My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 108: battle in the hallway

"Wang Yingjie, don't you want to eat?"

The thin boy asked Wang Yingjie.

Among the newly promoted elites this time, only he and Wang Yingjie are relatively poor, which gave him a feeling of mutual sympathy among his companions.

But Wang Yingjie was always cold, which made him a little frustrated.

However, he still tried to talk to Wang Yingjie.

Looking at the messy dishes and the sheets stained with ketchup, Wang Yingjie frowned imperceptibly.

"No, let's eat."

The skinny boy snorted and fiddled with his cell phone in a self-indulgent way.

Behind him, a ghost with a skull head looked at his mobile phone curiously, a strange red light glowed in the skull.

"Shut up."

At this moment, on the other side, the young man with dark eyes laughed mockingly.

Beside him, a bad frog with bluish-purple swellings all over its body and dripping with venom also bared its teeth in coordination.

However, due to the formality, he did not speak out provocatively.

"I'll go see the boss."

The young man got up and walked out the door.

It was supposed to be two cabins, but Ren Li had one room for himself, and the other three had to squeeze together.

Wang Yingjie didn't pay attention, he was thinking about how to settle the grievance with Ren Li.

At this moment, a youth's voice came from the door.

"who are you?"


The moment the door opened, Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

Through the gap in the door, he saw Wang Yingjie!

Obviously, Liu Shengnan saw it too.

She frowned and said in a low voice, "Do it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she shot the young man on the back of the neck with the back of the gun, instantly causing him to fall to the ground softly.

And the venomous frog, whose sacs were constantly bursting and phlegm-like pus gradually oozing out, suddenly exploded with astonishing speed, jumped forward, and tried to poke at Liu Shengnan with his highly poisonous fingers!

Liu Shengnan dodged sideways, and Xie Yuan's command followed:

"Pylast, hypnotic powder!"

Pylast's hypnotic powder was already ready to go. From the bright and deadly huge mushroom, dense green spores suddenly splashed out, and it stained the poison frog's body, causing its jaundiced eyes to suddenly become stunned.

All of this happened in a flash, and before the thin boy could react, Wang Yingjie had already jumped up violently.

With a flash of red light, Kamy Turtle's bloodshot eyes stared at Lu Cheng, revealing piranha-like sharp fangs.

"Kami turtle, facing the door, water cannon!"

A sturdy water column suddenly spurted out of Kamui's mouth, and the small cabin door was slammed open.

The water column seems to be swallowing all four of them!

Don't you even care about your comrades?

A strange color flashed in Liu Shengnan's eyes, and he summoned two artificial egg cells with huge hands in time.

"Dolby, use a wall of light!"

Like a deformed child wrapped in a green placenta, the artificial egg cell waved its giant hand and instantly created a transparent wall of light!

The water cannon failed to break down the wall of light, and instantly scattered into the narrow passage of the cabin, splashing countless water splashes.

"Guard the door!" Wang Yingjie yelled at the dazed thin boy:

"Let your night watchman attack from the wall!"

The skinny boy only came to his senses now, and said in a panic, "Night Watching Spirit, use the strange light to confuse the green elf!"

Different from the flustered master, Night Watchman showed an excited smile, and his body melted into the wall.

When it reappeared, its face suddenly turned hideous, the entire skull fell off, and a large amount of blood sprayed, gradually staining the large wall.

A violent white light suddenly flashed from the void in its body!

"Don't look at it!" Liu Shengnan turned his head away and shouted to Lu Cheng:

"That trick is the shadow of the night, which is used to hide the strange light!"

"What's going on outside!"

At this moment, the hatch of 208 was suddenly pushed open, and Ren Li shouted with anger.

However, seeing the young man who fell softly to the ground and the messy corridor, Ren Li was stunned for a while, then quickly took out the Poké Ball.

I saw him grinning and saying, "You guys have brought it to your door!"

"Go, Long Longyan, you bastard!"

Ren Li threw out two elf **** in one breath, these two fierce elves instantly blocked the exit of the corridor!

Rumbling Rock is like a huge rock full of cracks. From the center of the stone grows a turtle-like head. The head is embedded in the cracks of the cobblestone, making the pair of red eyes curious and hideous.

From the two pieces of the stone, a pair of feet covered with scales grew, and the bone toenails were embedded in the floor, instantly causing the entire corridor to vibrate!

The black-eyed crocodile is like a dormant hunter in the Amazon rainforest. Its body is covered with yellow and black patterns, and the black polyps on its eyes make it look like it is wearing a pair of sunglasses. Strong upper jaw and fangs.

Obviously, these two elves are very troublesome!

"I'll deal with him."

Xie Yuan lifted the heavy dark circles under his eyes and reached out to his waist subconsciously, but he felt empty.

Looking at the empty palm, Xie Yuan was a little dazed for a while.

"What are you thinking, your rafflesia is still in the logistics department!"

Liu Shengnan shouted, and at the same time, he suddenly raised his pistol and aimed it at Ren Li.

The moment to let down your guard!

The flames burst out, and the pungent smell of gunpowder suddenly permeated the entire corridor.

But Ren Li didn't evade or dodge, he wrapped his arms and showed a somewhat hideous smile.

With a "ding dong" sound, the cartridge case fell to the ground.

Long Longyan put down his muscular and knotted arms and stared at Liu Shengnan coldly.

It blocked the bullet with its rocky body!

"I'll go!" Liu Shengnan scolded, "Duby, stop those two elves."

"Lu Cheng, hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, a fiery red figure had already jumped out.

Aiming at the Night Watcher embedded in the wall, six tails swiped on its body fiercely,

The night watchling screamed in agony, and fell off the wall like a collapsed brick.

Fraud, an evil-type move with outstanding effects, the Night Watcher lost his combat effectiveness in an instant!

And a green figure rushed into the cabin at a speed that was unattainable to the naked eye.

A cold light flashes in his hand,

The bone sword slashed at Kamui with an unstoppable momentum!

I only heard Lu Cheng shouting: "Sister, leave it to me here!"

The chaotic state from the night patrolling was lifted, which made Liu Shengnan breathe a sigh of relief.

Facing Ren Li's two menacing elves, Liu Shengnan regained his strength and said:

"Xie Yuan, I'll deal with him with you!"

Xie Yuan nodded cautiously and shouted:

"Pylates, use parasitic seeds on crocodiles!"

"Dolby, the reflective wall protects Paraste!"

On the other side, Wang Yingjie stared at Lu Cheng coldly without saying a word.

It was this man who shattered his vision of winning the championship.

And he will never forget the scorching flames in the West Lake Hall!

"Kami Turtle, Frozen Fist!"

Lu Cheng was also unwilling to back down.

What he wants to do is to make Wang Yingjie stay away from the cabin and not interfere with the battle beside him!

"Forest lizard, Leaf Blade!"

The gorgeous blade collided with the extremely cold frozen fist.

The two elves stared at each other, their eyes burning with strong anger.

However, just when Lu Cheng concentrated on the command,

Another somewhat strange night watchman quietly approached Lu Cheng from the wall next to him!

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