Cao Zhen discovered that these prison tribes were just like their human monks and could also release realms.

Even just as the realms released by human monks are ever-changing and diverse, the realms released by these eight prison tribes are also different.

These eight prison tribes appeared, launched an attack and the sneak attack was blocked, and quickly surrounded the five of them.

"Sure enough, these prison tribes just want to lure us deeper, and then surround and kill us one by one."

Immortal Zhengxin looked at the eight Hell Tribes in front of her solemnly, and was secretly glad in her heart. Fortunately, they invited Fairy Leng Shuang. The fairy mountain of the strongest Hell Tribe among these eight Hell Tribes actually reached 330 feet. the height of.

If it weren't for Fairy Frost, no one of them would be able to stop the prison clan opposite. In addition, among the Hell Clan on the ground, there is also a Hell Clan whose Immortal Mountain reaches 400 feet. They can let Senior Brother Zhengyuan compete with them.

But there are still six prison clans left on the opposite side.

The remaining three of them have to deal with the six prison clans on the opposite side. How do they fight?

There were also two Hell Clan opposite with the Immortal Mountain reaching 360 feet, and he and his junior sister and junior sister could just cope with them.

But what about the remaining three prison clans?

Two of the three prison clans own a fairy mountain of 350 feet, and one even owns a fairy mountain of 380 feet.

Can Cao Zhen alone suppress these three people?

While he was calculating the strength gap between the two sides, Fairy Frost's voice rang in his ears.

"Cao Zhen, you block the strongest person on the other side. For the rest, each of you will find a corresponding opponent. Leave the remaining three to me."

After Fairy Leng Shuang finished speaking, a huge domain projection descended.

Although the Frost Fairy's domain was aimed at the Hell Clan on the opposite side, as her domain fell, Zhengxin Fairy still felt waves of icy chill coming from her.

Although Fairy Leng Shuang said it simply, he still understood what Fairy Leng Shuang meant. Fairy Leng Shuang asked them to hold on, and then the strongest one would use her hands free to quickly deal with the remaining three prison clans.

There is indeed no problem with Fairy Leng Shuang's tactics, but the question is, can Cao Zhen block the strongest prison clan on the other side?

The prison tribe's fairy mountain is ten feet higher than Cao Zhen's fairy mountain.

Moreover, the higher the Immortal Mountain, the stronger the Immortal Power, but a person's combat effectiveness also depends on the spells he is proficient in and his combat skills.

He had never heard of the character Cao Zhen before, and he also knew what Cao Zhen's fighting level was and what Cao Zhen's magic was like.

While he was thinking, in the void, the eight Hell Clan had also taken action, and in an instant, waves of frightening evil aura came.

The eight hell tribes released their domains together, and their domains were also aimed at human monks. For a time, with the superposition of these eight domains, Zhengxinxian felt that the air around him became unusually heavy, and even Even breathing became difficult.

Vaguely, he had the illusion that he had fallen into the boundless hell. The strong evil aura rushed towards his face, making him feel a chill in his heart involuntarily.

Then, a prison tribe with a fairy mountain as high as him in the void attacked him head-on.

Almost at the same time, everyone also fought against these prison clans.

What they wanted to do was to barely block the attacks of other Hell Tribes first, and then let the strongest Frost Fairy kill the three Hell Tribes on the opposite side as quickly as possible.

But these Hell Clan are not stupid. The other party, the strongest Hell Clan with the Immortal Mountain reaching 430 feet, flies directly towards Fairy Leng Shuang. They also want to stop the strongest Fairy Leng Shuang on the human side, and then prepare to concentrate. Strength, first kill the two weakest monks on the human side.

Fairy Leng Shuang's expression suddenly changed. If she was entangled, Cao Zhen might not be able to kill the other three prison clans in a short time.

Right now, eight Hell Clan came to attack them, but this was the Hell Clan's small world, and no one knew if there were other Hell Clan nearby.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for them, and they must make a quick decision.

Suddenly, a pair of silver wings appeared beside her and behind Cao Zhen. Then Cao Zhen flashed and jumped out instantly. His speed was so fast that he even made sonic booms while flying.

Cao Zhen sighed helplessly. If Fairy Leng Shuang was stopped by someone, he would have to kill these three prison clans himself.

When the time comes, it will inevitably be necessary to expose more of your strength.

In this case, it would be better to block the other party's Earth Fairy Realm and let Fairy Frost kill the three weaker Hell Tribes.

