With "Jialan" waving his hand, the small world he worked in was completely divided.

And it divides Chen Fan, Hu Jiuguang, and the giants on the other side, and separates always alone, which also shows that at this moment, for her, Shi Zhongyu, who has the third level of longevity, is better than the giant who has no wisdom and only knows how to destroy. It's harder to deal with!

In terms of strength, the giant is naturally superior, but it is not necessary to be an enemy to it.

Shi Zhongyu's eyes flickered, but his eyes flickered:

"Hehe, it seems that although your Excellency is powerful, but you just broke out, you probably haven't recovered much strength... Otherwise, you don't have to bother and kill me directly..."

"Jialan" giggled again: "You guessed right. Come on, human, use all your strength, if you can escape from my hand, I will be very excited."

Shi Zhongyu exhaled deeply the turbid air in his mouth, and unconsciously licked his lips.

still have a chance!


the other side.

Chen Fan looked up at the giant who was constantly attacking the fault at the edge of the small world in the distance, licked his lips, and his thoughts turned: "If 'Jialan' and Shi Zhongyu decide the winner... I want to live, I will almost Impossible..."

In fact, he thought of the "distorted blood beast" locked in his star palace.

The special power contained in the body of the "distorted blood beast" almost killed the leader of the Blood God Cult, and it may also be able to threaten that "Jialan", but that kind of thing is too unstable, and it will not be released until the end of the road. will use the means.

But now, there may not be any other way, he looked at the giant with the ax in front of him with burning eyes.

"Silver Demon God arranged for this giant to guard 'Jialan', and what 'Jialan' said just now, if this giant can exert its true power, it will be able to compete with 'Jialan'!"

The only chance of survival lies in this giant!

Just then.

"Master, what should we do?" Hu Jiuguang raised his head and looked at Chen Fan twitchingly.

Judging from the current situation, among the three forces, the weakest one is undoubtedly Chen Fan.

"Should we hide in the Hall of Stars?" Hu Jiuguang asked tentatively.

Chen Fan shook his head.

If it is in the outside world, it may be possible, but the problem is that this is the world of the mind of the woman named "Jia Lan".

The two of them suddenly disappeared, and where they could go, the other party would definitely be able to find out!

With the other party's level of spiritual consciousness, if you search slowly, you will definitely be able to discover the secret of the Star Palace.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and still looked at the giant in the distance, "You wait here first..."

His eyes flickered, and his body entered a state of "concealment".

He quickly approached the giant.

At the same time, Chen Fan had summoned Yuanzhu.

Thoughts swirled in his mind——

Since the power of my "Origin Technique" can help get rid of evil forces, I just need to find a way to help the giant to complete the purification, and then let it deal with the escaped "Jialan"!

Even if this giant is demonized, it can make Chen Fan and the four of them unable to face each other head-on. If they can regain their sanity, they will be able to deal with the incomplete "Jia Lan".

Even the "Jialan" who was fighting against Shi Zhongyu at this time showed a strength that was far worse than that of the giant!

It's just that Chen Fan had just approached and summoned the power of the source bead. Before he could activate it, the giant suddenly turned his head and smashed it down with an axe, as if alert.


Chen Fan had a bad heart, but immediately dodged his ax with the "Wings of Void Escape", and was still blown away with the golden blood splashing, he immediately activated the source beads, and re-entered the "Hidden Void State".

The corners of the mouth twitched with helplessness.

If he was hit by a giant's ax head-on, even if he had the White Emperor Armor, he would lose a layer of skin if he didn't die. It was impossible to activate the power of the source pearl to purify him.

"I need someone to help me drag this guy!"

His eyes flickered, but he turned to look at Hu Jiuguang.

Immediately, he continued to urge "Hiding the Void", returned to Hu Jiuguang's side, and said directly: "Didn't you say that if the pressure is strong enough, you can quickly absorb the "Original Blood Marrow" to complete the advancement?"

