: Always been imitated, never surpassed

“Su Jun can really talk. I also like to play the game “Fleet Collection”. If there are figures for sale, I will definitely buy a collection.”

Qiuzi Murakami smiled a little fake, but she had no choice but to agree with Su Jie’s blatant advertisement.

“Really? Others say that my game is only played by nerds. Look now, who dares to say this in person? “Fleet Collection” is clearly a game for both men and women.” Su Jie smiled triumphantly, staring at Murakami Qiuzi glanced at it, and Murakami Qiuzi felt trembling when he saw it. He subconsciously touched his face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Su Jie chuckled and said, “Well, I suddenly feel that Ms. Murakami Qiuzi is a good match for us.”

“Like…a good match?” Akiko Murakami almost fainted. Does this bastard know what he’s talking about?

This is a game interview, not a dating show. If it wasn’t for recording, she would really want to turn around and leave. Is this molesting her?

“Sorry, our age is not suitable. We are interviewing, can we not talk about these off-topic topics.” Qiuzi Murakami gritted her silver teeth and stared at Su Jie.

“I’m sorry for not making it clear. I’m not talking about myself, but the Panda Game Company. Don’t get me wrong.” Su Jie coughed dryly, knowing that Murakami had misunderstood, and explained: “I think Miss Murakami is beautiful. He has temperament, and also likes the game “Fleet Collection”, thinking that it will be a good match with “Fleet Collection”. It just so happens that our fleet collection game still lacks an image spokesperson. Do you think… Ms. Akiko Murakami is interested? ?”

“Su Jun should find someone else. I have a job.” Qiuzi Murakami fainted. She just said it casually just now, but Su Jie would think of asking her to be the spokesperson of the game.

Just like what Su Jie said, many of the people who like “Fleet Collection” are nerds, and most of them have developed from the early version of Ship Girl’s book. Thinking of becoming the spokesperson of such a game, there is always a kind of endorsement small butter The inexplicable feeling of the game, as a woman and a woman of integrity, Akiko Murakami rejected Su Jie verbally.

“It’s a pity, well, I respect Miss Murakami Qiuzi’s choice.” Su Jie sighed regretfully, that expression fell into the eyes of Murakami Qiuzi, wishing to beat him up, I have never seen such an unreliable person Interviewees, other people are a little nervous to be interviewed, but Su Jie, instead, put his mind on the reporter, which can be regarded as the only one in the shit of a scorpion.

“The interview continues, Mr. Su, we all know that you are amazingly talented in the field of games, especially at such a young age. It is no exaggeration to say that you are a genius. Now the success of the fleet collection has once again proved your genius. The questionnaire collected a lot of interesting inquiries, among them was the question, how can I be as good as you? Not only as a game designer, but any young people would like to know how you succeeded.” Akiko Murakami took a deep breath In one breath, with patience, the interview was able to proceed.

“Well, ask me how I succeeded. Have I achieved the ability to write an autobiography? How embarrassing!” Su Jie raised his eyebrows, and was immediately happy when he heard this.

You can’t be more frank and humble, the molars are all out of the back of the smile, just this expression is still embarrassing, obviously don’t be too complacent and proud, okay?

Akiko Murakami was depressed. If the questions hadn’t been stipulated before she came, she would never have asked such questions, because it was obvious that according to Su Jie’s character, she would definitely not come here with humility.

“Could you tell us about it? Many young people also want to hear about the factors behind your success.”

“No problem, there is nothing to hide. It is said that genius is 99% sweat + 1% talent. Both hard work and talent are required. At least you have to have one. This is the most basic thing, like me. I have both, and they are both excellent, which is the basis of my success.” Su Jie smiled, of course he would not fail to answer such a good thing, bragging, he is good at this.

I saw Su Jie crossing his legs, holding his head up and said: “Secondly, success is also related to appearance. For example, someone with good appearance like me is a suave man who is graceful and graceful. When I founded the Panda Game Company, I also A girl’s instigation, this is my attractive appearance, if you say that this appearance is not good, 80% of the panda game company will be dead.”

