My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 716: Final decision!

After all, in any world, even if there are many differences, some truths are immutable, such as the winners and losers, whether in the original book or in this life, if Kuro Jue succeeds in taking his own mother-Otsuki Hui Ye was rescued from the seal on the moon, Hei Jue's words and deeds were correct, but Hei Jue was a loser.

That's what he said and did.

It's just a reason for the loser.

Naruto only sighed inwardly.

If you don't really care about it, if you have that idle time, it is better to study the power composition of Heijue more. This will have an extremely important meaning and effect for you to further master the Yin and Yang escape!

Naruto was carefully studying the part of the special black object separated from Heijue.

I also don't forget to divide a part of my attention to observe the battle group not far away.

Although the main goal is Heizue.

However, as long as it can ensure a smooth solution, the soil cannot be allowed to escape.

In fact, Naruto doesn't need any worries.

As previously expected, the combination of Watergate + Xiaonan is already very difficult to deal with with soil. Especially the watergate in Nine-Tailed Chakra mode, the ultimate combat power that bursts out is about to reach the super shadow. At the lowest level, a spiral pill can be one click away from the ground-breaking Suzuo.

Although Xiaonan’s paper escape is difficult to damage the soil that has Suzuo protection, the characteristics of paper escape also make the soil have to be distracted to deal with it, which makes it easier to give the water gate the opportunity to attack his own weakness, and now With the addition of Xiang Lin, the situation with soil has become even more dangerous.

It is unpredictable, and it can even be said that it is impossible to resist the sealing technique.

Even if the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes have a strong restraint and control effect on the tail beast, after all, the pupil power with soil has not reached the point where Uchiha Madara can do whatever one wants. Before, it can control the strength of the nine tails and the previous three-tailed man-Yakura , It was all thanks to the foreshadowing laid by Madara Uchiha, especially Kyuubi, without Professor Uchiha Madara’s special psychic mark, and his own blood is used to guide, two more belts can’t be controlled. Nine tails.

Although it is now in a state of complete eyes.

But Xiang Rin is not a battle.

Instead, it defines itself as an auxiliary location.

It is coping with Xiaonan and Shuimen on the side.

It happens to be such an offensive mode.

It is very uncomfortable to bring soil.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you can't make a breakthrough.

If you want to retreat, you can't find a suitable area.

After being pressed step by step in this way.

As a last resort, it is necessary to use the magic of divine power to blur the body and avoid certain fatal attacks. As the number of times increases, the probability of flaws increases.

An accident occurred in a virtual body.

As a result, the body did not escape into the divine power space.

"Spiral pill!"

Watergate, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately seized this opportunity.

A flash of Thunder God's technique.

Approaching to the position in front of the soil body.

A group of bright lights condensed on the right palm.

Without hesitation, he slammed down toward the back with soil, just like the confrontation 15 years ago.

A hit that hits the spot.


And it's still a more powerful spiral pill.

Under the heavy blow.

Dai Tu's entire expression became extremely distorted.

Uncontrollable shaking.

The throat is sweet.

A mouthful of blood spurted out along with it.

"King Kong blocked!"

A hit.

Following from that.

Xiang Rin also took this opportunity.

Directly release his diamond chain.




The golden chains flew out one after another.

Bloom with a touch of extreme dazzling luster.

When the soil can't respond at all.


It is very easy to entangle the soil.

In an instant.

With the soil, I felt my body sink, and even the flow of Chakra in the body became slow.

Then Xiao Nan came close.

"Paper Escape-The Art of Secret Sealing!"

He also quickly came to Uchiha's belt soil, on his palms, the imprints that quickly formed, a huge number of white papers flying around, surrounded the belt soil moments, under the control of Xiaonan, and on the outer layer. Position, wrap the soil forcibly.


The lingering special pattern of circles.

This is also the seal technique that Xiao Nan had prepared specially in advance in order to deal with the space secret technique with soil.

Although it is said that only objects with restricted mobility can be sealed.

But once it is perfectly sealed by this sealing technique.

Those who are sealed will completely lose the sense of Chakra in the body!

The soil at this moment is the feeling. After being successfully sealed by Xiaonan, the soil is completely unable to sense the chakra in his body. The kaleidoscope writing wheel in the pupils also gradually degenerates as the chakra fades. , First turned into a gou jade form, and then turned into ordinary black and white eyes. After realizing this, just like Hei Jue who was captured by Naruto before, the whole person with the soil stared at this moment. The look of despair that appeared on his face was so obvious at this moment, so ironic!

