My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 127: ‘Split the Spoils’ Conference

I want to be someone who exists like Naruto.

This is Yi's thought at this moment.

Having the courage, being determined to move forward, can protect the one you love, and can achieve your goals and dreams.

At this time, Yi is extremely longing for Naruto.

I also look forward to a career like a ninja.

Of course, it was also because the impact of the day I first saw it was too profound.

Naruto's cold and terrifying look penetrated deeply into Yi's heart.

So even when I saw Naruto, there was excitement in my heart.

Yi There is still a bit afraid to get close to Naruto.

That little face almost wrinkled like a bun.

Although Naruto noticed, but didn't care.


Yili is just a small passer-by in Naruto's life journey, there is no need and no interest in caring.

And it was after dinner was over.

Than wait until Tsunami has cleaned up the leftovers and dishes on the table.

Naruto also took out a seal scroll directly from his arms and threw it in the direction of Xi Rihong.


Xi Rihong caught it with his backhand, and was slightly taken aback.


"Ah, this is the result of my hunting this afternoon. This is for the eighth class. I put it together. When the time comes, Mr. Hong, you will share it with Hinata, Toa, and Shino. By the way, Mr. Hong, you There are too! You have a share when you see it!"

Naruto said with a slight smile.

"Sasuke and Sakura, both of you will go back to the village. I will give it to you. It is estimated that it is not easy for you to take it now."



"Anyone who sees it?"


Among the people present.

Kakashi, a person who knew it for a long time, naturally needn't say much.

Among the remaining people.

At the moment when Naruto's words fall.

Some and only Xi Rihong reacted.

Naruto held Cardo and left, everyone had seen it.

The identity of Carduo is well known to everyone.

It was almost after Yurihong reacted.

Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, and Shino, who reacted more quickly, all showed a thoughtful look, and only Inuzukaga still had a blank expression.

"Ah? What does this mean? Naruto? What do you see? Give us three? Is there anything good in it?"

Naturally, the most tense teeth children's shoes still adhere to the good habit of asking if they don't understand, staring straight at Naruto, and asking with a very puzzled expression.

"It means literally, Ya, that Mr. Cardo has an unfriendly idea towards us. I'm just charging some interest. After all, that's Mr. Cardo from a wealthy country."

Naruto leaned back slightly, leaned against the wall in a more comfortable position, and said with a smile.

"Oh!? That's what Kakashi teacher meant by hunting!"

It's just a tendon, not really stupid. Naruto said a little bit more, and Ya can naturally react, and the wide-open eyes suddenly nodded.

"So? How many are there? Naruto!"

A small excited expression appeared on Tooth's face, rubbing his hands, and looking at Naruto with expectant eyes and asked.

"Some cash, plus gold bars, and some detonating symbols, it's about five or six million taels, right? It's in the seal scroll I gave to Teacher Hong."

Naruto raised his eyebrows and said softly.

After returning in the afternoon.

Before dinner.

Than Yurihong, Sasuke and others are still resting.

Naruto is roughly divided.

Although it can be swallowed alone.

But it is not necessary.

Most importantly, the harvest exceeded expectations.

There is no problem at all if it is separated.

Naruto can take the big head, and it is enough to divide the cash, gold bars, and detonating symbols to the eighth class. Among them, the gold bars are a little bit more. For Naruto, it’s better to keep a little more cash. Best of all, the same goes for Sasuke and Sakura. After they go back, they can give the gold bars directly. Kakashi will not give it. People say no. Naruto will not be really polite. The other is Erzhuzi estimates. It doesn’t have to be, but it’s a necessary formal process.


"Five or six million taels?"


"Isn't it?"

Even these young girls who came from major ninja families.

Don't talk about Sakura anymore.

Even Sasuke, Hinata, Shino, and Chi couldn't help showing a shock of varying degrees.

Among them, the teeth turned his eyes round.

Since birth.

The largest amount of money I've seen is five figures.

Now there are seven digits directly! Moreover, the smallest five digits suddenly jumped to a very high seven digits!

This was really stunned Inuzukaya.

Even Xi Rihong, who is a Shinobu, was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a wry smile.

"Naruto-kun, did you give too much, right?"

Yurihong looked at Naruto and said.

Five or six million taels.

Xi Rihong is naturally there, and all the net worth is far more than this (doing your own tasks and your parents' savings.)

But five or six million taels were put out all at once.

The shock to Xi Rihong's face is still quite sufficient.

Kakashi, who entered the'watching mode' at the very beginning on the left, couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and looked at Naruto with a look of surprise. Originally, Kakashi thought Naruto could do it this time. It’s about a few million to ten million taels (Kakashi doesn’t think that Kardo will carry so much money with him.)

Now the number directly allocated to the eighth class is five or six million taels.

You can also share part with Sasuke and Sakura when you go back.

How does this look.

Naruto's income this time is close to 20 million taels, right?

Kakashi estimated an amount in his heart.

It's just that Kakashi doesn't know that his estimate still has a certain deviation, 20 million? If the value of kunai, shuriken, detonation talisman and other materials are counted, Kakashi's estimated value is only a little more than half.

"Naruto? Are there so many?"

Sakura, who was sitting next to Naruto, also stared directly at her. Looking at Naruto, her tone was all asking at this moment.

"Well, because they are counted together, they are put together in one scroll. Kozakura, and Sasuke’s share will also cost one or two million taels. Don’t worry, I take the bulk of it myself, so, Teacher Hong, this is really not much. The usual training of Ya, Shino, and Hinata also requires a lot of ninjas. The detonation charms inside are also just a little more configured, which can be used in missions."

Naruto raised his hand. In the first half of the sentence, he looked at Sakura and Sasuke, and in the back he turned his eyes to Yuhitaka, Hinata, Gaga, and Shino.

"Sigh? Five or six million? Naruto, give us all of this?"

Ya said with an expression of disbelief.

Sakura who wanted to shirk before.

At this moment, I can't say it.

It's really because I gave too much.

This is the case for those from the ninja family like Toga, Shino, and Hinata.

Not to mention Sakura, a ninja from a civilian background.

The total amount for the eighth class is six million taels.

What about for her and Sasuke?

Not much.

Even if it is calculated on average.

That's 1.5 million taels, right?

Thinking of this amount.

Sakura's eyes are all directly $$ changed!

The words of rejection can't be said.

Even Sasuke couldn't help but look at Naruto twice again. It really has to be said that since he left the village this time.

Naruto has been refreshing Sasuke's cognition.

He almost didn't know his teammate.

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