My Private Marvel System

Chapter 81: Split action

   "Maybe we should re-evaluate this playboy." Sha Ren's eyes were full of doubts, and he really didn't understand how this poisonous man became a follower of justice.

   "I prefer to believe that the sow will suddenly climb the tree, and I don't want to believe that Tony will become a gentleman and a partner of justice." Daredevil's words are sharp, and he can't see other people's expressions, so he can analyze his tone more carefully.

   "Oh, you people are too bad, you always like to try to figure out others maliciously. Am I right, Mr. Green Light." Tony squeezed the completely dumbfounded Johnny and walked to the green light.

   Green Lantern looked at the opponent with a puzzled face, and didn't mean to talk.

"Well, people always change, don't they? I think today is the time for my Tony Stark to change!" After speaking, without giving the Green Lantern a chance to think, he quickly took out a thin book from his arms In the checkbook, I swiped and wrote a series of numbers on it, and then signed his name in a very cool manner.

   "Please accept this gift from me, dear sir." Tony bowed slightly, like a humble Christian.

   The Green Lantern was in full gaze. He took the check in a daze, and glanced at the numbers on it. The Green Lantern became even more confused: "What do you mean? A thousand dollars?"

   "Oh, my friend, please don't get me wrong, this is money for you to buy a gift!" Tony turned into a gentleman, dragging an awkward English accent.

   "What gift?" The Green Lantern felt a little bad, but he couldn't think of the other party's trick.

   "On Fifth Avenue, I heard that there is a good women's clothing store. I hope you can buy a skirt." Tony still sullen, but the smile in his eyes can't hide.

   "Skirt? I have been single now, and there is no one to give it away." Green Lantern's thinking inertia is still there, but he didn't expect Tony to be so vulgar.

   "Oh, dear Ms. Green Lantern, I think you have misunderstood, I want you to buy a beautiful dress for yourself, because you like windy like women!"

   "What?! You... **** it!" Instantly tore up the insulting check, and the Green Lantern was about to pounce on Tony angrily.

   "Okay, he was just joking." Charlize and Daredevil blocked the Green Lantern and signaled Tony to apologize quickly.

   "Hey! Tony, you shouldn't insult our companion like this!!" Johnny was like a groundhog that suddenly emerged from the ground, shaking his head to teach Tony.

   Then the conversation turned, Johnny also revealed his own nature: "But I really want to see, the two big hairy legs under the miniskirt, there will definitely be many people screaming!!"

   "Damn it, are we here for a talk show?" Spider-Man covered his forehead, feeling helpless for the two of them performing regardless of occasion and location.

   Dole looked at the chaotic crowd, really powerless. These guys are like wild wolves one by one, you follow the fur, and you may bite you, not to mention the traditional concept of Green Lantern and the identity of justice envoy.

   "I think it's better to act alone!!" The Green Lantern couldn't really hurt Tony and Johnny, he could only take a few deep breaths, and rose into the air with a cold face, and rushed straight to the farm!

   "Okay, are you satisfied now?! Our previous battle plans are all ruined! Damn it!" Charlize felt that the swear words he uttered one day were more than he uttered a year.

   "He's right, I still prefer to act alone!" Tony called out, and the steel suit components that had been hiding at low altitude flying around quickly flew out, squeezing them together.

   Tony moved his hands and feet, and his expression was as refreshing as he took a mouth: "Hey, this kind of hard thing suits me!"

   The jet hole on the bottom of his feet whizzed and exploded the tail flames, and Tony jumped into the air, hovering around and then pounced on the farm.

   "It's too deserted here, maybe something lively!" Johnny, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, let out a violent high flame, like a human-shaped torch.

   "Well, let's do it alone." Charlize sighed vigorously, dragged his wife Su into the darkness, and soon disappeared without a trace.

   Ben has been following the two silently, almost speaking nothing in the whole process.

  The sand man was rolling the air, glanced at the few remaining people, and then rushed towards the farm.

When Johnny saw this, he was immediately happy: "You short-legged walks slowly, I hope that when you get to the place, the battle is not over!" He yelled, Johnny sprinted quickly, the flames on his body It exploded like a booster, and the speed quickly climbed to its limit.

   "Hah!! The air above is still fresher!" The fiery red figure drew a big arc, cutting through the sky like a battle axe.

   "Damn, I hate things that can fly." Daredevil's whip swung, clinging to the surrounding trees and flew up, whispering to those who can fly.

In the end, only Dole and Spider-Man were left. The two looked at each other and laughed: "Maybe we shouldn't set up a rescue team at the beginning. We are all too used to fighting Spider-Man nodded approvingly, agreeing very much with Dole's words: "We just got together for a certain purpose and don't even know the true identity of each other. How can we work together? "

   They didn't stay where they were talking, and they rushed to keep up with the large group.


   The farm is quiet, like a ruin without life.

   There are no animals around, only some scavengers wandering in the sky, waiting to fill their stomachs.

   "These are really nasty guys. Every time I see them, they are related to corpses." Spider-Man looked up at the vultures hovering in the sky, his expression slightly solemn.

  Dor was followed by the headless knight. He was more concerned about the success of this operation: "Don't you think the surroundings are quiet? We are like entering a cemetery."

   "Very keen observation, Mr. Dole, this is your cemetery!" A strange laugh came from the surrounding bushes, and Dole suddenly felt a familiar shrinking feeling in the surrounding air.


   A plasma ball that looked like a hedgehog suddenly shot out from a bush, distorted the surrounding air under the action of the magnetic field, and exploded fiercely! !


   This time the plasma ball is more powerful and the radiation range has more than doubled.

   Spider-Man reacted swiftly and rolled embarrassedly and avoided the center of the explosion. Dole was even more embarrassed, but because the headless horseman blocked the main attack, he was not injured much.

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