"Nishimiya Shoko has congenital hearing impairment, has no father, comes from a single-parent family, and has a younger sister named Nishimiya Yuzuru."

Service Club.

Listening to Yukinoshita calmly reading out Nishimiya Shoko's information, Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

He was wrong. He was so wrong.

Jing Keai is really not cute at all.

So, this matter can be easily accomplished by myself, why should the Service Club be involved!

Hearing Ye Feng's sigh, Yukinoshita paused slightly, looked at him with a pair of cold eyes, and said calmly:"Student Ye Feng, don't you know that interrupting others is a very rude thing?"

"Or is it that classmate Ye Feng is such a person?"


Yukinoshita's words were as sharp and direct as ever.

It was because of him that she was embarrassed by Ye Feng's shamelessness the first time they met and then drove him away.......That was something that Yukinoshita was very upset about.

And the second time they met, she didn't have the upper hand.

This made Yukinoshita feel���It’s not good.

On the side, Yuigahama Yui hurriedly said:"Xue-no, what’s next?"

"Please call me Yukinoshita or Yukino."

"But calling her"Xue-no" is more intimate, what do you think, Ye Fengjun?"

Ye Feng nodded and said,"I think so too."


Yukinoshita sighed helplessly, ignored the two people, and continued:"Nishimiya Glass is currently studying in a school for the deaf. What we need to do is to learn more about the situation."

"Anyway, let's go and have a look first!"

At this point, Yukinoshita glanced at Ye Feng and said,"Teacher Jing said that everything is under my control, so please don't mess around, Ye Feng, so as not to cause trouble."

Ye Feng said,"Yukinoshita has the final say."

Yukinoshita took two steps back, crossed her arms across her chest, made a defensive gesture, and said expressionlessly,"Student Ye Feng, we don't seem to be that familiar. Your name makes me feel that my chastity is threatened, so please call me Yukinoshita, or Yukinoshita-san."

Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he continued expressionlessly,"Xiao Yukinoshita has the final say"

"Ha, do you really want to get closer to me?"

Yukinoshita said bluntly:"Give up! We are not suitable at all."

Ye Feng couldn't help but complain:"Who would like you, a mere Pingshita!"


Xueshita took a deep breath and suddenly said,"I'm sorry, I was wrong. It's all my fault for not being able to understand Ye Feng's dirty and vulgar thoughts."

"No, you are right."

Ye Feng frowned and said,"It's all my fault. I made Pingzhi misunderstand and gave him the illusion that I like you." When their eyes met, it was as if there was an electric current in the air.

On the side, Yuigahama Yui shivered and said dryly,"That......We should go."

Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath, resisted the urge to continue to be sarcastic, and turned to go out.

Yuigahama Yui breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed. Nishimiya

Shoko's school was not far away, and it only took more than ten minutes to get there by train. After getting off the train, Yukinoshita took out the map on her phone and looked at it, then pointed to the front:"Go this way, it will be there in more than ten minutes."

Ye Feng:"......"

Yuigahama Yui:"......"

After walking a few steps, she saw that they were not following her, so she stopped and looked back.


Yuigahama Yui laughed dryly and said carefully:"Xue-no, I think it might be here......."

Ye Feng spread his hands, trying hard to suppress his smile and said,"This time, Yui has the final say.


Her pretty face was slightly hot, and she couldn't help but glare at Ye Feng, then she took a breath and said calmly:"I know, let's go!"

Soon, the three of them came to a bridge.

When passing by, Ye Feng looked at a girl with pink hair by the bridge.

How to say it.

Some people are hard to forget after just one look.

Maybe it's because of the cute appearance, maybe it's the explosive figure, or maybe it's the unforgettable temperament.......

Yukinoshita is one of these people.

Anyone who has seen Yukinoshita will find it hard to forget her.

The girl by the bridge can be considered cute, but what really makes people care is her quiet and gentle temperament, and the deep sadness revealed in the depths of her eyes at a glance.......

It was that kind of gentle sadness.

Ye Feng thought of a sentence, 'This world has never been gentle, and it will not treat you gently'.

Because I have experienced it before, I can empathize with it.

However, there are always some fools in this world. Even if they are covered with scars and holes, they still face everything gently and keep all the pain to themselves.

This kind of people are cute in stupidity.

Although Ye Feng does not agree with this kind of gentleness, he will not oppose it.

And the girl who feeds the fish with bread by the bridge......

Could he be that kind of idiot?

Ye Feng called Xuexia and said,"You guys go collect the information, I'll be in charge of Nishimiya Glass."


Xueshita followed Ye Feng's gaze and quickly locked onto the girl by the bridge:"That girl......"

Yuigahama Yui took out her phone and found the photo, and said in surprise:"That's right, it's that child."

Yukinoshita raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Ye Feng and said:"Sorry, I don't trust Ye Fengjun now, so I can't give it to you."

"Ha ha......"

Yuigahama Yui laughed dryly and said quickly:"Xueno, Ye Fengjun, let's go together."

Ye Feng said speechlessly:"Xueshita, please trust me more."


Xue Zhi had no expression on her face, and said with a look of disdain,"I don't think I can trust a man who enjoys teasing girls."


Yuigahama Yui quickly pulled Xue���She dragged her away with her arms, turned around and stuck out her pink tongue, and said with a giggle:"Ye Fengjun, we have more advantages in chatting up girls, so just leave it to us."......"

You are prejudiced.

Maybe it would be more effective if a boy approached her to chat her up?

Ye Feng walked aside and waited quietly, because Yuigahama Yui was right. It was indeed inappropriate for a boy to approach a girl without thinking.

However, before Yukinoshita and the other girl could get close, a spiky-haired boy and a black-haired girl started talking to Nishimiya Naoko. No one knew what they were talking about. The pretty black-haired girl became a little excited and suddenly raised her hand.......

Ye Feng frowned and walked over.

Since he had accepted Jing Keai's commission, he could not turn a blind eye.

At the same time, Yukinoshita sped up, grabbed the black straight girl's hand, and pushed her out, causing her to fall to the ground.


The boy was surprised and quickly helped Ueno up. He looked at Yukinoshita angrily and said,"Damn it, what are you doing?"

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