: The Sound of Nature

“You have to try.” Su Jie turned to look at Luo Tianyi. He had never seen Luo Tianyi with musical talent.

“Yeah, I like singing, let me try it.” Luo Tianyi took a small bite of watermelon, and her thin pink lips became more attractive and rosy after being stained with watermelon juice. Absence shows that her heart is itchy.

“Okay, you go and try, don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work.” Su Jie looked at left and right, although he didn’t think Luo Tianyi could sing very well, but the relationship between the two made her happy.

“Thank you Su Jun.” With a sweet smile on Luo Tianyi’s face, he put down the watermelon and ran into the recording studio.

Michiliu also said at this time: “I’m Michiliu Bingtang, the captain of the Light Music Team, and this is Luo Tianyi, I’ve heard from Ajie.”

“Well, I’m Su Jun’s friend Luo Tianyi, and my family cooperates with Su Jun.” Luo Tianyi has a good temper, no matter who he is, he is gentle and gentle, which fits the gentleness and delicacy of girls from Jiangnan water village.

“You stand here. Here are the lyrics and music scores. You should familiarize yourself with them first.” Bingtang Michiliu stepped aside and signaled Luo Tianyi to stand in front of the microphone.

Then she took a piece of paper and handed it to Luo Tianyi, which recorded the lyrics and score.

“No need, I’ve heard you sing twice just now, and I’ve already memorized the lyrics and rhythm.”

Luo Tianyi shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn’t need to prepare, and could start the audition at any time.

Bingtang Meizhi was taken aback. She herself had an amazing memory for the lyrics and music scores. Once Su Jie sang a song in front of her, she memorized it all at once.

Now that Luo Tianyi also has this ability, Bingtang Meizhiliu is surprised but also a little puzzled. This kind of natural ability can hardly be achieved by acquired learning.

“Do you really need it? This is a Japanese song.” This is the most confusing point for Bingtang Michiru, because “Love Story” is a Japanese song, and Luo Tianyi is Chinese, even if he can speak Japanese, this transformation is impossible Sing it perfectly after listening to it once or twice.

“My Japanese is very good, and I have studied it specially.”

Luo Tianyi lowered the microphone a little. Bingtang Meizhiliu is taller than her, and the microphone is also a little higher. He needs to adjust it to a position that suits him.

Michiru Bingtang could only believe it. He nodded to the members of the light music team, raised three thumbs up, and said, “Get ready, 3…2…1.”

“Get ready!”

When the accompaniment sounded, Yui Hirasawa and the others rang and played instruments.

Luo Tianyi changed into an expression at this moment, the original gentle temperament transformed into full concentration, the ruddy pink lips that were still stained with watermelon seeds opened and closed, a soft and cute voice wafted out of his throat, in the recording studio reverberate.

But in that case, no

That’s no longer possible, you see

Sincerity will evolve continuously

If you say it, the relationship will disappear

Then it’s fine as long as you don’t say anything.


The soft and cute voice is like a mist from a clear spring, giving people a kind of warmth from the bottom of their hearts.

The usual Luo Tianyi’s voice is slightly different from that of singing, more ethereal and comfortable.

Listening to her singing is like soaking in a hot spring. Not only the ears, but also the whole body feels comfortable from the outside to the inside.

Outside the recording studio, Su Jie, who was still eating watermelon and was a little indifferent, turned into petrification the moment Luo Tianyi opened his mouth. He didn’t even notice that the half-eaten watermelon fell to the ground.

“This voice… this voice…” Su Jie reacted from the petrified state, trembling with excitement, turned around, and looked at Luo Tianyi who was singing in the recording studio with bright eyes, as if Bole saw a thousand li horse, Involuntarily shouted: “Yes, this is the sound I want.”

When he heard Luo Tianyi’s voice, Su Jie knew that this was what he wanted, and it could perfectly match the voice of the song “Love Cycle”.

Not only is it similar to Su Jie’s voice in “Love Cycle” in his previous life, it even makes Su Jie feel better. That soft and cute voice makes people think of a super cute beautiful girl for the first time, with a pure and flawless heart. A gentle and wonderful feeling of healing, and experience the shocking beauty from the mind.

It’s as if… as if the song “Love Cycle” was tailor-made for Luo Tianyi.

This feeling is not limited to Su Jie. The girls in the light music team also waved and played instruments along with Luo Tianyi’s singing. Bass, guitar, electronic organ, and drum kit all became part of Luo Tianyi’s singing voice.

