My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 177: Perfect souvenir

As long as there is enough evidence to prove that we are the discoverers of the Golden City... will the Golden City be ours? !

Thinking of the fact that since the Third World War, Southeast Asia has not had a unified country and is a disputed area, my heart jumped wildly!

"Disputed area? Isn't it right here, then we..."

"Really, Junxia? There is such a rule?" I said excitedly, "So, are we...the first discoverers of the Golden City?"

Hearing what I said, even the wretched girl and the thief-eyed girl became restless.

"If you are not a gangster, you can say so."

Junxia swallowed her saliva. Although her face was still a bit tired, the excitement on her face could not be concealed. Before, it was supposed to be discovered by the Spider Queen and swallowed the Golden City, but now, the Spider Queen is dead. The other female gangsters also fled or were controlled by us. It can be said that we are the real winners of the Golden City now.

When Junxia mentioned this issue, all the people present at the scene looked at each other, let alone hearing it with their own eyes, just hearing the name is enough to make people all over the world go crazy.

Golden City, that is already something that cannot be measured by value.

Let alone the value of the gold bricks that make up the city walls of the Golden City, just considering the historical and cultural value of the Golden City, it is already impossible to measure with fixed assets. The historical value of this golden city is equivalent to Angkor Wat or the Egyptian pyramids. Thousands of years of history and culture cannot be beamed by money at all. What's more, the material used to construct this huge building is still gold. Once the news spreads, it must be enough to shake any corner of the world.

"Junxia, ​​so to speak...this golden city belongs to us?" I asked in a bit of astonishment, the excitement wave in my heart spread all over my body, and even made me forget the fatigue and pain on my body.

"Theoretically speaking, every time...As long as it has been reviewed and appraised by the International Monuments and Heritage Review Committee, and has sufficient ability to guard the Golden City before the approval is approved, this Golden City is ours." Junxia The words are more uplifting. "However, the value of a ruin like the Golden City is so great that it is no longer something one should possess. This is a cultural treasure of human beings all over the world..."

I could hear that Junxia’s voice was trembling. She is an expert in archaeology and history. She naturally has a deep understanding of historical sites. Now that she suddenly obtained the ownership of the Golden City, she was naturally surprised and became a fool.

"Uh...that, do we have a share?" The thief-eyed woman said a little excitedly, her eyes gleaming with excitement and excitement.

"Me, me too?" The round-faced girl was also dumbfounded, she couldn't seem to imagine that she suddenly became the possession of the Golden City.

"All of them are worthy. Those who found the ruins within 6 hours after the first discoverer discovered it are considered the first discoverers and have the right to possess the treasure...because in the third world war and the subsequent series of world catastrophes. Many ancient ruins hundreds of years ago have been lost, and a large number of ancient heritages are buried underground and difficult to dig out. That’s why the International Council of Antiquities and Treasures has this provision to encourage and excavate the lost history. "

"Then, hurry up and take a video to record!" Although I know that this kind of occasion is not a time for treasure, but the value of the Golden City is too great. To the point where we have temporarily abandoned other thoughts.

After all, no matter who it is, the deepest part of his heart has the nature of greedy and love for money. Facing such a sky-high treasure like the Golden City, it is naturally difficult to restrain oneself.

"Who...who has a mobile phone? Hurry up and call the International Association of Monuments and Heritage, send the video, register your identity, as long as you register, the Golden City is ours!" Junxia was also moved, she turned her head and couldn't suppress her tone of voice. Excitement.

"I have..." Hearing Junxia's words, the one-eyed woman standing aside took off the watch phone in her hand. She took off the watch phone and glanced at Junxia, ​​but she was hesitant in her eyes.

"It's okay, give it to Junxia." Seeing the one-eyed girl hesitating, I reminded her. Upon hearing my words, the one-eyed girl handed the watch to Junxia, ​​and Junxia took the one-eyed girl uncontrollably. His watch and phone showed gratitude in his eyes.

"Li Jian’s friends... you saved us today. Without you, we would definitely die in the hands of the bandits. The Golden City should also have your share. Although I know that your intention is not to find gold. City, but if we can leave here safely today, then we will have a history." Junxia smiled a little shyly, and then reached out and turned on the video recording function on the watch phone.

"Li Jian, your name is Li Jian? Apprentice, isn't your name Li Xiaohang?" After hearing Junxia's words, the wretched **** the side asked me strangely.

"Li Jian is my nickname, Master, at critical moments, don't worry about this. If you don't want the ownership of the Golden City, you can just say that Junxia can skip your shots." I gave the wretched girl a white glance. Said.

"... Let's talk about eggplant!"


Hearing my words, the wretched girl's expression became faster than flipping a book, and she immediately reached out her hand and made a v-sign, which made people surprised.

"Haha, don't move everyone, this is a historic moment."

"By the way, Junxia, ​​don't shoot these female bandits, just shoot us!" The wretched girl did not forget to remind her.

Junxia smiled faintly, and then she took the watch phone and let the small screen of the watch phone face all of us.

