: Propaganda Minister

“You can ask Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka for advice on this point.” Su Jie said angrily.

Yukinoshita Yoshino’s beautiful eyes swayed over Su Jie and Hirazuka Shizuka, and said with a chuckle, “Actually, coming to participate in social practice positions like executive committee members can really train people. That’s how I came here back then.”

“Sister Yang was the chairman of the committee back then. The school festival she held was very successful, and people still talk about it.” The student council president Shiina Matsumoto came over and asked Shizuka Hiratsuka: “Mr. Hiratsuka, Everyone is here, can we have a meeting?”

“Okay, let’s start.” Hiratsuka nodded quietly.

Matsumoto Shiina got the answer, and as the president of the student council, she took the lead to speak and said: “Everyone, please be quiet, the 23rd School Festival Executive Committee Meeting of Toyosaki Gakuen, the first public meeting, starts now, I am the student council president Matsumoto Shiina, there are a total of 38 class representative executive committee members this time. The first thing to do now is to select the executive committee chairperson of the school festival, 38 executive committee members, everyone has the opportunity to become the chairman, and manage the size of the executive committee business…”

Shiina Matsumoto delivered a speech. Su Jie looked up at the sky, and his mind was already wandering. If it wasn’t for Shizuka Hiratsuka sitting beside him, he might have fallen asleep lying on the table.

In stark contrast to Su Jie is Yukinoshita Yukino, who sits upright, listens to the speech meticulously, and records it in a notebook from time to time, which makes Su Jie feel a little embarrassed, and he is reluctant to be forced to come here. He said to himself: “This has to be so serious, if I knew it, I wouldn’t sit here, it seems like I’m idle.”

Although Su Jie didn’t target anyone, anyone with a discerning eye would know who he was referring to, especially the person involved.

I saw Yukinoshita Yukino’s slender neck like a white swan turning slightly, staring at Su Jie with a pair of cold and indifferent eyes for more than three seconds, and said coldly: “If you don’t talk, no one will treat you as air, no, maybe as air better.”

“It’s better than your cold air. In fact, there is still a benefit to sitting here, cooling down from the heat.”

Su Jie stretched, propped his face with one hand in a lack of interest, and turned the pen in his hand while talking: “For lazy people, being able to stay here is already a great effort, you continue to remember Take notes, I’ll followSay it with your mouth. ”

“Okay, based on everyone’s opinions, the following list of candidates for the executive chairman has been selected. They are Koichi Kawamura, Yukiko Sakata, and Yukino Yukinoshita. Everyone vote for the election, and the one with the most votes He will serve as the executive chairman, and the other two will serve as vice-chairmen.”

Matsumoto Shiina, the president of the student council, wrote three names on the blackboard, and the candidate for the executive chairman was determined according to the number of votes cast.

“Tsk tsk, I don’t feel too cold to panic.” Seeing that Yukino Yukino was also on the list, Su Jie deeply doubted whether there was something shady in it. attitude, will you still have a good life in the executive committee? I don’t know what these people are thinking.

“Then let’s start with me first. You don’t avoid relatives. I think Xiao Yukino can handle the school festival very well.” A horizontal line was drawn under Yukino’s name.

“It’s Sister Yang. When I was in junior high school, the school festival where Sister Yang was the executive chairman was super exciting.”

“Who said otherwise? Sister Yang was a famous figure in school at that time. I heard that it was the same in college. I like her very much.”

“It turns out that Yukinoshita Yukino is Sister Yang’s younger sister. I really didn’t know it before, so I’ll choose Yukinoshita Yukino too.”

Yukinoshita Yoshino is very famous in Toyosaki. Even though she has graduated now, many of the executive committee members present still know her, so it also brought a lot of votes to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Logically speaking, this is the older sister’s care for the younger sister, but Su Jie noticed keenly that Yukinoshita Yukino looked a little gloomy, and her originally indifferent face looked even colder, as if she was very unhappy.

One by one, the executive committee members went up to the blackboard to draw orthographic votes. When it was Su Jie’s turn, Su Jie decisively chose Sakata Yukiko. Whoever was the chairman of the executive committee was fine, as long as it wasn’t Yukinoshita Yukino.

It’s a pity that Su Jie still seems weak on his own, with Yukinoshita Yoshino’s relationship, plus Yukinoshita Yukino herself is the number one student bully in the school, and she is a black, long straight girl who is so cute and beautiful that she fouls, For many male executive committee members, it has a strong lethality, so the result is that Yukinoshita Yukino’s votes far exceed the other two candidates.

When the voting session ended, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was in charge of supervision, stood up and said, “The voting is over, Yukino Yukinoshita won with 20 votes, Yukinoshita Yukino’s position is the executive chairman of the school festival, Yukinoshita Yukino won , are you confident that you can do this job?”

“I have the confidence to handle the work of the school festival well.” Yukinoshita Yukino stood up and replied solemnly, then walked to the front desk and took a seat at the long table for three.

