My monster merges everything

Chapter 294 Colonial Equipment and Lords

This is the first time for Su Han to use the Insect Crack, and his strength is exactly the fourth level, which is the current upper limit of LV3 Insect Crack transmission energy level.

Compared to Gan and Yong, when he stepped into the insect crack, powerful pulling forces came from all directions, and the power was extremely huge.

It was as if the whole person was stuffed into a crowded washing machine, constantly rolling and shaking, and there were also many sharp objects mixed in.

Su Han's body was strong due to the continuous strengthening of his talent. Although he felt a slight pain, it did not hurt his body.

'It's still within the accommodation range. If it exceeds it, I'm afraid it will be the same as the Titan insect beast. ’

Su Han's thoughts flashed, and he had already appeared in the insect nest in Southern City.

"Is this here?"

"South City"

Gan Yong and the others were surprised because they saw more towering insect nests in the surrounding environment, and a large number of insect swarms surrounded them, including many powerful insects.

Su Han glanced at it, and the insect swarm quickly retreated, and then said: "Follow me."

He didn't bring the blood-corroded dragon with him, but within the confines of Southern City, he could summon the blood-winged tiger with just one thought.

Gan and Yong carefully rode the Blood Winged Tiger. They were extremely shocked by the bright and bright Southern City, which was not even foggy. The residents and patrolling soldiers were all in an extremely natural and relaxed state, as if they had suddenly arrived before the end of the world. appearance.

There is also the giant tree standing in the center of the city. Under the overwhelming canopy of leaves, the bright crystals are emitting bright light, like stars.

Everything was too fantasy, and I felt like I was in a dream. It wasn't until they arrived in the northern area of ​​the city that Su Han called a patrol team for them and sent them to find Gan Xinglei, and then they gradually came back to their senses.

After dealing with the affairs of Gan Yong and the four of them, Su Han took the Blood Wing Tiger and went straight to the building where the research institute was located.

He strode straight in and arrived at the laboratory. Sure enough, Bai Qilan and Bai Qiuwen were all here.

The sound of opening the door woke up all the people discussing it. Seeing that it was Su Han coming, everyone looked surprised.

"Chief, why are you here?"

"How effective are insect bones?"

Su Han nodded, then came to the side of everyone, and his eyes fell on Bai Qilan.

"A preliminary experiment was conducted yesterday. Three insect bones were used, and the experiments were conducted on ordinary prisoners, first-level prisoners, and second-level prisoners. They were all successful, but the effects were different."

Bai Qilan didn't expect Su Han to come back so soon, but she happened to have some information in hand and handed it to him.

"A first-order insect bone?"

Su Han looked at the energy levels of the insect bones used for experiments in the data. For the convenience of cultivation, most of the quality is currently at the first level.

"The experiment used first-order insect bones, but after the first-order insect bone was successfully tested, the cultivation of subsequent insect bones has already begun. Currently, there are ten quotas for mature insect bones, one second-order insect bone, and nine first-order insect bones. Insect bones.”

"Where are the three experimental subjects?"

Su Han raised his head and asked. He wanted to see the effect of the experiment.

"In the underground garage."

"Go over and have a look."

The group of people came out directly from the laboratory and took the elevator to the garage below.

The garage that was originally used for parking has now been completely transformed into the experimental base of the institute. Experiments that require a large space and are destructive will be conducted here.

If it is a more intensive experiment, it will be moved to an outdoor testing site specially prepared for the research institute.

When they came to the underground garage, the three experimental subjects were locked in a cage. The huge metal cage separated them from the outsiders. The cage, which was six or seven meters long and wide, looked like an octagonal cage.


As soon as Bai Qilan and the others appeared, the three of them immediately stood up, straightened their bodies, and shouted: "Report!"

Bai Qilan ignored them. This was just a way for several experimental subjects to express their obedience to them, the researchers.

Even after strengthening, they did not dare to have any arrogant thoughts. Instead, they thought about reforming and starting a new life.

Those who became more powerful and went berserk have now been dismantled by these researchers, in a physical sense.

They all realized one thing deeply, that is, in the apocalypse where there are no legal rules, researchers are so damn cold-blooded.

"No. 1, Zhao Mengwei, a first-class contractor, caused a conflict and attempted to attack the patrol. The apostle was killed. He is considered an ordinary person to participate in the experiment."

"No. 2 Zhou Tianyang, a first-class superior contractor, and No. 3 Qin Lei, a second-class inferior contractor, charged with murder."

Bai Qilan introduced the situation of the three of them to Su Han. Su Han heard this and said, "Has the combat effectiveness been greatly improved?"

