My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 471: King Shentu's Gift

Chen Fan froze.

No wonder King Shentu was so rude to the blood beast.

It turned out that he was taking the blame for himself.

It's just that this made Chen Fan even more curious. What's so special about that blood beast? King Shentu was so rude to him, yet he wanted to prevent Chen Fan from killing the monster before.

King Shentu also said:

"Fortunately, it was me you met. I know your identity. If you meet people sent by other research towers, I won't care so much. Maybe they will attack you directly!"

Chen Fan's face was also stagnant. He didn't expect that killing a few blood beasts would attract the attention of the research tower.

Seeing Chen Fan's expression, King Shentu said again: "But you can also rest assured that the people sent by the other trial towers will not be as powerful as me, and may not be your opponent..."

Chen Fan was also taken aback.


King Shentu said lightly:

"In the research tower, the tenth-level blood demons, no matter whether they are still sane or not, were all slaughtered by me. There should be no people like me in other trial towers. If some tenth-level blood beasts die, the other trial towers will be killed. Guardian, it shouldn’t be sending out any powerful blood demons, the normal tenth level should be able to solve the problem.”

When Chen Fan heard this, his expression froze again, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at King Shentu.

At the beginning, he didn't know the division of ten-level blood demons, and he didn't take it too seriously when there was only one ten-level blood demon, thinking it was very normal.

Looking back now, I feel that this matter is very strange.

And now he finally knows.

Why is he the only one in the tenth level Gorefiend in the trial tower.

It's not that there are too few ten-level Gorefiends, but that they were all killed by King Shentu!

After all, there is even one Gorefiend at the immortal level, and with so many cultivation bases at the tenth level, there must be at least a few more.

Seeing Chen Fan's expression, King Shentu said in succession, "Don't worry, I won't and I have no reason to kill you. Those trash can't compare to you!"

Chen Fan had a strange expression, he cupped his fists and forced a smile.

After King Shentu recognized himself, he showed a kind of special kindness. Chen Fan was not a fool, so he naturally noticed it.

And there is a reason why people are like this.

King Shentu went on to say:

"You lack external blood, so you came to try the tower. There are still many blood demons under the tenth level, and there are no guardians in it... With your "Blood Fusion Technique" practice speed, all of them will be slaughtered. Guardian Anyone will not object!"

Hearing King Shentu's words, Chen Fan's expression was also very strange.

This King Shentu is such a violent person.

But Chen Fan shook his head: "Guardian... you might as well tell senior the truth, I don't want to go back to the trial tower because I really have some resistance to the 'Guardian'... I don't want him to know the exact meaning of my "Blood Fusion Technique" Practice progress."

King Shentu also nodded when he heard the words: "Your worry is not bad, there is a big secret behind this blood demon secret realm, there is no big mistake in being cautious."

He pondered for a while: "You'd better not kill the blood beasts in the secret realm, otherwise it will only attract the attention of the guardians faster. Since you are 'outside blood', then I will give you a gift alright."

King Shentu stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, and a blood-colored stone like a heart lay in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

At the same time, the blood core in his body trembled violently, and his blood also became more and more surging.


He swallowed.

This thing is blood.

When he was in an external auction, he absorbed a blood seed, which further liberated the power of "Blood Against God", allowing him to catch up with the progress of "Blood Fusion Technique".

Unexpectedly, King Shentu also took out such a thing.

He concealed the longing in his heart, but he refused: "You don't get paid for nothing, I can't have this thing!"

King Shentu is so easy-going, and when he saw that he was short of "external blood", he gave him a blood species. Naturally, there was a reason for being so polite.

As the saying goes, free is the most expensive!

It's not that Chen Fan doesn't want this thing, but he just wants to accept the other party's gift without knowing the purpose of King Shentu.

King Shentu shook his head and said:

"You don't have to worry, I didn't give it to you for nothing, I want you to sign an oath with me, if one day, you can really break through the restrictions of "Blood Fusion", I ask you to also liberate me from this 'curse' !"


heard the word again.

Back then, Sima also said that "Blood Against God" was a curse.

That's how King Shentu looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, nodded, and took the blood seed.

After that, he stroked the blood species, feeling the huge power contained in it, and couldn't help but say:

"Could this blood come from the blood demon? But why did the blood demon I killed in the trial tower only have blood crystals in its body and no blood species?"

King Shentu sighed, shook his head and said:

"The blood demons in the research tower, those without sanity, are mostly the ones who failed to absorb the blood of the god-defying blood, and those who failed to absorb the blood will naturally collapse."

King Shentu, a rough guy, had a complex look on his face, then shook his head and continued:

"People with blood species are divided into two categories. One is people like you whose progress in "Blood Fusion" far exceeds the release of the blood of the god-defying blood!"

"Or a blood demon like me, who succeeded in absorbing the blood of the god-defying god, but was unable to carry its power and had no choice but to return to the research tower, although he is already a person with nowhere to go, but under the protection of the research tower, The blood species can still remain unbroken..."

Chen Fan suddenly picked up the blood seed, "Then... this blood seed is also..."

Shentu Wangdao:

"This blood is left by a tenth-level blood demon I killed in the trial tower. That person has already completed the sixth level of "Blood Fusion", and this blood contains a lot of external blood. You keep it and absorb it slowly, it should be enough for you to use for a while."

Being able to keep the blood species naturally also means that the person can still retain self-awareness.

Chen Fan immediately put away the blood species, clasped his fists and thanked again.

Then he suddenly realized a problem, frowned and asked:

"It stands to reason that the people who possess the blood species should also be the ones who carried the 'god-defying blood' in their bodies. After these people die, the power of the blood-species varies. Where does the blood go against the gods?"

King Shentu had a complicated expression:

"'Blood against God' is something that cannot be tolerated in this world. Even if the person who is killed contains the blood of God against God, but has not been smelted by the individual, the power of 'Blood against God' absorbed by the blood species will not remain. Down."

"All those who absorb the blood of the God-defying God, after death, may not automatically transfer the 'Blood of God-Defying' absorbed by them back to the trial tower, so the trial tower can last for such a long time..."

Chen Fan's eyes widened: " is this done?"

"I have no idea."

King Shentu shook his head: "I can only tell you that the background behind the Trial Tower is far beyond your and my imagination, let alone a big effort, looking at the entire continent, there are not many forces that can match it."

"It is said that... the Gorefiend Secret Realm was created by a powerful existence in a certain divine court in ancient times."

When Chen Fan heard the words, he thought of it. A few days ago, he did think of what Zhongli Chenghe said, that the Yuan Shang Dynasty was created by a certain god.

The two words seem to have something in common.

And compared to a dynasty in ancient times, the location of the Blood Demon Secret Realm and the Yuan Shang Secret Realm are also very close. Does it mean that there is a special connection between the two?

Chen Fan couldn't help asking: "Shenting...what is it?"

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