With Hu Jiuguang's current strength, he couldn't carry the giant's axe, not to mention getting involved, if he went up to confront the giant head-on, he would die, and he couldn't help Chen Fan at all.

But if he can advance, he may not be able to match the giant, but it shouldn't be difficult to get involved!

When Hu Jiuguang heard Chen Fan's words, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. He naturally realized what Chen Fan was going to say, but he couldn't help but answer honestly no matter how unwilling he was:

"If the pressure I face is enough, the speed at which I absorb the marrow of the source blood will indeed be greatly increased. It's just that I need to eat more 'marrow of the source blood' at the same time, at least twenty more. It will lead to the overflow and waste of part of the 'Blood Marrow' power..."

Hu Jiuguang didn't continue talking.

Chen Fan also understood the answer. He licked his lips and pointed to the giant in the distance who still did not regard the two of them as targets: "Enough pressure, is it enough to face that guy?"

As soon as this statement came out.

But Hu Jiuguang froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "If I keep away from him and don't get hit directly, I can still save my life, but if I face him head-on, I'm afraid I won't be able to block a single move, and I'm finished..."

Hu Jiuguang's strength is not weak, but compared to this monster, it is far behind.

If this guy hadn't left the bird's nest before, Hu Jiuguang and the others wouldn't have died without any injuries.

Chen Fan licked his lips: "If this guy hits you, will the attack be weakened by half?"

Hu Jiuguang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If its power is weakened by more than half, I might not be instantly killed directly, but I'm afraid it won't last long..."

"It's enough not to be killed in seconds!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered fiercely, but his eyes flickered.

The "White Emperor Armor" was peeled off from his body, and put directly on Hu Jiuguang's body.

The White Emperor Armor can also transform according to body changes, no matter how big Hu Jiuguang becomes, it will be fine.

However, the bigger the White Emperor Armor became, the more Yuan Jing would be consumed to maintain the same level of defense.

He flipped his hand again, and he took out fifty "Original Blood Essences" filled with a lot of power from the Sumeru Ring!

But twenty more than what Hu Jiuguang needed.

The power contained in these blood marrows is strong enough to infect ordinary immortals.

And Chen Fan directly summoned the source bead, gritted his teeth to activate the "Origin Art", the aura surged, and a large amount of source energy poured into the "Original Blood Marrow".

In order to escape from "Jialan" before, Chen Fan had consumed part of the power of the source beads when facing the flames, but now he consumed more.

The remaining power of Yuanzhu is less than half.

Almost instantly, streaks of black smoke rose from the marrow of the original blood, and the marrow of the original blood was completely purified.

As soon as he waved his hand, the more than fifty purified source blood marrows surged with the power of heaven and earth, and all their brains poured into Hu Jiuguang's mouth.

Naturally, Hu Jiuguang had no intention of resisting.

With so much source blood marrow entering his body, Hu Jiuguang's face instantly turned red.

Chen Fan raised his finger to the giant, and said to Hu Jiuguang:

"Hu Jiuguang, give me a full shot, digest the power of the source blood marrow as quickly as possible, and find a way to entangle this guy... If your life is in danger, shrink your body, Xiaodie and I will help you!"

After giving the command, Chen Fan summoned the source beads and flew towards Hu Jiuguang, and at the same time he entered the hidden state again.

Although Hu Jiuguang had a dazed and ugly face, he had no room to refuse Chen Fan's orders!

This is the effect of the "God's Deed"!

Hu Jiuguang raised his head to the sky and screamed, and he swelled to the limit in an instant.

The body that is hundreds of feet tall is much taller than this giant.

But because of the surging power of a large amount of blood marrow, his snow-white body gradually turned crimson.

Boom boom boom!

His whole body was flickering with ghostly flames, and giants appeared in his claws. He moved forward with a horizontal knife, and stepped towards the giant with a few steps.

The hundred-foot-long saber slashed straight at the back of the opponent's neck.

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