My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 100: Elegant And Easy-Going Lin Yuan (Kneeling To Subscribe)

At this time, Wuxin Wanluo and the others also stepped forward quickly, looking at Lin Yuan with eyes full of awe.

After all, the world now has gradually become the supremacy of strength.

Lin Yuan also showed his peerless talent and supreme combat power.

They stood quietly behind, not disturbing Lin Yuan's observation.

"The whispering sound also disappeared, is it because the power is exhausted?"

Lin Yuan came to the gate of the ghost domain, and now it was directly sitting on the ground, the transparent ripples in the middle were slightly invisible, and could be passed directly by reaching out, and the flesh and blood on the border seemed to be frozen and stiff.

It looked like a carved stone door frame, strange and weird without a beginning.

He sank into his mind and feeling, and there was still a trace of vitality in it.

It seems that as long as it continues to exist in this world, this door will continue to absorb power and revive again.

"In that case, just destroy it!"

Lin Yuan was ready to do it directly, and had no intention of staying behind to observe and study.

He couldn't break it originally, but after his unremitting efforts and two breakthroughs, it must not be a big problem now.

The blood in the body was agitated, and the five fingers were clenched and raised.

Dark clouds quickly gathered and shrouded the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, and strong winds blew.

In the gate, the transparent ripples surged rapidly and became denser and denser.


All of a sudden, a giant bone hand rushed out from the center of the door, grabbing straight towards Lin Yuan.

The speed of the giant bone hand was so fast that it was already in front of Lin Yuan before everyone could react.

Then grab it straight away.

"Trash! You're sneak attacking your father!"

Lin Yuan's entire body was shrouded in the shadow of the giant bone hand, and a golden bell immediately appeared around him, and at the same time flames spread, attacking the giant bone hand.

boom! ! ! ! !

The fist hit the giant bone hand, splashing out some powder, bone powder.

The center of the collision exploded countless shocking ripples in an instant, like a huge stone thrown into a lake, splashing countless water ripples, ripples, directly surging in all directions.

Wan Luo and the two who had just approached were too close. Although they tried their best to stabilize their figures, they still underestimated the powerful impact caused by this shocking collision. of.

There was no time to dodge, the two of them were hit by the shock wave at the same time and suffered internal injuries, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at where Lin Yuan was.

The giant bone hand ignored Lin Yuan's attack, and was slowly suppressing Lin Yuan, intending to crush him to death.

"Just one hand... wants to suppress me too!" Lin Yuan was like a war machine, fully activated, his body buzzing, the golden bell expanded infinitely, stretched the giant bone hand, and cut down the sky with flames.


Lin Yuan's fists were like a potential dragon coming out of the abyss. In the blink of an eye, he swung dozens of punches and crazily smashed on the giant bone's hand. A large amount of bone powder was chopped out and scattered.

The slow downward pressure of the giant hand was finally contained.

"How is it possible...!" A deep and unwilling roar came from the door, and the bone powder from Lin Yuan's smashing of the giant bone hand was scattered everywhere, and he couldn't suppress it no matter how he faced Jin Zhong.

"Trash! Come out and fight if you have the ability!"

"Presumptuous!" The owner of the giant bone hand could hear Lin Yuan's words, and let out an angry reprimand.

When he replied, Lin Yuan immediately felt it. He was very angry at being attacked and crushed with one hand, and he hadn't shown up yet.

"Try hard, what are you doing just to tickle Dad?"

"Why do you keep holding your hand? Could it be that you have become a master with one hand?"

"Dog thing, why don't you go to your mother's place to drink some milk? No, you are all bones. Your whole family should have died a long time ago. Then there is your mother?"

"Why don't you come here to join Dad, and Dad will find you a dog, and he can lick you if nothing happens."

"With this little strength, I'd blow up the ashes of this hand!"

Lin Yuan was in a good mood after earning the source power after going through so many battles, so he planned to break the door and travel to the West.

This giant bone hand suddenly appeared, if it wasn't for his extraordinary talent, extraordinary talent, and greatly increased strength, he would almost have been recruited.

From the changes in the gate of the ghost domain, it can be guessed that this is obviously the ghost behind him plotting against him, waiting for this blow specially.

"You humble mortal, after this king comes, I will definitely make your life worse than death..."

The owner of the giant bone hand let out an angry roar directly, and the sound seemed to come from afar, resounding through the world.

"My lord?" Lin Yuan heard the words so familiar, and immediately thought of the evil-eyed king, and immediately asked, "Do you know who this emperor is? Do you know my son, the evil-eyed king!"

I didn't expect that this giant bone hand is also some kind of king, what kind of king in this Yinxu is walking all over the street.

But these kings and the like are really not good at spraying people and mentality, but they all like to play dirty.

"Looking for death! Presumptuousness!..." The voice of the owner of the giant bone hand gradually weakened, and the giant bone hand retreated. This was a confrontation across two realms, and the suppression and consumption were extremely high.

Lin Yuan took advantage of the victory to pursue and directly chopped off a bone finger with a powerful attack.

With the rumbling sound, the giant bone hand finally sank into the gate of the ghost domain, and the transparent ripples in the center of the door disappeared immediately, and then the door frame cracked open with a click.

The layer of flesh and blood on the surface of the gate of the ghost domain disintegrates, rots, and turns into countless corpses, flesh and blood, emitting a stench.

"Hiss." Wan Luo and Wuxin looked at Lin Yuan, they didn't expect that there was such a side of Lin Yuan in their hearts.

With the separation of flesh and blood, the stone door frame inside the gate of the ghost domain was revealed, and it was full of cracks, and the symbols that Lin Yuan saw were also blurred.

However, it is faintly visible that besides the eyeball, there are many other patterns on the symbol above.


Click! Click!

Lin Yuan punched it up, and now the door frame on this floor is not as hard as it was at the beginning, and it is indeed as hard as everyone in the Special Case Security Department guessed.

This gate needs power to have its effect. Under the attack of the giant bone hand just now, the last power of the ghost domain gate was directly consumed.

Boom boom boom!

Click! Click!

The Gate of Ghost Domain turned into a pile of rubble, Lin Yuan picked up the osteotomized finger from it, and turned it into powder.

[Ding dong, get 1000 source power]


Lin Yuan was overjoyed when he heard a sound. He didn't expect that this piece of bone finger directly obtained his 1000 source power.

If this directly kills the opponent, how much power will it take.

Immediately, I feel much better again. This wave of sneak attacks is not a loss.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for all your hard work, for destroying the gate of the ghost domain and solving a major problem for us in China."

Wan Luo and Wu Xin stepped forward and bowed to Lin Yuan to thank them. They had seen the hardships in this short period of time.

Originally, they asked Lin Yuan for help to solve the three ghost kings together, but they didn't expect to use soy sauce all the way. All the problems and dangers were solved by Lin Yuan alone.

This bow is not only their personal thanks, but also the Special Case Security Department, and all the troops guarding Fengdu.

"Have you collected information about this giant bone hand before?"

Lin Yuan waved his hand, signaling to the two of them not to be polite, and asked at the same time.

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