In the eyes of everyone, Cao Zhen seemed to have transcended the barrier of space and appeared in front of the strongest prison clan on the opposite side in an instant.

It was only then that the phantoms produced by Cao Zhen's flight appeared in the void.

What a speed!

Fairy Leng Shuang glanced at the silver wings behind Cao Zhen. The yellow-level speed magic weapon was indeed relatively rare and considered precious. However, it was only a yellow-level magic weapon and would not cause a person to explode like this. Such fast speed.

Is this Cao Zhen a monk known for his speed?

Now, Cao Zhen blocked the opponent's strongest monk, which made it easier for him to move.

She quickly stood up and rushed towards the two weakest Hell Tribes on the opposite side.

In the void, after Cao Zhen appeared in front of the opposite prison clan, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly thrust out.

It just looked like an extremely ordinary sword, but after the sword fell, there was an indescribable and natural feeling. This sword seemed to be vaguely integrated with everything around it.

As soon as the sword fell, sword energy burst out in the projection of the field below.

Countless sword energy followed his falling sword and rushed towards the prison clan in front of him, like ten thousand swords firing at once.

He himself practiced swordsmanship, and her disciple, Duoduo, mainly practiced swordsmanship. Duoduo's fairy mountain is the sword mountain, and Duoduo's domain is also the domain of swords. He also defeated Duoduo. Immortal mountains and realms, when the sword is drawn, the realm of swordsmanship naturally emerges.

In an instant, the space he was in seemed to have turned into a world of swords. Every sword light was filled with endless sharpness. Every sword energy seemed to be able to break through the sky, revealing a clear blank space. .

Suddenly, two crescent-shaped scimitars appeared in the hands of the prison clan opposite. He was not holding the scimitar in his forehand, but holding the scimitar behind his back. The blade of the scimitar overlapped with his arm.

Looking at the sword light flying down, he quickly crossed his arms together, and the two scimitars also crossed together. At the same time, the turbulent breath like ocean waves surged out of his body, condensing into this On top of a pair of scimitars.

In an instant, the air around the scimitar twisted sharply, vaguely seeming to form the shape of a shield, blocking all the sword energy that was shot down.

The next moment, Cao Zhen's sharp sword suddenly fell down and stabbed directly at the intersection of the two swords.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise like a mountain collapsing or a glacier breaking.

The sharp sword tip hit the two knives, and a series of extremely brilliant sparks were wiped out. The fire light fell into the air, and even ignited the air.

Opposite Cao Zhen, a look of deep horror suddenly flashed across the ugly and ferocious face of the prison clan. His arms trembled visibly, and his body retreated backwards uncontrollably.

How come this human being has such great power!

His fairy mountain is higher than this human's fairy mountain, and his aura is stronger. It should be this human being who is regressing, but it turns out that human beings are stronger. There is only one reason for such a consequence, and that is this The physical strength of human beings far exceeds their own.

Although the physical strength of their prison clan is not the strongest among the six major alien races, it is not as strong as some special demon clans, not as good as some special beast clans, and even worse than those evil clans, but overall it is still strong. He was in the same category, but in the current situation, his physical strength was lost to that of a human being.

He also knows that there are many geniuses among humans, and he can understand if there are strong human beings whose physical strength exceeds his.

But the problem is that the human in front of him not only surpassed him, but completely crushed him, otherwise this result would not have happened.

With the power to crush him, are you sure this is a human?

With the horror in his heart, the breath in his body surged again. On his hands, brown light gathered. As he waved his hands towards the mountains below, the power of the earth suddenly surged on the mountains below. It surged out and gathered into the void. In just a short moment, this breath condensed into a huge meteorite, which fell from the void and hit Cao Zhen heavily.

Since the opponent's physical strength is strong, then the opponent is not given the opportunity to use his physical strength. His fairy mountain is higher and his Qi is stronger!

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked at the huge boulder falling down in the void like a meteorite from the sky. In the palm of his hand, groups of purple light gathered.

The next moment, a muffled thunder exploded in the void, and a purple thunder broke through the dark clouds, falling from nine days away like a catastrophe.

The power of thunder was mighty and its speed was astonishingly fast. Although his spell was released later, it came first and struck heavily on the boulder.

In an instant, there was a loud sound like the sky was exploding, and the boulders were torn into pieces under the bombardment of thunder, flying down in all directions.


