My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 136: Exciting, the plot of the Snow Country!

Looking at the direction Kakashi was leaving.

Naruto's hand that hadn't been raised could only fall helplessly, and shook his head speechlessly.

His own style of leading the team on Shinobu is really a bit puzzled.

Then, the next second.

Than wait until Naruto bows his head.

Movie tickets that you see directly.

The above is the "Princess Wind and Cloud Movie" moment.

Naruto's heart was raised slightly, and the raised eyebrows made no secret of the surprised look on his face.

"Huh? Is it a special movie? Naruto?"

He also noticed the surprised look on Naruto's face.

Kozakura on the side approached slightly and asked curiously.

On the other side, Sasuke still kept his cold expression with his hands on his chest, and also tilted his head at this moment and looked at Naruto.

"Well, it's quite special, you see, it's a movie starring the famous actress-Fuji Kazee, the Princess Fengyun, which just became popular recently."

Naruto directly handed the movie tickets to Sasuke and Sakura, and said softly.

"Isn't it? Is it the movie starring Sanzhi-sama? Really? Wow! I saw the trailer before, and it was indeed released recently! Great! Teacher Kakashi is still very good!"

Sakura directly drew the movie ticket from Naruto's hand, and saw that the name of the movie marked on it was indeed as Naruto said it was the "Princess of the Wind and Clouds Movie," she said with her eyes bright, she was crazy before. Kakashi, who complained about it, is now the best teacher in Sakura's mouth.

"Ah! Now you can finally appreciate the beauty of Master Sanzhi!"

Sakura seemed to be directly entering the **** mode.

Naruto couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth twice.

Girl, can you not be so realistic!

Speaking of the mission during this period of time, Sakura's vigorous and resolute appearance almost made Naruto forget that his teammate has the idiot side.

"Ah! But, Sasuke-kun is still the most handsome!"

Sakura, who never forgets her ultimate male god, must add this sentence in the end.

Sasuke had been used to it for a long time and didn't say much.

He just turned his head and looked at Naruto with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Kakashi asked us to watch this movie, and said it was a mission request. Is the mission this time still a guard? And the target person is a certain person in the movie?"

Sasuke's response was quite quick.

From task requirements to watching movies.

It was almost immediately associated with it.

But this is also a natural consideration.

Naruto is even more familiar with the existence of the plot.

Of course, I know that the mission this time is also an **** mission.

And it's a **** mission that is quite far away.

"Well, it should be, otherwise, Mrs. Kakashi would not let us watch this movie, and with a high probability, the mission target is probably the Ms. Fujikaze who plays the role of Princess Fengyun."

Naruto nodded slightly, and said so in a guessing tone.

But in my heart, I can be 100% sure of the mission this time.

The person to be protected is the princess of Snow Country, whose stage name is Fuji Kazee, whose real name is Kazeka Koyuki!

"But shouldn't this task be triggered after the Zhongnin exam?"

Naruto didn't change his expression on the surface, but he was a little puzzled in his heart.

When was the story of Snow Country?

Naruto can't remember.

But what Naruto can be sure of is that it was definitely after the Chunin exam in the original book, and it can even be inferred that the third generation of Hokage died, and Tsunade has returned to the village of Konoha after the fifth generation of Hokage. The reason is simple.

The deity in the original book is Fenghua Rage defeated with Helix Pill.

in other words.

Before the story of Snow Country begins.

Naruto has already learned Helix Pill, and the time when Naruto in the original book learned Helix Pill was after the Zhongnin exam, Jilai also took Naruto to find the time when Tsunade returned to Konoha to inherit the five generations of Naruto.

In other words.

The plot in the original book should have happened only a month or two later.

I arrived here directly in this life.

This makes Naruto puzzled.

After all, I don’t seem to have done anything to interfere with the plot of Snow Country, right?

Can this be advanced?

But go ahead.

Because Naruto found out, if all goes well.

It seems that my plan can be further supplemented and changed.

And it's better to change!

"If it goes well, you can avoid the option of finding that dangerous person, if you can..."

Naruto shook his head inwardly, thinking in silence.

"Sa, let's go to the movies first!"

Naruto raised his hand and said softly.


Kozakura responded with a look of excitement.

Sasuke on the side was still noncommittal.


The three of them walked towards the largest cinema in Kyoto.

Judging from the countless experiences of Naruto's previous life reading films.

"Princess Fengyun"

The plot of this big movie is undoubtedly a more clichéd development.

But in this life, it still belongs to the kind of movie that audiences like to see most.

And the production is very good

The match of the scene.

The use of special effects.

Supervising the directing of this movie.

It is also one of the most senior directors in the world with only a few well-known directors.

And the most important point is!

Good looks!

Whether it's the heroine-Fuji Kazee, or the male lead-the Sanzhi who even the face-saving Sakura has longed for is simply the majority of the teenagers and girls in the land of killing fire. This is the point alone. It is enough to make many people walk into the cinema to support a movie ticket. Naruto is not surprised at all about this. This kind of thing, in the world of previous lives, should not be too common. Star chasing is not scary, but it is crazy. Star chaser.

Not just news reports, in reality, Naruto has seen the kind of crazy star chasing existence. Naturally, Naruto will not be surprised that "Princess Fengyun" will become a big fire.

Naruto felt dull.

Others watch it with gusto.

Even if Sakura and Sasuke are companions.

Not to mention the former, he was originally a well-known representative of the Yan Value School. At the beginning of the movie, he was obsessed with the "Prosperity Beauty" of Master Sanzhi. Sasuke was also a little bit more than Naruto expected. He seemed to be interested in this movie. .

At least from Naruto's point of view.

Erzhuzi is still watching the movie very seriously.

As for the task, or because I really like this movie.

Then Naruto is unknown.

A full 127 minutes, more than two hours of movies.

Although this is the standard length of the movie.

But because it is really boring.

Naruto almost fell asleep in midway.

Rather than waiting until the movie finally ends, it comes to the moment of the ending song.

Naruto was refreshed.

"Huh, this movie is finally over..."

Naruto moved his shoulders, looked at the side with shining eyes, Sakura reluctant to leave, and Sasuke whose mouth seemed to rise slightly, revealing an invisible smile, Naruto thought silently in his heart .

"This broken movie, so many people really like to watch it..."

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