My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 969 I can choose to be the best person or the worst person

The overall situation in the main urban area is stable, and the top 100 guilds maintain order, but under the sea surface, there are undercurrents surging, and danger is approaching step by step.

"It feels like he's changed...

The players of Inevitable Truth looked at the dead Li Teng with complicated expressions. They didn't understand why Li Teng chose Meng?

The once best friend has been secretly planning to kill himself, and they are very uncomfortable with this creepy feeling.

"Unexpectedly, traitors appeared even among our elite players of Inevitable Truth." Xia Chong signaled the surrounding players to block the lobby. If this incident spread, it would damage the reputation of the Inevitable Truth Guild, so it is better for everyone to resolve it internally.

"There should be quite a few players who have taken refuge in Dreams. Some of them may have been believers in Dreams from the very beginning." Han Fei squatted next to Li Teng's body, sorting out the relics scattered in his inventory: "Some of you and Did he know him in real life?"

"We never asked him about his real life experiences. We only know that he comes from a good family and sometimes takes advantage of small things, and his brain is not very smart."

Reality and the game world are separated, and the players of Inevitable Truth cannot provide Han Fei with more information.

"Don't say anything about what happened today. You just need to know it yourself. Our happy community will catch those traitors." Han Fei took Shen Luo away, walking out of the inevitable truth.

"You don't look well. Did that player remind you of something bad?" Shen Luo asked in a low voice seeing Han Fei frowning.

"It doesn't matter if Li Teng is a perverted murderer in reality, but if he is an ordinary person in reality, then..." Han Fei opened the inventory and took out two packages: "This is what I bought in Li Teng. found among Teng's relics.

"It's just two packages."

"Didn't you see the blood and hair?" Han Fei found a place where no one was around and opened the package. Inside were bloody human skin and cut organs. "Li Teng not only attacked players, but also seemed to be addicted to killing players! If he used to be a normal person who started to kill after taking refuge in the dream, then his personality changed too fast!

"Dreams can completely change a person's personality in just one day?" Shen Luo was also frightened: "No! Then why haven't I been changed?"

"You are a special case." Han Fei directly destroyed the package: "Killing players can quickly level up and strengthen attributes. The rules of the main city are slowly changing. It feels like Meng is about to replace the brain in the main city." Recalling Seeing the giant gray cocoon when exiting the game, Han Fei felt chills: "I'm still not 100% sure about Meng's plan, but I definitely can't make it succeed!

"What can I do for you?" Even though Shen Luo's lucky value is zero, she still has a sense of justice in her heart, although this sense of justice is not much.

"When you have enough rest, you can continue to explore the nightmare. Be careful to protect yourself. Remember to send me a message every time you clear the level." Han Fei is the only player in "Perfect Life" who cares about Shen Luo, and he seems to be Shen Luo too. The only friend in the friend list.

"Okay, if you have something to send me a message directly, I will go to you as soon as I leave the nightmare.

After sending Shen Luo into the building shrouded in gray fog, Han Fei returned to the Xingfu Community resident, and Huang Ying came back not long after.

Huang Ying in the shallow world is indeed unusual, he even made Han Fei feel a slight threat. Of course, this does not mean that Huang Ying wants to harm Han Fei, but that Huang Ying has the qualifications to fight Han Fei in the shallow world . "You reached the eighth floor before I even entered the game. If I can't clear the previous nightmare after I come in, I will be ashamed." Huang Ying took off all the camouflage when he returned to the station. He took off a thin flesh-colored mask: "Master Acting Mask, b-level rare item, I have been wearing it in the shallow world. By the way, the item rating standards in the shallow world are different from yours. Ours here A-level rare items may only be considered C-level on your side.”

"I said how your acting skills have improved so fast. If you continue to develop, you will probably be able to compete with Bai Xian for the best actor." Han Fei talked about the situation in the happy community to Huang Ying, and also gave Huang Ying their fighting power

Pay the bottom.

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All the neighbors came up, and there were two others who hated to help. Huang Ying immediately became confident: "With you here, our chances of winning have at least five times."

"I just saw the latest information released by Deep Space Technology in the chat hall. They are going to use the secret door reserved in the game to send players out, but the construction needs some things. You are familiar with those people, and you know the secret door. What is it? "Han Fei wants to find out the plan of deep space technology and avoid conflicts between the two sides.

With a wry smile, Huang Ying pursed his lips and said truthfully: "There is no 'secret door' at all, and that is just to prevent players from falling into despair.


"Yes, the so-called hope is just a lie." Huang Ying nodded helplessly: "So far, Deep Space Technology has not figured out the reason why players cannot go offline. Someone must pass on this internal information."

"I am the only player who can leave the perfect life now. Hurry up and ask the staff of Deep Space Technology to find out the reason. After I figure everything out, I will take all the information out." Han Fei said without any hesitation.