On the ugly face of the prison clan strongman, a solemn look appeared in his blue wolf-like eyes. This was a Xuan-level spell!

The most troublesome thing about human beings, apart from those extremely gifted geniuses, is the spells mastered by human beings. Human beings will always cast some spells with astonishing power.

Just like now, it is clear that his Immortal Mountain is higher, but it is just a competition of cultivation. It is obvious that his cultivation is stronger, but because the other party has that mysterious level spell, it blocks his attack.

The giant mountain shattered, and the fragmented rocks rushed towards the surroundings. Many of them fell directly towards the several people and the prison clan who were fighting.

Zheng Xinxian suddenly felt a strong gust of wind coming. He looked to one side and saw a broken rock falling down.

In his hurry, he quickly waved the long knife in his hand and slashed at the rock.

A sharp sword energy burst out and landed directly on the rocks. A dull sound was heard immediately. On top of the rocks, thick mountain aura surged, blocking the incoming sword energy.

The sword energy fell, leaving only a trace on the rock.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared in Zhengxinxian's eyes. Although he had been fighting with a prison clan, he had also been paying attention to the fighting around him. He knew that the flying boulder was caused by Cao Zhen's spell. After breaking the opponent's rock, the boulder was broken into pieces.

Even with such a huge boulder, even though I didn't use my full strength, I am still a being in the realm of immortality. With the blessing of my own field, I didn't even break the huge boulder on the opposite side with a single blow!

Seeing that the boulder had fallen in front of him, he had no choice but to wave his long knife and slash at the boulder.

Suddenly, the boulder made a crisp sound, broke into two pieces from the middle, and flew out towards both sides of his body.

But because of the boulder blocking him, the attack from the prison tribe came crashing down in front of him.

Seeing that he was about to be gathered by the Hell Tribe, another boulder suddenly flew from one side and hit the Hell Tribe who attacked him heavily.

This is also the huge boulder that flew over after Cao Zhen broke through the rock.

The prison clan had to wave their hands to block the boulder, which delayed the attack on Zhengxinxian.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a blast of ice-cold air struck from the side, and under the influence of this cold air, layers of frost appeared in the surrounding void.

Right in front of Xinxian's eyes, a thin layer of frost appeared on the body of the prison clan.

In just one breath, the frost suddenly condensed.

The Hell Clan who was fighting Zhengxinxian was suddenly shocked. The aura in his body surged rapidly, and a layer of hot fiery red light appeared on his body, as if trying to drive away the frost on his body.

But in just an instant, countless ice flowers appeared around him, instantly freezing the space where he was.

It is the immortal realm of Fairy Frost!

Immortal Zheng Xin couldn't help but have a look of surprise on her face. Fairy Leng Shuang was alone in a place with three other people, but she still had time to come and help her.

No, it shouldn't be said that he was assisting himself. The Frost Immortal was directly trying to kill the other party.

In front of him, after the prison clan was sealed in ice, ice flowers exploded instantly, like brilliant fireworks in the dark night.

Suddenly, there were loud explosions in the void, and the space where he was was exploding continuously. Under the fluctuation of the air, there were circles of air ripples visible to the naked eye.

And all the ice on the prison clan exploded at this moment.

For a moment, every part of his arms, legs, and torso exploded, and he instantly became like a bloody man. His aura declined instantly, and the realm under the god suddenly became dim. stand up.

In just a moment, he was severely injured.

Behind Fairy Lengshuang, the attacks launched by the other three Hell Tribes fell almost at the same time. For a moment, three terrifying beams of light rushed straight at them, as if they were going to crush this space.

At the last moment, a hexagonal mirror suddenly appeared behind Fairy Frost. This mirror was different from ordinary mirrors. It was not a bronze mirror, but more like a solid ice.

In less than the blink of an eye, the mirror quickly grew in size, blocking Fairy Frost from behind. Then three beams of light fell and hit the ice-like mirror body, making loud noises. With the sound, the ice began to shake crazily, and even three clear cracks appeared above it, but the mirror body did not break.

A magic weapon of the highest rank in the Yellow Order.

Zhengxinxian just looked at it and instantly judged the grade of the magic weapon. Although he was a disciple of a great sect, he did not have a high-grade yellow-grade magic weapon on his body, only a low-grade yellow-grade magic weapon.

As for Fairy Leng Shuang, it is not surprising that such a genius has a magic weapon of the highest grade in the Yellow Order.

