My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 12: initial

"Is it a Chakra control problem? Or is it a quantity problem?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head, muttering very depressed.

This is really a bit unclear.

You have to say that it is a Chakra control problem.

That doesn't make sense.

The same is three-body technique.

There is no reason why the control of your clone technique is more difficult than the duplication technique and the transformation technique, right? Even Naruto still feels that surrogacy is the most difficult thing to control in the three-body technique. The objects to be replaced and the timing of replacement are all issues that ninjas must consider when using surrogacy.

There is no reason for the avatar technique to be more complicated than the avatar technique.

This in itself is a clone without any entity.

not to mention.

Naruto also completed the Chakra control practice of climbing trees and treading water.

As for the amount of Chakra.

That's even more incredible.

Whether it's a previous life or this life, Naruto hasn't heard of the three-shenzhen technique that still needs the amount of Chakra to affect control? It is not the kind of high-level ninjutsu. Chakra cannot be released if it is not enough. The trivial three-shen technique is not so good. Besides, take 10,000 steps to consider. Naruto has not tried it before. Control Chakra’s output and output rate, no matter it is more or less, I tried it if possible, and I also deliberately asked Iruka, and I still came to the conclusion that the picture in front of me is still extremely An awkward situation.

Iruka, who saw Naruto using the avatar technique with his own eyes, was also at a loss. It was obvious that both the avatar technique and the transformation technique could be used so normally.

Does the avatar technique do not work?

Iluka, who is also not very knowledgeable, has no way to say why.

Can only comfort Naruto.

Just keep working hard.

After all, it's only the second grade.

There is still more than 4 years before the graduation exam, so there is no need to worry.

"Oh, but you can't distinguish even objects than at the beginning, but now it's a little bit human, can it be considered an improvement, right?"

The clone technique released again.

Looking at the Naruto who could barely be identified as his clone, he sighed helplessly.

Naruto who can't find the reason.

It can only be attributed to the so-called BUG.

"Forget it, come here first today."

Looking at the gradually dimming scenery, Naruto's pupils flickered slightly, he moved his neck and stood up again.

After packing up his various utensils and the wild vegetables and fruits that he picked today, Naruto stretched out, carrying something and walking towards the edge of the forest, preparing to return to his home.

"There is still a need to change the training plan..."

"During this time, you can still spend a little time practicing the clone technique, but you can't waste too much time..."

"The focus should still be on strengthening the physical quality..."

"The kunai that I took before is almost finished, um, let's get a little from Teacher Iruka tomorrow..."

"Ah... so tired..."

The sun sinking in the west, the last trace of dusk.

Poured on the earth.

Reflecting the long shadow of Naruto.

At night, Naruto, who returned home, simply took a break after finishing the dinner. He sat directly in front of the desk and opened the textbooks placed on the desk.

Practice during the day.

Study at night.

This is the established law of life for Naruto this year.

It's not just the content learned in class.

Including the books related to ninja, ninjutsu, illusion, and physique stored in Ninja School, Naruto has a plan to borrow one by one to read. At this point, because of Iruka, Naruto still has Many conveniences can be used. Of course, it is also because of age and because I have only been in school for more than a year. I still have to restrict Naruto to some extent. It does not mean that Naruto is not allowed to watch, but is standing in Iluka. From a perspective, I don't want Naruto to have a low eye and a low hand, to be too greedy and not to chew. This is what Iruka has said the most to Naruto in this year or so.

Naruto is so studious, Iruka is naturally very happy.

It's because of frequent contact and getting along with Naruto.

Naruto looking at such sunshine.

Iluka's defense is gradually letting go. It does not mean forgetting the tragic death of his parents, but being able to face the existence of Naruto. Nine tails are nine tails and Naruto is Naruto. The two are not a unified existence, more so Because Naruto became Jiuwei Renzhuli, he was disgusted and rejected by more than ninety-nine percent of the people in the village, and felt even more pity for Naruto.

The two get along more and more harmoniously.

Iruka naturally values ​​Naruto's future more.

He hoped that Naruto could become a great ninja just like he himself said, so that everyone would recognize him.

Iruka is paying more attention to Naruto's practice and learning than it was a year ago.

Although Naruto's learning progress far exceeds Iluka's imagination.

Naruto can learn a lot of knowledge in one go.

But also because Naruto himself is somewhat clumsy.

Iruka's cognitive judgment of Naruto will definitely be biased.

Naruto himself didn't particularly care.

Repetitive learning of certain content is also beneficial, it will deepen the memory.

at this point.

Naruto has continued his personal habits in his previous life very well.

"Ah...Is this time already?"

Naruto who is addicted to learning.

Because of the pain in my neck, I straightened my body and moved my neck slightly, just to see the time displayed by the clock on the desktop.

Naruto yawned and said with a trace of sleepiness.

"I have to get up early tomorrow and go to bed."

Naruto shook his head, closed the book in front of him, stood up, moved his hands and feet, and walked straight to the bathroom, after washing up.

Naruto went straight to bed.

In less than a minute.

Because of the accumulated fatigue.

Naruto soon fell into deep sleep.

But originally, like any day before, she fell asleep peacefully until the night of dawn.


But there was a great accident.


Suddenly, the explosion sounded over the entire Konoha.

Soaring into the sky.

That burning cloud shining in the entire sky.

Let the cold and quiet Konoha Village suddenly become noisy at this moment.

Those are already Naruto who has fallen asleep.

Was suddenly awakened.

The ear-piercing and sharp roar, and the vague sound of fighting.

Naruto immediately got up from the bed.

Quickly ran to the window.

Looking at the huge fire in the northwest corner of Konoha, and the Konoha ninja who was constantly shining from all around and approaching the past, Naruto's pupils flashed with an extremely horrified look.

"That direction, if you guessed it correctly, is the residence of the Uchiha clan? Such a fire? Is it possible that it is the plot of the Night of the Clan? After the calculation, the time is right."

Naruto nodded lightly and murmured.

Not long after Erzhuzi entered the school, the Uchiha clan was indeed annihilated.

But it's not right?

Although speaking of the details of the plot, Naruto can't remember clearly.

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