In a coffee shop,

Nishimiya Shoko was sitting at the window, feeling a little awkward. Next to her was Yukinoshita.

Opposite her, Ye Feng and Yuigahama Yui were sitting.

Ye Feng was sitting inside, playing with his phone silently.

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama were talking to Nishimiya Shoko.

"I’m Yukinoshita Yukino. Nice to meet you. I hope I’m not scary to you."

"Hello......I'm Yuigahama Yui, Nitro-chan, you can call me Yui......"

Ye Feng silently complained:"Yui, it's shameful to act cute."

"I'm not being cute!"

Yuigahama Yui puffed up her cheeks and poked him.


She actually said she was being cute. What's wrong with girls being cute?

Is there a problem!

Ye Feng glanced at her and ignored her.

Seeing this, Yuigahama Yui showed a smug expression and couldn't help poking him a few more times. Because of the accident that day, she actually took the opportunity to pinch herself. It was too abominable.......

The first time was fine, but I pinched her a second time......

It's obviously intentional!

Yuigahama became angrier and angrier as she thought about it. She couldn't help but poke him a few more times. Anyway, she also found out that Ye Feng was completely different from the rumors. She was not afraid of him bullying her at all.......

That's enough!

I let you poke twice, but you are still pushing it further?

Ye Feng pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and reached out to grab Yuigahama's hand.

I don't care about my face if you keep poking me!

Speaking of which, girls' hands are very small and delicate, and Yuigahama Yui is no exception. One hand can easily hold it, and it feels extra soft. It is no exaggeration to describe it as soft as boneless.

It's just a little cold.

Is it because of lack of exercise?

Ye Feng glanced at Yuigahama and said,"Men and women should not touch each other, please don't touch me again."

Hearing this, the flustered Yuigahama Yui suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief.

Oh my God!

It was you who held my hand and didn't let go, and you actually said such a thing.......

However, it feels so warm!

Yuigahama Yui's pretty face flushed, and she quickly pulled her hand back. She glanced at Yukinoshita and Nishimiya Glass with a guilty look, and when she saw that they didn't notice, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm Nishimiya Glass, nice to meet you, please take care of me."

"that......"I'm sorry to bother you today."

Nishimiya Glass wrote in a notebook.

She had put on hearing aids.

Although she heard a voice just now, it soon faded away again until it disappeared.

As mentioned before, there is a time limit for giving a person a buff.

In addition, directly giving Nishimiya Glass a buff is not a good thing.

Because Ye Feng does not have the ability to heal Nishimiya Glass directly, even if he can, it may require some more intimate contact.......

Nishimiya Glass is just a stranger, Ye Feng doesn't want to be treated as hentai and invited to have tea......

To be honest, if it weren't for Jing Keai, even if he encountered something like this on the road, Ye Feng might not have stepped forward to help.

Life is never easy. Since you have no ability to change life, you can only adapt to it.......

This is reality.

So, instead of giving people hope and then bringing despair, it is better to not promise something that cannot be done from the beginning.

And now, Nishimiya Glass wears a hearing aid, and it is not completely deaf.

What makes Ye Feng a little curious is why this girl only wears a hearing aid?

Nishimiya Glass's eyes fell on Ye Feng, a smile appeared on her face, she nodded slightly, and put up her notebook.......

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you just now."

Ye Feng took a sip of coffee and said,"I'm Ye Feng."

Nishimiya Glass looked at him and smiled, then looked away and continued to communicate with Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui.

Although she was curious why she could hear the sound without wearing a hearing aid, she didn't ask......

"Neither Shoya nor Ueno are bad people. It was because I made Ueno angry that Ueno acted impulsively......."

Shoya should be the boy with the spiky hair.

And Ueno is the girl with long black hair.

According to Nishimiya Glass, everything is her fault, and those two people are not wrong.......

Some things cannot be hidden, such as anger. However, Ye Feng discovered that the girl actually thought so. She did not look angry at all, and only showed tranquility and gentleness.......

You are being treated like that, yet you are still making excuses for him. You are an angel sent from heaven!

Ye Feng pondered. This matter cannot be solved in a short time.

Unless the people who bullied Nishimiya Glass disappear.......

But it was obvious that this would not work, and it might backfire and hurt the girl.

He was sure.

Nishimiya Glass was the kind of idiot he had guessed.

And such an idiot would never speculate about others with malice, but would only think of the good side, just like the girl Ueno.......

Although she was the one being bullied, Nishimiya Glass was not angry, nor did she resent her. She even understood Ueno very well.......I can only say that this is a fool who is too gentle.

But he can also feel sad, right?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have shown such a sad look on his face when he was on the bridge!

After finishing his coffee, the sun was setting.

It was getting late.

"See you tomorrow, Nitro-chan."

Yuigahama Yui waved and agreed with Nishimiya Nitro to go shopping together tomorrow.


Nishimiya Glass smiled quietly and gently, then made a scissors gesture.......

This is the sign language for goodbye.

Nishimiya Glass looked at Ye Feng and nodded slightly, which was also a greeting.


Ye Feng thought for a moment and said,"Glass, if you have any difficulties in the future, just send me a message."

Although the reality is not warm, Nishimiya Glass is such a gentle person, but she deserves a better future.

Moreover, we have had coffee together and exchanged contact information, so we are not strangers. As a friend, isn't it natural to help?

Nishimiya Glass smiled with her lips pursed, her smile was peaceful and gentle


The three of them said goodbye to Nishimiya Glass and walked towards the train station together.

The clouds in the sky were dyed red.

Tired birds returned to their nests.

The shadows on the ground gradually lengthened.

"Nishimiya Naoko's problem needs time to be dealt with, it is not enough to simply help her deal with those people......"

Yukinoshita rubbed his temple and said,"Fortunately, we exchanged contact information, and Nataro is willing to come out and play."

"Thanks for your hard work"


Hearing the voice, Yukinoshita looked at Ye Feng in surprise:"Did you say that just now?"

Ye Feng was speechless and said:"It is true that you and Yui are working hard today, and I will not deny that."

Yukinoshita crossed her chest with one hand, with a thoughtful look on her face:"Is this Ye Fengjun's conspiracy? For example, play the role of a good person, gain our trust, and then wait until the time is right......."

"Do such and such bad things to a simple and beautiful girl?"

After saying that, Yukinoshita pulled Yuigahama away from Ye Feng cautiously.

Yuigahama:"Well, it shouldn't happen, right?"

What do you mean it shouldn't happen? It definitely won't happen!

Ye Feng said with a dark face:"Goodbye!"

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