Fairy Leng Shuang used the light mirror to block the attacks of the three Hell Tribes on the opposite side. Then she suddenly turned her head and shouted at Fairy Zhengxin, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you kill him? Then I'll help you." Junior sister."

What she was talking about was naturally the prison clan that she had severely injured.

As for why Zhengxinxian was asked to help Zhengyaxian instead of helping her, the reason is even simpler. It was enough for her to kill these three Hell Tribes by herself. If she hadn't seen Zhengxinxian in danger and helped Zhengxinxian just now, she would have severely damaged one of the three Hell Tribes on the opposite side.

These people from the Changkong Sect are really terrible. As a disciple of a great sect who has reached the Immortal Realm, he has been practicing for who knows how many years. He must have experienced a lot of battles in these years. How could he be so inexperienced? He is really bad at dealing with sudden attacks.

If it were her, she would definitely use the flying boulder to attack another Hell Clan instead of blocking the boulder's attack.

Not only Zhengxinxian, she found that none of the three members of the Changkong Sect seemed to have much fighting experience.

Zhengyaxian and Zhengyuanxian faced opponents with the same cultivation level as them, but both of them were suppressed and beaten.

Cao Zhen, on the other hand, is somewhat unexpectedly strong. Cao Zhen's Immortal Mountain is obviously ten feet lower than the opposite Hell Clan, but now Cao Zhen has not fallen into a disadvantage, and has even been restraining the opposite Hell Clan from letting him. Support other prison clans.

Fairy Leng Shuang glanced in the direction of Cao Zhen, and quickly gathered her thoughts. The cold energy in her body surged out crazily, and she attacked the three prison clans in front of her with all her strength.

Although she was ranked third, her cultivation was much stronger than the three Hell Tribes opposite her. Under her full attack, the three Hell Tribes opposite her quickly began to retreat, and in the void, It was filled with snowflakes unconsciously, and the temperature here was obviously much lower than elsewhere.

Suddenly, in the void, countless snowflakes quickly condensed in one direction, instantly forming a huge ice coffin that froze one of the three Hell Tribes opposite.

In the ice coffin, the prisoner's whole body was frozen, unable to move at all. He circulated the breath in his body crazily, trying to melt the surrounding ice. However, when he circulated the breath in his body, he was surprised to find that the breath in his body was flowing. The speed is much slower than usual.

He was unable to melt the cold air around him at all, and even the cold air continued to invade his body, seeming to freeze the breath in his body.

Feeling the changes inside his body, he could only look outside the ice coffin, hoping that his companions could help him break the ice coffin.

But before, the three of them joined forces and were suppressed by the Frost Fairy. Now that he is sealed in ice, it is a problem for his two remaining companions to protect themselves, let alone help him break the ice coffin.

In just the blink of an eye, his two companions were killed by the Frost Fairy.

Fairy Frost still ignored him, but looked around.

In the distance, Cao Zhen was still restraining the Hell Clan opposite her. With the help of Zhengyuan Xian, Zheng Yaxian had already suppressed the Hell Clan opposite her, and it was only a matter of time before they were killed.

On the other hand, Zhengyuanxian already had an extra scar on his body.

Fairy Leng Shuang sighed helplessly in her heart. The three people from the Changkong Sect were really bad. The cold air gathered in her hand and instantly condensed into a frost spear.

The next moment, the ice spear suddenly shot out from her hand and went straight towards the prison clan who was fighting Zhengyuan Xian.

The ice gun was shot out, and the temperature of this world dropped sharply, as if it instantly fell into the ice that had not melted for a hundred thousand years.

The biting cold air seemed to freeze everyone alive like popsicles.

The ice spear was clearly aimed at the prison tribe on the opposite side, and all the cold air in the field was also rushing towards the opponent.

But the ice spear passed by, and Zhengyuanxian instantly felt that his soul seemed to be frozen to pieces.

He had never felt such a cold breath. Even as a being in the realm of immortality, his body was so cold that he trembled slightly uncontrollably.

Opposite him, the prisoner looked at the sudden attack of the spear, and quickly retreated to the side, the spear almost grazing his body.

The next moment, just as the spear flew past his body, it suddenly made a muffled sound, and then endless pieces of ice shot out in all directions.

Each piece of broken ice is like ice buried deep in the ground that has not melted for hundreds of thousands of years. It is full of cold air that can freeze everything in the world. At the same time, each piece of broken ice is like a person from the immortal realm. A master shoots like a hidden weapon, full of endless edge.

