My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 714: Violent, restricted confrontation

PS: After this part is finished, it is really over, and there will be a few chapters as the ending. The leaflet that should be written is written, and the book is at the end of the book. It is expected that a new book will be released in early July. Maybe when the book ends at the end of June, the new book will be uploaded simultaneously. See how Xiaoye prepares. The new book is still Hokage. Xiaoye will learn the lessons of this book and correct those problems. When the book is published, please also book friends. Let's join in, thank you all!

The two agreed upon father and son.

At the moment, there is no hesitation.

"So, Mom, I'll be back when I go out with Dad!"

Naruto came to his side of the water gate, turned his head and said this to Kushina.

"Well, go early and return early, Naruto and Mizumon."

With a gentle smile on Kushina's face, he said such a sentence softly

"We are out!"

After the father and son spoke simultaneously.



Take the space coordinates given by Xianglin as a guide.

Naruto immediately activated his flying thunder **** technique.

Between houses.

Two golden lights flickered.

The figures of Naruto and Mizumon disappeared from where they were. In almost one to two seconds, they traveled across nearly one-third of the continent's ultra-long-distance space. When the screen returned to Xiangrong and Xiao Nanna On the side.

In the left area.

A burst of space distortion.

Flashing golden light.

Then at the moment when they saw the familiar slender figures of Naruto and Mizumon stepping out, Xiao Nan and Xiang Lin also immediately put down their inner guards, and a smile appeared on their faces.

"Naruto, Uncle Watergate!"

"Naruto-san, Senior Brother Water Gate."

Xiang Rin also walked to Naruto's side with a very cheerful and relaxed expression, and then with a slightly respectful expression, he greeted Water Gate. Since that time, Water Gate and Kushina have liked Xiang Rin very much. , If it weren’t for Hinata, the two even thought that Xiang Rin was actually a good match for Naruto, but with Hinata, Mizuna and Kushina would naturally not give more consideration, although this The world is polygamous, but the ninjas are basically monogamous. Moreover, from the details of daily dealings, it can be seen that Naruto does regard Xiang Rin as his sister, and Xiang Rin’s affection for Naruto is also It's very pure, and the two are really like brothers and sisters, and it is even more impossible for the two of Watergate and Jiu Xinnai to say anything, and they really treat Xiang Rin as a daughter.

And Xiao Nan's words.

Count it from Jilaiya.

Watergate and her are indeed the same family, and Watergate himself knows this. This title is also requested by Watergate. Xiaonan is now the one who has no desires except for seeking revenge. Watergate himself said that. Yes, Xiaonan is naturally pushing the boat along the river, anyway, it is just a question of title.

"How is it? Is there anything else in the people inside?"

Naruto looked at Xiao Nan and Xiang Lin, with a gentle touch, and asked softly.

"No, Naruto, since the location can be determined just now, Uchiha Daido and the one Kazure you mentioned have not moved!"

Xiang Rin shook her head and said in a very positive tone

Since the two of them can determine the approximate range of the soil and the black end.

The two of them used other methods to carefully investigate again, in order to make sure that Hei Jue and Bring the soil did not leave here. Of course, because the distance is relatively far apart, Xiang Rin and Xiao Nan do not need it either. Fearing that they would be discovered by the soil and the black jue, in order to prevent exposure, the two of them chose the most secure distance and method to determine the location of the black jue and the soil, and gave full play to their own advantage of the limit perception distance.

If this is still discovered by the Black Jue, with soil, and then escaped.

Then these two can only be regarded as superior.

"Well, very good, then let's place an enchantment first to restrict this Mr. Uchiha Daido!"

Naruto nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Dad, on the other side, please take the Xiangrong with you over!"

Since my daddy is here.

Then Naruto can save a little trouble himself.

Let the water gate bring the incense to the other side area to arrange the corresponding enchantment.

Similar to the enchantment that Naruto had set up before duels with Senjujuma, Uchiha Madara, and Senjukaima, this time, whether it was Kurozutsu or with soil, both of them were extremely strong. Means of escape and secret breath.

With Naruto's current strength.

With one hand, you can grind the soil and the black jue.