"The function of the insect bone is mainly to communicate with the insect swarm. The strengthening function is equivalent to an external long-lasting strengthening agent. It is more comprehensive and has a certain improvement in combat effectiveness, but not all by a large amount."

There are no earth-shaking enhancement potions, but what is known so far is corruption, distortion, abandoning reason and embracing chaotic spiritual energy.

"Test it."

As Su Han's order came, the first iron fence opened, and then a scorpion was let in.

The scorpion entered the cage and immediately made a hissing sound. However, it did not attack Zhao Mengwei, but judged his identity. The feeling was like facing a member of the same race that he had never seen before.

"Before the authority orders are issued, the power of the insect bones alone can already prevent the Zerg from attacking immediately and issue some simple orders."


The tree warrior on the side shot the scorpion, leaving a small wound. The pain instantly aroused the scorpion's ferocity.

Zhao Mengwei immediately pounced forward, his muscles bulging slightly at this time. His back was turned to Su Han and others, which just exposed the position of his back. A dark red spine was attached to it, and sharp thorns pierced into his skin, continuously breaking apart. It has thousands of branches like nerves and blends with the spine and muscles to complete interaction and control.

Zhao Meng didn't have a weapon, but his offensive was not weak. His attack speed was at the normal level of a first-level upper class. Moreover, you could see faint black nails growing on his nails. Although they were not long, they were indeed Has some properties of carapace materials.

At this time, the scorpion also directly attacked and collided with Zhao Mengwei.

The fight between one person and one insect was extremely fierce, with punches hitting the flesh and leaving wounds on the other's body. Blood continued to flow out, but neither of them stopped.

For the scorpion, it is a killing machine, but for Zhao Mengwei, if he cannot defeat the scorpion, he will die.

"Zhao Mengwei's strength dropped to the level of an ordinary person before because the apostles were killed, but now he has gradually recovered to the first level. Insect bones do have a certain recovery effect on the contractors who were killed by the apostles. This is something we don't have." Expected.”

As soon as Bai Qilan finished speaking, something suddenly changed on the field.

Zhao Meng moved closer and used his arm as cover to block the scorpion's tail hook attack. The sharp tail hook penetrated his arm, dripping with blood.

But with this opportunity, Zhao Mengwei directly attacked the scorpion's head. The strong attack penetrated directly through the scorpion's head, and sticky plasma spattered.

The battle ended in an instant. Zhao Meng was seriously injured, but not dead.

Suddenly, while everyone was talking, a red light suddenly lit up from Scorpion's body, and then quickly merged towards Zhao Mengwei's body.

Everyone immediately looked surprised. Zhao Mengwei actually recovered the ability to contract, which they did not expect.

Soon Zhao Meng completed the contract, and the dead scorpion had become his apostle. Zhao Meng also showed an excited look at this time, looking at the Blood Spirit Book on his arm in disbelief. .

Every time he tried to restore the contract before, the severe stinging pain made him almost faint, and there was no way to complete the contract, but now it was different.


Su Han's voice finally woke Zhao Mengwei out of his excitement, and he suddenly stood up straight.

"Yes, sorry."

It is not a wise choice to enter into a contract without permission, since he is still a prisoner.

But Su Han didn't care about this, but looked at the other two and said, "Continue."

The test is still going on. Prisoner No. 2 and Prisoner No. 3 have actually changed a lot after transplanting insect bones.

No. 2 was originally a first-class high-grade. After fusing the insect bones, it gradually broke through to the second-order. This is the experimental body with the greatest benefit. However, considering that it was originally a first-class high-grade, plus the insect bones, it is also a first-class. , matching each other, it doesn’t seem so strange.

There is no significant improvement in the level of Experimental Subject No. 3, but it can be observed that the perception ability, reaction ability and anti-strike ability have been improved.

After completing all the tests, Su Han already knew that this insect bone had met his requirements, at least in terms of communicating with the insect swarm.


"Who is on the pre-selected list of insect warriors now?"

There are a total of ten pre-selected list of insect warriors. This is just the first batch. Everyone knows that they will be related to the opening of the border and have the opportunity to make great achievements, so there are many people who signed up. This is why Bai Qilan needs to let Su Han decide the candidates. s reason.

Although Su Han doesn't care much, this thing is also related to the internal distribution of interests.

Five hundred people, including some healthy contractors, but I have kicked them out and will train for an extra week. "

Bai Qilan calmly told her how to deal with it, and Su Han raised his eyebrows: "You really want to transform your body into a different body?"

"Of course they won't do it with insect limbs, but if it's insect bones, it's a little different, because the insect bones are not obvious and retain a certain degree of peelability. Some people will regard this thing as equipment, a special Implant equipment.”