These pieces of ice were not just shot at the Hell Clan on the opposite side, but even included the Zhengyuan Immortal. It was just that more ice was shot at the Hell Tribe and less ice was shot at the Zhengyuan Immortal. .

Zhengyuan Xian never expected that the Frost Fairy's attack would fall on him. Unprepared, the body-protecting fairy energy and skin on his body were cut open by sharp ice shards, and the cold The breath poured into his body, making his whole body freeze uncontrollably. The biting cold seemed to instantly freeze his body, his blood, and every part of his body. generally.

Not far away from him, the body of the prison clan also showed obvious stiffness. He could even see a thick layer of frost on the surface of the opponent's body. After all, the attack of the Frost Fairy was aimed at the opponent. The ice spear also exploded from the side of the Hell Clan. He felt that his whole body seemed to be frozen, not to mention the Hell Clan who bore the brunt.

In a battle between masters, a moment of hesitation will lead to defeat, not to mention a moment of stiffness.

The next moment, Frost Fairy's body floated over. She stretched out a finger as white as snow and pointed in the direction in front of her.

With a seemingly very light finger, a cold light appeared on her finger, and then the cold light flashed. It was just a cold star flying out, but it gave people the feeling that there was an iceberg coming from the extreme north. The ground flew down and hit the prison clan opposite.

Immediately, the ice on the entire body of the Hell Tribe opposite completely condensed, and then the ice shattered. Along with this, the body of the Hell Tribe also showed obvious fragmentation. Pieces of frozen skin and even bones began to crack. The ice shattered and shattered together.

Xuan level magic!

Zhengyuanxian's face condensed. There is no doubt that such a powerful spell must be a Xuan-level spell. He felt the dissipation of his own cold energy and quickly reacted. The sharp sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out. In an instant, countless sword shadows were shot out, and the sword energy was Dense, as if a heavy downpour suddenly fell.

Countless sword lights shot into the frozen body of the opposite prison clan, cutting open the opponent's meridians and severing the opponent's internal organs...

Although the Hell Clan opposite had a 400-foot-high Immortal Mountain, they were successively attacked by two strong men at the pinnacle of the Immortal Realm, and their aura instantly declined.

"kill him."

Fairy Leng Shuang let out a low cry, and her eyes fell on the strongest prison clan that had been fighting Cao Zhen.

This prison tribe saw his companions dying one by one. For a moment, a look of anxiety appeared in his huge eyes, and he frantically attacked the humans in front of him.

They have been lying in wait here for a long time, waiting for a team of similar strength to arrive and kill each other.

There were teams that arrived before, but they didn't take action. Those teams were either too strong and they were no match for them, or they were too weak and would not get much credit for killing them. At the same time, the teams that were too weak didn't have any valuable treasures.

This team of five seemed to them to be a perfect fit, but who would have thought that there would be two such strong people among the opponent.

That woman stopped talking, it was so terrifying!

The male cultivator in front of him was also too strong. His fairy mountain was obviously ten feet higher than this male cultivator's, but when fighting, he didn't feel at all that he was stronger than the opponent.

He even had the illusion that the human male cultivator on the opposite side was fighting alone. If they continued to fight without anyone intervening, the other side would even defeat him!

If it weren't for this male cultivator, he would have entangled the strongest female cultivator on the opposite side, so that their people would not be easily killed. By then, after killing the three weakest cultivators on the opposite side, the eight of them combined would be very powerful. It is possible to win.

As a result, this human male cultivator entangled him all by himself, making him unable to free his hands from the beginning to the end, and helplessly watched his companions die one after another.

His companions were all dead, and he couldn't even kill a single monk on the other side, let alone five people on the other side.

He instantly thought of running away.

But the other party didn't give him a chance at all. This human male cultivator was too fast, and the other party had too much combat experience.

Their prison race is also a very warlike race. Rather than saying that he has practiced all the way to the realm of immortality, it is more appropriate to say that he has fought all the way to the realm of immortality.

But after fighting the human monk in front of him, he was surprised to find that this human monk had even more combat experience than him.

He tried to attack several times and then took the opportunity to escape, but the human monks on the opposite side saw through and blocked his retreat.

But now, all his companions are dead or have lost the ability to fight, but he has not escaped yet.

Suddenly, in front of him, the strongest female cultivator among the other humans was flying towards him, and in the opponent's hand, she grabbed a spear and stabbed towards her.

