My monster merges everything

Chapter 357 Blood Sea Vortex

Su Han and the Insect Queen Queen crossed the barrier and immediately found themselves in a sea of ​​blood.

At this time, the sea water of the Great Blood Sea has surged, and waves of power are being transmitted from a distance.

Su Han frowned, and together with the Insect Queen, they quickly flew in the direction of the fluctuation.

Under this sea of ​​blood, deep divers like evil spirits have already appeared. They are swimming quickly at the moment, rushing towards the direction of the fluctuation like Su Han.

Perhaps because the fluctuations and movements were too great, these deep divers simply couldn't care about the Insect Tank Mother Queen at this time, but kept swimming.

Su Han and the Insect Queen Queen hurried on, but their hearts became even more confused.

‘That direction seems to be the sea area where the lizard tribe is located. ’

In the previous war, the Lizard Tribe descended more than the Abyss Zerg, and more blood sea spaces appeared in the nearby sea than the Abyss Zerg.

Although their passage has been blocked in the real world, there is no guarantee that something will happen.

When Su Han and the Insect Queen Mother arrived here, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

An extremely huge vortex is slowly forming. The vortex traverses the Great Blood Sea and is dozens of kilometers wide. The surging waves of blood are extremely turbulent, and the blood light reaching the sky is thousands of meters high.

Countless deep diver monsters gathered around this vortex, and in the vortex, one blood sea space after another was constantly swaying, like bubbles floating in the sea.

The barrier surrounding these blood sea spaces is constantly getting thinner. The deep diver monsters are intertwined with the vortex and have surrounded dozens of blood sea spaces. They are like a group of sharks watching eagerly, waiting to be hunted.

The red light shrouded the blood sea space, and strange lizard inscriptions appeared from these blood sea spaces at that time, lingering next to them like the inscriptions of death.

Su Han's eyes were solemn, these lizards were extracting the power of the entire blood sea space like a fish, and then pouring it into this strange blood sea vortex.


The storm is gathering, blood thunder flashes in the blood sea space, and the barrier bursts.

Then the deep diver monsters began to swarm forward, rushing directly into the blood sea space, and began a horrific killing.

Every deep diver monster is extremely ugly, exuding a depressing and terrifying aura. Even the weakest deep diver monster, a carrion with black eyes like a fishman, has a third level of powerful strength.

And those huge deep divers, like giant decaying sharks, launched a direct attack, bombarding the alien island into pieces and then being swallowed by the vortex bit by bit.

The land gradually collapsed, and countless lizardmen were swallowed up like ants by waves a hundred or a thousand times their body size.

Energy eroded wantonly, and boundless fear became the catalyst for their death.

Flesh and flesh are constantly being peeled off, and bones are constantly decaying. The lizard man is like an undead, gradually sinking into the sea of ​​blood.

Some completely turned into nothingness, and some began to swim in the sea of ​​blood like evil ghosts.

All the lizardmen were sacrificed!

Su Han's heart felt chilly, and he felt an indescribable chill on his back.

The lizard man's fear, struggle, resentment, all the emotions and flesh and blood turned into wisps of power at this time, converging on the surrounding lizards.

The terrifying energy is still gathering, and the roars of the deep divers continue to sound.


Suddenly, an old voice sounded, as if in his ears. Su Han was startled and turned around suddenly.

I don't know when several terrifying shadows appeared in the sky behind him. They had hideous scales, red eyes, old, deep and cold beast pupils, looking down at him and the Insect Queen Mother from a high position.

High-level lizard man!

Su Han's heart sank to the bottom. It was obvious that they were just a few phantoms, even extremely thin and stooped, but the terrifying power condensed on the phantoms made his nerves tense.

"who are you?"

Su Han asked, secretly gathering his strength.

"A little trick to delay time."

Among the shadows, the ancient lizard man wearing a beast bone mask on the side was grabbed by the void's big hand.

It's obviously just a shadow, and the real body doesn't know how far away it is.

But when this terrifying attack landed, a huge bloody lizard claw formed in front of Su Han and grabbed directly at his head.

Soul Fusion Vortex!

Su Han did not dare to neglect at all. He directly extracted the power of his four apostles and concentrated it on his body. His talent for soul fusion exploded, and an almost black soul fusion vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

He pushed the vortex out and directly faced the terrifying beast's claws, making a rumbling sound and erupting with unimaginable energy.

