My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 193: Fortune teller girl

People really want clothes. Wearing military uniforms in the military region really ruined Xiao Bai’s beauty. In other words, since I knew Xiao Bai until now, Xiao Bai seems to have not put on any formal clothes. She herself wore the costume of a person from the Secret Service. Later, she wore the robes of Riyue Village, and then put on a military uniform. Her costume basically changed with the change of the place I visited.

Because of my applause, the two women, Xiaobai and Junxia, ​​kept changing their clothes to show me. The two women who were still rivals more than half a year ago, now they have become sisters and exchange for each other together. Wearing clothes.

However, I have to say that Xiao Bai is really natural and beautiful, no matter what clothes she wears, she fits perfectly, restrained, enchanting, elegant, and pure. Xiao Bai's temperament changes as she keeps changing clothes. Let me feast my eyes.

And the advantage of the exchange meeting is that the clothes here are very cheap, unlike in specialty stores, where each piece of clothing is expensive, which is dyingly expensive.

After more than an hour came down, the two women Xiaobai and Junxia bought a lot of clothes. In the end, we couldn't bring Junxia, ​​so we asked someone to pack it and send it back to Santan City. In addition, Junxia also helped me find a dress and a robe suitable for me as a man. Since I came out of the military area, I basically wore a military uniform or the simplest casual clothes prepared by a hot woman. My clothes should have been changed long ago. Now Junxia has seized the opportunity to help us choose clothes. .

However, there are really not many clothes that suit me as a man. Cheongsam and other clothes are definitely not suitable for me, leather clothes and other clothes are not suitable for me, and now the weather is getting warmer, coats and suits are not suitable for me. As a result, Jun Xia has an inspiration. Helped me find a Taoist robe. Because it is during the martial arts conference, Dao gowns are also popular. Many tourists wear Dao gowns or sports clothing similar to judo suits in order to cater to the atmosphere.

"Huh, Li Jian, you are a man, with a much larger skeleton than our women. Now there are stalls and markets everywhere, and there are no formal shops. You can only wear this robe to make do with it. Wait until you get back to Zhengzhou. You can buy one." Junxia said helplessly after putting on my Taoist gown.

In fact, if in the 21st century, my skeleton is not too big, it can only be regarded as a bit strong, but in this woman’s world, it looks bigger, and the waist of women’s clothing is tighter, although I can’t be regarded as such. I'm a fat man, but ordinary women's clothing is still a bit small for me. Only some loose clothing, such as robes, are suitable for me.

"It's okay, let's make do with it." I don't care much about my clothes. Men's demand for clothes is much smaller.

Next, we went to a lot of night stalls. There were even temporary amusement parks on the streets. There were a lot of little loli girls playing in the amusement park. Xiao Bai was a little eager to see those amusement facilities. However, after checking her height and age, she gave up.

Next, we played air guns, goldfish and other activities. Xiaobai is a silly girl who can’t do anything else. She really has two hands in goldfish fishing. One fishing is a lot. I don’t know if she is lucky or something. . As for me, I couldn't get a goldfish in the end. Looking at the goldfish in Junxia and the wretched girl's hands, and the goldfish that couldn't fit in Xiaobai's two bags, I could only give up in disappointment.

"Master, give you my goldfish, you didn't get a single one!" Xiaobai said to me, holding the plastic bag with the goldfish in his hand.

"Go, what's the use of that kind of stuff, kids play with it!" I pretended not to be interested, but I was still a little unhappy in my heart. Why is Lao Tzu's character so bad?

I walked away a little uncomfortably, Xiao Bai stood behind and looked at me stupidly with a bag of goldfish, blinking his eyes.

I searched around in the crowd, looking for a slightly interesting stall, but I found that apart from some food and game stalls, there was not much that attracted my attention. They were all the accessories and dolls that girls liked. I just look at it and appreciate it, but I don’t have the idea of ​​buying it.

In fact, in the 21st century, my hometown also had temple fairs every year. Although the scale was not comparable to that of now, the merchandise sold at the temple fairs at that time was for men and women at the same time, so there are some things that are suitable for men like me. For example, some toy guns, nunchakus, humanoid simulation toys, etc., but it seems that there are relatively fewer in the world of women.

