My monster merges everything

Chapter 317 Heading to Wushan

One day later, Su Han arranged various matters, and Yan Meiyu, Bai Qiuwen and others also handed over the matters to his deputy and came to Huiyuan City together.

Zhou Wentao and the others had been waiting for a long time. Lone Wolf and Yang Chaojian summoned their flying apostles and prepared them aside.

"Are there any special directions?"

Su Han came to the three of them and asked suddenly, which made Lone Wolf and the others stunned for a moment.

"I was flying along the highway."

It was Lone Wolf who said this. He was quite embarrassed, but if he could fly along the highway, the original road signs were the best guide. It could be said that this was not a solution.

But obviously, this is not what Su Han is referring to.

"All right."

Su Han was a little disappointed. After all, after hearing Xingju's plan, he thought the Southwest Armed Forces had developed similar lighthouse technology.

He looked at Yang Chaojian and said: "When you communicate with Tian Limeng, you don't need to completely enter the spiritual world. Just know his location. Talk to him and don't let him hide his existence."

Yang Chaojiang immediately understood what Su Han meant. This was through mutual contact, using Tian Limeng as the coordinate, and wanted to rush directly in the fog.

Yang Chaojian was a little embarrassed. He said: "But I still have to control the Winged Slaughter Bat. If the spiritual energy is consumed too much, it will be difficult to fly too far, and it will waste time."

"Slaughter-Wing Bat?"

Su Han looked at the huge gray bat with a wingspan of about twenty meters and a height of about seven or eight meters. It had two wings, one big and one small. The edges were lined with fine scales, which were connected together to reveal a faint edge. Indeed, Like a blade.

But as soon as he sensed it, Su Han shook his head. He was only at the third level.

"Who said you could use your apostle to fly there?"

After Su Han finished speaking, the Book of Blood Spirits lit up, and a huge bloody figure immediately enveloped the sky. His aura instantly pressed on the Winged Demon Ghoul and the Winged Killing Bat, almost pressing their bodies to the ground.

Zhou Wentao and the others showed shocked eyes as they looked at the 100-meter blood dragon that was slowly falling in the sky but inadvertently stirred up a huge wind.

Is this his apostle?

There is no doubt that this must be another apostle of Su Han, as far as the two apostles are known so far.

A female tank insect that controls the insect swarm and has outstanding mental abilities.

One is the bloody dragon in front of him. Although he doesn't know the specific ability, his flying ability alone is enough.

Zhou Wentao and the others can say without hesitation that Su Han's apostle equipment is absolutely very comprehensive.

There is no situation where one has no choice but to blindly choose an apostle in an apocalyptic crisis.

"Everyone rides on my Bloody Dragon, and Yang Chaojian navigates. I will bear part of the consumption of mental energy. More than a thousand kilometers should not be enough to tire you out."

"no problem."

Yang Chaojian knew Su Han's strength. There was something he never said to Zhou Wentao, even though it was just his feeling.

When facing Su Han, that huge spiritual energy was far more powerful than Mr. Li.

"Everyone, come up."

Su Han controlled the blood corroded dragon to release the blood spring. A stream of rich blood surged like mercury, and then formed a staircase connecting the blood corroded dragon's back to the ground.

Zhou Wentao and the others had a strange look in their eyes, which was obviously one of the abilities of the Blood Corrupted Dragon.

Everyone climbed onto the back of the Blood-eroded Dragon. The huge body, which was a hundred meters long, could accommodate so many people. After standing firm, the blood-colored scales on its back oozed out a lot of blood, and condensed into two in front of each person. Thorn-like grip.

"Hold on and sit tight. It'll be a bit fast for a while. Just be patient."

The blood-corroded dragon soared into the sky. Zhou Wentao and the others were caught off guard and swayed. When they looked at the blood-corroded dragon again, they flapped their wings and rushed into the mist, rising about four to five hundred meters.

Yang Chaoji immediately activated his talent to communicate with Tian Limeng at the Wushan base, and then pointed at a white fog: "Fly over there."

Su Han nodded slightly, and the Blood Corrupted Dragon quickly flew in that direction. He himself extracted the spiritual energy of the mother tank insect to bless himself, and injected it into the spiritual connection of Yang Chaozhen's construction to provide sustaining energy.

At the same time, a circle of mental power expands outward, about five hundred meters, to detect the surrounding situation and avoid the possibility of colliding with the mountain at too fast speed.

When Su Han went there this time, his primary purpose was naturally to rescue him, and he also wanted to learn more about the Wushan City Base and the Star Torch Project, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to get something out of it.

Two fourth-level monsters, whether they are evolved species or mutant species, these are now scarce fusion materials.

He only has the Blood Corrosion Dragon that has reached the fourth level. The Nine Snake Mother Tree is currently fusing the psychic mines and the lamp tree crystals. When he goes back and works on the psychic blood sea, the fourth level will almost be achieved. .

