My practice narration is weird

Chapter 309 Take me to the car

Because of this grand event, a lot of people gathered in the mountain city, mostly practitioners. Now the lights are brightly lit even at night, and the night market is very lively with people coming and going.

In a certain restaurant, groups of people walked in and out, with tipsy faces, bragging about the past "back in the day", and when the evening breeze blew up, they became even more drunk.

The proprietress of the small shop frowned at this moment, and was clearing a table where the pot bottoms had just been ordered and the dishes were served, but the guests had ran away.

The proprietress remembered that there was a pretty dashing woman sitting at the table. She looked slim, but she could order enough for three men, so she was quite edible.

Damn it, isn’t this just a waste? Come to my mother's place for a meal?

There was a bright color under the bowl, which caught the eye of the proprietress. She opened the bowl and her eyes lit up.

Tsk, after all, I paid the money, and the boss lady swallowed the curse again.

But she looked at the woman sitting alone at the dining table next to her and let out a light tut.

The woman was dressed in plain clothes, and the clothing style looked simple, nothing special, and looked very plain.

But in the eyes of the venomous boss lady, they were plain clothes made of the best materials, coupled with the woman's fair face, she was also polite and courteous when ordering dishes.

She is obviously a woman from a wealthy family, and she is not an ordinary nouveau riche, but a woman from a well-established family.

But at this moment, this woman was sitting alone in the corner. She didn't eat much of the food on the table. Instead, she ordered pot after pot of her own rice wine. At this moment, she stayed in her position. Apart from her face turning red, her consciousness was still barely visible. wide awake.

The landlady sighed and glanced at the still bustling street outside. The drunkards on the street were laughing and chatting in groups. Seeing this scene, the landlady frowned slightly, tsked lightly, and walked over.

"Girl, are you alone? Stop drinking. If you sit here and drink our rice wine, it will only taste sweet but not drunk. When you go out and the wind blows, it will be over."

The woman nodded and responded to the boss lady's kindness, but then she sat in her seat and stared at the boiling pot in trance.

A man stepped into the restaurant at this moment, glanced around, then strode to the woman, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, looking at the scene in front of him, looking at the scene with a bit of anger.

"Brother Bai is injured now and has fallen into a coma. We are busy with our work, but it's better to be alone. What's the point of hiding here and drinking alone?"

"If Fang Ning hadn't asked me to come out to find you, would you have planned to drink yourself to death in this mountain city?"

The landlady was stunned and looked at the man. The frowned eyebrows were pretty, and he had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. Unfortunately, there was a long scar on his face, which ruined his handsome face.

However, seeing that the two of them knew each other clearly, the landlady didn't have to say anything more and walked away alone.

The woman was Li Su. Listening to Zhou Xuanyuan's ridicule, she gritted her teeth and wanted to refute, but in the end she just said silently.

"Otherwise, go back to Dayan. There's no point in staying here."

"It's meaningless?" The man was Zhou Xuanyuan. After hearing this, all the energy in the five realms shivered slightly.

He stared at the princess in front of him who represented the Great Yan Court, and finally said calmly.

"Go back? We have now won the support of Baiyunguan, and the Lu family has also expressed its intention to support. It is good to win two families in one day. The rest just need to be dealt with slowly."

"Li Su, I really want to know what happened in the evening. At that time, we divided into two groups. Fang Ning and I went to the Lu family, and you and Brother Bai went to meet with Lingxue Pavilion. I thought that the worst outcome would be nothing more than talking about the matter. "Beng, how can it turn into action?"

"Aren't you, Li Su, the best at negotiating? During the Great Yan period, you could negotiate with the entire sect alone, and the discussions were in order. How can you make such a mistake now?"

The woman with a beautiful face and rosy cheeks was silent for a moment, then drank the wine in the pot in one gulp and knocked it heavily on the table.

Li Su wiped the corners of his mouth, and then responded in a reluctant tone with resentment and humiliation in his eyes.