The speed of the spear was not slow, but it was not so fast that it could not stop him.

But at the moment when the female monk stabbed her spear, the male cultivator also stabbed out the sword. The direction of the sword thrust was too tricky. If he tried to avoid the female monk's spear, he would definitely be stabbed by the sword. .

Damn humans!

These two humans have such a tacit understanding, it must be the relationship between a senior sister and a junior brother, or a Taoist couple.

You can only dodge one person's attack!

He made a decision in an instant, and quickly dodged to the side, while blocking the front of himself with the two knives in his hands.

He chose to dodge the female cultivator's attack. After all, the female cultivator's cultivation was even more terrifying, especially the cold air that gave him an incomparable headache.

A sword fell and pierced directly through his body. The sharp tenacity pierced through his chest and penetrated through his back.

He felt the severe pain coming from his body, and a ferocious look flashed across his face. If he stabbed himself, this human being wouldn't even think of it easy!

Put it down, he knew clearly that he could not avoid the opponent's attack, but he still swung the scimitar, not for defense, but to stab the male cultivator in front of him!

Now he can no longer escape. There is only one consequence for not being able to escape, and that is death.

Since it was death, he couldn't let the other party have an easy time!

The sharp blade passed by and was about to hit the male cultivator in front of him in the neck. Suddenly, the body of the male cultivator in front of him twisted strangely. At that moment, the opponent's feet did not seem to be stepping on the void. Instead, he stepped on the stars high in the sky, and his body instantly moved sideways to avoid his scimitar.

What kind of movement is this?

The prison clan's eyes suddenly widened, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes. He had broken through to the realm of naturalized cultivation. He had participated in countless battles, but he had never seen such a weird and magical movement technique.

On the side, Fairy Leng Shuang looked at Cao Zhen who suddenly twisted his body and dodged the scimitar. A look of astonishment even flashed across his face that always seemed to be covered in frost. His forward body also slowed down slightly, and then She reacted suddenly, and stabbed the neck of the prisoner in front of her mercilessly with the spear in her hand. Then the cold fairy energy in her body suddenly erupted like a volcanic eruption. Endless cold air poured into the opponent's body, absorbing everything in the opponent's body. frozen.

When the temperature reaches a certain level, all the meridians and internal organs wrapped in the cold air in the prisoner's body will burst open!

After Cao Zhen turned around to avoid the Hell Clan's attack, he suddenly turned around and grabbed the sharp sword that was still inserted in the Hell Clan's body. The immortal energy in his body suddenly spat out and rushed into the opponent's body along the opponent's body.

For a moment, all the immortal power from him and Fairy Leng Shuang poured into the body of the prison clan. Under the crazy raging of two different auras, the body of the prison clan exploded, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere.

In just an instant, the prison clan was already dead and could no longer die.

On the other side, Zhengxinxian and Zhengyaxian joined forces and finally killed their opponents.

Immortal Zhengyuan has also killed the prison clan who were severely injured by Fairy Frost.

For a time, only the one left among the eight Hell Tribes was the one sealed in ice by Frost Fairy's ice coffin.

And in the ice coffin, his eyes gradually closed under the attack of cold air. Although he was not dead, it was obvious that he would not live for long.

Fairy Leng Shuang ignored this Hell Clan, but looked at the seven Hell Clan who fell from the air to the ground after their death, and whispered: "The spoils of the strongest Hell Clan belong to Cao Zhen, and the remaining seven Hell Clan The trophies of the Yeji clan in the ice coffin also belong to Cao Zhen. The trophies of five of the remaining six Hell clans belong to me, and the three of you will share one trophy."

Among the five of them, she only gave the three members of the Changkong Sect the spoils of the Prison Clan. In her opinion, there was no problem with such a distribution.

The three members of the Changkong Sect did help, but the three of them were really only entitled to share the spoils of one prison clan.

The combat prowess displayed by these three Changkong Sect members was far from matching their cultivation.

On the contrary, it was Cao Zhen who showed a combat power that far exceeded his cultivation level.

Immortal Zhengxin suddenly showed a look of dissatisfaction when she heard that Fairy Lengshuang only left a trophy from the prison clan.

Only give them one prison clan? The three of them also stopped three prison clans just now. But before he could speak, Zhengyuanxian on the side had already said: "No problem, this is fair."