If Asuna was present, Su Jie would definitely not say that, but isn’t Asuna not here?

Murakami Qiuzi has a dark face. Even with your ordinary looks, you are too embarrassed to brag about yourself. Although she didn’t say anything, it was clearly written on her face: Don’t put gold on your face.

Su Jie ignored the way Murakami Qiuzi looked at ZZ, and said to himself: “The final success factor is women. As the saying goes, behind every successful man there is a woman. Miss Murakami Qiuzi should have something to do with Panda Game Company.” If you understand it, then you should know another soul of Panda Games, President Asuna, she is the woman I mentioned, without her, Panda Games would not be able to get to where it is today. So, women are very important to success Factors, if you want to start a business, please first find a woman to accompany you.”

Akiko Murakami really wants to vomit blood, so you can’t speak better. Others say that success isSome determination, self-discipline, persistence, etc., but Su Jie is talking about appearance, women, etc., which have nothing to do with it. Is this reliable?

Life has to go on, interviews have to go on, Akiko Murakami is depressed, but she is still very serious about her work, and then continues to ask questions, saying: “Before I came here, I have already received news that “Fleet Collection” won the best game of the year If there is no accident, this award will definitely be given to “Fleet Collection”, and Su Jun will also become a celebrity by then, and become a highly anticipated game design master. I don’t know how you feel.”

“Celebrities or something, I don’t care about fame and wealth and other external things, making games, making a game that players really love, is my original intention for making games.

It is undeniable that “Fleet Collection” can bring me personal fame and benefits, but my original intention will not change, that is to make players happy.

As I said a long time ago, creating happiness with heart is not only what I ask of myself, but also the true meaning of the development of Panda Games. ”

Su Jie had a serious expression on his face, changing from the flashy one just now.

The eyes of Liangfeng Qingye behind Su Jie gleamed, and he felt that Su Jie was very tall at this moment.

Akiko Murakami breathed a sigh of relief, Su Jie didn’t talk nonsense and it was the best, and he also said: “It’s really rare for Su Jun and Panda Game Company to have such an ideal of serving players. Many game companies actually say it is beautiful, but the real There are very few game companies that provide dedicated service for players, create happiness with heart, and are full of sincerity.

On the contrary, most of the games on the market now are follow-the-fashion, like a piece of crude replica, they care about getting money from the player’s pocket, rather than making it for the essence of the game and making people happy. ”

As he said that, Akiko Murakami narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked a new question, “According to our investigation, there are now other game companies in the market that are producing new web games, and the game style is based on “Fleet Collection”. Yes, Su Jun, what do you think of this behavior?”

Su Jie smiled lightly and explained: “I believe that after the success of “Fleet Collection”, there will be many game companies to follow up, even now, there must be game companies that are making web games, the market needs to be cultivated The majority of players also need more capital to invest in game production, so as to prosper and bring more and better games to players.

But how to better cultivate the market environment is not something I can make a decision on. This requires the majority of game companies to abide by, and it also requires the maintenance of countless players. I personally do not object to other game companies following suit and making web games. After all, the market is so big , Panda Game Company can’t eat all of them.

As long as it is not obvious plagiarism, I will not sue. I personally hope that other game companies can produce high-quality games, and don’t use those rubbish games to confuse the public and cheat money under the guise. ”

“But Mr. Su, isn’t he worried that others will take over your users? Maybe this is a competitor.” Akiko Murakami deliberately asked back. Anyway, whenever there is a topic, she will lead it in any direction.

“As the founder of “Fleet Collection”, since I can make “Fleet Collection” from scratch, I can always maintain the quality and leadership of the game. When other competing games appear, we will not continue to stand still , will continue to update the game, so that players will always maintain their enthusiasm for the game, I am not afraid of competitors, because it is impossible to defeat me simply by imitation, our Panda Games Company has always been imitated, and has never been surpassed.”

Su Jie is very confident. In fact, Qiuzi Murakami doesn’t need to say it. Su Jie also knows that it is indispensable for others to follow suit. Fleet collection is so hot. Seeing that there is money to be made, many game companies will launch such games to take advantage of the popularity to make quick money.

