My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 747 Breakthrough Opportunity

"Pattern?" Fei Yi was stunned.

Chen Fan looked at him with a smile:

"Junior, do you know how many people there are in Yuan Shenzhou?"

He didn't wait for Fei Yun to answer, but stretched out a finger:

"It's at least tens of billions. If warriors only account for one percent, there are hundreds of millions of warriors. Even if only one tenth of these people are willing to pay primordial stones to enter the projection point, there are tens of millions of warriors! If we can Continuously produce high-quality projection content, establish enough projection points, and all these people will watch our projection stones, then we will continue to make money from these people!"

"Junior Brother, let's think about it, how big a market this is!"

Fei Yu was stunned, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"There are a lot of warriors in Yuanshen Prefecture, but most of them are low-level warriors. I'm afraid few of these people can use Yuanshi for entertainment... and Yuanshen Prefecture is too big, and it is impossible for us to extend the projection point to such a far range! "

But it is very sensible.

Within Jianzong, it was already regarded as a place where elite fighters gathered, and only some people could get extra primordial stones for entertainment.

For low-level warriors, primordial stones are relatively precious training resources, and they will not be wasted easily.

If you want to attract enough people to watch, the price cannot be too high, but if the price is low, it will be more difficult to get back the cost.

Although the projection stone is not a consumable, the content inside cannot always create high value after all, and it must be constantly rotated.

Even if the cost of a projection spar is really reduced by half, twenty-five yuan crystals are equivalent to twenty-five thousand yuan stones, plus the cost of publicity and labor, the cost is still too high.

Chen Fan shook his head:

"As you said, the cost can be reduced slowly. It's only been a long time since the projection stone came out. If you can find a powerful forging and formation master, it will not be a problem to improve the technology in a short time. As for the promotion, I can find a way Contact the top level of Jianzong to help..."

His master is the head teacher of the Sword Sect, and the boss of the Sword Sect. If he is willing to help, relying on the strength of the Sword Sect to spread the projection point, it will definitely not be a problem!

With his knowledge of the mature industrial model in his previous life, it is absolutely guaranteed that these projection points will pay back and even earn Yuanjing.

Fei Yu couldn't help being stunned too, with a strange expression on his face: "Then I..."

Chen Fan said directly:

"Junior Brother, follow me to do things in the future! I will invest 500,000 yuan in crystals for you first, and you will be responsible for establishing enough projection points within Jianzong, and occupying the internal market of Jianzong first. I will also introduce you Some powerful mechanisms and formation masters will help you improve the 'projection stone' craft faster..."

If he wants the master to help, he needs to let the upper echelon of Jianzong see the potential behind it, and he has to come up with some results first. He plans to use himself to challenge so many true biography as a gimmick to make a wave of money, so that the master can see the terrifying profits !

When Fei Yi heard that Chen Fan was going to spend 100,000 yuan in crystals to invest in his own business, his eyes widened and his face was full of joy!

The more money he has, the better he can act.

The two chatted in detail about their future plans for a while.

Chen Fan has the experience of his previous life, so he can naturally provide Fei Yi with many practical ideas.

And Chen Fan also called his senior brother Zhang Fan, and asked Zhang Fan to personally supervise him and complete the follow-up plan with him...

Zhang Fan is one of the few confidantes he can trust.

Of course, Chen Fan never regarded Fei Zhen as a collaborator from the beginning to the end, but regarded him purely as a tool!

If Fei Yu was honest and obedient, Chen Fan would not begrudge his Yuanjing, but if this guy had other ideas, it would be very easy for Chen Fan to deal with him...


Yu Jin recorded all of Chen Fan's past eleven battles.

A projection stone can record about half an hour of battle content, and can almost record Chen Fan's three battles.

The only problem is that after the projection stone content records are saturated, the content cannot be modified, and there is no way to "edit".

Fortunately, after all, Yu Jin is a top ten expert, and as a "support" of human flesh, he is able to keep his hands from shaking, and the recorded images are still acceptable.

Chen Fan took out these projection stones and handed them to Fei Yi.

The content recorded by one projection stone can be directly copied to another projection stone.

However, Chen Fan didn't let Fei Yi start the business directly, but let him start to expand the new "projection point" as soon as possible.


In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

With the help of Chen Fan Yuanjing, Fei Yi has already established more than a dozen "theatres" that can accommodate a thousand people, including various places inside and outside the gate.

