Chapter 895: The Fourth Stronghold

Baokang Children's Hospital was the first target that Han Fei carefully selected. The hatred in the hospital was very strong. It once wiped out four investigation teams, and it was Fu Lie who rescued the remaining team members.

The hatred in the hospital has the value of confinement. In addition, this hospital is very close to Yinshang's new home, and there is no room for others to sleep soundly beside the bed, so Han Fei went straight to it after entering Area A.

The speed of the vehicle gradually slowed down as it passed through the gloomy buildings, and the cries of children could be faintly heard on both sides of the road.

"I remember a small survivor camp near here, full of children raised in hate captivity. Director Crow pushed his glasses: "I came here once on behalf of the school and wanted to invite them to class, but they kicked them out. You have to be careful, the children here look no different from ordinary people, but in reality In fact, they have been cultivated as vengeful spirits since childhood, which is very scary."

"Quiet, those children are here." Han Fei slammed on the brakes, and four children suddenly ran out from the side of the road. They were lying flat in the middle of the road, wearing pure white clothes, and their faces were covered with white paint.

If Han Fei hadn't braked in time, the tragedy would have happened.

Facing the vehicle of the investigation bureau, the four children had no intention of avoiding it at all. They seemed to want to use their own blood to force Han Fei and the others to get out of the car.

"It's really not a thing. They used children to threaten us." The residents of the school stronghold in the heavy truck also saw this scene. They just wanted to stick their heads out of the car window and shout out, but their bodies were firmly grasped by the winter dogs.

"Don't go out, you stay in the car obediently, and listen to the command of the team leader." All the vehicles of the investigation bureau have been specially treated, and ordinary ghosts will be affected when they approach. It can be said to be a mobile fortress.

Staring at the child blocking the way, Han Fei triggered the talent of the king of children. He signaled the others not to move, opened the car door and walked out.

"Can't you find your way home? Han Fei squatted in front of the four children, staring at the tallest child, who had a sharp knife hidden in his sleeve: "Why are you not talking? Why are your bodies shaking?"

After awakening the greedy personality eight times, Han Fei's aura was completely different from that of ordinary people. He was surrounded by evil spirits, like a king from the abyss.

Reaching forward, the four children trembled with fear, but they couldn't even do the simplest dodge.

"Touch the secrets of the soul."

Han Fei was like a soul-sucking thousand-year-old ghost. The child he touched collapsed to the ground, letting him flip through his memory.

"There are quite a few survivors in the Baokang Children's Hospital base. This is a surprise." The resurrection of Kuangxiao requires a lot of faith. Countless people firmly believe that he exists, and he will really exist.

"Get up and take me to find your father scorpion and mother snake. "The base of Baokang Children's Hospital is dominated by hatred, and the body of that hatred seems to be an abandoned baby, so it is very hostile to children who have parents' love.

It entrusts all the children in the stronghold to different adults to raise them. The most terrifying thing is that the more those adults abuse and torture the children they are responsible for, the more rewards they can get from hatred. If the torture method is ingenious, they can also get extra gourmet food.

Among them, the adults who are the most perverted and get the most hatred rewards are called Scorpion Father and Snake Mother. They are the managers of the survivor stronghold and are deeply trusted by hatred.

Han Fei stopped the Bureau's vehicle outside, and he followed the four children into the street where Baokang Hospital was located.

Dirty, messy and smelly was the first impression this street gave Han Fei. The nearby streets were much cleaner than here, but none of the survivors dared to go there, because hatred would only shelter this street.

The harsh living environment is a bad taste of hatred. It wants everyone to experience and its past. When they were born, they were thrown into the trash can, and they died miserably under the stench and all kinds of garbage.

"Canteen, amusement park, classroom..."

The words written on the door of the room are completely different from the scene inside the room. The canteen is dirtier than the toilet, with flies and insects flying around; the screams of children and the sound of machinery turning are constantly heard in the amusement park; there are no textbooks and desks in the classroom. There are only instruments of torture that constantly destroy humanity.

Seeing this made Han Fei even more determined.

Fa, the deep world must not get out of control. Ghosts are the most dangerous force. If they are allowed to dominate, the negative emotions suppressed in their hearts are enough to turn the entire city into a purgatory.

Han Fei didn't deliberately hide himself. Under the suspicious gaze of some residents, he strode to the "school" where the prisoners were held in the stronghold.

The school in the stronghold is not used to teach children, but to cultivate adults. It will domesticate those disobedient adults into vicious dogs who hate children.

Kicking open the door, Han Fei looked at the adults in the house.

These survivors did not share the concept of hatred, and almost all of them were wounded, some to protect their own children, and some to protect other people's children.