Logically speaking, the accompaniment leads and controls the singer’s rhythm, but when it comes to Luo Tianyi, it’s the other way around, and it becomes Luo Tianyi’s voice.It is not intentional but a natural result to lead the accompaniment with your own rhythm. This is a true master of rhythm, which makes the music and singing rise to a whole new level.

Bingtang Michiliu and the light music team have not completed the cuteness of “Love Cycle”, but it is simple in front of Luo Tianyi, because that is Luo Tianyi’s natural voice, and he conquers all with his pure and pure voice people.

Including the music director Akira Okumura, they also nodded in satisfaction, and saved the record of “Love Cycle” sung by Luo Tianyi without saying a word.

After the song “Love Cycle” was sung, exactly four minutes passed.

When the song ended, the accompaniment disappeared, and the recording studio was completely quiet.

Luo Tianyi was a little confused. She didn’t know why the audience was so quiet. She was too focused on singing just now and didn’t notice the reaction of Su Jie and others. She thought it was because she didn’t sing well enough, and said nervously: “That… I finished singing, maybe I sang too badly, why don’t you talk.”

Hearing Luo Tianyi speak, the stiffness in the recording studio was broken, and everyone reacted.

Su Jie laughed, gave Luo Tianyi a thumbs up excitedly, and said without hesitation in his praise, “Perfect, this is simply the perfect sound of nature, Tianyi, your voice is very suitable for this song “Love Cycle” Well, if even you suck, there’s no one else in the world who can sing this song.”

“That’s right! When I heard you sing this song, I really felt it. I couldn’t help but follow the rhythm of your singing.” Akiyama Mio said with great emotion while hugging the bass.

“Really, the voice is really cute, and I want to bully Azusa when I hear it.” Yui Hirasawa waved his pink fist cutely, causing Nakano Azusa to roll his eyes, and turned his head as if not talking to you.

Even Michiru Bingtang was convinced, and said: “It’s really surprising, it’s great that you sing such a cute and cute song, it’s the first time I’ve heard such a pure and soft voice, are you interested in joining? Our light music team. Guhehe, our light music team is very fun.”

There was a black line on Su Jie’s forehead. Bingtang Michiliu was not good at this. He always liked to kidnap and sell others into the light music band. It used to be Azusa Nakano, then Su Jie, and now it was Luo Tianyi’s turn.

“I don’t have the idea of ​​becoming a singer and joining a band. Singing is my hobby in my spare time. My main job is to eat delicious food from all over the world.” Luo Tianyi declined Bingtang Meizhiliu’s invitation.

“How did this happen?” Michiru Hido was distraught, and shouted, “For the first time, I have a voice I like, and I also got a lifelong bandmate. The two joys overlapped, and I should have gotten a dreamlike Happiness. However, why did it become like this…”

“Pay attention to the influence.” Su Jie had a headache, why did this sound strange.

Luo Tianyi covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: “No, no, I really like food, and I usually have to go to school, so I don’t have much time for music.”

Su Jie glared at Bingtang Michili, telling her to calm down and stop making trouble.

“Akira Okumura, have you recorded all the auditions just now? Play it back and listen.” Su Jie asked the music supervisor to play the recordings just now to check the results.

Soon the recording studio recalled the recording of Luo Tianyi’s previous audition singing, and let the people present hear Luo Tianyi’s pure and soft singing voice again.

The money for professional recording equipment is not in vain. Luo Tianyi’s original voice has been preserved to the greatest extent. Even the recording can make people feel the healing and cleansing of their hearts.

Su Jie was extremely satisfied. Luo Tianyi’s audition singing “Love Cycle” was perfect enough to be used as the opening song of “Hua Monogatari”.

I believe that by the time “Hua Monogatari” is broadcast, “Love Cycle” sung by Luo Tianyi will also spread throughout Japan and become a well-known popular song, further enhancing the popularity and spread of “Hua Monogatari”.


At noon, Su Jie and Luo Tianyi had dinner at a restaurant. In order to thank Luo Tianyi for recording “Love Cycle”, Su Jie reluctantly agreed to her request, specially chose a high-end restaurant, and ordered a bunch of expensive food .

“This Baixue Hidden Dragon is super delicious.” Luo Tianyi chewed a piece of tender lobster meat in her mouth. The tender and smooth delicious shrimp meat made her squint her eyes happily, and she was very appetizing just looking at it.

“Why don’t you get fat?” Su Jie cut off a piece of steak on the plate and put it into his mouth in an orderly manner. For Luo Tianyi’s physique that would not gain weight no matter how much he ate, he doubted the accumulated fat Where have they all gone? Look at the slim figure, without any excess fat, and it doesn’t look like it’s stored in the Oupai. Luo Tianyi’s Oupai is of a moderate size, without super-development.

