My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 754 Horror Benefits

"Rong Yixian is too fierce!"

Chen Fan had seen Rong Yixian's strength before.

The kind that is not particularly exaggerated among Dao fruits should be similar to Zhou Wei. It shouldn't be difficult for him to win with only "Holy Sword of Fire". When did this guy become so powerful?

Now he is definitely more powerful than Zhou Wei.

You know, although Chen Fan didn't use all of his Dao domains and sword skills, he has already used the two strongest Dao domains.

After the failure, although Rong Yixian had a complicated expression, he was very frank, and directly came up to congratulate: "Your strength is really extraordinary, Junior Brother, and the Sword Domain is worthy of being the Sword Domain!"

Chen Fan shook his head, observed Rong Yixian up and down, and suddenly said:

"Brother, have you broken through your spiritual consciousness?"

He was keenly aware of Rong Yixian's difference.

Thinking that Rong Yixian had just obtained the Supreme God Pill and had been in seclusion for so long, he would naturally have some guesses.

Rong Yixian laughed, and directly admitted: "Junior Brother Huiyan."

"No wonder, no wonder..." Chen Fan finally understood why this guy's strength had increased so much all of a sudden.

The breakthrough of consciousness.

Although it will not cause an increase in the level of strength, it will have a great impact on personal combat effectiveness, and the timing of the battle and the control of oneself will be even better.

Chen Fan's expression was subtle: "Brother, if you used some soul attack secrets just now, I'm afraid I will lose."

The reason why Chen Fan is not afraid of ordinary people's soul attacks is not because his consciousness is so strong that he can ignore them, but because of the power of the "Shou Zi Jue" printed by the Star God!

In the illusion, Chen Fan didn't have the star god seal to protect him. If Rong Yixian used his soul to attack, Chen Fan would be forced to use more strength if he wanted to win, even if he wouldn't be defeated directly!

Rong Yixian shook his head: "I am not good at using the soul technique, and I don't want to use that method for you either!"

Chen Fan was in awe, and immediately cupped his fists: "Senior brother has a broad mind, I can't compare it!"

Rong Yixian shook his head.

Chen Fan said again: "By the way, senior brother, I want to talk to you about something, I don't know..."

Rong Yixian waved his hand, with a smile on his face: "Go to my cave!"


The reason why Chen Fan sought out Rong Yixian was because of the Projection Stone.

Rong Yixian's strength should not be underestimated, and he broke through the limitless realm. Although he lost to Chen Fan, it is not a problem to hit a higher ranking.

If he could buy Rong Yixian's "broadcasting rights" and even contact Rong Ziqi through Rong Yixian, Chen Fan believed that he would be able to attract many disciples.

Things went beyond Chen Fan's expectation.

Rong Yixian not only agreed, but even contacted his sister on the spot.

Naturally, Chen Fan would not be stingy with Yuan Jing, and offered a considerable price to the two of them.


The next day, Chen Fan ushered in another battle with Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei was once again defeated by Chen Fan's "Holy Sword of Fire", but this time Zhou Wei did not immediately engage in a fight with Chen Fan, instead she seemed to have realized something and left Yanwu Pavilion.

Chen Fan also continued to challenge for higher rankings.

Except for the absence of Zhan Jianming who was the first, he played all the others and easily won the fourth place. However, facing the second place Rong Ziqi and the third place Wei Dong, he didn't win a game!

The masters of the sword field at the two levels of Daoguo surpassed Chen Fan in terms of realm and swordsmanship.

It's not even to the extent that he can make up for it with other dao domains.

Chen Fan even suspected that he might not win even if he used all the Dao Domains.

No matter how many superimposed numbers, the gap in absolute level cannot be made up.

"With the power of my deity, even if I don't use berserk, it's not difficult to defeat Wei Dong, but if I want to defeat Rong Ziqi, I'm afraid it may not be easy for my deity to increase my true essence and add one level of berserk..."

Rong Ziqi is not able to live shoulder to shoulder, or even beat some ordinary immortals. Although there is a gap in strength compared to Zhan Jianming, she is even stronger than the dead Ji Yongge...