"You are free."

Han Fei opened the door for them, but no one dared to come out: "From now on, you can regain your human dignity and live in the sun dignifiedly."

"You, are you crazy? "A stout man with his left hand cut off beckoned Han Fei to keep his voice down so as not to disturb the people outside.

"My name is Gao Cheng. I am from the Disaster Investigation Bureau. I will officially take over this place. I will kill all the ghosts who hurt you and those villains who have given up their humanity and never repented!"

Footsteps sounded outside the street, and the managers of the stronghold ran with their men

Come over, there are also several personality awakeners.

"Your belief has given you hatred, so I can only accept your souls as sacrifices."

Black mist emerged from Han Fei's back, a big fish leaped out of the sea of ​​mist, the ghost mosquito of the lost girl spread out in the mist, and collided with Baokang Children's Hospital.

"Fu Lie is a weapon specially made by Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals to deal with ghosts. After awakening his personality eight times, he can confront hatred head-on. My situation is even more special, because I am a child raised by Fu Sheng himself. My Existence is to deal with disaster!"

In the extremely evil world, countless chains of criminal karma blocked the block. Under Han Fei's full force, a pair of god's eyes opened behind him.

"It turned out that the feeling of controlling power is so fascinating, no wonder Fu Sheng gave up being a human being and chose to be unspeakable!"

Several ghosts squeezed Baokang Children's Hospital from all directions, and the ear-piercing cries of children sounded in the dark building, and a baby crawled out from every window, their bodies were stained with blood and stains, and their eyes were full of hatred .

"Hate the baby, an abandoned baby who was supposed to die, but at the moment he stopped breathing, he happened to encounter the integration of the deep world and the city. It absorbed all the strange stories about ghost babies in the children's hospital, and continued to grow with resentment." Han Fei checked the information of the Bureau of Investigation. The hatred in Baokang Children's Hospital was born after the catastrophe. Its special feature is that its body belongs to reality and is polluted by the deep world, and because of the continuous spread of strange stories about ghost babies in the world , becoming stronger and stronger.

"I want to make impermanence break through into hatred. Its ability to draw power from ghost stories is very eye-catching."

In the face of ordinary hatred, Han Fei didn't even need to do his best. Looking at the gradually suppressed Hate Baby, he couldn't help but think of Xu Qin.

"It would be great if I could meet Xu Qin here, so that she can also see my tough side."

As night fell, other survivors would hide at night, but Han Fei was just the opposite. He was like a ghost, the darker the night, the more terrifying he was.

The eyes of the gods looked at each baby, and soon found the body of Hate Baby, which was hiding in the belly of a survivor's pregnant woman, trying to be born again.

To him, it was just a joke, but both the pregnant woman and her baby would die.

"What a twisted guy."

Han Fei drove all the ghosts so that they would not keep their hands. Under the siege of digital hatred, Hate had no chance to escape.

When the black mist dissipated, Baokang Children's Hospital had been "purified" by Han Fei, and all the ghosts were swallowed up, becoming part of the extremely evil world.

"Attention, player number 0000! You have successfully imprisoned the special hatred——Hate Baby."

"Hate the baby: it arises because of the ugliness of people, it is destroyed and

Occupied by resentment, it can grow infinitely through people's fear. "

Black Fire Ability One Infant Spirit: Tens of thousands of clones, as long as the body is not found, it will be immortal. "

"Black fire ability two grows up: eat fear and grow continuously."

"Ghost: The coverage range is 200 meters. All ghosts and living people within the range of the ghost can taste fear and strengthen themselves."

Han Fei received a reminder from the system that he was very satisfied with Heiying's abilities, especially his ghost ability.

When ordinary people can also taste fear, they will be much less afraid of ghosts and emit less negative emotions.

The ghosts dissipated, vehicles from the Investigation Bureau drove into the neighborhood, Yan Gang organized manpower to treat the wounded and distribute food, and Winter Dog began to count the survivors, killing those villains who served the ghosts by the way.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. After Han Fei successfully took over the dark building, a lot of shadows appeared on the ground at the end of the block. They seemed to have been waiting for Han Fei's arrival.

"What?!" Winter Dog led the awakened personality to prepare for defense, but Han Fei waved his hand to signal them not to be nervous.

"It's our allies, don't worry, a lot of the messages I get are from them. "Han Fei walked towards the shadow, "They will live with us in the future.

"ally? Both Dong Quan and Yan Lan looked into the distance in surprise, their expressions became strange.

One after another came out of the shadows, and their bodies were covered by weird black robes, but anyone could tell whether they were ghosts or not!

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