My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 162: Brand new dress

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The next day.

When the first ray of morning light shines directly on Naruto’s face through the window, Naruto’s eyelids move slightly, not only because of the slightly bright morning light, but also because the standard biological clock in the body wakes up on time. people.

After a simple cleanup and resolution of breakfast.

Naruto opened the door directly, left the apartment, and headed towards the commercial street. Long before he left the country of fire and performed the mission of the country of snow, the clothing store in the commercial street notified Naruto to return There are four or five days to pick up the customized clothes. At that time, Naruto had already set off for the Snow Country. The follow-up was because the Snow Country mission took more than ten days, and only returned to the village yesterday. These two days Since there is a special break time arranged by Kakashi, Naruto naturally has to take the time to go to the commercial street to get back his own customized clothes. Naruto has long wanted to wear these old-fashioned clothes for more than ten years. It's about to be replaced.

The avenue that you go straight through.

Along the way, I still ignored those seemingly hidden and very cryptic eyes, but in Naruto's eyes, they were still very obvious, and I went straight to the bustling area of ​​the center of the village of Konoha. Although the time was still slightly early, but Also because of the habits of life, the stores on the commercial street are basically open for business at a very early time.

Naruto crossed Central Avenue easily.

I went directly to the store where I customized the clothes.

Than wait until Naruto comes to the clothing store.

It also happens to be the time when this clothing store opens for business.

The waiter who just opened the store also happened to be the one who received Naruto for the first time. The moment he saw Naruto, he quickly greeted Naruto up to him.

Naruto also kept a faint smile on his face, and nodded gently.

"I'm here to pick up the goods."

"Yes, Lord Ninja, all your costumes are already packed. Excuse me, do you take them all now, or do you need to change one here and try again?"

The waiter took Naruto into the store, bowed slightly along the way, and said with a respectful look.

"Well, get a set first, and I will try again."

I came to try on clothes the previous time.

Basically Naruto is satisfied.

Not only will it not affect your actions, but you can also get rid of the old-fashioned dress. Some problems in the details, including the sign of his own "spiral", Naruto also pointed out one by one, let the store modify and add in time, but This time it is the final receipt, so I still have to try again.

I took a costume from the waiter.

Naruto walked straight into the locker room.

Changed the orange clothing on the body.

Close-fitting dark clothing worn directly.

Ninja power pants put on.

Soon after.

White short-sleeved long-sleeve running directly on top.

Go straight out of the locker room.

Come to the appearance mirror of equal height.

Looking at myself in the mirror.

Naruto nodded in satisfaction.

The female pornstar on the side saw Naruto appear at the moment.

They all stayed for a while.

It must be said that Naruto's appearance is actually extremely capable.

It’s just because the sloppy dress in the original book and the dirt-removing clothing concealed most of Naruto’s appearance. You must know that Minato and Uzumaki Kushina are both parents of high-value school. From a genetic point of view, don't even talk about low appearance, even ordinary appearance is impossible.

The neat dress, but also highlights the youthful vigor.

Pair with Naruto's calm and confident aura.

This is Naruto's real ‘exposed appearance’!

Even the waiter, who was still afraid of Naruto, couldn't help but look twice when he saw Naruto.


Beautiful boy!

Who wouldn't like it?

But it is also because there is fear and even resentment deep in the subconscious mind, which is a matter of a short while.

The waiter calmed down his emotions, still showing a professional smile and respectful look on his face.

Naruto on the side naturally didn't know that the waiter beside him had just turned so many thoughts in his heart. Even if he knew it, he would not care. Naruto at this moment is very satisfied with his dress. As for the beard on his face, It’s the influence of Nine-tailed Chakra in the body. Naruto didn’t want to clean it up, but after it was cleaned up once, it would directly surface the next day, including a preliminary agreement with Nine-tailed that he should not use Chakra to influence After that, there was still no way to clear him, Naruto gave up. Anyway, it’s not a big deal. Naruto naturally doesn’t care too much. As for his mother, and the wife of the first generation of Hokage, Uzumaki Mito, why? No, that's what Naruto can understand.

"Are you still satisfied? The size, color, and comfort level?"

The waiter on the side asked softly.

Naruto nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Well, it's great. Bring me all the remaining costumes."


Because in the rest of the costume.

Most of them have the same style, but different colors or designs.

Naruto doesn't need to try them on one by one.

Just try on another half-jacket jacket and feel the comfort.

Naruto was satisfied that all the clothes were directly packaged and sealed in the scroll, and the remaining balance of the clothes was paid. Naruto went straight back to the apartment building where he lived.

In the next two days.

Naruto is in accordance with the established plan when he returns to the village.

Two days of good rest.

There is no such high-intensity training.

Originally, his strength had already grown rapidly during this period of time.

Including the further development and application of ninjutsu.

And the use of Nine Tails Chakra.

The latter is rarely used in actual combat.

Naruto can't find out where his limits are yet.

But it should be certain.

If the nine lamas really cooperated with them.

Four-tailed Chakra should be able to hold it.

The amount of the five-tailed chakra is probably going to destroy his current physical limit.

Including your own sanity.

Even if the nine lamas themselves did not take the initiative to erode Naruto's consciousness.

But you must know that the Chakra of the Nine Lamas was originally called the most evil existence. The negative emotions contained in it are difficult for ordinary people to bear. Moreover, there is also a large area of ​​negativeness in Naruto’s heart now. Once the shadow is completely guided out, or even fully erupted, Naruto will probably lose his mind directly and cannot control himself.

on this side.

Naruto himself still needs a little attention.

One is the strengthening of physical fitness.

The other is to exercise on the spiritual level.

Both of these are the key to controlling and using the Nine Lama Chakra.

So Naruto can't worry.

Must not be in a hurry!

Step by step, move forward steadily.

Instead, it is Naruto's fastest way to grow.

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