In addition, Kawamura Koichi and Sakata Yukiko were automatically appointed as vice chairmen, and they took the seats on both sides of Yukinoshita Yukino. In this way, the framework of the school festival executive committee was easily set up.

“I’m really afraid of what will come.” Su Jie shook his head. Voting is not up to Su Jie to decide. Forget it, it’s better to just be your own melon-eating crowd.

“Go to dim sum to learn from other people. You are not here for sightseeing.” After sitting down again, Hiratsuka Jing said to Su Jie.

“There is a tall man standing in front of me to worry about something.” Su Jie curled his lips.

“The following is the appointment of other positions in the executive committee of the school festival. Currently, the vacant positions include Minister of Propaganda, Miscellaneous Records, Foreign Affairs Office, and Field Arrangement…”

Yukinoshita Yukino took over the authority to hold the meeting from the student council president, began to deliver a speech, and then made job arrangements from it. Among them, the student council was responsible for some, and the other part was selected from the executive committee members.

While drinking a drink, Su Jie was thinking about what to do after school. As for what was being said on stage, Su Jie would go in with his left ear and out with his right ear.

It’s just that Su Jie didn’t expect that others called his name when he didn’t take it seriously.

I saw Yukinoshita Yukino on the stage finished talking about the job vacancy, and suddenly turned her eyes to Su Jie, with a slight smile on her lips, and recommended: “Su Jie, for the position of propaganda minister, I recommend the post from A-2 The representative executive member of the class, Su Jie.”


Su Jie took a sip of his drink and was stunned. He couldn’t believe that he would be assigned the position of Minister of Publicity.

Yukinoshita Yukino could see that she was so idle and didn’t want to get involved in the school festival. Could it be that she was suffering from hysteria?

After reacting, Su Jie was both confused and more annoyed. Yesterday, Shizuka Hiratsuka tricked him into arranging an intern committee, but he came again today, so no one would consider Su Jie’s opinion? Put any title on your own head.

He looked fiercely at Yukino Yukino on the stage. The ancients used to have the word “burst with anger”, so Su Jie probably does it now.

‘Don’t you want to be lazy and not take it seriously! I will make you lazy. ‘

Yukino under the snow looked at Su Jie. Although the other party didn’t say that, Su Jie could see the meaning in her eyes.

On the opposite side, Yukinoshita Haruno and Hiratsuka Shizuka raised the corners of her mouth at the same time, as if she expected the ending to be like this, and raised her hand at the same time: “I (I) agree.”

It’s a scam! This is it!

Su Jie immediately jumped up and shouted, “I object.”


The audience’s eyes were all attracted by Su Jie, and it was the first time I saw someone refuse so simply.

“Many young people nowIt is humility, and it is necessary to postpone the ability to take on heavy responsibilities, but it is very unkind to do so. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Everyone has their own responsibilities. If farmers do not plow the fields, soldiers do not defend the country, and workers do not go to work, then society Mess up soon? ”

Hiratsuka said with a smile on her face, and first used words to cover Su Jie’s mouth.

“Haha, Su Jun is so cute. In fact, it’s not bad to be the head of propaganda! Xiaoxue Nai chose well, don’t worry, this promotion is just to organize posters and welcome people to enter the venue, there is no need for women’s clothing to promote.” Giggling and giggling on the table, the one who laughed made a flowery branch tremble. With the off-shoulder dress, a pair of round and plump European style pressed a shocking shape on the table. They really were sisters, and they did not fall behind in hurting others.

“Everyone is optimistic about you, so I will leave it to you as the head of propaganda. The following is the miscellaneous records. Noda Kaisato and Arai Yuto will be in charge respectively, and the foreign affairs office will be…”

Yukinoshita Yukino chose not to mention it, and determined the matter, making it impossible for Su Jie to refute.

“Being a Propaganda Minister is a promising career.” Hiratsuka patted Su Jie on the shoulder and comforted him kindly.

“You, the supervisor, don’t care about such retaliation?” Su Jie was very depressed, and Hiratsuka Shizuka even helped the tyrant.

“In my opinion, this is a good thing, don’t you think?” Su Jie even rolled his eyes. He came here to make soy sauce, but in the end he got a propaganda minister for himself, and he didn’t know what work he was busy with. Su Jie didn’t think it was this good thing.

The next meeting continued, and positions were assigned one by one. Among the 38 executive committee members, ten of them were assigned to work. In addition to the manpower of the student union, the following matters of the school festival must be handled by these executive committee members. The task is very heavy and tiring.

This is also the reason for Su Jie’s reluctance. You want Su Jie to work on the comics, animations, and novels developed by ACG. Su Jie is very happy for the leisurely dreams in the future, but what the hell is the school festival? How could Su Jie care about this kind of work? That’s why he was so depressed when he heard that he became the Minister of Propaganda

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