Bai Qilan was also belatedly aware that the camp had different views on different organs such as insect limbs and insect bones.

Tian Jiaxuan interjected: "Actually, this also gave us an inspiration. The Zerg nest contains very powerful genetic technology, like a 3D printer of genes and bodies. We may be able to cultivate biological equipment through design. Well , equivalent to some kind of breeding mecha."

"Teacher, it's a colonial mecha."

As soon as Tian Jiaxuan finished speaking, one of his students with glasses, Gao Mingwei, weakly raised his hand.

Su Han's face twitched, good guys, are you scientific researchers jumping a little too fast?

"Although it is a bit whimsical, we have succeeded in the basic one-step interconnection. The connection of insect limbs itself represents the feasibility of neural control. Now it is just a matter of changing from flesh transplantation to external detachable neural connections. This point of insect bones has already progressed. Half a step out, as for energy output, amplification, etc., psychic energy is the best connection channel, and we still have enough mineral crystals, so external energy sources are also a way."

Bai Qiuwen also considered the feasibility at this time and listed them one by one with a serious expression.

"Let's make a plan. I'll ask Yan Meiyu to cooperate in providing corresponding material support. As for the current insect warriors."

The final list submitted by Bai Qilan had less than thirty people, most of whom were disabled veterans of the Tree Territory, and the rest were mutants in Lisu County.

"During the continuous search and rescue process, the number of mutants in Lisu County has now reached almost 10,000. Most of the conditions have been controlled with poison, but we must give them hope so that they can be more stable."

"The advice from the Ministry of Government Affairs?"

"The suggestions made by Yan Meiyu and Li Ruikang. As for the remaining veterans, it is a list selected by Lao Zhu, Lao Guo, Kai Ling and Lao Gan. Shuyu will not forget those who have made contributions."

Su Han nodded and said: "First batch of list, second-level insect bone Ge Ming implant, deputy Niu Zhigao, Ying Jian."

He ordered ten people in total. Ge Ming was originally a representative of mutants and had been on the front line in the search, rescue and comfort of survivors in Lisu County. He had no problem contracting this second-level insect bone.

As for Niu Zhigao and Ying Jian, they were originally soldiers of the search team. However, the apostles were killed in the battle. They are slowly recovering now. They were mentally traumatized. The apostles of the contract are only at the first level and their strength has not been fully restored. .

They have contributed a lot and have rich experience, so they deserve this reward.

Half mutant, half meritorious warrior, the choice was decided.

Su Han looked at everyone, and then said: "Arrange the transplant, and then the insect limb cultivation and insect bone cultivation can be put on the schedule. As for the exchange ratio of the contribution, let the government affairs department come up with a charter with you. Those whose contribution value is not enough to mutate can be divided into installments to a certain extent. .”

"Understood, I'll make arrangements right away."

The research institute moved very quickly. In less than an hour, all the selected ones were ready and had already entered the insect sacs and soaked in the insect matter liquid, ready to fuse with the insect bones.

Su Han watched as the tentacles slowly moved the insect bones to their backs, and then the spikes protruded and inserted into the backs.

Ge Ming and the others immediately showed expressions of pain, but everyone gritted their teeth and persisted. Everyone knew that this was their only chance to return to normal and become stronger.

Just like this, I felt that the insect bone nerve branches in my body were constantly intertwined with my spine. My spiritual energy continued to grow at this moment, stimulating my body to continue to grow stronger.


Su Han raised his eyebrows. Ge Ming's aura was the first to break through, and he became the third level of strength. The remaining nine people were also making breakthroughs to a greater or lesser extent.

Four are second level, five are first level, and Niu Zhigao and Ying Jian are both on the list of breakthroughs.


The fleshy membrane of the insect sac was torn, and ten people came out together, unable to suppress the excitement on their faces.

"Thank you, Lord."

Ge Ming felt that the poisonous erosion in his body gradually stopped, and it was controlled by insect bones and maintained body functions. His excitement was indescribable, and he finally no longer had to turn into a monster.

In excitement, they blurted out what they, the survivors of Lisu County, called Su Han in private.

To the people of Lisu County, Su Han's feat of conquering Nanfang City was no different from that of the feudal lords of a separate country. Naturally, some people called him lords.

"Thank you Lord."

The remaining nine people also called casually. Bai Qilan smiled when he heard the words, leaned over and exhaled like a blue: "It seems that this title sounds better than the leader."

Su Han smiled softly, and then said: "It will take two days to get familiar with your strength."

He suddenly frowned, and Bai Qilan noticed something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"There are changes in Huiyuan City, I'll go there."

He looked at Ge Ming and others, and then said: "Put on your plate armor and follow me to Huiyuan City later."

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