My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 658: A country that is ruined, prepare for it

The decisive battle is at hand.

Although it is said that Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Daido have not appeared so far, Naruto can't help but murmur in his heart, but he still maintains a "self-oriented" mentality to formulate corresponding strategies and plans. Now He is no longer the one who needed to be cautious a few years ago. With the strongest personal strength and companions in the world, all these dissatisfaction can be swept by brute force!

Having lost his reincarnation eye, there is no way to truly resurrect, and even the Uchiha Madara who can no longer become the ten-tailed man, what does Naruto need to be afraid of? It is only a super shadow level, barely a six-level existence, and now he can fight head-on single-handedly. When the fairy nine-tailed chakra mode is perfectly presented, Naruto can easily defeat the reincarnated dirt with one hand. Uchiha Madara, strength, luck, and situation are all under his control.

The probability of Otsuki Kaguya's resurrection is infinitely close to zero.

It is enough to proceed at your own pace.

The gathering of the three Ninja villages is just an opportunity.

Suppress these ninja coalition forces at once.

The rest of the work is flattened all the way through.

Naruto doesn't need to worry about what plots and plans Uchiha Madara has.

As long as the Eye of Reincarnation is still in my grasp, it must be Uchiha Madara to follow his own rhythm!

"Uchiha Madara, as a senior in the ninja world, let me as a'junior' take a look. Under such a deadlock, what else can you do? Hope, it won't let me Disappointed!"

When Xiao Nan and Xiang Rin left to execute Naruto's corresponding orders.

Naruto stepped on the highest point on the shore, his eyes became deep, and he whispered.

Goals that need to be reached as soon as possible.

Even if Naruto is not a saint.

But I still don’t want to see more people die in this war of unification, especially ordinary civilians. Naruto has mainly explained that the advancement of the front and the removal of strongholds during the previous division of troops. There is also the choice of the battlefield. If possible, try not to spread to civilian areas as much as possible. You can kill anyone who dares to resist, but those civilians who are obviously not related to the war and can only become victims. Choose to protect it as much as possible. The world is so big, Naruto doesn't want to see a desolate scene everywhere after the war is over.

And for Naruto's request.

Almost everyone in the team holds the same view.

There are only two pillars that seem indifferent.

Of course, this is also the result of different identities, status, and different perspectives on the problem, but at least Sasuke will not go against Naruto’s wishes. In the current team, the following Karin, Yakumo, and Yu are not mentioned. Senior, even Neji and Sasuke, as long as Naruto made up his mind and said an unexaggerated remark, even if it was going to the sword mountain or the fire, these two geniuses would not have the slightest hesitation. Tsundere like Erzhuzi believes that Naruto is his closest companion and benefactor in his heart. In many cases, as long as it does not touch Erzhuzi's own inverse scales (such as the family and parents), it is completely OK. Said to follow Naruto's instructions and requirements 100%.

The same is true for Neji!

So, in this war.

The wayward children's shoes are like two pillars. When choosing the interception line, they are all on the basis of ensuring that the intention of your sister is reached, and avoiding the areas where the civilians belong to Yunokuni as much as possible. In the subsequent war, I realized that it might be When it spread to ordinary residents, under Yakumo's leadership, the surrounding residents were forcibly driven away. Of course, all of this was carried out while ensuring that he had spare capacity. This was also emphasized by Naruto.

After all, it is still self-centered.

It is impossible to joke about the lives of himself, his companions, and his subordinates.

Now the main force of the three Ninja villages is about to gather.

This is also the best opportunity for Naruto to end this war in the shortest time.

Just need to make sure in the next decisive battle.

Killing or capturing all the high-level figures of the Three Ninja Villages and defeating the coalition forces in the Three Ninja Villages will truly end the war.

And Neji, Hagaka and others are the ones who know Naruto's plans and goals best.

It was also the moment when Naruto's order was received.

Immediately launched the final total attack on Yunren Village!

Previously, I was waiting for the troops to completely surround Yunren Village to prevent some key figures from escaping. When Naruto’s order arrived, it happened that the Xueren completed the encirclement and arranged the corresponding enchantment on the periphery. Naturally, you don’t have to worry about the fish and shrimps. If some key high-level figures and important Shinnin targets escape after the war, these are two lines of defense. At the worst, you can send a dark team to hunt down, in order to ensure that the kingdom of thunder is next It can become the most stable rear base in a period of time, and none of these key figures can be let go.

