My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 335: Rebellion extinguished directly


These thoughts.

It was only Miyao's last delusion.

Tianqi had been subdued long ago.

Tatsu Nakamura also died directly at Neji's hands.

As the general of Sakon, who directly mobilized his soldiers to prepare to set off a rebellion, Akira Komatsu was surrounded by Tuan Tuan just when he arrived in his barracks, and it happened at the moment when the city defense force broke through the main gate of the Dai Nayan mansion, Akira Komatsu The corps to which he belonged was almost annihilated, and Akira Komatsu, as the leader, was killed on the spot because of the final resistance!

It's not the most important one anyway.

Although the commander on the barracks side felt very sorry.

But since it has been killed, there is no way.

The most reliable Xuenin troops were easily suppressed by Naruto. The leader Leif was killed by Naruto. The rest of the rebellion Xuenin was brought back to Xuenin village, and the personnel will be carried out under the control of Fushimi. Screening, the most loyal one is directly killed, the rest is treated differently, 100% can confirm that the harmless can be released directly, the rest is temporarily taken into custody, anyway, as long as the core person on this side is dealt with , The rest of the rebellion Xueren, as long as there are relatives and friends, they are very easy to deal with! After all, we still have to continue to discuss life in the Snow Country!

and so!

"This is the last contradiction!"

Naruto stood at the front entrance of the Da Nayan mansion, looked at the messy place, listened to the noise of killing inside, narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice.

"My lord! All the insurgents inside have been completely suppressed! Including the leaders of Nakato Miyao, Keizora Mishima, and Teng Konomi, all the leaders of the rebels have been captured alive!"

Although it is for the last insurance.

But in such a situation where the positive strength is suppressed, and the raid is still in advance.

The group of insurgents like Nakato Miyao couldn't make any waves at all.

Wait until Naruto has just stepped in the door.

The battle is completely over here.

The Xuenin who ran directly to his side, and another official from the Snow Country, looked at the costumes of another senior military official in the Snow Country-General Right Guard, both of them with a respectful expression. Looking at Naruto.

"Well, take all the family members of this group of insurgents into custody. No one is allowed to harass. As long as the low-level insurgent soldiers lay down their weapons, they are not allowed to kill them. Then, take the three people and go directly to the palace!"

Naruto nodded, giving orders very directly.

It's not just Snow Shinobu.

Including the right guard general did not feel the slightest dissatisfaction.

Even if it is so unnatural.

But under the dual orders of Her Majesty the Queen and the Minister of the Interior.

The right guard general did not dare to have the slightest strange idea.

Besides, just look at the degree of respect for Naruto of the Yukinin people present.

The right guard is enough to figure out the status gap between each other, and the most important point is.

See the appearance of Naruto.

As a high official in the Snow Country.

And he was also a member of the Revival Society before.

The general right guard finally recalled the identity of Naruto.

Add this.

The general right guard is naturally more respectful to Naruto.

"Yes, Naruto-sama!"

Both of them responded simultaneously.

After taking a few steps back, he turned to execute Naruto's orders.

And Naruto also glanced lightly at the Da Nayan mansion.

It was a vertical figure, and returned to the palace position.

The long-planned Snow Country rebellion.

The worst result was the rebellion that would shake the Snow Country.

But it was because of the arrival of Naruto and his group.

Was quickly disintegrated to death!

The most direct reason is naturally that the gap between the strengths of the two sides is too wide.

But another point is also because of the absolute gap in intelligence.

It led to the result of such a rapid defeat.


These two reasons are problems that the insurgents cannot solve by exhausting everything.

Their collapse and defeat.

The moment Yu Naruto arrived in the set time, it was already a destined result.

Nakato Miyao, who was captured directly, kept clamoring along the way, ‘I haven’t lost yet! Words such as ‘can be reversed soon.

It seems to be caught in epilepsy.

And the remaining rebel members.

Including the pretentious Jin Gongteng who was still aloof at this moment, it was like a frosted eggplant, completely stunned.

Mishima Keizora was also completely resigned to his fate.

The leaders of all these rebels captured.

It also directly declared the complete destruction of this rebellion.

Return directly to the palace.

Still in the most magnificent palace.

I have long learned about Nakamura’s death from Nei Ci, and that the Xue Ren troops who belonged to the Xue Ren troops were easily suppressed by Naruto, Fenghua Koyuki, Santa Fu and others are already sitting in there with a relaxed smile waiting for Naruto at this moment. come back.



Golden light

Than the moment when I saw Naruto's figure appear.

Everyone present also showed a happy and joyful expression.

The expression in San Taifu's eyes was even more expectant.

Naruto naturally understands the meaning.

"The main area has been completely suppressed, and all the leaders including Miyao Nakatomo have also been captured! Now they are also on their way to the palace."

After nodding at the Santa Fu, he whispered.

"Huh! That's good!"

The Santa Fu who still cared about the heads of these rebel groups, at the moment when they heard that Miyao Nakatomo and others were all captured, he was also relieved for the last breath, and the expression on his face truly relaxed.

"Then! Master Xiaoxue, let me take care of the rest!"

Santa Fu also turned to face Fenghua Xiaoxue, and said with a respectful expression with a slight bow.

It's not that Santa Fu has exceeded his authority here.

Instead, he said as much as possible not to let his gentle monarch involve darker and cruel things.

This can be regarded as a kind of protection of Santaifu to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Naruto on the side can naturally understand this meaning.

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Santa Fu!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue at the upper end also nodded softly and said softly.

"Yes! This is what I should do."

The mistress nodded in response, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Santa Fusang, although those people deserve their crimes, I think the people below should consider the situation to deal with it. The labor force in the Snow Country is also insufficient. This time the rebellion involves a lot of areas, and the middle and lower levels are involved. People in the rebellion should not deprive them of their lives as much as possible. A general level of punishment is necessary, but I think it is necessary to guarantee a certain level of labor. What do you think?"

Naruto turned a little sideways, with a more serious tone, watching Santa Fu say so.

San Taifu smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Naruto-kun, I know this very well. I will not enlarge the matter, but will only keep it to the minimum. After all, this is my home country!"

There seemed to be some special thoughts flashing through the pupils of the Santai Fu, and he nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice.

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