"Uchiha takes the soil! I didn't expect it, you finally fell into my hands!"

And Xiao Nan was at the moment when he saw the desperate expression of Dai Tu.

There was an extremely relaxed look in his pupils.

What kind of revenge is the most hearty! ?

That is naturally to make the enemy feel the double torment not only physically, but also spiritually. Only in this way, the revengeful person will truly have a real sense of success in revenge!

The soil is also because of that moment.

The failure of his plan came to mind.

I can never achieve peace in the Shinobi world.

The most important thing is that I will never see my beloved person-Ye Yuan Lin, so I felt desperate for a while, but it was also a second later, when I saw Xiao Nan's eyes full of revenge, the expression with dirt was also Becomes distorted and hideous.

"Xiao Nan!"

The water gate on the side looked at his former disciple who was completely unfamiliar, and couldn't help sighing silently in his heart.

‘Why did you become like this? Bringing soil, is it really Lin's death? But even so, it's too. . . Ugh. . . . . ’

Although it is said that bringing the soil is the direct culprit that caused the death of his couple in battle, but seeing the appearance of the “twisted madness” of the soil now, the sorrow in Watergate's heart is better than the anger. But the most kind-hearted one, Watergate even said to Kushina in private that Kakashi could become a very good ninja in the future.

But the soil will not be much worse, and may even surpass Kakashi.

Because Pratunam values ​​the "inner heart" with soil!

However, behind such a disciple who once made Watergate hope hopeful, he stepped on the road of opposition to the whole world without hesitation.

That's right, it's the road that opposes the world.

From Naruto, Mizumon clearly understood the plan to bring dirt and spots.

That is the ten tails that came from the resurrection, projecting the infinite moon reading to the moon, so that people all over the world fall into endless dreams. Not to mention that this is a plan used by Heijue, even if there is no Datong Muhui. At night, Watergate also felt that the practice of bringing soil was a mistake. It was an extremely comical practice. The peace created was not real, but a huge lie!

My son's behavior is really not wrong.

It’s just because Mizumon himself is the identity of the fourth generation of Hokage. From Konoha’s point of view, there was a little acceptance at the beginning. Later, it was because of what happened to his son, but also because he was already a dead person. And the most important point is that after reappearing, seeing Naruto truly have a unified world of Ninja and bring the hope of true peace to all people in the world, this is the choice that truly recognizes his son.

But bringing soil is very different.

Such a false lie.

The choice to stand on the opposite side of the whole world.

It is the most disapproved option in Pratunam, and it is also the saddest point in Pratunam's opinion that taking soil with it.

He wanted to say something to Dai Tu.

But when I saw that the obvious spirit of Dai Tu was twisted deep in his bones.

Any words are once again transformed into a deep sigh at this moment.

Naruto was also after seeing that the soil was captured smoothly.

Put the matter of studying the power of Heijue aside for now.

Step closer.

He and Uchiha Daito looked face to face, looking at the appearance of Daito who couldn't move at all.

Naruto also shook his head lightly with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"Crazy people, in the end, they can only lose in the end. The world is unfair and fair. Uchiha takes the soil, and your ambition ends here!"

"Minato Namikaze!"

There is no emotional fluctuation, not even a slight look of contempt, some are just the faint tone, and the pitiful color that reveals slightly, but it is precisely because of this, Naruto’s this pair On the contrary, the expression is the easiest to irritate and bring dirt. Looking at the blond boy in front of him who has destroyed his plan to the end, he glared with dirt, as if he was about to swallow Ming's life.

at this moment.

The endless feeling of regret that emerged from the depths of Daitu's heart.

If it can be over again.

Before Naruto can fully grow up, Touto will definitely do everything to eliminate Naruto, including Naruto's defect from Konoha. In fact, it was a good mobile phone meeting. At that time, Naruto was borrowing Nine-tailed Chakra. In the case of, even if he already has the strength of the shadow rank, but with the soil, or it is the case where the Akatsuki organization is doing its best.

You can still capture Naruto smoothly at a certain price!

Moreover, you can also take advantage of the trend to blame other Shinobu villages, trigger a new round of Shinobi wars, and create good opportunities for your own plans!

The worst situation is nothing more than Akatsuki's intentions are exposed in advance.

The plan is passively started early.

But this is undoubtedly a small problem!

