My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 171 The Nightmare of the Alien Beast

Chu Ming's voice rang directly in the minds of humans and beasts, and both sides were shocked.

For humans, Chu Ming's voice is too familiar.

This is the voice of the ancestor of ancient martial arts, which is like the sound of nature in people's ears.

But to the strange beasts, the voice of Patriarch Gu Wu was like a nightmare, the most terrifying voice in the world.

But as the ancestor of ancient martial arts, what the other party said should count.

Now that I go out from the hiding place, I shouldn't be killed, right?

The Beastmaster is dead, and these youngsters definitely don't want to fight with humans on the earth. How nice it is to return to a carefree alien world!

However, they were worried that Patriarch Gu Wu would be cheating, so they didn't dare to go out easily.

After all, human beings are the most treacherous species among the creatures they come into contact with.

What if the other party just tricked everyone out?

However, Patriarch Gu Wu only gave ten minutes. If you don't go out now, it may be too late.

At that time, it may be trapped here forever.

Even the Beastmaster in the Soaring Realm has been killed. If he can't return to his own world, he will only die if he stays on the earth.

Finally, some weak alien beasts came out of their hiding place in fear, and ran towards the direction of the space portal.

Because they saw that the road there had been clear, and the four strong human beings who had previously blocked the entrance of the space passage had disappeared.

Seeing that they were going home, the alien beasts ran faster and faster, wishing they could leave this terrifying place in one step.

Chu Ming glanced casually, and found that they were all strange beasts below the True Pulse Realm, which were of no value to his mission.

So, Chu Ming stood there calmly, without any intention of making a move, and watched the other party leave directly.

Looking at that posture, it seemed that he really planned to let all the strange beasts go.

Soon, the first batch of alien beasts that emerged passed through the ruins of the battlefield without any risk, and finally rushed into the space passage.

He successfully returned to his own world.

Those strange beasts who were waiting to watch all showed excited expressions.

What the other party said was true, and he really wanted to let everyone go back.

With the success of the first wave of alien beasts, other alien beasts took action one after another. They left their hiding places and rushed towards the direction of the space passage.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes swept across the group of alien beasts like a scanner.

Suddenly, Chu Ming raised his eyebrows, and he found a quasi-beast king of the true pulse state mixed in the group of low-level alien beasts.

Hey, sure enough, someone slipped through the net.

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and pointed coldly in the direction of the herd.

Immediately, a beam of sword light burst out along Chu Ming's fingertips, and Yiyang finger was activated, and the white energy column precisely bombarded the head of the strange beast.


The quasi-beast king of the true pulse state was running wildly, his head exploded without warning, and his huge body fell heavily to the ground.

Many nearby strange beasts were terrified, but with their strength, it was impossible to detect Yiyangzhi's attack.

All they can find out is that the companion around them died suddenly, but they don't know the reason.

The different beasts were shocked, and the speed of fleeing immediately became faster.

More and more alien beasts appeared, frantically fleeing in the direction of the other world.

Chu Ming didn't stop him, and let the other party leave.

The departure of the alien beast is beneficial to humans.

If these alien beasts are lurking on the earth, they will still have a great impact on ordinary people.

Of course, this level of alien beasts could no longer threaten the Huaxia people.

Now the average person in China is rank seven, and anyone who comes out can knock these ordinary beasts to death with a stick.

However, foreign friends have never practiced ancient martial arts body training techniques, and their bodies are still in the state of ordinary people. Encountering strange beasts can only lead to death.

To be precise, it's not that you haven't practiced, but that you haven't practiced well.

Because of their blood, even if Chu Ming wanted to help them, there was nothing he could do.

Nowadays, the vast majority of Chinese people are trying to sprint to the eighth rank.

It's just that Chu Ming deleted a lot of important information about the eighth level of the ancient martial arts body training technique. It should be a bit difficult to break through to the eighth level.

The alien beasts quickly evacuated from Europe, Chu Ming watched coldly, pointing fingers from time to time, and killed all the alien beasts in the true pulse state mixed in the herd.

It's a pity that the number is very limited, and you have to go to other continents to complete the task.

Chu Mingding's evacuation time is ten minutes, but there are too many strange beasts breaking into the earth.

Twenty minutes later, the alien beasts were evacuated, and all returned to the alien world through the space portal.

After confirming that all the strange beasts had returned, Chu Ming left with Lightning Sect Master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong.

Next stop, North America.

This time, there are no fighter jets to send, and everyone has to fly directly into the air.

Lightning sect master, Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong complained endlessly. Although they didn't exert much force in the battle just now, they consumed a lot of skill.

With their current skills, they can't keep up with Chu Ming's rhythm at all.

Even in their heyday, they did not have the ability to cross continents, let alone now.

There was no other way, Chu Ming could only find an airport nearby, and took a plane with the four of them to North America at the same time.

In this way, although the speed is much slower, more strength can be preserved.

It is worth mentioning that the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster that Chu Ming had been waiting for for a long time never showed up.

Three of the four big beast kings were killed, and the Nanhuang beast king who was farthest away escaped by luck.

Under normal circumstances, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster should have rushed to Europe long ago.

It must have discovered that the other three beast kings had been killed by Chu Ming, so it was too scared to come.

If there were no accidents, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster might have returned to South America and evacuated directly with his younger brother.

In this regard, Chu Ming has no good way.

After all, the result of today's battle is already very good. It is almost impossible to kill three beast kings in the sky realm one after another.

However, Chu Ming's system mission is still short of about 2,000 True Vein Realm Alien Beasts, which should be enough in North America.

As for the space portal on the European side, there is no need for protection at all.

Now even if you lend some courage to the alien beasts, they dare not come to the earth.

The current earth is not what it used to be, and the earth with the ancestor Gu Wu has become a nightmare place for alien beasts.

As the alien beasts in Europe fled one after another, people all over the world cheered up.

Especially the European people, many people cried with excitement.

They can finally regain their homeland.

As the first eyewitness, George took pictures of Patriarch Gu Wu's dispersal of the beast herd, and has been broadcasting it live on the Internet.

Moreover, when Chu Ming said that sentence, George heard it clearly.

He said what he heard in the live broadcast room, and then people saw the scene of a large number of alien beasts evacuating the earth.

Shouting back Bai Wanshou with one word, the ancestor of Gu Wu is so powerful that it has reached the point where ordinary people can't match. \u003c/div\u003e

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