My name is Colani

Chapter 67 Today is a great day

"Excuse me, do you have money? How much does it cost to build such a stadium?!" Uncle Morek asked.

"No money!" Hugo's answer was straightforward.

"You are so arrogant even though you have no money! There must be a limit to bragging! If you ask me, Gigi, abandon those unrealistic ideas, I will give you a piece of land near Pacheco, where you can build a stadium, the conditions are much better than on the beach!" Old Morek persuaded because of the relationship between relatives. If the land by the sea is taken, if the local geological conditions are not suitable for building a heavy big guy at that time, Hugo will definitely lose the money he spent on the land.

So he is a country bumpkin, Hugo is a man with a broad vision. The seabed cannot bear too much weight, so what if we can't build a stadium? As long as we change our thinking, we can build a resort instead of a stadium. There is definitely no problem with that. He remembers that Dubai can build artificial islands, why can't he? Of course he can, in short, the money will definitely come back, the solution is thought out by people, and Hugo will definitely not lose money.

"How about this! You give me two plots of land. You also sell me the land near Pacheco, and I want the land by the sea!" Hugo said.

"Well, okay, I'll think of a way for you. I can give you both plots of land! Which place by the sea do you want?!" asked Old Moreke. There is a public beach in Trapani, which is located in the northwest of the city, but this one must not be given to Hugo, otherwise he will be scolded by the citizens and even the provincial councilors. This public beach is a good place to sunbathe and is also one of the sources of tax revenue for Trapani City Hall.

"I won't take San Giuliano Beach! I want them to go north, about two miles away, to the beach!" Hugo laughed at Moreke's doubts.

"The site condition of that place is very bad!" Moreke frowned. Two miles up, it is no longer as good as San Giuliano. There are solid rocks and the site is not flat and regular.

"What's the problem?! I will level that place and make it accessible to the sea. I will also build a 2-mile-long artificial beach there, and then build a stadium!" Hugo said.


"What's crazy about this? There are many things in the world that move mountains and make it accessible to the sea! It's just that you haven't heard of it, but it will cost a lot of money! I'm sure I can do it!" Hugo laughed.

"No matter what! It's up to you! I've advised you anyway!" Old Morek looked like he was going to die and I couldn't do anything about it.

Back home, Hugo was very happy. He hummed a Chinese song "The sky is so bright, the land is so vast, the love is so ripples, the heart is so wild, the songs are so melodious and the music is so wild. I feel happy watching everything. Today I am happy!"

It's beautiful to think about it. Old Morek doesn't know the future, and Hugo doesn't know the future either, but now a series of bills to boost Trapani's economy have been passed, so Trapani's future is undoubtedly bright. What? ! Economic crisis? ! That's bullshit! Trapani is the future tourist city, the future new technology town, the overlap of ancient and modern. Hugo from later generations knew that many small towns like Trapani had very hot tourism industry. Why Trapani didn't become popular was because the environment was too bad. Now it is different. Hugo's plan for Old Morek is "fewer children and more trees!" Strive to build Trapani into a seaside garden tourism city, attracting not only Italians, but most importantly the world's attention.

The source of Hugo's confidence is of course not just some phenomena in later generations. He also has ambitions, which is Trapani Football Club. He wants to build Trapani into an excellent team like the Northern Three Bears, or even better than them. In the future, he is afraid that fans will not come to watch the game. If the stadium is well built, it can also attract fans from afar to consume. This is Hugo's calculation.

Of course, there is one most important thing that Hugo did not reveal to his uncle. In fact, Hugo will follow the idea of ​​benefiting the local area after making a fortune, and place all the registered places of his companies in Trapani, and the family will do the same. Hugo hopes to use Turin as a template. Turin is called the Automobile City, and the Agnelli family consortium is behind it. Hugo believes that Trapani can also do better in the future with the support of the powerful Colelli family.

"Hey, what song are you singing? It's so ugly!" A female voice sounded in Hugo's ears.

"Guan..., ah, Sylvia, why are you here?!" Hugo found that it was a woman, and immediately stopped cursing. When he saw that it was Sylvia, he blurted out.

"Why can't I be here? It's not like I haven't been here before!" Sylvia said strangely.

Sylvia's frequency of coming to Hugo's house is a bit high now, so Hugo's question seems stupid to Sylvia.

"I don't mean that. I mean why are you here today! Are you here to eat for free again?! Little girl, you should be kind. My mother's pie is not eaten for free!" Hugo teased with a smile.