Su Han didn't even look back, and opened fire with full force. His back surged with spiritual incorporeal wings like a blood prison dragon, and then he rushed directly into the distance of the big sea of ​​blood.

The Insect Queen empress followed Su Han closely, also bursting out with all her strength, showing no intention of fighting.

Although it was just a simple fight, the terrifying power of this blow had reached level six or even higher.

No matter how strong he is, he can't fight head-on with these old lizard people.

And this was just one of the moves. The more powerful lizard man was still watching the show.

The light of energy continued to sweep across, quickly spreading to the surroundings, and the light enveloped almost everything in this area.

With just one blow, Su Han's condensed spirit vortex collapsed.

Su Han didn't look back and struggled to escape.


However, at this time, a crimson ray of light directly penetrated the aftermath of the undissipated energy and headed straight for Su Han.

This beam was not very big, but it was extremely fast. Su Han had already started to avoid it when he noticed the existence of this beam.

However, this attack came too fast.

Arriving behind him in an instant, the Insect Queen Queen stepped forward and activated the ability to blur space under his control.

Spatial fluctuations emerge and gradually fade away.

When the beam struck this area, it immediately distorted, slowed down a bit, and deviated from its original direction.


The second beam of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and it went straight towards the Insect Tank Empress who was using Space Blur.

The space distortion beam attack continued, but this time it did not have the desired effect.

In an instant, the light broke the claws of the Insect Queen, and she fell heavily into the sea of ​​blood, being swallowed by the vortex of the sea of ​​blood.

The aftermath and light of the energy had dissipated at this time. The figures of the five lizard elders appeared in the sky, and a contemptuous voice sounded: "Where can you escape to?"

The beast-bone lizard man just raised his hand, and more light spots condensed in front of him, and each light spot was enough to evolve into the beam just now.

Su Han and the Insect Queen Mother have become his prey.

'Damn thing. ’

He became angrier, but also calmer. These lizard men were all at least at the sixth level of strength, and that did not include more powerful beings.

If there was only one person, he might be able to compete with one or two using his own methods, but now there is no way he could beat them.

Regardless of the Insect Queen's injury, Su Han continued to distance himself. At the same time, the shadow of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree gradually appeared around him, ready to pay the price for a chance to escape.

Beams of light are coming, dodge, dodge, dodge like crazy

The distance was already several thousand meters, but it was no longer possible to escape the attack. There were already seven or eight bloody holes in the insect tank mother's carapace.

Psychic energy is constantly eroding, and even with extremely powerful self-healing abilities, it cannot be completely repaired at this time.

Su Han was not much better. The black armor of the Pagoda was completely shattered, and his shoulders and arms were now covered with wounds that were deep enough to show the bones.

"Venomous! Kill your little toy. The Blood Sacrifice Pillar is about to condense. Don't waste time."

"Yes, Great Elder."

The lizard elder named Baodu trembled, and then his eyes immediately turned cold. A sixth-level aura emerged on him, and the phantom of his eyes followed Su Han and floated above him without knowing when.

"It's time to become a sacrifice, little one."

This time, he had no intention of continuing to play. Countless lizards suddenly gathered in the surrounding space, as if they were trying to block the entire space in an instant.

Su Han only felt as if he was stuck in the mud at this moment, with hard iron ropes binding his body under the mud.

Even with level five strength, there is no possibility of escape at this time.

The pressure of rank is already extremely terrifying, and the farther back you go, the bigger the gap becomes.

The virtual body explodes!

Su Han thought together and was about to resort to desperate measures. Even if he was seriously injured or even died, as long as his soul escaped, he would still have a chance to be reborn.


However, just as this thought arose, the Book of Blood Spirits in his hand suddenly emitted a strange light, and the surrounding space became silent.

A shadow gradually rose from Su Han's body, with one eye half open and half closed, emitting a strange light.

The poisonous eyes showed a look of fear, and he blurted out: "Beholder Demon Lord!"

The lizard text instantly shattered, and the poisonous shadow was directly in the gaze of a shadow, twisted and broken, and then disappeared completely.

When several lizard elders in the distance saw this scene, they had already reacted and directly dispelled their own projections and disappeared.

Before Su Han could react, he was the only one left on the sea of ​​​​blood, as well as the one-eyed shadow, and his glance at Su Han.