But if the two are determined to run away, even if they are facing Naruto, the probability that they want to run away is still as high as 60 to 70% without preparation.

And Naruto wants to limit this possibility!

Arrange in advance to isolate the enchantment.

It is impossible to easily use the'art of God's power' to make it impossible for the soil to leave this area. It does not mean that it can be completely isolated. Naruto does not have this ability, but there is no problem in delaying and obstructing the soil. Yes, and the Divine Mighty Art with soil itself has a certain degree of delay, now plus the influence of this enchantment.

Naruto has sufficient assurance to block it before using the magical technique.

Hei Jue is the same.

This time the enchantment.

Naruto is not just placed on the surface.

There are also underground.

It can be said that Heijue’s power of retreat is far surpassed by those who are proficient in Ninja world. Even the strongest generation of Earth shadows, don’t even think about competing with Heijue’s power of retreat. Once you let this guy escape. Go into the depths of the earth, and then wipe out your breath.

Want to find him, it is really as difficult as climbing to the sky.

There is only one chance that these two can be easily found and locked.

Naruto doesn’t want to just waste it like this. Once you let any of them, especially Heizue, run away, some Naruto will have a headache in the days to come. It’s a problem that can be cleaned up all at once. Don't postpone it for too long, or even leave it for later.

"This time, I must get rid of you completely, Uchiha brought the soil, and the thousand-year-old dutiful son-Hei Jue children's shoes!"

Naruto sneered coldly.

Then immediately began to arrange the enchantment.

On the other side of the water gate, with Xiangrong, using the technique of flying thunder god, he came to the north position opposite to Naruto.

Start with two points.

Then, a ball-shaped barrier was arranged from top to bottom. In order not to disturb the two people of Hei Jue and the soil, Naruto decided to make this barrier larger and deeper. In this way, The two want to sense in advance, it is idiotic dreams, but in this way, it takes more time and chakras to become more, but fortunately Naruto does not lack this chakra loss at all, and so does Xiang Rin. So, and on the side of Xianglin, there was the assistance of Water Gate. As the son-in-law of the Uzumaki clan, he was still Konoha's four generations of Hokage. In terms of sealing and enchantment techniques, Water Gate's attainments were not very low either.

And the enchantment Naruto wants to set up at this moment.

Water Gate can just help Xiang Rin a little.

Enchantment from above.

"The Realm of the Five Elements!"

When Xiangrong and Shuimen were in place.

Naruto also put his hands together immediately, mobilizing the Chakra in his body.

The imprint that came out immediately.

The bottom position.

A bright white pattern also appeared in an instant, accompanied by Naruto's gesture change, from top to bottom, from left to right, began to circulate into a ring shape, spreading rapidly.

"Little Nansang!"


Synchronous enchantment layout.

Match on both sides.

The prototype that quickly took shape.

Just when Naruto and Xiang Lin started their hands.

Under the ground, the two people with soil and Heijue in the dark cave are still ignorant, not only in terms of distance, but also Naruto who deliberately uses the most secret way to arrange the enchantment. Little energy fluctuations are almost always contained invisible by Naruto, unless the strength reaches the level of Senjujuma, Uchiha Madara, or similar to the Uzumaki clan with super-sensing ability, but the level must be at least It is the perception ninja at the level of Kushinai that it is possible to detect this chakra fluctuation.

if not.

The outer side until the enchantment is successfully arranged.

The people inside don't want to perceive anything at all.

Although the personal strength of bringing the soil is not weak.

But perception is really not his strong point, and even so far apart, it's even more difficult to bring the soil to perceive any effective information.

Although Heijue felt a sense of disharmony at the moment Naruto started to set up the barrier, but under the close feeling, the sense of disharmony seemed to be non-existent. Let this'thousand-year-old filial son 'Can't help but wrinkle his forehead slightly (no brow, only forehead).

‘Is it an illusion? Well, it should be an illusion, there is no warning in Baijue nearby, and there is an invasion of foreign enemies, how can there be no movement at all! ’

Heijue didn't know it, but Naruto and Xiangrong sneaked in completely avoiding Baijue's detection range, and they didn't shoot directly, but set up the barrier at a far apart location, if it was from the beginning. Those who choose to break in, Hei Jue and Tai Tu, who have arranged in advance, can surely sense the breath of Naruto and his group.

