After Chen Fan's sword breakthrough, the power of his "Hongmeng Sword" has also increased a lot.

This sword cuts out.

The world is also overshadowed.

But Gong Xian's face was full of despair and fear, but his body was torn apart by Chen Fan's sword light.

Chen Fan laughed out loud.

Put away the flying shadow sword.

It is also a volume of spiritual consciousness, which gathers all the things left by the person.

Especially the special branch in his hand.

He originally thought that the branch was some kind of powerful Taoist tool, and it was made into the shape of a branch, but when he held it in his hand, he found that the branch was not a weapon or equipment at all, and it could not be refined.

Because Chen Fan had fought against Gong Xian before, Chen Fan knew the horror of the power of this branch. When he found out that this thing was not a weapon, his expression was a little subtle.

The person injected true essence into it, and immediately the spiritual light on the branch surged, and a colorful spiritual light came out.


This thing can be used directly, and it can only play a role if enough true essence is injected.

The more true essence injected, the stronger the power will be.

"There are other things?"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and he activated the White Emperor's Armor's limit boost state again.

After pouring a large amount of true energy into it, the seven-colored aura also gave off a terrifying aura. As soon as he waved his hand, the seven-colored aura on the branch was emitted.

It rushed to the ground with a bang, smashed a huge deep hole, and stirred up a lot of smoke and dust.


Chen Fan's eyes sparkled.

Under normal circumstances, he does not activate the berserk, and the strength of the limit increase, but barely reaches the level of Dao Fruit, but the power of this move is injected into this branch, and the power of this move has almost surpassed the limit level of normal Dao Fruit .

"This is just a way of injecting true essence into my extreme state. If I inject all the augmented true essence into it, I am afraid that ordinary longevity will not be able to stop it..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and also used this branch to activate his swordsmanship.

The sword technique can be used, but the corresponding sword energy cannot be emitted, and the true essence injected into the branch will automatically turn into colorful aura.

And no matter how strong Chen Fan's physical strength is or how high his realm is, it is useless.

This branch can only convert a certain amount of true energy transported into it into colorful aura for attack.


That is to say, it is meaningless for Chen Fan to use this branch to activate the berserk and use any sword techniques, and it cannot increase the strength of the colorful aura.

He shook his head and put the branches away.

Then he jumped up, stepped on Xiaodie, and galloped towards the mine vein.


On the other side, Hu Tian, ​​the owner of Gu Yue Fang who had already escaped from Lingyun Mountain, was also the first to know the news that Gong Xian's nameplate was broken.

He was speechless with grief and indignation.

Because when Chen Fan and Gong Xian chased and fled, he also thought of this possibility.

But when this really happened, even though he was a Dao fruit master with a mental state as strong as his, he almost collapsed mentally.

Because he knew that with Gong Xian's death, even if Gu Yuefang could survive, its power would shrink in the future, and it would no longer be able to run rampant in Qianyan Country...

"And the 'Elemental Emperor' will definitely be taken away by that guy!"

His eyes were full of resignation.

But it is also clear that when Gong Xian died, Gu Yuefang also lost the last possibility of obtaining the "Earth Emperor".

"It's all because of that guy..."

There was also endless annoyance and remorse in his heart.

If I hadn't chosen to entrap him, and had really handed over the remaining pages of the book that day to Chen Fan without doing anything, maybe everything would have been different, right?

It's just that at this point, regretting is useless!

"You can't get what I, Gu Yuefang, can't get!"

There was a flash of determination in his eyes.


Ancient Moon City.

Wu Yan accepted the so-called calamity, but he already planned to leave.

Already left Gu Yue Fang.

Before leaving Ancient Moon City.

Luo Caiwei received a summons from Hu Tian.

"Master Hu?"

Luo Caiwei also frowned and looked at the figure on the communication stone in her hand.

At this time, Hu Tian's mental state was sluggish, but his state was extremely poor, which was hard to imagine for a Dao fruit master.

"I have a big news to tell everyone in the Yuhuamen. Four hundred miles to the south of Guyue City, I discovered a 'Purple Marrow Mine' in a place called Lingyun Mountain..."

As soon as his words came out.

Luo Caiwei and Wu Yan next to him looked at each other and raised their eyebrows slightly.

Although the value of the purple pulp soil mine is extremely high, it will not make her lose her composure.

It won't attract too much attention from Yuhuamen.

On the contrary, she herself felt a little moved.

She also wondered why Hu Tian would tell herself and others such news.

Seeing that the other party's attitude did not change at all, Hu Tian also sighed, and said resolutely: "Not only that... I, Patriarch Gong Xian of Gu Yuefang, even found an 'Emperor of Earth Spirit' at the position of the marrow!"

As soon as this statement came out.

As indifferent as Luo Caiwei, her expression also changed suddenly, "Your Excellency didn't lie?"

Hu Tian said solemnly: "I swear by the reputation of Gu Yuefang, but I want to remind you that a foreign immortal defeated my ancient ancestor Gong Xian of Gu Yuefang and occupied that mine..."

"I see." Luo Caiwei also hung up the communication stone immediately, with an unprecedentedly serious expression.

But he picked up the Zongmen Token with a flip of his hand, and the aura surged on it.

The phantom of an old man emerged from the side of the token.

"Caiwei, what happened?"

Luo Caiwei took a deep breath: "Yuezu, my junior brother and I experienced in the southern region, and found a sign of the 'Emperor of Earth Spirit'."

"Earth Emperor?"

The old man's face immediately changed when he heard the words, "Report me the exact coordinates of the location!"

Whether the news is true or not, the value of the "Earth Emperor" alone is enough for someone to come and visit.


the other side.

Chen Fan has already returned to the mine vein.

At this time, the mine completely collapsed, and the surrounding Gu Yuefang warriors died or fled, and no one remained in it.

Chen Fan also immediately drew his sword and slashed, forcibly cleaning up all the rubble in the collapsed mine.

And he also soon discovered the existence of the purple pith soil mine deep in the mine.

"Hahaha, it really is the purple marrow mine!"

The purple pith soil mine is not only extremely precious, but also very hard, making it extremely difficult to mine.

Even for Chen Fan to mine, it is very troublesome.

Under the double berserk, the mining speed is fast, but he can't sustain it at all.

The loss outweighs the gain.

Chen Fan also frowned, and immediately got into the Hall of Stars.

He took away several huge puppet statues in the special secret realm of the Tiandao Gorge earlier, all of which were more than ten heavy.

And there are many golden armored people in the Hall of Stars.

Chen Fan immediately summoned all these guys and asked them to help mine ore together.

Although the speed is much faster, according to this progress, I don't know when it will end.

Chen Fan also had a hard time.

His basic strength is still too weak, no matter how strong his ultimate strength is, he can't maintain it for a long time, and he is completely unsuitable for mining.

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