My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 173: The first assessment site

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The last two ‘senior’ words deliberately emphasized the tone.

Xiao Li didn't notice the streak.

Both Ningji and Tiantian had slight changes in their expressions.

Soon after.

Naruto turned around and prepared to take Sakura and Sasuke directly upstairs to classroom 301.

"Wait a minute, what's your name?"

Realize immediately in the seventh class.

The core figure is Naruto's Neji, who also shouted directly.

"My name? Uzumaki Naruto, I would like to ask for your advice in the future, Senior Hyuga Neji!"

Naruto turned his head slightly and said with a deep smile.

"That! What is your name? My name is Rock Lee, I think I like you! Take the liberty to ask, can you date me!?"

It is different from Ning Ci.

Although I noticed Naruto before.

But more is Rock Lee who sees Sakura directly.

That is almost exactly the same as in the original book, with eyes ‘love’!

Rock Lee rushed straight to Sakura.

That stretched right hand.

A straightforward way of confession.


Sakura instantly petrified her expression.

But Sakura's reaction was also very quick and direct.

"Sorry! I already have someone I like, and your eyebrows are too thick, it's really ugly!"

Obvious rejection of words.

More decisive attitude.


A knowing backhand blow.

Ling Xiaoli's expression became rigid directly.

"I have someone I like."

"The eyebrows are too thick."

There is a little ‘love’ theater that is ‘heart-hit and funny’.

Naruto on the side also smiled slightly.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth also twitched slightly.

Following from that.


Naruto also waved his hand, after giving a gesture.

The three of them also turned around and left, pacing towards the 301 classroom upstairs.

At the moment when Xiao Li is still complaining about himself.

Neji looked at the departed Naruto and Sasuke.

"Are Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke? Haha, this time the Ninja test is really interesting!"

A sharp cold light appeared in Neji's pupils, and he whispered.

On the other side, the three of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura who left together did not stop on the road at the moment. They also did not encounter the second assessment. They went straight up the stairs and walked through the corner in another corridor. People went straight to the door of classroom 301.

Open the door gently.

What was caught in the eyes were hundreds of figures full of evil spirits.

It was originally in the 301 classroom which was too large in Ninja School.

At the moment, there is also a surging crowd.

At the moment when the door was pushed open, most of the people subconsciously swept their eyes, and the three Naruto people who saw them were not after the strong tolerance of the villages that needed to be paid attention to in their own intelligence, but they turned their eyes one after another.

And in these Xia Ren group.

There are also a few figures who noticed the arrival of Naruto, and they leaned in directly. It was not the other people, but the six Shikamaru, Inuzukaga, and Hinata who graduated in the same year as Naruto and others. In this Zhongnin exam, the six people were also recommended by their own guidance, Shangren, to take this Zhongnin exam. As students of the same level who graduated together, the moment they saw their peers, they naturally depended on it subconsciously. Come here.

The six people who approached naturally noticed Naruto's new outfit.

"Oh!? Naruto? Have you changed your appearance?"

The outspoken Inuzukaya stared his eyes directly, looking straight at Naruto, and said with some surprise.

"Such Naruto is much more handsome than before."

Qiu Dao Dingci was still the same, and said with a smile while eating potato chips.

Don't look at Ding Ci like this.


Whether in the original book or in this life.

Ding Ci really regarded his fellow classmates as friends. Shikamaru was naturally the most important one, but among the remaining people, even Sasuke, who had a cold facial paralysis, Ding Ci regarded him as his partner.

This is true for fellow males.

Naturally, the other two girls didn't mention it.

The moment Hinata saw Naruto, a faint blush appeared on his small face.

A girl with a heart of admiration.

Seeing that the person I longed for became more heroic.


Hina Tian didn't directly faint with steam, it was already Hina Tian's performance.

The introverted Princess Hyuga greeted her in a low voice, and Naruto nodded with a smile.

This is already making Hinata's face even more ruddy.

After the observant Sakura noticed this, while smiling slightly, she also envied Hinata in her heart. Naruto treated Hinata so tenderly, but she repeatedly bumped into the wall at Sasuke-kun. Kozakura's shoes had to feel discouraged.

Of course, this discouragement is only a momentary matter.

In the current situation.

Repeated defeats and repeated defeats.

Never admit defeat.

Talking about Haruno Sakura children's shoes.

She firmly believes that she can take Sasuke one day!

Compared to these two girls.

Another blond girl in the nine-member group, Yamanaka Ino, originally placed his gaze directly on Sasuke from the beginning.

"Sasuke-kun! Long time no see!"

After approaching.

Naruto noticed a brand new outfit.

It also shines subconsciously.

Although the previous Naruto was not sloppy, it was also very ordinary because of the clothing. It was only because of the grades and the calm temperament that had always attracted the attention of the little girls, but in most cases, Girls who belong to face valueists will pay more attention to Sasuke.

This is also understandable.

It's like a boy walking down the street.

Once I saw the beautiful girl.

I will also look at it more.

This is a reasonable impulse of human beings, no, or should be said to be natural creatures.

Now Naruto has changed clothes.

The face value that was sealed before was directly unblocked, and the aura became more heroic.

Ino couldn't even notice it.

The look of those eyes glowing.

"When Naruto's clothes are changed, it will be different directly, yeah! Very handsome!"

Ino went around Naruto directly, which seemed to be very interesting.

"Thank you!"

Naruto nodded with a smile, and replied.

"Sakura, your luck is really great!"

"Hmph! Envy it, but unfortunately you don't have this chance! Ino!"

"You are still proud! Wide forehead!"

"Humph! Well wild boar!"

Then there is the customary love and killing small theater between the girls.

Naruto just smiled and didn't participate. Sasuke still looked cold. Even if Kamaru, Dingji, Ya and others came to say hello, Sasuke just nodded coldly, not much. Say what.

In this life, Sasuke has a little change from the original.

But that was still the case in front of Naruto.

Switch to other moments.

There is still no difference from the original.

Shikamaru, Dingji and others, who have long been used to Sasuke's character, don't care much.

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