After smashing the fireball with one punch.

The tall figure fell heavily to the ground.

He looked expressionlessly towards the direction of the fireball—the roof of a house not far away.

"Boom boom boom!"

A dull crashing sound sounded.

Bullets landed on his body one after another, only embedded less than half a centimeter in his body surface, and were stuck in the strong muscles, unable to make any further progress.

Dots of blood flowers bloomed.

The strong man just frowned.

"Bing Jiu, Ding Liu, you two hurry up and deal with the attackers on the roof. Ding Qi, you cooperate with others to kill the gunmen around you."

In the third black car, a middle-aged man called Mr. Zheng by the president of the Black Wolf Club cautiously huddled in the car and shouted instructions.


The burly man who blocked the fireball, Ding Liu, responded and ran to the nearby residential building, completely ignoring the bullets that continued to fall on him from behind, leaving shallow scars on his body. .

Sitting in another car behind him, a handsome young man with short hair and the same dress as Ding Liu also got out of the car and rushed towards the residential building.

In another car, Ding Qi, a strong man who looked exactly like Ding Liu, also got out of the car, but he rushed towards Fang Keyi's men.

At the same time, other people in the convoy also reacted to the sudden attack, took out their guns and started to fight back.

However, everyone in the convoy was ambushed after all. They were blocked in the middle of the road and surrounded by Fang Keyi's men. They had no suitable hiding spot and had to face enemies from all directions and raining barrages. In addition, The firepower was far inferior to the opponent's, and it was very difficult to deal with it for a while, and soon several more people died.

Fang Keyi and his party also had a hard time.

The scene where Ding Liu carried the bullet hard caused great psychological shock and pressure to these ordinary people who had never seen a person with supernatural powers.

If Fang Keyi hadn't taken the lead and continued the attack, the others would have panicked.

Even so, when Ding Qi, who was as tall as a bear, charged at the crowd with bullets in his hand, it caused quite a commotion and forcibly weakened their offensive.

Seeing this, Fang Keyi shouted quickly.

"Wang Yong, Wenxiong, you and I deal with this big guy, while the others focus on besieging the convoy!"

Only five people in the convoy had submachine guns. The two people whose names he read, plus himself, were the three with the strongest firepower among them.

With such firepower, even if this big guy can bear the bullets, he won't be able to hold it for long. After all, the opponent's skin was broken by the pistol bullets and he suffered minor injuries. This shows that the opponent is not really able to ignore the bullets. It's just that their defense power is stronger than that of ordinary people, far from being incapable of being killed.

There are three submachine guns concentrating firepower on this big guy, and they will definitely kill the opponent.

"Da da da!!"

Fang Keyi pulled the trigger frantically.

The muzzle flash of the semi-automatic submachine gun flashed, and bullets fell crazily on Ding Qi's body.

Wang Yong and Wenxiong on the other side also concentrated their firepower and fired wildly at Ding Qi.

A torrent of submachine gun bullets continued to embed into various parts of Ding Qi's body, exploding bright bloody flowers on his body. However, Ding Qi still did not dodge. He just blocked his head with his arm and rushed straight into the hail of bullets. .

This fearless attitude and inhuman vitality made Fang Keyi a little frightened and took a few steps back unconsciously.


At this time, Ding Qi roared angrily, lowered his arms that were blocking the vital parts of his head, and rushed towards Fang Keyi who was not far away with a look of madness.

However, the dense bullet holes in his body still brought his life to an end. When he was only a few steps away from Fang Keyi, he fell to the ground and became unresponsive.

"Die like this?"

"Such a stupid superpower?"

Fang Keyi was shocked and couldn't help but shoot a few more shots at the opponent. As expected, the opponent had no reaction and was obviously really dead.

"Damn, it's really a defective product!"

In the back seat of the third car, Mr. Zheng, who was curled up, couldn't help but cursed angrily when he heard that Ding Qi was no longer moving outside.

The power of thermal weapons cannot be underestimated. Even steel-skinned superpowers known for their defense cannot withstand the continuous firing of submachine gun bullets.

Ding Qi only knew how to follow orders and rush towards the enemy. He didn't care whether the enemy's firepower was beyond his ability to withstand. He didn't even know how to dodge properly. He just charged without fear of death, completely wasting all his terrifying strength and defense. He was shot to death by several ordinary people indiscriminately.

the other side.

When Bingjiu and Ding Liu rushed towards the residential building, another fireball the size of a millstone fell from the sky and landed right in front of them, at the entrance of the building.

Except for a few fragments flying around, the huge fireball itself still maintained a relatively complete form, blocking the entrance of the building.

Burning quietly.

Although the two of them were not injured, they also lost the entrance to the residential building and could only wander around blankly below, roaring.

"It's indeed those defective products!"

On the edge of the roof, Huo Huo looked at the silly looks of the two of them and felt relieved.

When he first saw Ding Liu smashing the fireball into pieces with one punch, he was initially panicked. After all, he had not expected that the opponent also had superpowers, but he saw the opponent's stupid behavior of charging with bullets, and his long... When the identical Ding Qi appeared, he guessed that these three people should be defective products made by the chaebol.

He has a lot of experience in dealing with such defective products, and with a little bit of tactics, he can fool the opponent around.

Seeing the big man Ding Liu lingering for a while, seemingly ready to move forward and move away the big fireball blocking the doorway, Huoshan sneered:

"Can my magma fireball be touched by my physical body? What an idiot!"

As he spoke, he squatted half-crouched on the edge of the roof, pressing one hand on the roof. He saw that the concrete wall not far from his palm melted rapidly, and the color also turned red. The heat continued to rise and automatically gathered into a ball. In the blink of an eye, a magma fireball the size of a washbasin took shape.

He held the magma fireball high and threw it down.

The corridor entrance below.

Ding Liu had already arrived in front of the magma fireball as big as a millstone. The short hair on his head quickly curled up and scorched, and the fibers of his clothes also showed signs of scorching, as if they would burn at any time.

But Ding Liu ignored these and continued to take two steps forward regardless of his own safety. He let his clothes be ignited with a bang, his skin was scorched, and he hugged the magma fireball with his arms.


Ding Liu's body made a very obvious "sizzling" sound of barbecue.

A strange fragrance spread quickly.

If Mr. Zheng sees this scene, he will definitely yell again: "You are so stupid, why do you have to hug me? Can't you push me away with your hands?"

Ding Liu didn't think too much, but instead burst out with all his strength with a "ha" sound, picked up the huge magma fire ball, threw it to the side, and threw it several meters away.

And this time.

The magma fireball just dropped by the volcano happened to fall down. The gravitational potential energy brought by the height of nearly twenty meters was converted into huge kinetic energy, and it hit Ding Liu's head hard.

The release time is adjusted to two chapters at the same time, at 8 am.

Unless there are special circumstances, this will be the case until it is put on the shelves.

Updates will be added when available.

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