"Do you want to shoot? Do I have a share?" Xiaobai still couldn't figure out the situation, standing by the side staring dumbly, and the female wolf head was completely puzzled and didn't understand what we were going to do.

"Don't talk nonsense, silly girl, come here soon!" I took Xiaobai and the female wolf head and stood in front of Junxia, ​​while the wretched girl, the thief-eyed girl, the round-faced girl, and the Hui girl hurriedly jumped in. In the video shooting field of vision, Junxia also wrapped her hands, excitedly holding her watch and phone to shoot a video at us. She made us all stand under the steps of the Golden City, so that we could shoot in with the Golden City, and Junxia took it. I took pictures of me, Xiao Bai, female wolf head, one-eyed girl, wretched girl, as well as thief-eyed girl, round face girl and Hui female.

Junxia took pictures of us and the Golden City behind. However, she did not take the female gangsters who were **** by us. Anyway, these female gangsters are estimated to become prisoners of war. It is impossible to compete with us for ownership of the Golden City. NS.

Everyone smiled happily in front of the video recorder. Although they had just experienced the earth-shattering battle not long ago, when the video was being filmed, everyone was in high spirits. Junxia adjusted her angle. Finally, she turned her angle again and took a picture of herself. While filming, she also spoke some factual reports in English like a reporter before the video. Junxia is a female doctor, she understands. In the languages ​​of many countries, she explained our discovery of the Golden City in English and Chinese at the same time. At the same time, she also introduced us all. Junxia is a young lady, not a woman who is greedy for petty bargains. After introducing herself, she let us introduce herself separately.

"My name is Cui Ruoyan, I am from Weifang, Shandong, I am a soldier, and my hobby is making pie."

"My name is Tian Xiaoyun, I am one of the first discoverers of the Golden City! Everyone should remember me! I am from Hefei, Anhui! Sister, have you seen it? I discovered the Golden City! When I come back, we will travel around the world. Go!"

"I'm Inas, I...I am very happy to be able to discover the Golden City. I hope that if I can get a part of the gold, I can buy more cattle and sheep."

"Cut!" The ambition of the Hui female was despised by everyone. Junxia laughed too, and she quickly switched to the next person.

"Hahaha, my old lady is Gao Haixin! My old lady has sent it! We have sent it! Hahahaha!" The wretched girl laughed with her arms on her hips. "It's cool! It's cool!" The wretched girl kept laughing.

"I... everyone call me Xiaobai... Well, I... I don't know how to say it." Xiaobai also nervously faced the phone screen, not knowing what to say, "but everyone is very happy, I also Very happy. We have discovered the Golden City!"

When the screen of the phone moved to the head of the female wolf, the female wolf head actually took a step back, at a loss.

"Wow?" The female wolf looked at her watch phone strangely, her face was innocent and surprised.

Seeing the performance of the female wolf head, Junxia was stunned for a moment, but I prompted Junxia to change to another person, so Junxia changed to a one-eyed girl.

"Thanks to Lord Ben, we can find the treasure. This is the blessing of Lord Ben." The one-eyed woman said in a jerky Bai ethnic language.

Finally, when it was my turn, I was also excited. I coughed slightly and looked at the expectant gazes of the people around me. I really couldn’t believe that all of this in front of me was true. Ten minutes ago, I was still there. Struggling on the boundary of life and death, but I did not expect that now, not only is it safe, but also there is a chance to become the master of this golden city!

I trembled and said to the phone screen in Junxia's hand:

"I am Li Jian, one of the discoverers of Golden City. Now, at 4:15 pm on March 24, 2469, I, Lin Junxia, ​​Gao Haixin, Xiaobai, Aowu, Tian Xiaoyun, Cui Ruoyan, Inas, There is also Avaha Yi, who discovered the Golden City together. In order to find this Golden City, we have gone through all kinds of dangers and encountered many hardships. The final success is not only mine, but also belongs to all people. To be honest, everyone in front of the screen, when you see us on the screen, you may think that we are very beautiful. But let’s not hide it from everyone, just 10 minutes ago, we just broke free from the edge of life and death. I am really glad. Finally, I was able to stand safely under the Golden City and record this video."

"I just want to say that sometimes, life is like a feather, floating, and you never know where you will fall in the next moment. Perhaps the first second is still struggling with death, but the next second, you will Get out of danger, and then witness the miracle."

"This world is full of miracles, please believe in miracles."

Of course, my eloquence is not that good. All I said were lines in 21st century novels. When I heard what I said, Junxia gave me a little bit. Then, she pressed the save button, and then turned on the camera button.

"Everyone stand, take another picture!"

Upon hearing Junxia's words, I, Xiaobai, the wretched girl, the female wolf head, and the thief-eyed girl all gathered together with a smile on their faces, posing and making a victory gesture.

"Egg~Zi!" Although we were wounded and exhausted, and even just ran back from the ghost gate, facing the camera, we still showed the happiest smile, forgetting the past kindness and resentment in an instant.


The crisp sound of mobile phone shooting fell, and our group finally left the most perfect picture under the golden city.

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