the two talked, the stronger the smell of gunpowder became, and the atmosphere became tense. Shizuka Hiratsuka has always been strong, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s black-bellied personality did not give way too much. The resulting controversy is not a question of who can persuade whom, but Su Can Jay take it?

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