The remaining Insect Blade Titans and Mother Tank Insects are now at the fourth level and are in the middle level, and the direction of advancement is not that interesting.

Integrating the psychic blood sea is the way to go, but it doesn't mean there are no other options. Now these two black sturgeon beasts are obviously also an option.

Anyway, it was impossible to bring these two fish back alive. He, Su Han, was not a fisherman. It would be too troublesome to just bring two fish back after traveling thousands of miles away.

Integrating on the spot and improving strength is the best choice.

However, should it be given to the Bugblade Titan or the Mother Titan?

Thinking all the way, the Blood-corrupted Dragon flew towards Wushan City at almost full speed. Thick fog kept passing by the Blood-corroded Dragon, and the thin outer layer of black water shield blocked the strong airflow.

About three hours later, the Blood-eroded Dragon came to the sky above Wushan City. The altitude slowly dropped, and the fog slowly dissipated under the light of the crystallized light from the tree lamps coming from the ground.

Wushan City came into Su Han's sight. There were no bright lights throughout the city. The arrangement of light trees and crystals were concentrated in the outer ring of the city and in the inner parks, woodlands and other areas of the city.

The former is a fortification. From a distance, you can see a heavy display of troops, with heavy artillery and machine guns placed neatly.

Further outside, there is the planting area around the city. Under the light, you can see many green crops and people working there.

Except for a few major park planting areas in the city, only a few key intersections and buildings are decorated with lamps and tree crystals. Although the light has dispelled a lot of fog, most areas of the city are still shrouded in a thin layer of smog, making it a bit more depressing. .

The Blood Corrupted Dragon descended rapidly and flapped its wings, causing huge waves, but it did not have much impact.

On the square, Qin Henghu and his generals were already waiting there. Looking at the huge body of the Blood Corrupted Dragon, they were still shocked.

Although Yang Chaojian had already informed him in advance, seeing such a behemoth with his own eyes would inevitably give him a feeling of shock. If he hadn't told him in advance, I'd be afraid that the missiles would have been pulled out to fight now.

Su Han and others got off the back of the blood-corrupted dragon. The red light of the Blood Spirit Book flashed and took back the huge blood-corroded dragon. This relaxed the atmosphere at the scene.

Su Han glanced over. The leader was Qin Henghu, followed by an old man in a white coat, and then followed by men and women in military uniforms of different ages. A total of seven people were at the third level of strength.

"General Qin, thank you for waiting."

Su Han exchanged greetings when they met, and Qin Henghu replied calmly: "It's us who have troubled you. Please come with me."

A few people exchanged pleasantries, introduced the people next to them, and then strode towards the office.

Bai Qiuwen and Zhong Tian are old acquaintances. Although their friendship is not deep, they have met at various seminars, so it is naturally Zhong Tian who is responsible for entertaining Bai Qiuwen.

Yan Meiyu was entertained by Zhou Wentao personally, while Zhao Yaqian followed closely as Su Han's bodyguard.

Everyone entered the conference room, and the conversations along the way gave Su Han a certain understanding of the Southwest Armed Forces.

Qin Henghu made a decisive decision and directly captured Wushan City, sweeping away the monsters in the entire city that had not yet had time to become stronger, and saving millions of people. Later, Tangcheng and Sanjiang City, the three cities looked after each other as horns, and now there was A population of more than two million serves as the basis.

Training veterans, expanding new troops, strengthening research, and guiding cultivation. Based on such a huge population, the strength of the contractors has been maintained at a certain level.

The few generals who followed were the main force staying in Wushan City. Most of them held regiment and battalion-level positions, and two of them were generals who had been promoted from ordinary people.

In terms of overall strength, there are no less than 3 or 40 people in Tier 3 Wushan City, Sanjiang City and Tangcheng alone, so they are not weak.

Although Shuyu occupies two cities, its population base is much smaller, so it relies on resources to make up for its shortcomings.

Although the third level has not yet been counted in detail, including Zhu Xiong and others in the second echelon, and Zhao Yimin and others in the third echelon, there are probably more than twenty people, slightly less than the armed forces.

However, relying on follow-up resources, even if Su Han's population base is smaller, more and more high-level contractors will stand out, overtaking the Southwest Armed Forces in a corner.

"After we deal with the black sturgeon in Sanjiang City first, we will deal with other things."

Everyone sat down and Su Han got straight to the point.

"Good work."

Qin Henghu's calm voice came: "Yesterday, the Black Sturgeon with slight injuries launched three more attacks, mainly the dark red No. 2 Black Sturgeon, and was repelled by Zhang Wenchuan, the 145th Regiment, the 2nd Recruit Regiment, and the remainder of the 81st Regiment. , 13 psychic exoskeleton mechas were lost, 45 tanks were lost, and seven third-level people were seriously injured."