I looked around, the freshness at first gradually became a little boring, but Junxia and the others had a good time. I saw the wretched girl wearing a cloak and walking strange steps to show Junxia, ​​her **** swayed and swayed. It's a bit like Chaplin, making Junxia amused.

I also wanted to laugh a bit when I watched it, but at this moment, my gaze turned slightly and I saw a stall at the entrance of a small alley beside the street, and my eyes suddenly brightened.

It was a long table. Behind the table sat a strange woman wearing a black cloak. The woman was wearing a purple-black long dress. The black cloak cap covered the woman's face, making her face invisible.

However, on the left side of the mysterious woman's long table, there was a flagpole on which the sign "Yami Butterfly Fortune Telling" was actually displayed.

Yami Butterfly fortune telling?

Hearing this fortune-telling sign, I froze for a moment, and then felt a little ridiculous in my heart. There are still people playing this fortune-telling sign.

I was immediately attracted by the fortune-telling sign, and beside the sign, there were signs of "testing feelings", "testing career", "testing health," "testing fertility", and it seemed that this fortune-teller is a pretty kind of fortune-telling girl. Many.

I am not a superstitious person. I have always felt that fortune-tellers are deceiving their wallets, and they are taking advantage of people’s beliefs and not self-belief.

But it was probably the brand that attracted me. I walked forward while Junxia and the others were looking at the pearl necklace.

"Hey, are you fortune-telling here?" I walked to the table of the fortune-teller and asked casually.

Hearing my voice, the girl under the cloak lifted her head slightly. When her white jade face fell in front of my eyes, my heart twitched slightly, what a beautiful girl.

Under the black cloak was a white face with melon seeds, with long eyelashes that seemed to have been brushed with an eyelash brush, slightly raised, and under the long eyelashes, there were a pair of beautiful eyes that were as clear as diamonds.

Originally, I thought the people who looked at the photos should be middle-aged women or a large number of elderly people. I didn’t expect such a young girl to come out for fortune-telling, and she was so beautiful and beautiful. It was somewhat beyond my expectation. .

The girl in the cloak raised her head to look at me, blinked her eyes, a little doubtful in her eyes, but she still showed an elegant smile professionally.

"This guest, what are you going to test?"

The girl seemed to be no more than 20 years old, and the beautiful face made me a little nervous.

"I said, your fortune teller is not good?" I asked casually, eyes erratic.

"Guests, our family’s fortune-telling history has been for hundreds of years, and countless guests have counted. My ancestors even gave fortunes to the founding fathers hundreds of years ago! You said, how can we bluff and deceive? Woolen cloth?"

"Oh, did you show the photos to the founding fathers?" I almost didn't laugh. Who are you lying to? When am I a fool of this age? Lao Tzu came over in the 21st century, and IQ is not comparable to yours in this era.

"Oh, let me do the math." After all, the parents are beautiful, and fortune-telling is not credible, so I just ask casually.

"Excuse me, what do you want? Feelings, career, or longevity?" The cloak girl asked me.

"Well..." I was stunned for a moment, and then said, "You can calculate it for me." In fact, after coming to this world, I still don't know what my future will be, so I am also a little curious. This fortune-telling girl will test out my future.

"Okay, please stretch out your right hand. I will look at your palmistry and face." The cloak girl grabbed my right hand, then lowered her head and looked at it carefully. At first I was quite curious, but after waiting for a long time, the fortune-telling girl didn't look up, but the frown on her forehead became tighter and tighter.

"Hey, how is it?"

Seeing the girl in the cloak lowered her head and frowned her eyebrows tighter and tighter, my eyebrows also wrinkled.

"Guest, your palmistry... is so special. I followed my mother to look at the palmistry of a person for so many years. I have never seen a hand and palmistry as strange as yours. Your fingers are thick, but very powerful. The average person is a lot thicker, and your palmistry is also very strange, the antenna and the ground wire are very rough...This, I really have never encountered a situation like yours."

The fortune-telling girl looked at my hand with a look of consternation in her eyes.

Then suddenly, she looked up at me and said:

"Guest, your palmistry is the only male photograph recorded in the photo book!"

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