The boat was about to be transported, but the boat was still in the water.

What should I do? What should I do?

Time was running out, and Ivan's face was grim.

He had only intended to find out what the Bourbon family was transporting. If it was just ordinary contraband, guns and shells, he would not care.

However, after discovering that they were trafficking people, he planned to use force to control the ship and rescue the people.

Now Moria, that beast, was actually going to ram the ship, and there was less than half a minute left.

Ivan himself would definitely be safe, but the question was what to do with these little girls?

With the weight of Moria's large sailing ship, the speed of the collision would definitely overturn and smash the small transport ship.

If they all fell into the sea, Ivan would not be able to save them, because he was a landlubber.

Ivan looked at the young faces in the cage and felt powerless.

On the sea, Moria seemed to be in a frenzy, laughing loudly.

Seven or eight crew members couldn't pull him, but were thrown out by him.

Damn, Moria, I won't be able to kill you in the future!

With only a dozen seconds left, Ivan made a decision.

He quickly connected the three iron cages with an iron chain, and pulled open his coat, revealing the white suit inside and the sword at his waist.

"Secret, God Flash."

He drew his sword and cut out a bowl-shaped shipboard space in one go. A few cold rays flashed, and he cut out a bowl-shaped shipboard space, which was completely separated from the main ship.

"Big Flame Pillar." Ivan roared in the night sky, and a huge and extremely hot flame appeared, rushing straight to the sea, and the fire illuminated all directions.

The sea water in that area boiled instantly, and hot air filled the air.

Under the huge impact, a large wooden board on the sea surface carried three iron cages and quickly left the original place.

A series of changes happened, and suddenly appeared on the sea. The high temperature emitted by the flame column made the faces of many girls in the iron cages burn.

Looking at Ivan who turned into a fire man, it seemed that he wanted to destroy everything.

They cried in panic, trembling with fear, and retreated frantically in the cage, but the space was only so big.

Only one person was different, that was Perona. Seeing Ivan's elementalization, her eyes seemed to have a little more brilliance.

Hahahaha, in Moria's laughter, he drove his ship and hit the transport ship.

The two ships collided on the sea, and the thrilling scene appeared before their eyes.

The huge sound of the collision was deafening, and the waves were high and turbulent.

The people on the transport ship were terrified. Some people desperately looked for lifebuoys, and some were panicked. The scene was very chaotic.

The transport ship was severely damaged in an instant, and it was torn into pieces under the force of a huge force.

Ah, the bow of Moria's large sailing ship was almost half destroyed, and the hull was shaking violently. Many people were thrown out, and some fell into the sea.

The wind was howling, and a part of the broken hull of the transport ship flew over Ivan's head.

The area was so large that it covered them.

Not only that, due to the turbulent sea water, Ivan's large wooden planks were washed up and down by the sea water, and were almost overturned.

Ivan grabbed the iron cage with one hand to prevent the three iron cages from being thrown into the sea.

In the three iron cages, many little girls were crying heartbreakingly and full of despair.

"Flame-Big Dragon Pillar." Ivan's fist turned into a huge flame jet, turning the broken hull flying overhead into ashes.

He continued to use the Big Flame Pillar to hit the sea surface, allowing them to move forward at a very fast speed.

"Well, what is that?" Moriah was drunk and flushed, looking at the fire on the sea ahead.

"Captain, it seems that someone is setting fire." A crew member said.

"Chase for me." Moriah waved his hand.

The crew was about to cry: "Can't chase, Captain, we still have many brothers who fell into the water and haven't climbed out yet."

"Oh, oh, then fire and shoot down the guy who set the fire." Moriah said.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, bang bang bang.

After a while, three shells were fired at Ivan, with unparalleled accuracy.

"Moriah, you bastard." Ivan's chest was about to explode, and he couldn't help cursing,

"Fire fist." A flame sprayed, and three shells exploded in the air.

"Why do I hear someone calling my name?" Moriah asked his crew in a daze.

Early in the morning, in a grove somewhere in the town of Annecy.

Ivan dragged the three iron cages ashore with a tired look on his face. His eyes were red and he was almost exhausted.

He drew his knife, cut off the shackles of the three iron cages, and opened the cages.


"Don't, don't kill me."

"Don't come over here."

These poor little girls did not express gratitude to Ivan, but were very afraid of him, as if he was some kind of devil beast.

Ivan was very tired and annoyed by their crying.

Still patiently said: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy who caught you, you are free now."

"I will notify the government army to pick you up and send you home."

Ivan's words did not work, and the girls did not come out of the cage.

Hearing about freedom and going home, many people were very excited, but when they thought of the methods used by the gangsters on them, they were afraid again.

Tap, tap, when others were indifferent, Perona stood up, holding her dirty bear doll, and walked out of the cage.

"Thank you for saving me." Perona's childish and crisp voice rang out.

As expected of a plot character with a lot of roles, Ivan cast an approving look at Perona and nodded slightly.

Perona pinched the corner of her clothes, as if she was a little hesitant: "Um, um, uncle, can I ask you a question?"

Uncle? That's too much!

I'm so young and so handsome, how can I become an uncle?

Ivan didn't realize that he hadn't taken off his disguise yet.

"Ask it!"

"You, are you the same as me?" Perona's eyes were expectant.

What's the same? Ivan didn't understand what she asked: "Which aspect do you mean?"

"That one." Perona said seriously with her little face.

That one? Ivan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Which one are you talking about?"

"That one, that one, others don't have, but we do." Perona was a little anxious.

Others don't have? Does that mean we do? Ivan frowned, I'm a man, you're a woman, we have something that others don't have?

Is she a transvestite? Ivan stared at her lower body with wide eyes, his mouth grew big.

Perona was really anxious. She wanted to know that she was not alone. She said, "You have fire in your body, and I have ghosts in my body. Others say I am a monster and an ominous person."

She said, as if she was very sad and upset.

Oh, you are talking about the devil fruit, why don't you make it clearer.

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief: "No, you are not a monster. Indeed, I am the same as you. I also have something in my body. You are not alone."

"Really?" Perona smiled instantly.

After a long time, the other little girls saw that Ivan did not do anything to Perona, so they walked out of the cage with courage.

Ivan used an anonymous identity to notify the West Sea 151 Naval Station and asked them to pick up these little girls.

Ivan warned them not to tell anyone that he could emit flames.

Then he went to kill a wild boar, roasted it and shared it with them.

Suddenly, Ivan's image in their minds improved greatly.

"Perona, are you willing to come with me? I will teach you how to control your own power and help you find your life goals." Ivan began to deceive.

Perona accidentally ate the ghost fruit when she was a child, but she didn't know what the devil fruit was. After her ability was exposed, she was always called a monster by others.

Now that she knew Ivan was the same as her, she began to feel dependent on him.

"I do!"

Ivan smiled happily: "Well, you will be my sister from now on."

Perhaps because she found a kindred spirit, Perona also became cheerful: "Uncle, you are so old, it's not good to be my brother?"


When they reached a place where no one was, Ivan took off his disguise, revealing a blond hair and a handsome face.

He showed a confident and charming smile: "Then can I be your brother now?"

That elegant and sunny smile instantly captured Perona's girlish heart.

So handsome, her little face blushed, and she called sweetly: "Brother."

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