As he spoke, he transmitted a secret message to his junior brother and junior sister: "Stop arguing, together with these two people, we have indeed taken advantage.

In fact, our trip is not to plunder resources here. We are forced to enter here and have to enter here.

This is just the first wave of attacks we've encountered, and there will be more to come. You have also seen these hell clans. Without them, we would definitely die.

If we want to survive, we must work with these two people. There is no need to offend these two people for these resources.

Especially that Cao Zhen, we all underestimated him before.

His sword skills and physical strength are extremely terrifying, and the movement skills he finally revealed are even more unparalleled.

I even wondered if he was hiding part of his cultivation. For example, he actually owns a fairy mountain of 430 feet or 440 feet. "

Fairy Zhengya was a little confused and asked: "Hiding his cultivation? Why would he hide his cultivation?"

Zhengxinxian transmitted the message into the secret and explained: "The follow-up is to save some backup. After all, he is alone, so he must keep some trump cards."

When Fairy Zhengyuan transmitted the news, Cao Zhen and Fairy Leng Shuang had already taken away the magic weapons and the Qiankun bags of several Hell Clan.

Fairy Frost flew down in front of the ice coffin at this time, raised her hand and landed on the ice coffin. With the touch of her slender fingers, the ice coffin immediately dissipated, and the prison clan in the ice coffin no longer made any sound. An immortal The prison clan in the domain were frozen to death in this way.

After Fairy Leng Shuang took away the opponent's Universe Bag, she threw it directly into her own Universe Bag without even looking at it. Then she raised her head and looked at Cao Zhen, with a look of admiration on her face as if she were looking at an equal being: "My sword skills are good, and my body skills are even better."

The difference of ten feet between the fairy mountains seems very obvious.

Cao Zhen was able to defeat the opponent even though he was ten feet shorter than the opponent's fairy mountain. Even with the strength Cao Zhen showed just now, especially the last movement, she was convinced that Cao Zhen had retained his strength, otherwise with that kind of strength With his body skills, if Cao Zhen attacked with all his strength, the prison clan he faced would have been injured.

In this case, it would be even more terrifying.

Also, it was obviously the first time she had seen this Cao Zhen, but with the cooperation between Cao Zhen and her, the timing and angle of the attack were perfectly grasped, as if they had known each other for many years.

Being able to do all this requires not only extremely exquisite swordsmanship, but also rich combat experience.

A person with such rich combat experience should be a warlike person. That combat experience cannot be acquired through sparring. It is a combat experience or combat instinct that needs to be learned through fighting life and death again and again.

But she had never heard of Cao Zhen's name. Or is this Cao Zhen just a pseudonym?

Although she was wondering where such a master came from, since the other party didn't tell her, she didn't ask.

After everyone quickly cleaned up the battlefield, they quickly set off and flew forward.

They had just fought here, and such a big movement would definitely attract the attention of other people or other prison clans. In order to avoid trouble, it is best to leave quickly.

Everyone flew for about two sticks of incense, and they encountered a sneak attack from a group of Hell Clan again. Although the number of this group of Hell Clan was not as large as the previous group of Hell Clan, their strength was stronger, and Cao Zhen could not even continue. Paddling like before, the cultivation of the 420-foot Immortal Mountain showed some real abilities, and then cooperated with Fairy Leng Shuang to kill all these prison clans, while Fairy Zhengxin and Fairy Zhengya were even fighting , were all injured.

Cao Zhen discovered that the three people taught by Changkong really had no combat experience. Under normal circumstances, anyone with more combat experience should not be injured.

The feeling these three gave him was that, let alone having the experience of wandering between life and death, they probably had not fought many real enemies. Their battles were more like sparring with others rather than trying to destroy them. Kill each other.

He even doubted whether the world of immortal cultivation in Zhongzhou was not so cruel, but Fairy Leng Shuang was obviously one of those people with very rich combat experience.

He could only think that the three members of the Changkong Sect were some special ones.

As the few people flew all the way, the sky gradually became dark, and they saw people again, but they were dead.

All five of them are in the realm of immortality, and their flying speed is not too slow. Although they have experienced two battles, it is impossible for other monks not to experience battles. They should be among the individual monks, flying at the forefront. One of several groups of people, the only people in front of them were people from the three major religions and people from nearby sects.

Now, on the ground in front of them, there were monks wearing uniform uniforms lying on the ground. There were more than forty monks in total. And around these people, there were more than a dozen corpses of the prison clan lying.

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