Just like traveling through eternity, like facing the vast stars, the power contained in that glance made Su Han become incomparably small.

The next moment, the one-eyed shadow disappeared, and the Blood Spirit Book suddenly changed. The skin sizzled, as if it was being burned by hot magma.

The book disappeared, replaced by a blood-red one-eyed mark.

‘Is this the power of that demon? ’

Su Han escaped death. At this time, the spiritual energy in his body had been exhausted, and several blood sea spaces continued to send energy to his body.

The moment Lizi Wen surrounded him, most of the energy transmission was suppressed.

There was a lot of doubt in his heart, but Su Han no longer dared to stay in this place at this time. He glanced at the huge vortex that was constantly rotating and swallowing the blood sea space. The distortion of the space had already appeared in the center of the vortex.

He immediately opened a space channel with the Insect Queen, returned directly to the blood sea space, and then escaped from the blood sea space all the way back to the Ningshou City area.

Just when he came out, the rumbling sound came from Su Han's ears continuously.

Su Han looked back, but he was stunned in place.

A red space vortex in the sky is slowly opening, and the roaring blood sea water pours down from the sky like a sky pillar, carrying majestic power and hitting the ground heavily.

Ningshou City, which was already in ruins, was gradually shattered by the impact of the sea of ​​blood.

Buildings collapsed, the ground sank, and most of the materials were slowly dissolving, being absorbed and transformed by the sea water of the Blood Sea. Only a small amount of debris sank deep into the bottom of the sea water.

The city center has disappeared, and it has turned into an extremely huge bloody lake, slowly surging like a sea of ​​psychic blood.

The spiritual energy became more and more chaotic, and Su Han's pupils shrank. In this bloody lake, he even saw the existence of the deep diver's rotting corpse, like a ghost in the water, swimming slowly.

The collision and erosion of the two worlds have been artificially intensified.

When Su Han came to his senses, he immediately knew what those lizard elders had done.

They are intensifying the collision of the two worlds and building a bridge from the sea of ​​blood to the real world.

As such a channel opens, seawater from the Great Blood Sea will continue to pour in, erosion will continue to intensify, and the barrier of space will continue to weaken.

The greater the influence, the faster they will arrive. In this sacrifice, they can also draw more benefits through this special channel.

The only bad thing may be that for humans, they don't have much time.

Su Han's spirit-melting talent gradually wore away the remaining power on the wound, and then the body's self-healing gradually took effect to restore the injury.

He immediately recalled the Blood Hell Dragon and the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree and Molten Gold Titan that were suppressing the blood sea space elsewhere. The four apostles retreated to the outskirts of Ningshou City with him.

At this time, in the ruins of Ningshou City, except for his apostle, there was no one left.

Zhu Xiong carried out Su Han's order and evacuated people one after another. The moment the strange Pillar of Blood Sea appeared, the few garrison troops all evacuated to the outskirts of Ningshou City.

At this time, Ningshou City had become an empty city, and everyone was watching the endless sea of ​​blood and water falling from the sky, slowly taking over the ruins of the city as their own.



The lizard elder was vomiting blood in a violent mouth. The skull of the sixth-level monster on his head was now full of cracks. Under the cover of the skull, his eyes were now full of blood and he was almost blind.

"How could that human being be the chosen one by Lord Beholder?"

Yao Du was indignant, and there was a bit of fear in his words. This fear was not directed at Su Han, but at the so-called Eye Demon Lord.

Beside him, the four lizard elders also stood up at this time.

The leading elder's body surged with spiritual energy, and then a spell fell on Bao Du, which healed his mental trauma a little.

His strength is far more powerful than the cruel poison, and he is also calmer at this time.

"Without the help of the devil, humanity would not have been able to rise so quickly."

"But it will be difficult for us to take action against that world. Each of them can control monsters and summon apostles."

They should have thought that the ability to control monsters in this way should belong to the authority of a certain demon god.

Abuse faced the phantom directly, his heart filled with fear.

If every human being has received such protection, then everything they do will be in vain.

"The devil will not pay attention to the fight between ants, even among believers."

After a long moment of silence, the lizard elder spoke slowly.

"Then why did that person become the chosen one?"

"I have no idea"

There was another moment of silence, then the great elder raised his head, his beast eyes flashing: "But we have no choice."

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