"I made a mistake. I just can't figure out what mistake I made. I had a good conversation with them and the superintendent. But when I saw the young pavilion master, he heard that we were coming from Great Yan, and he couldn't speak in words. Targeting him at every turn, he demoted Dayan to nothing."

"It would be fine if he only talked about us, but those dead soldiers also became... in his mouth... I just couldn't listen and just responded, asking him not to talk about those dead soldiers. They died in battle. A hero on the battlefield..."

"But then, he inexplicably wanted to learn Da Yan's practice method, and forcibly found an excuse to have a discussion with us. At that time, I was the only one with Bai Chang."

"The young pavilion master of Lingxue is from the Sixth Realm..."

Li Su's words were a bit difficult, and two lines of tears fell from his cheeks, but his eyes were filled with unwillingness, and Su's hands held the wine bottle tightly.

Six realms...

The long sword behind Zhou Xuanyuan's back trembled slightly, but finally fell silent with a silent expression.

He sighed softly, and now he finally understood why his master often told him that he should minimize worries along the way of practice. He could practice in the ordinary world, but he should not be contaminated by the ordinary world.

There are too many concerns and too many representatives. This is not Dayan. He can draw his sword against the Demon King of the Six Realms, but he cannot draw his sword against a young pavilion master of the Third Sect of Daxuan.

In the entire Great Yan, the only ones who have entered the Sixth Realm are the Sword Sect Sect Master, the leader of the Dao Sect, and Lu Qingshan, who died a year ago.

But here, a young master of a sect can be in the sixth realm.

But then, Zhou Xuanyuan's expression changed.

As a fifth realm, he suddenly turned his head and looked out the window, sensing the violent fluctuations of the breath in the distance.

"The breath of the Tianquan realm, another sixth realm."

"That direction, is it the Cui family that I went to today? Could it be the breath of that family head? Who is he fighting with?"

Not many people can sense this breath. Zhou Xuanyuan frowned and thought about it, and decided to send Li Su back first, and then he could go forward to observe.

He just helped Li Su out of the wine shop, but then his pupils shrank slightly.

A surging air wave hit, blowing the crooked drunk on the street to fall, and the violent roar resounded completely in the mountain city under the night.

The bustling mountain city night market was silent for a moment at this moment, and the whole mountain city was quiet.

But then, the aftermath of the fight that knocked everyone to the ground did not make everyone angry at all, but instead burst into countless excited roars.

"A fight has started, damn."

"It's a master, this is a master."

"I am in the fourth realm, this, this is at least a fight between the sixth realm."

Several practitioners who were about to step into the brothel stopped at this moment.

Should I go up to the building to enjoy the wind, flowers, snow and moon, or watch the masters fight?

Is there any need to choose?

The mountain city under the night is even more lively at this moment.

Countless practitioners are showing their magical powers at this moment. The middle three realms can walk in the air and run directly to the place where the fight is in the distance.

Those who can't fly just swipe their bodies, step on the eaves of the house, rise and fall, and countless figures run towards the distance like locusts passing through.

There are even more outrageous ones. A cultivator in the lower three realms directly drives the latest flying boat, and shouts to the crowd below, "There are still three seats, 200 taels each, giving you the most luxurious viewing experience, leaving immediately, leaving immediately."

"Damn it, why don't you go grab it." Someone cursed.

"Are you kidding me? I'm grabbing it. Flying boats are not allowed in the city. You will have to pay a fine later."

Zhou Xuanyuan's pace quickened a bit. He was itching to send Li Su back quickly and then rush over there. I wonder if it's too late?

But Li Su was drunk at this moment, with his phoenix eyes upside down, pointing directly at the flying boat and angrily said.

"I won't go back. I want to watch the fight. Take me in the car."

It's too late to go home today. I'll finish this duel in another chapter later. It will be a big chapter. No need to wait, watch it tomorrow morning

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