My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 188: Unexpected first sight

But the fragrant phosphorus on the side noticed this.

With the eyes of the Kagura of the Uzbek family, and the highly perceptive Uzumaki Phosphorus, the current stage of the second pillar's use of the writing wheel and the level of illusion can not hide the perception of Phosphorus. In fact, Naruto's own special perception before is similar to the Uzumaki The clan's exclusive Kagura's eyes, but Naruto himself did not know that the Uzumaki clan had such a technique.

Secondly, Naruto's perception, what he really wants to say, is similar to the malicious perception in the Nine Tails Chakra mode, rather than the traditional Kagura's eyes.

Kagura's eyes are just like the fragrant phosphorus in the original book.

Its main function is to find enemies on a large scale! (Of course, good and evil can also be discriminated to a certain extent, but starting from the warm and cold perception of Chakra, the original works of Aroma Phosphorus discriminate Sasuke and Naruto Chakra in this way, but it is essentially a perception technique of finding the enemy)

Close your eyes and open your mind.

Use your chakra spread to search for the number of enemies in the restricted area and their moving directions! With the improvement of individual strength, the search position and accuracy have also been improved. In the original book, the incense phosphorus added to the eagle team can search for the enemy Chakra with a radius of tens of kilometers!

So, in summary.

Naruto's perception is still quite different from that of Kagura's mind.

After all, Naruto's perception can't reach the enemy by scope.

But what is certain is.

This is indeed due to the perception ability of the Maelstrom bloodline.

Maybe it's another expression of Kagura's heart.

And even if I am only 12 years old now, no one would teach me to use Kagura's mind, only to feel for himself.

You can already use the Kagura Heart Eye function.

Sasuke's writing wheel opens, and Chakra fluctuates in a special way.

And the chakras of the two Kushinoba beside him changed strangely.

All are directly sensed by Aromatic Phosphorus.


As I said before, Phosphorus did not consider Kushinin as his teammate at all. They even abused themselves and their mother. In addition, Sasuke’s illusion only released the “teammates” beside them, so Phosphorus was naturally Just keep silent, the sight that sneaks past, but directly meets Naruto's eyes, and Naruto smiles slightly.

The moment I saw Naruto's eyes.

Fragrant phosphorus was a heartbeat, and immediately retracted his sight like a frightened little rabbit.

"That person? What the **** is it?"

At that moment.

Xianglin didn't perceive any malice from Naruto's sight.

Instead, there is a touch of warmth.

This makes Aromatic Phosphorus feel at a loss instead.

After hesitating.

Xianglin remained silent.

Did not say any words.

And seeing the timid look of Xianglin.

The slightly burly grass Shinobu was very impatient and pulled the fragrant phosphorus vigorously.

"Don't dawdle! Go and get the scroll!"

Caught off guard.

Xianglin staggered and almost fell.

After regaining his footing, he dared not say much.


Only after a low response.

Immediately follow the footsteps of the two Kushinhinos.

Walk towards the tent location.

Naruto followed the two grasses into the tent as he watched Xianglin, a sharp look appeared in his pupils.

Although I don't know the plot of this part of the original book.

But Naruto can see 100% now that these two Kushinoba didn't treat Phosphorus as teammates at all.

Such a casual attitude and behavior.

Even without any feelings.

But after all, Naruto also has half of the whirlpool bloodline.

Even if it is because of the face of his mother, or the goodwill that Xianglin gave to Naruto in the original works of the previous life.

Naruto thinks it is necessary to make a move!

the most important point is.

There is no risk at all.

Although that may be a bit cold-blooded or realistic.

If there is a greater risk.

It will even affect what Naruto plans to do next.

Naruto may still hesitate, or simply ignore the existence of Aromatic Phosphorus.

But now it is zero risk!

Naruto doesn't need to hesitate at all.

Haven't waited for Sasuke to ask anything.

Sakura, who also heard Naruto's words, turned her head and asked with a curious look.

"Naruto? Why did Sasuke-kun use illusion techniques on those two Kushinhinos?"

Naruto, who had already prepared the answer in his heart, didn't have any strange emotions on the surface, smiled faintly, and said directly.

"Sakura, have you forgotten what the content of this assessment is? It's a battle for the scrolls of heaven and earth. If this is the case, we must first prepare in advance. After all, we don't know which team is in the hands. What scroll! Once the **** is wrong, it is easy to waste time. Let Sasuke directly use illusion to collect information in advance, and it is also executed for those weak teams. In this case, we will pass the second assessment at the fastest speed. Up!"

This is the perfect answer.

It almost fell after Naruto's words.

Both Kozakura and Sasuke on the side showed a stunned look.

"That's it, you really deserve to be Naruto! In this way, we can indeed grasp the scroll in the shortest time and grab it directly. It may not take a long time before we can complete the task!"

Kozakura looked at Naruto with a look of admiration, and said with a cheerful tone.

Although the second pillar on the other side is a bit wanting to find a strong enemy to fight against to **** the reel.

But he knew that Naruto's approach was the most correct way in this assessment.

Sasuke, who habitually obeys Naruto's commands, didn't say much.

Following from that.

It is also to prove his own words.

Naruto also signaled four or five teams that were obviously rookie.

Let Sasuke use the writing wheel to directly release the "suggestive" illusion.

With the existence of such a few backup teams.

One hundred percent can be sure that the scroll collection task of the own team will be easily completed.

As for waiting, what if the scrolls of the Phosphorus squad are the same type as yours?

That's easy too!

Naruto can directly explain when he has spare capacity.

Help your teammates in the same year.

Maybe they also need such a scroll?


No matter how many reasons you find.

The trouble with this grass ninja team.

Naruto is really settled!

No one can stop it!

22 teams.

11 scrolls of the sky.

11 earth scrolls.

In theory, 11 teams will pass the second pass.

But the team actually passed.

Definitely less than ten.

Even a little less, that's eight, or about six.

One is that neither of them knows what their respective reels are.

the other is.

Don't mention the perverted Oshemaru.

It's just Gaara, who is still a human pillar of murderous demon at this stage.

If you run into any squad from Ninja Village, 100% will take action. He doesn’t bother to care if the scrolls in your squad are compatible with them, or even if you give it to him, Gaara just kill No one can stop you when your heart is up!

What is the scroll that the seventh class received in the original work of the previous life.

Naruto can't remember.

In this life, their team received the scroll of the sky.

And it just so happened that Xianglin's grass forbearance team was the scroll of the earth.

Save trouble directly!

Because of Sasuke's suggestive illusion.

It was almost the moment when the Fragrant Phosphorus team came out of the tent.

Sasuke knew the type of scroll of his team.

Then wait until the seventh squad receives the scroll of heaven.

Don't say it!

Target directly!

This is the team!

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