“Because I exercise! Excess fat is eliminated through exercise, so I won’t get fat after eating…burp…”

After a full belch, Luo Tianyi’s beauty turned red, touched her still flat waist, and said regretfully, “I’m so full now, I want to taste more delicious food.”

As she spoke, she glanced at the menu, and the cute little expression of sighing made one couldn’t help but want to satisfy any of her requests.

Su Jie almost relented and said that you can come to me for whatever you want to eat in the future, but after looking at the menu prices, reason stopped the words from coming out.

Just such a table of food, the money spent by the two of them is almost a few months’ wages of ordinary workers. If Luo Tianyi is allowed to eat and drink like this every day, Su Jie will definitely not be able to support him, at least for now..

“You have a lot of pocket money, and you usually have income from live streaming, but according to your way of eating, ordinary people really can’t afford it!” Su Jie expressed his feelings.

“So I have to work hard to make money and strive to support myself in the future.” Luo Tianyi wrinkled her little nose and said encouragingly.

“Then why didn’t you agree to join the light music team?”

“Is there a lot of money to be made by joining the light music team?”

“Um, it seems to be right.” Su Jie was speechless. The light music group is well-known, but there is still a long way to go. It is impossible to make a lot of money. Occasionally participate in some concerts and concerts in music bars He can earn a small amount of income, but this amount of money is probably not enough for Luo Tianyi to spend a few times.

“But Su Jun, if there are any songs that I need to record in the future, remember to ask me, and I will treat you to treat me to a few big meals.”

Luo Tianyi immediately changed the subject and said with a smile.

“The price is not cheap.” Su Jie was also amused by Luo Tianyi, but with Luo Tianyi’s voice, there are still many opportunities to rely on her help, whether it is animation or game dubbing, there will be many dubbing developed in the future There are many, maybe Luo Tianyi can rely on this to become famous.

“It’s very affordable, okay? Having a meal with a beautiful girl, delicious food and beautiful women, this is a double enjoyment, don’t you feel happy?”

“It’s impossible to be happy. I only feel sorry for my purse. Your wish is too difficult.”

“Hehe, my wish is obviously very simple. After I go to university in Japan and become more free, my first goal is to enter Totsuki Academy.”

As Luo Tianyi talked, she licked her lips with her sweet tongue, as if she couldn’t wait to go to Yuanyue Academy.

“You want to apply for a Japanese university?” Su Jie was a little surprised. Luo Tianyi is not studying in Japan now. He is usually responsible for the translation and communication between Chinese employees and Japanese employees of Firefly Company. Su Jie thought that the other party was going to study in a university in China. Well, after all, with the ability of Luo Tianyi’s family, it is not easy to get into any school.

“I’ve been sent to the University of Tokyo on recommendation, and I haven’t told you before.” Luo Tianyi propped his chin with one hand, and said with infinite longing in his eyes: “Who is Yuanyue Academy in Japan? I don’t want to give up this satisfying oral education.” Opportunity.”

“I’ve been hearing you talking about Yuanyue Academy. What’s that place?” Su Jie seemed to have heard this name somewhere before. Thinking about it carefully, he heard it from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu once, and it seems to be related.

“Yueyue Academy is a sacred place for gourmet food. The students who graduated there are the best chefs in the world. They are famous in the circle of gourmets. Being able to taste the food made by the graduates of Yuanyue Academy is regarded by many gluttonous as the greatest food. happiness.”

“So exaggerated?” This is the first time Su Jie has heard of such a place. No wonder Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s cooking skills are so good. The original answer is here.

“It’s just such an exaggeration. The best food is the romance of a foodie, especially the food made by the chefs of Yuanyue Academy. For foodies, it is really an irresistible temptation!”

“Well, I don’t understand the world of foodies.” Su Jie shrugged and said, “When we have a chance in the future, let’s go to Yuanyue Academy to see if it’s as mysterious as you said, and it’s not just a bragging Bar.”

Luo Tianyi couldn’t help but jumped up, dissatisfied with Su Jie’s questioning, and said: “You will be shocked, it is said that the food made by the super chef at Yuanyue Academy will shine, and it is guaranteed to make your taste buds enjoy it.” The ultimate delicious ascension shock.”

“What the hell is a food that glows?” Su Jie’s eyelids twitched, and he couldn’t complain about Luo Tianyi’s delusional foodie. Could this be challenging his own IQ? ?

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