The existence that must be killed!

Unless the opposite party is willing to catch it!


Don't even try to escape from the net of heaven and earth arranged by Ning Ci.

For the peace of the world.

Unstable factors are to be eliminated one by one.

After everything is ready.

In Yugao, he immediately turned his tail into a beast, using a tail beast jade as the signal of his total attack.

Like Ning Ci, the most destructive escape technique that broke out again.

Under the leadership of the two.

Thousands of Xueren launched the most violent offensive towards Yunren Village. Although it was said before that it was necessary to avoid spreading to ordinary civilians as much as possible, since Yunren Village is going to fight to the death and use his own Shinnin Village as a battlefield, inside Ning Ci can’t take care of ordinary civilians for the time being, and he also has to consider that the loyalty of the residents of Shinobu Village is much higher than that of ordinary residents in the general area. Ning Ci can’t take these civilians lightly, at least to ensure Based on the prerequisite for the safety of their subordinates, the lives and property safety of these civilians are taken into consideration.

In short.

The total attack on Yunren Village.

It is an unscrupulous offense.

Whether they can save their lives depends on the luck of these civilians.

Neji could order Xueren not to actively attack these civilians, but if the escape technique was affected, it would be beyond Neji's control.

The primary goal.

Priority must be given to defeating the 7,000 or 8,000 Yunren who are still in the village of Yunren.

And this is their main venue.

It can be said.

Even under such powerful attacks from Neji and Yugo.

Yun Ren showed unprecedented tenacity and fighting spirit.

One line of defense followed by another line of defense.

Advance every time.

It all required Xue Ren to pay a **** price.

But it was also when Ningci realized that going on like this would not only cost him more time, it would also cause heavy losses to his own subordinates. Ningci made a decisive decision and no longer thought about the innocent casualties that might affect him. The most direct manifestation of the hand covering ability is the tail beast jade after Yu Gao is completely tailed. As long as Chakra is enough, it is an indiscriminate bombardment, which not only intensifies Yun Ren’s casualties, It even used such'artillery bombardment' to directly separate Yun Ren's line of defense.

Then focus on breakthroughs.

The front line of the Yunren people was collapsing. The most important point was that Samyi, the commander-in-chief of Yunren Village, was even more unlucky enough to be bombarded by Yu Gao’s one-tailed beast jade and could not retreat in time. , And without the means to defend, Yun Ren, the blonde beauty, also went straight to the loss.

Unable to face-to-face confrontation.

The line of defense completely collapsed.

After that, he entered the process of Xue Ren's unilateral slaughter.

Only a small part of Yun Ren can barely make a certain degree of resistance. The remaining Yun Ren either chose to flee or were ruthlessly killed by the Xue Ren. Compared with the battlefield on the water country, Yun Ren’s situation and results are far more tragic than Wu Ren. At least after complete despair, the Wu Ren honestly chose to surrender their weapons. Yun Ren is due to his own personality differences, and The difference in customs and habits is more **** in the degree of resistance than Wuren. It is precisely because of this that Yunren’s battle death ratio far exceeds that of Wuren. But no matter how courage and **** Yunren are, they are still more **** in the end. Human beings, as long as they are human, must have weaknesses and weaknesses.

Facing an infinitely expanding death.

Especially when I saw my Ninja Village was like **** on earth.

There are raging fires everywhere.

There was bombing everywhere.

Wailing everywhere.

There was blood everywhere.

Endless fighting.

In the face of the cruel reality where there is no hope of winning, these ninjas finally collapsed, but at the end of the collapse, there were still a few who chose to surrender. The remaining people either chose to break through or commit suicide. These people do not want to see the miserable future of their village, and they do not want to become prisoners. It can even be said that the group who chose to surrender is not only because of their own cowardice, but also more of their own consideration. Family, one's own relatives, this is also the weakest point of human nature.

The most understandable point.

After finally confirming that most of Yunren’s resistance was completely defeated, and it was also certain that the target person was either killed or arrested, Neji also immediately issued an order to gather the troops, detain the captured Yunren, and resettle. The remaining ordinary residents who originally lived in Yunren Village are a bit short on time. Ning Ci must arrange everything in the shortest possible time, do the finishing touches, and then lead a large army to support Ming talent. The main force of Daren Village has already gathered.

Thousands of Xueren led by Ningci were the most important main force.

Naturally, you can't delay too long here.