And now.

Naruto who chooses tricks.

Hei Jue was really calculated to death.

After thinking that it was an illusion.

Hei Jue also continued to discuss the next plans with Daito, especially the recycling of some resources organized by Akatsuki. Don't think about any of the official members, including the dried persimmon ghosts. That guy hasn't known when he will disappear. Rather than expecting these people, it is better to take back some of the resources that should have belonged to them in the Akatsuki organization. There is a risk, but for future planning considerations, these resources are necessary, just like Bai Jue. If it is not necessary, Bringing Soil and Heijue don’t want to waste these Baijue. A Baijue can be regarded as an ordinary mid-tolerant combat power. It is not easy to abandon it until the critical moment. Future plans In execution.

And rely on these Bai Jue as the main combat power!

"Well, I understand what you mean, bring soil, then the next step is to..."

It was also when the two had just discussed some key arrangements in the follow-up plan.



A special energy wave rippled.

All around.

It was like a kind of spatial induction that was imprisoned for an instant.


"this is!?"

Don't even talk about it now.

Bringing soil is sensed in the first time.

"Could it be!?"

"Take soil, you retreat first, I'll see the situation!"

Black Jue decisively.

Also immediately let the soil choose to retreat.

After all, compared with taking soil.

Heijue was still very confident of his ability to escape.

As long as he is not restricted for the first time, he can escape.

Bringing the soil naturally knows this, and there is no hesitation at this moment. After nodding, he intends to directly use the magical technique to leave here.

It was only at that moment.


Above the front.

The main entrance of the cave that was directly shattered.



The broken stones burst out, and there was a loud roar.

"Hehe, you don't need to come out to see it, let's just come in, it's been a long time since we've seen you, take the Tucson!"

A loud and cheerful word resounded throughout the interior of the dim cave.

The few figures that stepped forward were immediately caught in the eyes of Brilliant and Heijue. When they came to the golden figure leading the head and walking in the forefront position, both Brilliant Earth and Heijue had complexions. After a change, my heart sank suddenly.

"Minato Namikaze!?"

Bringing the earth stared at the first Naruto who stepped forward, the kaleidoscope writing round eyes posture that directly changed, and the scarlet pupils at this moment were a touch of endless hatred.

‘The soul is pale! hateful! How could this guy find here! ? And why there is no warning at all! ? ’

Unexpected development.

The front foot is still talking about the next plan.

did not think of.

Next second.

The biggest enemy is breaking in.

And it depends on the situation.

It's hard to be good today.

The most important point is that the special energy fluctuation just now.

at this moment.

So Daido and Heijue felt an extremely heavy sense of stagnation.

It makes it very difficult to look at the two expressions in sync!

"You can actually find it here! Minato Namikaze!"

Looking at Naruto with the soil, the appearance of gnashing his teeth, as if he was trying to swallow Naruto alive, and Heijue, with his ugly expression on his face, also hid quietly on one side, that one was cautious. It looked like he was looking for an opportunity to retreat at any time.

Anyway, the moment Naruto appeared.

And there are three people, Xianglin, Xiaonan, and Water Gate.

Heijue completely gave up the soil.

This guy has no chance of surviving.

And if I didn’t feel wrong, Minato Namikaze must have arranged the corresponding enchantment in advance at the time of the previous arrival, and it must be used to limit the space technique with soil. In this way, there was originally With soil with 30-40% chance of escape, now 1% of it can be considered as worthy of soil!

Therefore, Hei Jue has directly used the soil as a discarded child.

Wait a minute to get started.

He immediately waited for the opportunity to flee, with his own hiding and stealth abilities, Hei Jue pays for himself, as long as Naruto doesn't pay attention to him, there will be no problem at all!

And this.

Heijue has sufficient self-confidence.

Minato Namikaze must have come to grab soil.

My own ‘Uchiha Madara’s avatar’s will’ must be incidental, and the goal must be a goal, but the main target person must be the soil.

This is my chance.

It must be said that from a general perspective, Heijue's analysis is without any problems.

But there is a premise here, that is, on the basis that Naruto doesn't know the truth.

