My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 19 Tongwa City, a tourist attraction

"By the way, how much did you spend on these in total? Medical expenses and food expenses together."

Lin Yufei asked after finishing the meal.

"I didn't pay attention. It's probably a few dozen yuan."

"I'll give it back to you."

Lin Yufei took out her wallet from her pocket and was about to take money from it, but was stopped by Su Xin.

"Forget it."

"That's not okay."

"No, it's just a few dozen yuan."

"I don't want to owe a favor."

Lin Yufei shook her head.

"If you return this money to me, you won't owe me any favors?"

Su Xin glanced at her.

Hearing this, Lin Yufei couldn't help but hesitate, but then she insisted on taking out a hundred-yuan bill from her wallet and handed it to Su Xin:

"If I pay back the money, at least I owe you less. Besides, I will repay you if I have the chance."

"All right."

Su Xin took the money and put it into his wallet. He took out a few pieces of change totaling twenty-two yuan and handed them back: "Now, this is for you. I spent a total of seventy-eight yuan. Now that I have calculated it clearly."

Lin Yufei took it silently, took out her cell phone from her pocket and checked the time. Then she raised her head and looked at the half bottle of glucose injection left, and frowned slightly.

Su Xin noticed her eyes and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"It's almost time for evening study."

Su Xin looked at her in surprise: "Now that it's like this, you still want to study in the evening?"

"Well, my ranking dropped to ninth last time, and the people behind me are chasing them very hard. I must seize every minute to study as much as possible. The deadline for the big exam is only eight months away."

Lin Yufei said seriously, and added in her heart:

"This is my only chance to change my destiny."

In Wanghai Country, there is no college entrance examination system like Su Xin's previous life, but there is a similar qualification examination system, that is, the college entrance examination.

In the first half of every year, three major exams will be held. Students in the third grade of high school can choose to take the major exam of their own choice, and the average score of the previous major exams will be used as the final exam score.

Each university recruits students independently and has different admissions systems, but no matter what the system is, the college entrance examination scores are the most important.

Therefore, if you want to go to a good university, good college entrance examination scores are a must.

Unless you take money to open the way.

But Su Xin just observed that Lin Yufei's mobile phone is very old, with many minor scratches on the screen and edges. Plus, he takes dozens of dollars so seriously. Obviously, it is impossible for his family to have the ability to use money to clear the way. condition.

He opened his mouth, but in the end Su Xin didn't persuade him any more and just said:

"At least wait until these injections are finished, otherwise if you faint in the classroom, it will waste more time, and it won't be delayed for long anyway."


Lin Yufei responded in a low voice.

Not long after, Su Xin's takeout also arrived. After the meal, Lin Yufei also finished her injections, and the two separated at the door of the clinic.

It was already seven o'clock, so she was definitely late for evening self-study, but with Lin Yufei's grades, no teacher would embarrass her.

Su Xin doesn't have to study in the evening, let alone worry about it.

He wandered around the street, found a mobile phone store on the roadside, and bought a new mobile phone worth two thousand, but did not register a mobile phone number.

After returning home, I changed my clothes, put on a mask and went out. I took a taxi to the night market a few kilometers away and bought some brown woolen hats, black robes, and two anonymous mobile phone cards.

The real-name system in this world is not as strict as in the previous one. You can buy anonymous mobile phone cards at any place that sells electronic accessories. The activation process is also very simple, which is convenient for Su Xin.

In addition, Su Xin also bought two finger tigers inspired by Lin Yufei. These are easy to carry, very practical, and can greatly increase a person's lethality.

The most important thing is that the shape of the finger tiger is similar to a ring, which should not affect his use of the [Hidden Prayer] ability. This is more practical for Su Xin than any weapon.

After leaving the night market.

Su Xin inserted one of the anonymous mobile phone cards into the newly purchased black mobile phone, turned it on for the first time, and made a series of settings.

All muted.

Block all phone calls and text messages.

Uninstall all software that can be uninstalled.

Except for map software, all software is prohibited from obtaining the mobile phone's location, calling the microphone function, and using traffic and other permissions.

I recharged 300 yuan in phone bills at another mobile phone store, opened the map software, downloaded all the map data, closed the data connection, and shut down the phone.

At this point, the preparation work is complete.

When I got home, I did half an hour of running training as usual, and after taking a shower, I typed for two hours.

By eleven o'clock in the evening.

Su Xin changed into his daily clothes, put on black sneakers, a woolen hat, and a black robe, and transformed into the mysterious man in black robe again.

Bring your new black cell phone.

He took out a finger tiger and put it on his right hand.

Hands together.

Silently, the scene in front of Su Xin changed.

"Sure enough, finger pointing does not affect teleportation."

Su Xin smiled slightly, and after observing the surrounding environment, he teleported away again randomly.

After several random teleports in a row.

He appeared in front of a sofa in a living room.

After the last encounter with someone face to face in the toilet, Su Xin knew that even late at night, it would be easy to be discovered when he appeared in other people's homes.

Therefore, he set the last teleport landing point as the space-time anchor point, and after returning, he randomly teleported again, which was equivalent to eliminating the landing point of the living room from the teleportation trajectory.

In addition, as long as the landing point of the random teleport is not too concealed, he will teleport again in the same way until every landing point in the trajectory is as concealed as possible.

In this way, after teleporting back and forth more than thirty times, Su Xin finally appeared in a dark corner and walked out casually.

I took out my phone and looked at the map location.

The straight-line distance from home is more than 80 kilometers, and he has already arrived in Tongwa City next door.

Like Lening City, Tongwa City is also a coastal city, but the difference is that Lening City has fewer coastal areas and is mostly dominated by bedrock coasts. It was built as a port city in Wanghai Kingdom, while Tongwa City has There are many coastal areas in Wa City, and most of them are beach coasts. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Wanghai Country.

Therefore, the floating population in Tongwa City is much larger than that in Lening City. As a local who grew up in Wanghai Country, Su Xin knows better that the public security in Tongwa City is much worse than that in Lening City.

In addition to the apparent rip-off, many foreign tourists disappear here every year.

"Maybe there will be a lot of harvest today."

Su Xin's expression changed.

In Lening City, where he is located, the logistics industry is very developed due to the existence of the port. Many branches of large international companies have settled in. The official control of public security is relatively strict, and ordinary people and organizations do not dare to conflict with these large international companies. I usually act more restrained.

But in Tongwa City, the official management of public security is much looser, even to the point of collusion. Anyway, many people are just individual tourists with no background. The disappearance of a few will not have any impact, as long as they do good deeds For the rest of the comfort work, just perform well.

Almost all locals know this.

Su Xin has followed the news here and learned some relevant inside information.

However, in the past, he didn't have the heart to care about these dirty things, nor was he able to intervene. After all, it had no direct interest in him.

But now, since I happened to teleport here and I have powerful powers, I should save more people if I have the chance.

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