The assault launched by this side has to enter the final stage.

On the other side, Naruto also led the more than two thousand Xuenin troops under his command after he ordered to go out, before Neji launched a general offensive, and went straight to the garrison of Sasuke, Yakumo and others. In the area of, but also when Naruto had just arrived, Erzhu Zi also just woke up from a severely injured coma. After all, he was physically excellent, and the strength of Suzuo Nohu’s defense was not out of reputation. Otherwise, Under the strong attack of Matkai's "Hiruto", it is estimated that it would be killed by replacing the previous two pillars. Where can it be said that it can be supported by Itachi and Yakumo.

It must also be said that with the improvement of Sasuke’s personal strength, especially the further development of Uchiha’s lineage, the Indra Chakra, who has been hidden in his body for a long time, has been mobilized. The adaptability and matching are almost perfect, so Sasuke His physical fitness has also improved in a short period of time. Naturally, after recuperating these few days, Sasuke has also gotten out of his severely injured state and restored his most basic mobility.

Naruto had just arrived on the occasion.

Sasuke was still in it with Itachi and Yakumo.

"Huh! I have no problem at all. Konoha's support forces may come at any time. We must deal with the first batch of support forces in front of us as soon as possible. In this way, the dominant power can be held in our hands!"

Still stubbornly believe that one's own side can't wait passively for the second pillar.

Immediately after regaining a part of his combat power, he immediately chose to attack Jiraiya, Kakashi, Metkay and others again. Although the judgment of the situation is one aspect, there is more to talk about. Sasuke still wants to find his place by himself, knowing that before setting off, Nizhuzi confidently assured Naruto that there would never be any problems with this blocking line of defense.

And seeing Sasuke so stubborn.

Yakumo and Itachi were a little helpless.

Itachi was a little better, after all, he knew his brother's character a long time ago.

Yakumo on the side wanted a big illusion to directly confuse Sasuke's face, and then let him sleep honestly is the best choice.

"There is no need for that, Sasuke, you'd better take care of your injuries first, and wait for the decisive battle to come!"

Did not wait for Itachi and Yakumo to say anything.

Naruto's figure appeared outside the camp, carrying Xiangrong and Xiao Nan in file, almost immediately before Naruto spoke, it was the gaze that turned around for the first time.



"Um, Naruto..."

The moment I saw Naruto.

The faces of the three of them also showed a different degree of expression.

Yakumo and Itachi breathed a sigh of relief.

The Second Pillar came with a slightly embarrassing expression.

After all, he was boasting about going to Haikou before, but the final result was that he was repelled by a serious injury.

If it weren't for the support of my brother and Yakumo, I guess I would have planted there.

Seeing Naruto now, Erzhuzi would naturally feel a little unnatural, but this expression was only for that moment, and then Erzhuzi returned to its previous cold posture.

"Decisive battle? Do you mean Neji's side is over? Naruto?"

Yakumo, who first grasped the key point, brightened his eyes, watching Naruto and asking loudly.

"Well, although it's still a bit short of the last point, based on the information I received before I came here, Ningji and Yu Gao have already defeated Yunren Village's main force once, and that Raikage agent was killed on the spot. The two of them led their troops to encircle Yunnin Village, attacking Yunnin Village, and occupying the capital city of Thunder Country for no more than three days. Konoha, Iwanin, and Sand Ninja should also receive relevant news. Besides, they should also have a relative reaction to the information I have arrived. The main force of the three Ninja villages is about to be assembled. In a few days, it will be a real decisive battle, deciding where this world belongs!"

Naruto nodded lightly, a light golden halo appeared in his pupils, and he responded softly.

"Are all the main forces of the Three Ninja Villages? It seems that the other side is planning to finish his work in one fight."

Yakumo gently lifted his bangs, and a different kind of light appeared in those brown pupils.

"Similarly, this war is considered to be a decisive battle for us. As long as the main force of the coalition is solved here, the rest is the problem of corners and corners!"

From the perspective of Naruto.

As long as it eliminates the main force of the coalition forces.

The remaining problems are no longer the main problems.

Even if it is Konoha's dirty soil and psychic, the first generation of Hokage was born.

Uchiha Madara appeared.

For the current Naruto.

The same is not the core issue.

Because in the situation where even a six-level powerhouse can't come out on the opposite side, Naruto already has a big advantage in hand!

First, the two major countries, and then the remaining three countries.