"The frequency of attacks is so high?"

Su Han's face became solemn. According to the configuration of the 117th Regiment, there were at least three or four third-order soldiers in a regiment. So many third-order soldiers joined forces and continued to attack. This did not seem like the behavior of an evolved species.

"We don't know the reason. It used to be that when there was only Black Sturgeon No. 1, it would be expelled only once every three to four days, or even half a month, and it was mostly to occupy the entire water area. Now the red Black Sturgeon is clearly rushing into the water. If you come here by the dam, you can only say that the person who comes here is evil."

"Where's the strength assessment?"

"They are all fourth-level inferiors. The dark red Black Sturgeon No. 2 is more violent. Its main abilities are divided into three categories, water wave control, water layer shield, and water vortex bomb. They are all related to water. There should be others. Ability, combat effectiveness in water is much stronger than the average fourth level."

Photos, images, and analysis data from the research center. Qin Henghu had prepared all the data. He had prepared and analyzed almost every situation from the initial discovery to subsequent encounters.

The attitude of the Southwest Armed Forces is very clear. They are inviting people to help, not to shirk the blame. Therefore, all useful information must be prepared, and no one can suffer a secret loss in this regard.

Qin Henghu continued: "As long as we force them out of the Sanjiang waters or away from the Sanjiang Dam, we can directly use nuclear bombs to strike and destroy them."

"Need not."

Su Han interrupted Qin Henghu: "General Qin, how about you and I go there directly? If everything goes well, we should be back tonight."

Qin Henghu was stunned, almost thinking that he heard wrongly: "Lord Su, is he planning to attack directly?"


Su Han nodded: "Ye Chang Meng Duo, since this monster attacks so frequently, it will be even more dangerous if it is left at night, and many soldiers have been sacrificed."

Of course Qin Henghu wanted a faster solution, but what if Su Han suffered a loss if he was not prepared to act rashly?

But when he saw Su Han being so confident, he couldn't persuade him for a moment, so he nodded and said, "I'll go with you and see the battle environment first. If there is any situation that would be more appropriate to discuss over there."

After all, he is a mature and steady old man. He left enough room for Su Han to respond in his words. And as he said now, discussing over there is also a part of defense. If there is another attack, Su Han can suppress it. Although It may not be able to kill, but it is enough to repel the black sturgeon.

"Wen Tao, while I'm away, you will be in charge of the affairs of Wushan City."

Qin Henghu made arrangements, and Su Han directly left Bai Qiuwen and the others in Wushan City.

As soon as the two of them came out of the office building, Su Han summoned the Blood Corrupted Dragon, got on its back, and soared into the sky.

Looking at the blood-corroded dragon disappearing into the mist, everyone below had different expressions. Some were envious of this fourth level's overwhelming strength, while others were wondering what would happen if such recklessness failed to kill the black sturgeon.

You know, the black sturgeon is like a fish in the water. It can still run away if it can't be beaten. If you really want to scare the snake, I'm afraid the Sanjiang Dam will be difficult to defend in the future.

Of course, suspicion is suspicion, and no one will make it clear. They are just worried about the success or failure of the action, not questioning the other party, nor will they undermine the cooperation between the two forces.

How could he be a simple person who could lend a helping hand in the apocalypse and rise as an ordinary citizen to become such a powerful force?

Sanjiang is only a hundred kilometers away from Wushan, and the road signs along the river are more obvious than those on the highway. Therefore, the blood-eroded dragon's flight speed does not slow down, and it directly passes by the water surface.

The journey was so fast that Su Han and Qin Henghu soon saw Sanjiang City, where the river passed through.


The air defense siren sounded, and the 81st Regiment garrisoned in the main city immediately went on alert, and all anti-aircraft guns turned their muzzles.

There was no notification from the Inspirers this time, so from their perspective, it was a monster invasion.

Qin Henghu stood up straight, full of energy, and shouted loudly: "I am Qin Henghu, cancel the alarm and ask Liu Wenchuan to come over."

The words Qin Henghu made the formation below pause for a moment. The cannon did not actually fire, but the alarm was not lifted.

The blood-corrupted dragon slowly landed on the street under the watchful eye, and the surrounding soldiers quickly surrounded it.

When Qin Henghu saw this scene, he was not angry. On the contrary, he was very calm. Calling his name could stop the firing, which was good. As for canceling the alarm, that was the authority of the direct commander.

"All clear!"

A loud voice came, and a man in military uniform was coming quickly. He was striding fast, but the slight stagger in his body made people feel something wrong. A closer look at one of the arms was empty, only the tied cuffs.

"Ma Yilin, what the hell are you doing here? Didn't I let you recuperate?"

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