Han Fei was well aware of Da Nie's strength, and it was extremely difficult to dismember it. He hoped that those in Xincheng would never underestimate it.

With the help of Yin Shang, Han Fei contacted those hidden lonely souls and wild ghosts. This time, he intends to rob people directly and use the most violent way to plunder, so it is best for him not to reveal his identity as the investigation bureau. A good option is to pretend to be a ghost.

Power makes people intoxicated. As long as you have power, you can blur right from wrong and reverse black and white.

Han Fei didn't go back to the investigation bureau. When the sun sank to the horizon, the dilapidated god statues hidden underground in the city were lit up, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and a hundred ghosts walked at night.

The black eyes opened behind Han Fei, and Da Nie clearly felt the position of his body. They were divided into five parts and stored in the laboratory outside Hope New City.

Because of its own particularity, Da Nie has successfully gained the attention of the management of Hope New City. A large number of professionals have been studying it day and night. It is very difficult to take away all the bodies.

Han Fei memorized the locations of all the buildings, and he stood in the shadows silently looking at the huge new city.

Han Fei stood up straight, and black mist began to appear behind him:

I hope that many managers in Xincheng are also constantly weighing, one side is seeking to negotiate with ghosts and try to contact;

When the new city was first established, the main combat faction still accounted for the vast majority, but as time passed, when people calmed down again, more and more people forgot their grief and felt that maintaining the status quo was good.

Han Fei was not very clear about these internal struggles, but today he was going to give a gift to the main combat faction, so that they, who had been suppressed for a long time, could stand up again, refuse to contact with hatred, clean up the new city, and prepare for the blood sacrifice on the god's birthday.

The strange hatred was approaching rapidly, and Han Fei's eyes gradually became sharper.

He first asked the Yin merchants to use the incomplete statues to draw the two hatreds closest to the new city out of the black building, attract them to the vicinity of the new city, and let them conflict with the new city guards.

After attracting some people away, attack the building with the body of the evil with all your strength. Speaking of this, only he can do it. There is a strange and unspeakable divinity hidden in the incomplete statue, and this divinity that may be extinguished at any time has a huge attraction for hatred.

After unlocking the second stage of the memory world of the shrine, hatred can move freely. Han Fei waited until the ever-expanding ghosts collided with the equipment installed in Hope New City, and walked out of the shadows. He took out the paper man mask prepared in advance, and his body was Bloody paper man package.

I hope that the new city understands the hatred in the neighborhood. They have rehearsed similar scenes many times. The members of the new city guard quickly assembled, and the residents near the buffer zone evacuated to the urban area. A series of curse barriers specially targeted at ghosts were activated.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, but they ignored Han Fei. No one could have imagined that someone could hide the ghost in the brain and bring it into the protective circle.

As long as the abyss of greed is not opened, Xincheng's detection equipment will not be able to find the ghosts imprisoned by Han Fei, and he alone will become a variable that can influence the battlefield.

After Han Fei heard the sound of fighting over there, he immediately took action:

Han Fei approached the laboratory building closest to him. All the rooms here were covered with talismans. In order to fight against ghosts, people tried every means. Metaphysics and science, as long as they can be effective, are all human research directions.

Staring at the top floor of the laboratory building with dark eyes, Da Nie looked like a bullied and wronged puppy.

Concentrating his breath and entering the laboratory building, Han Fei turned on the master-level acting switch. With the cooperation of his talent for hide-and-seek, he easily approached a researcher on duty.

The other party was covered in protective clothing, and when he found Han Fei, the blade was already on his neck.

Han Fei's voice sounded from behind the researcher, cold and terrifying.

There was a naked killing intent in Han Fei's voice:

Avoiding the monitoring and going up layer by layer, the researcher opened all the doors for Han Fei. He was confident that Han Fei could not take the test results away, so he cooperated in this way.

The researcher kindly dissuaded him. In his opinion, Han Fei was just an ordinary person with nothing special about him. Only those low-level forces would hire such desperadoes to steal experimental data.

Han Fei walked out of the corridor, and several surveillance cameras were aimed at him, and there was no blind spot to hide in.

The researcher breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of strong lights shone on Han Fei, and the voices of several strange men came from the mechanical probe:

The paper mask on Han Fei's face laughed:

The black mist spread behind Han Fei like the wings of a devil. It seemed that a dragon in the abyss opened its eyes, and several waves of hatred pierced the night sky. I hope that the peace of Xincheng, which has been silent for many years, will be smashed by Han Fei with a punch!

Opening the last door, Han Fei saw a crystal nucleus condensed from a disaster. It was the beating heart of Da Nie, and it seemed to be an embryo that was giving birth to a new life.

This was the first time Han Fei saw Da Nie's heart, and he could still clearly feel the strong aura of disaster even through seven layers of protection.

It seemed that Han Fei had guessed right, the vague ghost in the heart was extremely excited, and the huge heart was beating wildly, triggering waves of disaster.

No matter what Da Nie became, it was very close to Han Fei. After all, only Han Fei could give it the feeling of being forever on the verge of death.

Han Fei touched Da Nie's eyeballs. His conversation with Da Nie had already frightened the researcher.


After the disaster, there were indeed survivors who kept pets, but they had heard of pet cats and dogs, but researchers had never seen one with eyeballs.

The bright blade cut through the protective layer, and the huge heart rushed towards Han Fei impatiently.

The executioner's huge ax split the roof, and the black mist of greed enveloped the entire building from top to bottom. All the people and experimental objects who had seen the hatred in the abyss of greed were swallowed up.

Standing on the top of the building, Han Fei looked at the chaotic new city and the fire lights of the houses. He jumped down amidst the sirens that resounded through the sky!

The black mist was like an ocean, and big fish supported Han Fei's body. As he moved towards the next building, the Yin merchants who had been waiting for a long time also began to attack. Da Nie's dismembered body was taken away!

Han Fei walked forward in the waves of black mist. The principal, the girl, the nightmare of fear, and the white hair, the four huge bodies of hatred disappeared behind him.

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