As long as these five countries and their exclusive Ninja villages are defeated, the remaining small countries and Ninja villages will only have the qualifications to bow their heads and resist? You can give it a try, whether your fighting spirit is strong or my sword is sharp! ?

"So, Sasuke, don't worry, there will be a chance for you to find your place. During this time, you can heal your wounds with peace of mind, Xiang Rin."

Naruto said with a smile, and then turned his attention to Xiang Rin who was aside.

"Well, leave it to me, Naruto."

Xiang Rin also nodded gently.

Although Sasuke seems to be free from the serious injury, it is based on the general standard that the essential damage problem can not be recovered in a day or two. It is natural that Xiang Rin's assistance is needed here.

And Er Zhuzi itself seemed to have been thoroughly explained by Naruto, the expression on his face was a little unnatural, he deliberately rolled his head, and deliberately hummed with a very cold expression to show that he understood.

"Itachi-san, I beg you for the investigation. If you find it troublesome, you can bring it up. After all, I can still understand Itachi-san's position."

After losing the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, Itachi's personal strength has fallen from the previous strong shadow level to the quasi shadow level, even a little bit closer, even if the rest of this period is down, it is Let Itachi's body get rid of the previous "weakness problem", but as a result of many powerful techniques that cannot be used, this man who was once standing in the position of the Ninja Pyramid slipped down. Naruto does not need Itachi for it. What kind of combat power is provided, and itachi was arranged before, and it was only to be able to hold Sasuke a hand at a critical moment.

Although it is still more important.

But it was only because of Sasuke.

If Itachi still feels a bit embarrassed to face Konoha.

Naruto naturally does not force Itachi.

Even in the face of Sasuke.

Naruto will also arrange Itachi properly.

"No, don't bother, Naruto-kun, this is my own problem, and the road to peace, I still want to experience it myself and witness it with my own eyes."

The dark pupils, the usual look.

Change to the previous words.

Itachi would indeed find it difficult to make such a choice.

But now, not only is his younger brother standing on Naruto’s side, it’s also because Naruto’s beliefs and plans are in line with Itachi’s own yearning for world peace at the time. Even though this method is a lot more brutal and cruel, but with Itachi’s intelligence Where can it not be seen, this is the last darkness before dawn? Was it the last pain before peace came?

As long as Naruto and Xuenin Village can successfully complete their own plans.

The whole world will usher in true peace.

This is a scene that Itachi has considered and expected since he was a child.

Now that he is in such a great era, how could Itachi choose to retreat? He wants to witness the arrival of a new era with his own eyes.

Look at such itachi.

Naruto's expression was also slightly startled, and then a gentle smile appeared.

"Ah, so be it!"

If Itachi himself has no problems.

Naruto naturally wouldn't say much.

At the side, Sasuke also glanced at his brother with a strange look, but he didn't say much.

After all.

Most of Sasuke's heart knot is undoubtedly undone.

In this life, there is no such paranoia as the original.

But his brother is still a Manchu with his hands, and even the blood of his parents still makes it difficult for Sasuke to let go.

Now Sasuke is only temporarily forcibly diverting his attention.

But wait until a certain day.

Sasuke still needs to face this problem.

‘What should I do with my brother Uchiha Itachi! ’

So, in this time period.

Sasuke's feelings for Itachi are still very complicated.

But seeing that Itachi did not want to stand on Konoha's side like before, Sasuke was somewhat happy in the depths of his heart.

Because Sasuke still needs to rest in peace.

Naruto didn't stay here for too much time either.

After explaining some necessary things.

Naruto also left this tent and went to another area.

Taking advantage of this gap, Naruto also plans to contact the country and the village more to arrange in advance related matters after the defeat of the three Ninja Village coalition forces. You must know that the sufferings often brought by wars are not so easy and can be wiped out. of.

Anyone can say beautiful things.

The most important thing is to learn how to do it.

Naruto has no intention of being a ‘saint’.

But I don't want to be a false person.

The promises you make must be fulfilled.

A truly harmonious, peaceful and equal world.

Naruto must be created!

Not only for myself, but also for my loved ones.

The villages of Yunren and Wuren have been destroyed, and the country of water and the country of thunder have officially become history. There are only four remaining countries from the previous six major countries. The road to peace is still a short distance away. After the country, the country of wind, and the country of earth are all destroyed, this world will usher in a new life!

That is the real ideal town Naruto hopes for! !

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