Tickets are tentatively set at ten Yuanshi.

The internal security of Jianzong is guaranteed, so naturally there is no need to worry about someone making trouble, and Chen Fan just informed Chen Qingru in advance, and the staff of Jianzong's executive court also took good care of him.

As for Chen Fan, he also spent a lot of Yuanjing, building up momentum inside and outside the door, and "advertising", so that the "theatre" has not actually opened, but it has already attracted the attention of many people.

Not to mention.

These days, there are many internal and external disciples in Japan, who are very concerned about Chen Fan's battle.

Especially those who participated in the gambling game. As they were, they didn't really see Chen Fan make a move on weekdays, and they wanted to see it.

So when the "theater" really started to operate, and the tickets were only ten primordial stones, naturally many people were attracted to watch it...


The next day, when he got the turnover data of the previous day, Chen Fan shook his head involuntarily.

Even after the propaganda and bombardment of my own Yuanjing in the past few days, and the support of some Jianzong disciples who are more concerned about their battles, the turnover of the ten "theatres" on the first day is not very good. In the end, the total turnover of the ten "cinemas" was less than one thousand yuan.

Compared with his expenditure, it is only a drop in the bucket, let alone profitable.

But Chen Fan knew that this was just the beginning.

The emerging thing of "cinema" is just beginning...


In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

During this period of time, Chen Fan would accept a challenge from the True Inheritance of the Sword Sect every other day.

Today, he has played a total of forty-nine games.

And he also passed the record of forty-nine victories, from one hundred and fifty to the forty-first place in True Legend of Jianzong!

After reaching this ranking level, more than 90% of them are masters above the third level of Dao Domain!

Having experienced so many battles, he has also seen various sword techniques, among which he has only seen an opponent with a sword domain, but the opponent only mastered a heavy sword domain...

His nine swordsmanship improved rapidly, and his sword field became more and more complete.

Only one line away from breaking through the third level...

He had a premonition that if he could make a breakthrough in any one of the nine sword arts, he would definitely be able to break through the triple sword domain.

Not only his cultivation base, but his reputation has completely resounded through Jianzong at this time.

Especially among the inner and outer doors.

Even louder than Zhan Jianming.

Consecutive victories have made more and more people pay attention to him!

His "theatres" in the inner and outer gates have also expanded from the original ten to hundreds. With the projection of his past forty-nine victories, there are more and more "theatres". Shi's technology has also made a lot of breakthroughs, and the "cinema" has turned losses into profits, and its profits are even rising rapidly!

Yanwu Pavilion.

The girl in a short shirt with squinted eyes smiled and looked at Chen Fan: "Junior Brother Chen Fan, it's finally here for me. I've been greedy for your Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill for a long time."

Chen Fan also frowned, his eyes flickered:

"I have also been looking forward to the battle with Senior Sister Liao for a long time."

This Senior Sister Liao is named Liao Hongyu, and she is ranked thirty-ninth in the Sword Sect, and she broke into this ranking with the second level strength of the Dao Domain!

One must know that Yu Jin, who was able to instantly kill Ruan Hongliang, who was also at the second level of Dao Domain, was only ranked outside the fifty.

The reason why Liao Hongyu has such strength is because she is a master of the sword domain!

He is also the one who has the highest level of comprehension of the Sword Domain outside of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

And Chen Fan also heard from Yu Jin that this woman has not challenged other true disciples for several years, and her real strength may be far higher than her ranking!

Chen Fan did not lie, he had been looking forward to the battle with this person for a long time...


Both of them chose the three-foot long sword as their weapon.

And as he entered the battle, Liao Hongyu finally opened his slightly squinted eyes, "Be careful, junior brother, I rely on the "Tianhui Sword" to comprehend the sword domain, I call it... the Tianhui sword domain!"


As his voice came out, around Liao Hongyu's body, layers of light blue bands of light suddenly expanded to all directions around him.

A sharp breath rippling around his body.

Chen Fan looked at his Human Dao Domain, his eyes sparkled!

Liao Hongyu's sword domain form is also different from everyone Chen Fan has seen in the past.

He licked his lips, staring at Liao Hongyu with unusually burning eyes...

He had a premonition that the opportunity for his breakthrough in the Sword Domain lay in Liao Hongyu!

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