These Su Jie are not worried at all, not to mention that it will take a few months for follow-up games to come out, and the fastest shoddy ones will also take more than a month. With this time, “Fleet Collection” has already seized a large market share and cultivated a large number of diehard fans pink.

It is basically impossible for other games to follow suit and compete. He has too much game knowledge in his brain. Just take out a little bit, which is enough to keep the fleet collection continuously updated and keep the quality of the game ahead of others.

You must know that this is not the peak development period of the game industry. Everyone has only a half-knowledge of how to innovate games. Su Jie has more than ten years of insight in his head, which is enough to cope with this kind of situation. Not everyone can be like Penguin. In that way, we have been imitating, never surpassed, plagiarized, never sued…

Su Jie is not afraid of others imitating others, let alone competition. Even if the penguins are coming, the speed of following the trend is not as fast as his innovation.

“Qingye, pour tea.” Su Jie said so much, the tea in the cup was quickly drained, and ordered Liangfeng Qingye to say to Qiuzi Murakami: “If there is a day, someone can surpass me, surpass me Panda Game Company, then I will feel very relieved, because I am no longer fighting alone, and someone else can lead me, and I will give him applause and flowers.”

Akiko Murakami twitched the corners of her mouth far-fetchedly, with a look of doubt and disbelief, but still feeling relieved?

There is really someone else’s game that surpasses “Fleet Collection”. I’m afraid you can’t wait to kill the other party.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the popular masters here are as lonely as snow. It is best for only one company to monopolize the market. Every leading company will not like others to surpass itself.

However, Akiko Murakami didn’t know that SuWhat Jie said was actually the truth. He hoped that someone could innovate and make an excellent game that he had never seen before.

What is the purpose of Su Jie starting his own company and developing the ACG industry? Isn’t it just to make the Japanese ACG industry take shape faster, and in the future, if I earn enough money, I can lie at home and enjoy all kinds of excellent games, animations, and comics produced by others.

Murakami Qiuzi then asked a few more questions, and Su Jie answered them all. Soon, the real purpose of Murakami Qiuzi’s coming here was ushered in.

“Actually, I’m here today, and I’m still very curious to ask, does Mr. Su have a new game production plan now? “Fleet Collection” has been online for half a month, and now it has stabilized. It stands to reason that there is no need to develop a new game now. Good morning, but I am not the only one who is curious, many players are also very curious, you see Su Jun came out of your hands such many excellent games as “Bubble Hall”, “Plants vs. Zombies” and “Fleet Collection”, each of which is a masterpiece , so many players are looking forward to your next move.”

This question is very important. For Akiko Murakami, it is very important to hype hot news, but if it can create a new topic, it will undoubtedly be more successful, so I tentatively asked, maybe it can yield something.

“I have some ideas about this, but there is no plan in the company, and it is currently under study.” Su Jie did not give an answer immediately, because it was not the time yet.

“Then can you tell me, Mr. Su, what type of game do you plan to make?” Murakami Qiuzi asked, but she couldn’t get specific information. It’s good to know something else, at least there is no chance for other media to ask.

“Competitive online games, the next game we make will set foot in this game field.” Su Jie smiled, there is no problem with this.

“Competitive online games, I remember Su Jun, you haven’t made this type of game before, are you confident to do it well?” Murakami Qiuzi was a little surprised.

In Japan, simple online games are actually not particularly popular, because home consoles, handhelds, and mobile games are all very popular in Japan, so online games do not have the status of Datianchao.

“It doesn’t mean you can’t do it if you haven’t made it before. It’s boring to do things without any challenges.” Su Jie shrugged, very relaxed.

“It seems that Su Jun is sure, then we will wait for good news from you, Su Jun, and hope to see the new game appear in front of the players as soon as possible.”

Su Jie’s answer was too general. Akiko Murakami was very disappointed. It seems that this time, she won’t be able to get exact information about the new game, and she won’t be able to make big news.

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