My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 41: Arrive At Jiangjia Village! (New Book For Collection)

"Brother Lin, can you go for me in this case? I have other important matters."

After Leidong heard about the case, his expression became solemn.

Lin Yuan glanced at Leidong, nodded, and had a vague guess in his heart.

His punch seemed to be a little bit heavy.

And from the information just now, we can know that there are definitely ghosts and ghosts in this village.

If you go there, as long as you don't meet that kind of invincible existence, Yuanli should be indispensable.

"No problem, since I joined the Special Case Security Department, I should do my part."

Lin Yuan's words are firm and resolute.

"In that case, please trouble Brother Lin!"

Lei Dong nodded heavily, and just as he finished speaking, Cao Gan next to him spoke.

"Minister, what's the matter with you, and Brother Lin Yuan hasn't registered yet..."

"Ahem..." Qiu Wenyue next to him coughed and interrupted, pulling Cao Gan away.


After everything was ready, Lin Yuan went directly to Jiangjia Village with Cao Qianqiu Wenyue and others.

Counting Lin Yuan, there are five people, and the other two are also a man and a woman. The man's name is Yun Fei, and the woman's name is Yang Xiaoxiao.

This made Lin Yuan think to himself, this arrangement of the special case team is a combination of men and women, isn't it tiring to work, but why didn't he arrange a girl for him.

After getting into the car, he found that there was a universe inside this small car, which made Lin Yuan amazed.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, it is a scientific society now, and it is natural to keep pace with the times in dealing with ghosts and evil spirits.

The car is full of various instrument buttons and monitors, just like a small research laboratory, you can't see it unless you come in.

Seeing Lin Yuan's amazed expression, Qiu Wenyue took the initiative to introduce Lin Yuan, without any guessing, she knew that the other party would be a place she couldn't touch, and now it was just a good time to establish a good relationship.

"All parts and components of this car are made of special materials, which are absolutely safe. Not only can it withstand bullet shooting and grenade blasting, but it can also isolate any poisonous gas and bacteria, making it suitable for all-terrain driving."

Then she pointed to the instruments and objects in the car, "This is the Yin Qi purifier. If you are contaminated with Yin Qi, you can quickly dispel it through the instrument."

"This is filled with black dog blood..."

"These talismans are regular exorcism talismans..."

"This is a yin qi compass, which can detect yin qi fluctuations within a kilometer of Fang Yuan."

Lin Yuan looked at the compass, his eyes sparkled involuntarily.

Fortunately, he is a professional. If he had this thing, he wouldn't have to wander around and look for ghosts by his own perception.

Even if he has the seal of immortality, he can't do the high-intensity Fang Yuan kilometer detection and investigation of Yin Qi.

At the same time, there were guns and gunpowder behind the car, which aroused Lin Yuan's curiosity.

With Qiu Wenyue's answer, because their special case team will not only encounter ghosts and ghosts, but also some illegal awakened people, these things will come in handy.

Guns, gunpowder and other things cannot have an effect on ghosts and evil spirits, but they are perfect for dealing with people.

It's not that strange people and the special case team all come back to Zhao'an, first of all, they must have a clean background.

"Is this kind of compass car for sale? How much is it?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Qiu Wenyue shook her head, "These are specially made, only for the use of the special case team, not for sale, and I don't know the price, anyway, it's not cheap, but they can be exchanged with contributions."

Chatting all the way, when they arrived at Jiangjia Village.

Everyone got out of the car and looked down at the village. They thought they would see a scene of ruined buildings and corpses strewn across the field.

But I never thought, at first glance, the residents in the village are leisurely and happy, as if nothing happened.

"There is definitely something wrong with this village. Yang Shuai and the others have had accidents here. How can it look like nothing happened!"

Cao Gan looked at this scene and said, the Yang Shuai he was talking about was the person who called him from the Shijiang City Special Case Team.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lin Yuan subconsciously realized that he was the leader, and when he gave orders, "What do you usually do?"

Qiu Wenyue whispered into his ear.

Lin Yuan nodded, and said directly, "Xiaoxiao, Yunfei, you are guarding at the door while looking at the yin qi compass. Let us know if there is any movement here."

"Cao Gan, Qiu Wenyue, you two, bring your good things and follow me into the village."

As soon as the three of them entered, they met the police stationed there, and the people from Shijiang City had already arrived one step ahead.

"Have you found any results?"

Qiu Wenyue took out her ID and went forward to communicate.

After a while, the group of policemen drove away one after another, and Lin Yuan took over the area directly.

"Nothing was found. They also received calls from Yang Shuai and others, but the villagers said that they had not seen anyone from the special case team."

Hearing Qiu Wenyue's words, Lin Yuan just nodded and wandered around the village.

"Officer, we really don't know! We haven't seen the officer you mentioned."

Lin Yuan asked a few villagers to inquire, and without exception, he got such a reply. His mental perception was highly concentrated, and he wanted to find some clues from everyone.

Not surprisingly, these are all ordinary people.

Lin Yuan frowned, he was just a martial arts practitioner, and this kind of hunting for ghosts and evil spirits was really not his specialty.

At the same time, Cao Gan was also holding a compass in his hand, looking around for suspicious things.

This is also a yin compass, but the sensing distance is much smaller than the compass in the car, only 30 meters, but it is highly accurate and can sense the concentration at the same time.

He used this compass when he sensed Yin Qi from the Kayako Haunted House.

"If there are ghosts, there may be clues at night."

After they finished shopping in Jiangjia Village, the yin qi compass showed normal, and they didn't find any clues, so they stayed in a small hotel.

But it's a hotel, it's just shouting, this is the villagers' self-built houses, there are extra rooms, and it's rare for a few people to live in a year.

At the same time, Qiu Wenyue also checked the information on the residents of this house, which was consistent with the records. The owner was an old man in his fifties, and his wife died early.

I have two sons, both of whom are married and work outside the home. Basically, they only come back during Chinese New Year.

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