And you must know that his strength is not like Chen Fan, it is all about the blessing of foreign objects...

While challenging these people, Senior Sister Zhou Wei came to Chen Fan every now and then to challenge them.

In such high-intensity sparring and fighting, Chen Fan broke through the triple sword domain and began to advance by leaps and bounds, and his grasp of many sword intents in the sword domain also improved a lot.

It's just that after playing a few more times, no matter how powerful the hang-up talent is, Chen Fan can hardly get the wool from this senior sister's head...

It's the end of the year in the blink of an eye.

In the last month, all the sword sect disciples had crazy challenges, and almost all of them used up their three challenge opportunities this month.

Chen Fan not only experienced battles, but also kept watching other people's battles in Yanwu Pavilion.

In the end, his ranking was also fixed at the fourth place.

Needless to say, various cultivation resources, for Chen Fan, his chance to enter the "Sword Realm" and his master's original promise are more important things.



Chen Qingru looked at Chen Fan with a complicated expression: "Congratulations, Junior Brother, you have achieved the fifth place in the true biography!"

In fact, when she knew that Chen Fan had broken through the triple sword realm, she didn't have much doubt that Chen Fan could break into the top ten. It was only in the top five, but it was another level.

Chen Fan waved his hand: "I was able to rush to the fifth place with the help of the sword domain and the multiple Dao domain—"

Jianyu himself is stronger than other Daoyu.

Chen Fan's Triple Sword Domain alone is not inferior to the Dao Domain at the Dao Fruit level, not to mention that Chen Fan also possesses other Dao Domains!

But in Yanwu Pavilion, only looking at the realm and swordsmanship, the gap between Daoguo masters and others has been narrowed.

Of course, even so, Chen Fan's ability to rush to fifth also shows his own strength!

Chen Qingru smiled and said: "Junior brother, you came this time, but in order to let your father fulfill his promise, to refine your weapons for you?"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled, but he said again:

"I do want to see the master, but not just for Jianwan, there is another thing..."

Chen Qingru still had a faint smile: "Oh?"

"That's it, senior sister, do you know the 'theater' that appeared in the inner and outer sects of Jianzong recently..."

Chen Fan roughly talked about what he had done in the inner and outer sects recently, and also took out a projection stone for Chen Qingru to see.

"Is there such a thing?"

Chen Qingru accepted Chen Fan's projection stone with a curious expression on his face.

As the elder of the Jiange Pavilion and the famous Shuangshu of Jianzong, he naturally wouldn't go wandering around the inner and outer sects for nothing, and he really didn't know the spread of the "theater" of Jianzong at this time.

"Oh, you asked me to help contact the elders of Gewuyuan and Zhenyuan, just for this thing!"

In fact, the technology of projection is nothing, and some powerful warriors can create this kind of thing by relying on their own strength.

The real value of the projection stone is that it can store images and mass-produce them, so that low-level warriors can also use them, which is convenient and simple.

Chen Fan nodded and said:

"I came here to report my achievements in the past year to the senior sister and the master. Does the senior sister know that I have opened hundreds of 'theatres' in Jianzong, and how many yuan crystals I have earned?"

Chen Qingru raised her eyebrows slightly, "A lot?"

Chen Fan nodded: "From the time I started building the first 'cinema' until yesterday, excluding the cost of projecting the original stone and various miscellaneous expenses, I have earned a total of 2.23 million crystals!"

"And I still have tens of thousands of projection stones with different content in my hand. Even if I don't do anything in the future, they will still be able to continuously generate income! And you know, I have already paid back my money, these are all Net gain!"

Chen Qingru's eyes widened too: "So exaggerated?!"

Two million yuan crystals, there are not many people in the entire Jianzong who can take them out.

Although some truly precious items can no longer be bought with Yuanjing.

But I have to say that two million yuan crystals is really an exaggeration.

Ordinary longevity masters may have items that are worth far more than this figure, but they may not be able to get so many crystals at once.

And you must know that what Chen Fan did didn't need to kill him, it was so difficult, he just had to sit at home every day and wait for the money to be collected.

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