Although Chen Fan has practiced many sword techniques.

But apart from "Four Holy Swords" and "Seven Killing Swords", none of them are too powerful.

This Jingzhe is just the second form of "Tianhui Sword", it is so powerful, Chen Fan naturally wants to see the complete appearance of this sword technique.

Although Chen Fan has such powerful sword skills as the "Four Holy Swords", he doesn't think there are too many moves.

His kendo originally evolved from Wanjian's sword intent, the more swordsmanship and kendo he has seen, the more likely he is to break through.

Chen Fan had a lot of thoughts here, but he didn't stop there, and left immediately.

Ruan Hongliang looked at Chen Fan's back with a complex expression.

He made an agreement with Chen Fan, and after this battle, all grievances and grievances will be wiped out.

Although he lost, his heart knot can be regarded as eliminated.

He knew very well that people like Chen Fan could not be offended by himself.

If you can't be friends, you can't be enemies either.

Although Ruan Hongliang is a member of Zhan Jianming's lineage, he has decided in his heart that he will never be an enemy of Chen Fan in the future!

And he also looked at the only few confidantes around who watched the battle, "Don't let out what happened today, and I challenged Chen Fan, just pretend it didn't happen!"

"If Zong Zhengxun asks, you just say you don't know!"

Everyone also nodded.

They thought that Ruan Hongliang was afraid of making a fool of himself, afraid that others would know that he had lost to a new disciple.

In fact, Ruan Hongliang deliberately sold Chen Fan's face...

However, although it was Zong Zhengxun who instigated Ruan Hongliang to attack Chen Fan, Zong Zhengxun had other matters at this time and did not pay attention to Ruan Hongliang's actions at all.

Because Zongzhengxiu returned to the clan.

After a lot of effort, Zongzhengxiu finally completed the true biography assessment ahead of schedule and returned to the sect.

As soon as Zong Zhengxiu returned to the sect, the two brothers went straight to the Jiange...


After Chen Fancai had fought Ruan Hongliang, when he returned to his residence, he saw the woman in red waiting outside.

"Senior Sister Yu?" Chen Fan frowned and looked at her.

Chen Fan had been back for more than a day, and this was the first time he saw Yu Jin.

This senior sister treats herself very well.

Chen Fan had a very good impression of her.

"Good news, Junior Brother Chen!" Yu Jin also looked at Chen Fan with a smile on his face at this time:

"Elder Lu told me in advance that Junior Brother Chen, your true biography assessment has been verified!"


A look of joy flashed across Chen Fan's face: "Elder Su is awake?"

Yu Jin nodded:

"Master Headmaster personally took action to heal Elder Su's wounds, so he naturally woke up quickly! I came here at the request of Elder Lu. You are going to the Jiange to complete your mission. Changing the disciple order is the official true inheritance of my Sword Sect! "

Chen Fan also nodded with a smile on his face.

Follow Yu Jin all the way to Jiange.

At this time, outside the gate of the Jiange, there were two people standing, a young man and a young man.

The eyebrows of the two are somewhat similar, either father and son, or brothers.

The expressions of the two were uglier than the other, and they were walking out from the Jiange.

Yu Jin frowned slightly, and approached Chen Fan:

"Brother Chen Fan, these two are brothers Zongzheng Xun and Zongzhengxiu. They came to Jiange. It may be that Zongzhengxiu has completed the true biography assessment and returned!"

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, but he didn't care too much.

Now that Elder Su has woken up, the one who has become a true disciple is naturally ahead of him.

He immediately stepped forward and walked towards the two of them.

His expression was very calm.

Don't say that the two are backed by big brother Zhan Jianming, even if big big brother is face to face, Chen Fan will not be too afraid of him.

The Zongzheng brothers' eyes also twinkled when they saw Yu Jin and Chen Fan.

Zong Zhengxiu stared straight at Chen Fan: "You are Chen Fan?!"

The Zongzheng brothers naturally knew what Chen Fan looked like.

His tone was full of resentment and resentment.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, seeing that this person behaved like this, and he just came out of Jiange, probably because he already knew that he had completed the true pass examination one step earlier than him, and became a true pass earlier.

After all, Zong Zhengxiu started the True Inheritance Assessment two days later than himself.

Although I have experienced more turmoil, in fact, the matter of conducting the true inheritance assessment is relatively smooth.

He cleared his throat, looked at him from a distance, and nodded slightly, "Junior Brother Zongzheng, hello..."

With a calm expression, Chen Fan stepped forward.

There was a lot of unwillingness on the boy's face, but he stared straight at Chen Fan, his eyes were red:

"Chen Fan, I don't accept it! Why, because Canghai Sword Emperor said a word, you can get my hard-earned assessment quota earlier than me, why, I have to wait a few more years for nothing to enter the Enlightenment Pool!"

"If you miss the May meeting, do you know how it will affect my future?!"

Chen Fan paused and just looked at him indifferently.


Chen Fan also felt a little embarrassed.

His intrusion and the sword emperor's kiss were indeed extremely unfair to this young man.

However, embarrassment is embarrassment, and what he did did not violate the rules of Jianzong.

It was the Sword Emperor who took the initiative to give him the chance to pass the true test, and it was not he who asked for it.

On the contrary, the two brothers, with the help of Zhan Jianming behind their backs, obstructed themselves many times, and violated the rules of Jianzong.

It was precisely because of their secret actions that Chen Fan was not too late and did not feel guilty at all.

It is impossible for him to give up this spot!

So he looked lightly at the young man in front of him who was a little out of control.

"Are you finished?"

Zongzhengxiu was taken aback, his eyes still red.

Zong Zhengxun also had no choice but to walk to his younger brother, and pulled his arm helplessly: "Ah Xiu, don't mess around, this is Jiange..."

Talking about Zong Zhengxun, Wei Wei also clasped her fists at Chen Fan: "Zong Zhengxiu is a little out of control, Junior Brother Chen, please don't blame him!"

No matter how conflicted in private, Chen Fan has already become the true biography of Jianzong one step earlier than Zongzhengxiu, so it would be bad to make his face so ugly!

Chen Fan shook his head and continued to move forward.

Zongzhengxiu gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Fan's back. He raised his hands and clenched them tightly. The veins on his forehead were raised. He took a deep breath and shouted loudly:

"Chen Fan! It shouldn't matter to you to enter Wonderland a few years earlier or a few years later. If you have the guts, you can fight with me. We will compete fairly for the early entry to the Enlightenment Pool!"

His words escaped, but Zong Zhengxun next to him frowned and held his shoulders, "Brother Xiu, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing Zongzhengxiu's words, Chen Fan's steps suddenly froze, turned his head, looked at the two Zongzheng brothers, but a smile flashed across his face, and said:


Zong Zhengxiu was taken aback.

Zong Zhengxun also frowned slightly.

Chen Fan shook his head and continued:

"It's an established fact that I became a True Inheritance earlier than you. You don't think that you can make me take such a big risk to accept your challenge if you give me a few words of encouragement?"

For ordinary warriors, the impact of entering the Dao Enlightenment Pond in the early and late years is not too big, but to Chen Fanlai, it is naturally different.

His advancement speed was too fast, and in a few years, the Dao Enlightenment Pond might not have that much effect on him.

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