"But in this way, won't you be exposed?" Huang Ying also wants to save the trapped four million players, but he will not gamble his brother's life. "It's okay, I'm even ready to open the channel It's time for players to enter the deep world and experience a brand new version that they have never played before." Han Fei opened both sides of the black box at the same time, he and Fu Sheng were not the same from the beginning

One way: "I need players in the shallow world to bring all kinds of positive emotions and hopes into the deep world, and use the shallow world to heal the deep world. Now is the best time."

"The four million players trapped in dreams will indeed become the living people who can best understand the deep world." Huang Ying pondered for a moment: "But whether you succeed or not, you will definitely stand in the center of the storm in the future, maybe you will Become an enemy of the deep world and the real world at the same time.

"I know."

"You should think about it again." Huang Ying is older than Han Fei, and he is more mature: "In the process of entering a new era, you will definitely be hindered by vested interest groups in the old era. You merge the two worlds, Breaking the rules of the two worlds at the same time, the resistance you will encounter in the future is unimaginable.”

"Maybe Fu Sheng thinks so too, that's why he chose to gather the power of the real world to try to destroy the deep world." Han Fei's eyes didn't change a bit: "But I'm not him, I can't just because it's difficult Don't do it. I am Fu Sheng's successor, but I will not follow his old path."

"Not to mention the unknown ghosts in the deep world, even the big companies in reality are hard to convince them. They are sucking the blood of this era. If you want to change the situation, they will definitely join hands to fight back." Huang Ying is very happy Sober: "The cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooking, when you lose the value of use, or threaten them, those indifferent guys will decisively turn their guns and do everything possible to kill you! This era is more important than ever before. Cruel, we just feel that humans are becoming more and more civilized with the development of technology because we live in the information cocoon they weave and can only see the information they want us to see.

"Brother Huang, I'm not a little white rabbit who doesn't know anything." Han Fei had a professional smile on his face: "The road I want to take is not complete salvation, nor is it simple destruction. Master both channels In my hands, when the sun shines into the abyss, it is up to me to decide whether to bloom flowers or climb out of the devil.

Hearing what Han Fei said, Huang Ying suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was not a good stubble. He had crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He had even experienced countless deaths himself. It would take a lot to provoke such a person. I am afraid few companies can afford the price.

"I was born in the real world. I was an orphan who experienced countless despair. The real world didn't bring me much love, and my family members are all in the deep world. For me, the real world is like my biological parents. The deep world The world is like adoptive parents." Han Fei put his hands on the table and supported his body: "My biological parents abandoned me, and my adoptive parents were cruel and crazy. In this case, I can choose to help my parents and adoptive parents ease the relationship, let Biological parents heal adoptive parents, which

It is also the best choice. But if one day I lose my mind and become a ghost, maybe I will kill them all.

Han Fei can choose to be a good person, but if he becomes a bad person, he will be the most terrible bad person.

"Don't, don't, you don't dare to say that." Huang Ying was in a cold sweat. He was suppressed by Han Fei's breath, and he felt cold all over.

"I'm joking." Han Fei's tone didn't mean to be joking at all: "I definitely wouldn't do such a thing, but I might be the other one."

"No need. If we really can't do it, we can use the talent of evocation to bring the opponents into the deep world to have a heart-to-heart talk. I believe they will definitely get lost." Huang Ying is more mature and rational than Han Fei. In order to avoid the worst ending, He decided to start collecting information on the leaders of all major companies now to clear the way for Han Fei.

"That's right, what we are best at is convincing people with reason." Han Fei stopped talking about this topic: "Brother Huang, I still need you to do something.

"whats the matter?"

"After clearing the level of nightmares above the fifth floor, there is a chance that some black and white fragments will drop. Those fragments are very important to me and are related to the safety of all players. If possible, I hope you can come forward and persuade all guilds to share the fragments. Sell ​​it to me. "Han Fei is very polite, obviously he can rely on robbery, but he wants to buy it with money.

"Leave it to me." Huang Ying opened the chat hall and entered a specific chat channel. After saying a few words, the senior leaders of other guilds responded immediately and sent someone to send the collected fragments.

"You, the number one player, do have a face." Han Fei felt that he was really lucky to meet Huang Ying.

"It will take some time for them to send it over. Let's go to clear the nightmare together?" Huang Ying moved his body: "I have heard so much from you, and I have long wanted to try it."

Huang Ying was the number one player, and he had to set an example for everyone. He was going to enter a nightmare anyway, so why not hold Han Fei's thigh tightly and go in together.

"Your awareness is much higher than that of Bai Xian."

Han Fei and Huang Ying walked out of the residence together. He deliberately lagged behind Huang Ying by a body, and then used master-level acting skills. Every subtle expression on his face was full of respect and admiration for Huang Ying.

Players on both sides of the road became excited when they saw this scene, the strongest force in the happy community is finally about to make a move!

It is known that Han Fei, the vice president of the happy community, can lead 30 players to clear the seventh-floor nightmare without injury, single-handedly fight the eighth-floor nightmare, and call out the giant ghost of disaster that devours the nightmare. I ask the president of the happy community, Huang Ying, how much is it? powerful?

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