Hei Jue's trace of Mimi's movement.

Where would it escape Naruto's eyes.

It can be said that Naruto would rather let go of the soil, and should give priority to catching Heijue!

After all, no matter what, the soil is still a normal human in the conventional category!

Even if you let it go this time, the next time you want to grasp the difficulty even if it is a little higher, it is still in the expected acceptable category.

But black is definitely different.

This item.

Let him run away.

It's really endless.

"Hehe, of course you can find it here, but there are a lot of accounts between us to do a good job! Bring the soil!"

Naruto smiled softly, and there was a very cold expression from the depths of his pupils.

"And you, Hei Jue, don't think about running away, this time you also have nowhere to run, don't try to have any luck, you are still like your mother, honestly accept being sealed by me The result of it!"

Naruto is not sure whether Heizue's special existence can really be killed.

Of course, with his current strength, it may or may not be possible.

If it can be killed anyway, it must be cut and rooted, but if it is not possible, then seal it up first, and save it for later research and processing. For Naruto, there is not much difference, but Naruto’s words fall in the black Absolute ears.

Undoubtedly, a thunder suddenly exploded.

'what? mother? Is this guy! ? ’

With the double yellow pupils that were straight and round, Heijue stared at Naruto with a look of extreme uncertainty at this moment.

"Haha, there is no need to doubt, what I am talking about is your mother, Datongmu Huiye. Before I came, I had already talked with Yuyi, oh, that is, the six immortals. After the last time I landed on the moon, I I also talked to Hamura once, so, Kurojutsu, you don’t have any chances, you can deceive Indra, you can deceive Uchiha Madara, and the dirt is even more tricky by you, but you can’t deceive Me! This is your final destination!"

Naruto looked at Heijue with cold eyes, and the words spoken every word made Heijue's expression extremely difficult to look at.

"Huh? Huh?"

But the dirt on the side was stunned.

What does it mean?

Who is Otsuki Kaguya?

The six immortals have all appeared?

And moon landing?

Deceive yourself and Uchiha Madara? What is going on here?

Bringing the soil indicated that he really couldn't understand it at this moment, but Naruto obviously didn't mean to explain to bringing the soil.

"Dad, Xiao Nansang, take the soil and leave it to you two to deal with, Xiang Lin, you pay attention to the maintenance of the barrier, especially if that guy has special actions, you must inform me in advance!"

Almost after the previous words were finished, he said to the three people of Water Gate, Xiao Nan, and Xiang Lin who were sideways.

"Well, don't worry, Naruto."

"I understand, Naruto!"

Water Gate and Xiang Rin both nodded gently in response.

"Uchiha takes soil!!"

Xiao Nan also seems to be when Naruto's words fall, the fire of anger that has been suppressed before is completely vented at this moment.

"Paper escape!"


When putting your hands together.

A flashback.

Xiao Nan couldn't wait to flicker and press against the soil.


"Well, leave it to me!"

Watergate smiled gently.

It is also a golden light flashing.

It was towards the area where Xiao Nan and the soil were already fighting fiercely.

This is also Naruto's previous promise to Xiao Nan, so that she can have the opportunity to take revenge in person, and Naruto will personally deal with Hei Jue.

The biggest behind-the-scenes boss in the Ninja world

Although there is not much positive strength.

But its concealment and hiding ability is really strong!

Naruto must make sure that Heijue is not allowed to escape in any way.

Hei Jue was also at the moment when he saw Naruto actually come to deal with him personally, the whole person was not good!

Is this guy really not talking about martial arts at all! ?

Hei Jue gritted his teeth, and after cursing inwardly, he immediately shook his figure and went straight to the ground. Regardless of the high probability, he must try it anyway. Your mother has been sealed for thousands of years. He is the only existence that can save his mother from the **** seal.

You must not fall down here!


Must escape from here smoothly!

"Hehe, want to run!? It's not that easy!"

Naruto sneered coldly, the imprint that followed immediately.


A flashback.

It is also straightforward to use the technique of earth escape.

Break into the ground.

"Xiang Rin!"

"Well, Naruto!"

With the cooperation of Xiang Rin.

Naruto also quickly locked the position of Heijue!

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