I have been preparing for so many years.

Plan a little earlier.

This is totally possible.

It’s just a pity that at that time Daito didn’t realize Naruto’s growth, let alone Naruto’s ability to overwhelm Uchiha Madara in just three years after defecting from Konoha. To the point, it has created an organization with such a huge power.

in case!

in case!

If you can!

However, after all, there is no regret medicine to eat in this world!

The incompetent fury of the defeated.

at this moment.

It is vividly reflected on the body with soil.

Naruto was looking at the bloodshot pupils with soil, and the pitiful color in the pupils became more and more intense.

"You are a loser after all, and you are also a loser who was deceived. Uchiha brought the soil. This is the end of your life, although I always think that if your life had ended 17 years ago, it would have ended in God. The battle of the bridge is the best, but for the sake of your persistence for so many years, I will still be merciful to tell you the truth, you are actually deceived, of course, not by Uchiha Madara. Or not completely. After all, Mr. Madara, who claims to be incomparable ingenuity, is also a poor man who was deceived, what the mission of the six immortals, what the infinite moon read to create eternal dreams and create real peace, those are all It's false, and deceived you, hehe, I think you should have a bottom, right? That's right, it's the black mulberry!"

"You are talking nonsense! Impossible! Impossible!"

"The reason why he deceived you is also to use you to achieve the intention of resurrecting his own mother, the mother of the Six Dao Immortals, the true ancestor of Chakra in the Ninja World-Datongmu Huiye!"

"Don't try to deceive me! The plan is correct! The peace of Ninja world must be realized by me!"

"Soul Dan! Soul Dan!"

"So, even if your plan is successful, your Lin will never come back, and your dream will never come true. The so-called true peace? It's just an illusory dream that your self-righteous clown will never realize! "

Whispers like a devil.

Or rather than physical revenge,

Naruto prefers to completely destroy belt soil mentally.

What could be more effective and direct than letting the dream of this unique "pure love warrior" collapse in the world of Naruto! ?

With the soil, Uchiha once regarded Nohara Lin as everything in his life.

At the moment of Ye Yuan Lin's death.

He was so crazy that the character of the whole person became distorted.

The layout and efforts of the next ten years.

All in order to realize the dream of seeing Rin Nohara again!

And now.

Naruto is not only to personally block the plan of removing the soil, but also to completely destroy the ‘dream’ of removing the soil from a spiritual and fundamental level.

tell him!

All of your hard work over the past 17 years has been useless!

No matter how the soil is brought, the roar and denial are vented.

Naruto kept a cold appearance, gradually telling Uchiha the truth about the ninja world word by word!

And looking at Tai Tu, he seemed to be going crazy to the extreme, still shouting ‘impossible’.

This is the essence of revenge!

Xiao Nan felt extremely happy physically and mentally.

After all, Watergate still had a trace of kindness towards his former disciple, after sighing softly.


The words that warmly yelled out.


When Naruto looked startled, he also got what his father meant for the first time.

"Well, I see, Dad!"

After answering softly.

Looking at the dirt that was still roaring furiously.

"So, farewell, Uchiha will take the soil, and in the next life, be a normal person!"

There was a strong and extremely evil spirit between Naruto's eyebrows.


On a single palm, a chakra wind blade emerged.

Under the sword light flashed.

Naruto also stared at the soiled left chest.

Do not hesitate to run through.


A precise and sharp blow.

When easily submerging into the left chest of the belt soil, the whirlpool chakra that spread along with it also instantly shattered the various organs in the belt soil body.


Uncontrollable heartache.

A large amount of blood that just spilled out.

"Little Nansang."


Then after Naruto called softly.

Xiao Nan, who couldn't wait a long time aside, was also turning his palms.

Straightforwardly condensed into an extremely sharp ‘paper sword’!

Aiming at the soiled neck.

With a fierce wave.


Cut it off!

The first level is easily crossed down.

Accompanied by the large amount of splashing blood.


The head that was cut straight down by Xiao Nan, rolled a few times on the ground, soaking the entire surface, and also announcing the death of one of the final Naruto bosses!

Just those wide-open eyes, and the ‘Impossible’ that still chanted before dying!

It expresses unwillingness and anger with the soil.

But no matter what.

This person behind the scenes as a black hand, who has manipulated the Ninja world for 17 years, also officially announced his exit.

And Naruto finally understood his last enemy.

Completed the last step in the plan I made three years ago! !

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