My players are all acting

Chapter 172 Beggar

At the same time, Lu Heng has also started playing the "beggar".

Before starting the trial, he very cleverly took the talent of "Hunger and Hunger".

Although I don't know the specific difficulties encountered in this trial illusion, I can roughly guess that it must be related to starvation.

Since he is a beggar, he must not be able to eat anything serious.

That being the case, then "Hunger and Hunger" is a must-have talent.

Of course, Lu Heng also remembered to refresh those useless talents every time he restarted, hoping to find a more useful one.

For example, "Bigu" or something.

If there is such a "starving" high-ranking replacement talent, he will definitely take it without hesitation.

When he first entered the trial illusion, a system prompt appeared in front of Lu Heng.

[Currently, there is a certain degree of randomness in role-playing, and it will not develop strictly according to the real situation in history. Please take "survival" as the only goal. 】

Seeing this line of prompts, Lu Heng couldn't help but look a little dignified.

What does it mean to have a certain degree of randomness?

Obviously, things in the dungeon will not follow Taizu Sheng's script completely.

For example, Lu Heng knew that Taizu Sheng suffered catastrophe at home when he was a child. His parents and relatives died of famine and plague.

So assuming that everything went according to the script at the time, what Lu Heng had to do was actually very clear: stay up until he became a monk and received the letter, and he had passed the level.

After all, "Rebels" is the next identity, and it is the part that Huo Yunying needs to play.

But the system prompt said at the very beginning that what happened in this trial illusion would not strictly follow the real situation in history.

In other words, Sheng Taizu played by Lu Heng may die at any time due to various reasons, or there may be the possibility that he has not received the letter after several years of overtime.

And the goal of this play is not to join the rebel army, but to survive.

As long as he can survive, it doesn't seem to matter whether he joins the rebel army or not.

"It's really difficult...

"But that's okay, it's also quite challenging for me."

Lu Heng didn't dislike the identity of this beggar.

He knew very well that the difficulty of the four identities should be about the same given the nature of the game "Dark Sand", but each had its own difficulties.

As a beggar, it is definitely more difficult to endure hardships, but on the other hand, the difficulty in other aspects must be reduced.

Chu Ge plays the emperor, Zhao Haiping plays the commander-in-chief. There must be no problem with basic living guarantees, but they must have other problems that need to be racked their brains to solve.

So after Lu Heng chose the talent of "enduring hunger and starvation", he officially began to play the role of a beggar.


The Trial Illusion officially began to operate.

Lu Heng found himself in a dilapidated thatched cottage.

There is no tile to cover the head above, and no place to stand on the bottom.

There are many gaps in the thatch on the thatched house, and it is conceivable that once it rains, it must be raining.

Of course, there is no floor under the thatched hut, but dirty, damp yellow land, where all kinds of bugs crawl around. There is also no plank bed, because carpenters cannot be afforded.

The one who slept was an adobe kang, on which some straw was piled up in disorder, with a tattered quilt sandwiched in the straw. Of course, to be more precise, this is not a torn quilt, but a few pieces of torn cotton wool.

In fact, this is not bad, at least there is a kang, so you don't have to sleep on the ground.

Then, there was a smell.

This kind of hygienic conditions, not to mention bathing, even washing is not enough, and cleaning the room is even more unnecessary. Therefore, the taste inside the thatched cottage must not be much better.

However, Lu Heng got used to it quickly, probably because the body he controlled was already used to it.

A few people were hiding in the thatch pile and the torn cotton batting on the kang.

These people are all naked, because there are not so many clothes to wear, and they can only wear clothes when they go out to do errands.

The old farmer was disheveled and his long hair was sticky. He raised his hand to scratch it, and caught a louse just in time, and threw it into his mouth with a clicking sound.

Lu Heng silently closed his eyes again.

It's better not to keep your eyes open for this kind of scene, it's easy to collapse if you watch too much.

He knew that in this day and age, these were all basic operations. Because it was written in some ancient books that when the procuress of the brothel chatted with the big boss, he would throw the lice directly into his mouth when he picked up the lice from his body.

As a middle-class person in society, the bustard is still a professional who pays attention to personal hygiene and image, and if he can "add food" to himself in this way, let alone the poor peasants at the bottom.

But hearing about it and seeing it with your own eyes are two completely different concepts.

Lu Heng could only barely adjust his mentality to adapt himself to all this as much as possible.

Fortunately, I have seen many more cruel scenes than this in the pawn dungeon and scribe dungeon before, so I quickly adjusted my mentality.

"Old five! Get off the kang."

The old man yelled, seeing that Lu Heng didn't respond, he stretched out his hand and patted him.

Only then did Lu Heng realize that he was being called, and climbed down from the kang.

After getting out of bed, Lu Heng realized that his body was quite weak. He was about ten years old, severely malnourished, his arms and legs were as thin as hemp sticks, and his ribs were clearly visible.

"Starting today, you go to herd cattle for the landlord's house."

After listening to the old father's explanation, Lu Heng knew his next task.

Grazing cattle for the landlord.

In many literary and artistic works, describing how miserable some people's childhood life is, there is often the item of cattle herding.

Of course, there are also poems such as "the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village".

The main reason is that these children are relatively thin, and it is impossible to work in the fields. Herding cattle does not have much technical content and does not require strong physical fitness. At the same time, cattle are very important as an ancient means of production. So it is very common to find children to herd cattle.

Lu Heng thought for a while: "Cow herding? Sure enough, different identities have different levels of difficulty. As a beggar, all you do are things that don't have much technical content.

"Perhaps the main test of this identity is to endure hardship? As long as you can endure hardship, you can pass the level.

"This is not a problem for me. After all, the scribes have done such things as scraping bones and healing wounds in the scribe trial. It is nothing more than starving or beating a few times here. It should not be a big problem."

The scene of the shepherd boy riding on the back of the green bull and playing the flute leisurely appeared in Lu Heng's mind.

Seems to be fine?

Putting on the only rags and tattered clothes at home, I found a hemp rope to tie up the pants that didn't fit at all and might fall off at any time, followed my father to the cowshed of the landlord's house, took the old cow out, and went outside the village grazing.

While talking about the precautions, the old man walked to the field, ready to start today's work.

It's just that Lu Heng can't listen to it at all. He only has one thought in his mind now, hungry!

He did have the talent of starving, but even with the blessing of this talent, this hunger can still be felt, and it will still affect his concentration and concentration.

One can imagine what kind of state he would be in if he didn't have this talent.

As a poor person, you don't have to think about breakfast.

Even the old landlords in the village can eat two meals a day.

As for the poor, it would be good to drink a bowl of rice porridge with thin soup and little water every day. I was so hungry that all the snakes, insects, rats and ants in the fields could eat it.

Lu Heng was once again thankful that he had acquired the talent of "Hungry and Starving" in advance.

When they came to the village, the father and son went their separate ways.

Lu Heng felt that his legs were a little weak and he couldn't walk anymore, so he took off the broken basket on his back and put it on the back of the cow. Then he turned over again and sat up.

It's okay, although sitting on the back of a cow is not comfortable, but at least you don't have to walk by yourself, and you can save some energy.

However, he had not been comfortable for a long time when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand grabbed his collar and pulled him directly off the back of the bull.

Followed by two big mouths.

"You little bastard! Dad told you so much just now, you just ignored it, didn't you?

"You still dare to ride the cattle of the landlord's family, are you tired of living?

"If other people in our village see it, don't say that the grain you earned from herding cattle is gone, even I won't be able to farm the land for the landlord!"

The furious old father beat Lu Heng up.

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