"Eat for free?! Should I be included in that?!" A man appeared in front of the two people.

"Ah, Mr. Sigrino! You are here, of course not to eat for free. I will welcome you with the highest standards!" Hugo took the initiative to stick to him, and the two kissed each other. Sigrino is a good friend of Hugo's uncle and father, and an elder of Hugo. Hugo can of course joke, but he must be respectful in his words according to the occasion.

"Okay, Gigi, wash your hands quickly! Everyone is waiting in the living room, ready to eat!" At this time, Hugo's mother Lida came out of the kitchen and said when she saw her son.

Hugo heard the noise in the living room. It seemed that everyone was chatting happily.

After washing his hands, Hugo came to the restaurant. His family was all there, eating and chatting. It was a family gathering. Kameni also sat there and listened, but he couldn't understand it at all. It's no wonder, everyone here is The Sicilian dialect he spoke was different from the Italian that Hugo handed him. Considering how long he had been here, it was normal for him not to understand.

Hugo taught Kameni step by step at first. Later, he went on a business trip and found a teacher for Kameni. However, this teacher was not very good. He was the teacher of Kameni and his middle school. In fact, Kameni was very weak in French. The progress is not fast either.

After Hugo came back, he had to take time to teach Kameni again. Of course, at least at this stage, Hugo was very leisurely. He walked around the training base, watched the game on the bench, pretended to compete in front of the players, and then did the evening activities. Much less so. Victor likes to go to parties and pick up girls, but Hugo doesn’t seem to be very interested. Sometimes he goes there, and more often he hangs out with Allegri, drinks, and goes to Giorgio. Drink coffee there and teach Kameni's classes!

Hugo soon joined the lively discussion, and he did most of the talking. He told the people present that he had obtained two pieces of land. When he expressed his thoughts, Ricardo really I think my son is stupid. How much money does it cost to accomplish something?

Hugo began to tell everyone about his idea of ​​building Trapani. Grandpa Pacilio really didn’t expect that his grandson would be so ambitious. The power of a family behind a city. How powerful is that family? Agnelli The family is known as the "Public Royal Family" in Italy and has a great influence on Italian politics and economy.

What Hugo is telling everyone now is that we can actually do it too. Our industry cannot reach that level, but in Trapani and Sicily we can do more.

There is only a rough idea of ​​how to do Hugo in the future. How to do it in the real sense requires step-by-step planning and consideration. It is impossible to explain in a few words now, but Grandpa Pasilio and his two fathers said that in fact, the family has been working hard. It supports a lot of local people. Hugo's idea is good and makes the family proud, but do you know that our family doesn't have that much money to spend?

"Hey, grandpa, do you think I have money?! I don't have it either, but we can make money! Times are different now. If you want to dare to make risky investments, it's not a bad idea to borrow money from the bank!" Hugo said.

He said this to his family, but in fact if Hugo wanted to make money, he didn't need a loan at all. For example, if he bet on the 1998 World Cup, it would be the 2002 World Cup in two years, and Hugo would still have to make a profit.

Since the matter is serious, Grandpa Passilio said that he should consider it carefully, so the topic can only be ended here.

Everyone talked about the team again, and Giovanni joked: "Look, Victor actually has a team that wants him. I guess there are still some players in your team who are at risk of being poached, haha, right away. It’s the winter break, so you better take good care of your players!”

Giovanni was just joking, but the speaker didn't mean it, and the listener did it. This is ridiculous. Will he run a few during the winter break? ! Hugo thought.

"You're just running away because you're stupid. We give them such a high salary. I don't believe any Serie D team can give us such a high salary!" Victor said. He was telling the truth. Trapani's salary doesn't count. It's very high, but the players may not have that kind of mentality.

"Who said the Serie D team would poach you? What if it was a Serie B team, or even a Serie A team!" Giovanni said deliberately.

"Haha, Dad, you have to be stupid to come here to pick players!" Victor laughed.

But he is stupid. He does not understand the situation. In fact, many Serie D games are attended by scouts. Most of the players who care about Serie D have no agents and cannot support themselves. Why do you need an agent? This kind of player had better be persuaded.

The scout finds a good prospect, which can bring a lot of extra money!

Trapani's record this year is very good, forget about Allegri, he is a veteran, no matter how good he is, he is still old. Scouts will not know him, but Toni and Kameni are different, they are both young people , Kameni has not even appeared in Italy. Will it attract the attention of scouts? The answer is yes.

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