My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 802: Meat Eating Day

"The gods deceived the person with the strongest sense of justice in the city and made him the most contradictory work." Han Fei always felt that the protagonist of this legend was Li Xue's teacher. The policeman who once entered the garden and fought butterflies for decades.

"Yes, all night police officers are the degenerates of crime detectives. Although they are all powerful, their number is very small. Banned night police have a fixed range of activities. There are only a few disaster-level night police, and night-level night police only exist in According to the legend. If what this guy said is true, then the building is likely to usher in new changes." Ji Zheng himself is also a night policeman, and he has an innate fear of that level of power. "Night level, under the gods, He is the night.

The lights in the elevator room are still shining, the bloody numbers on the screen are constantly changing, and the elevator doors are sent to a corpse on the twenty-fifth floor. This scene is shocking just by looking at it, and the real cleaning may have already begun.

"Run! Hide! Hide where the gods can't reach! Hide in those forbidden arms! Even dying in the forbidden is better than falling into his hands." The teenage night policeman Gao Gao He screamed, his face was bloody, his teeth flew out, but he felt no pain at all.

Seeing that Han Fei and others were indifferent, he was wearing that terrifying shroud and struggling to get up, like a paper figurine with a life, stumbled and rushed towards Han Fei as if he had just learned to walk, "Why don't you escape?

As his steps rose and fell, he just left the elevator car two meters away and his head exploded, leaving only a body in a shroud on the ground. "What is this power to curse hatred"

The shroud boy's head seemed to be clamped by invisible iron clamps. No matter where he fled, when the other party wanted to let him die, his head would explode. This was an inexorable strong control.

"Clean up the elevator room, don't let the elevator stay on the twenty-fifth floor for too long." Han Fei stood in the bloody place, he was not frightened by the power of the night police, and he remained awake. "I noticed the changes on the 25th floor on the 50th floor. The gods haven't woken up yet. It must be those false gods who wanted to investigate, but they accidentally encountered the strongest work of the gods going crazy." Ji Zheng looked at Man The blood stained the ground, and my heart lingered: "You are so lucky.

"It shouldn't be luck." Han Fei asked Li Rou to absorb the blood of those night policemen, and he looked at the dean controlled by the evil spirit: "Can we deal with these night policemen without outsiders' intervention?"

"Come one to kill one, two to kill one pair, except God, whoever comes will die." Evil Soul opened his hands, and the tentacles of countless souls drilled out of the dean, took root in the corpse of the night police, and put them on their bodies. The guilt and power of his body were fused into his body. "Where is your knife? The justice that has been defiled in their hearts can only be purified by your knife. Let them be completely free."

The dazzling light of the knife lights up, piercing the shell of sin, and earning the once clean and bright soul into the knife of rebirth

"Every night policeman is a criminal investigator who once insisted on justice. We all lived the way we hated the most before. After seeing my child, you may also need you to help me free." Ji Zheng stared at Han The knife in Fei's hand: "In my child's heart, I should be a hero worthy of respect, so let me live in his memory forever."

"It's too early to say this." After Han Fei waited for all the blood to be cleaned up, he stood at the elevator door. "The calamity on the sixth floor slaughtered a large number of believers, and we took away No. 2's brain on the twenty-fifth floor. Fragment, the gods are now furious.

"Do you need to avoid the edge for a while?" Sister Hong was a little worried. "No, what we need now is a rush." ​​Han Fei's face showed a smile that he only showed when killing people. "Let's find other fragments of No. 2's brain, wait for the six haters to come, and cooperate well. Preparations for their slaughterhouse.

There was a killing intent in the plain voice that ordinary people would not dare to think about. Sister Hong and Ji Zheng both saw another side of Han Fei. This young man climbed out of the pile of ghosts and walked to the skyscraper step by step. He can become the manager of the dead building and the paradise, not because of kindness and kindness.

"Sin should be cleared away, isn't this a matter of course." Pressing the elevator button, the blood in the car had been swallowed by the "elevator" itself, and Han Fei raised his head slightly.

If the night policeman is really Mr. Li Xue, and the other party chose to fall into the deep world, does that mean he was killed last night?

Before Han Fei entered the game, he spent a day in the archives with the old man. At that time, he felt that something was not right. The old man said a lot of words as if he was asking for Gu, and handed Fu Sheng's bracelet to him. "It turned out that everything was a sign.

Grabbing the head of Da Xie, Han Fei's hideous ghost patterns lit up, and he entered the elevator car. Needless to say, Ji Zheng and Sister Li Rou Hong also followed into the elevator.

The Spirit of Evil manipulated the dean to let Taboo "grow" upstairs. Wherever Taboo went, if anyone dared to block it, Han Fei and others would take action. "Under hatred, let's solve it."

The silver-grey elevator door slowly closed, and the worst and brutal killing night in the skyscraper was about to begin. The number on the display changed to twenty-six, and the bloody curtain was violently opened along with the elevator door.

"Because the twenty-sixth floor is too close to the twenty-fifth floor, most of the people who settle here are to explore the secrets of the taboo. If the taboo can be destroyed, they will gain the blessings of the gods. But there are also not so bad among them. Man, you have to decide carefully!" Ji Zheng took out his camera and looked at the fate of everyone around him, and there was blood in his shot.

"I won't kill innocent people and I won't give perpetrators a chance to rehabilitate."

Han Fei walked out of the elevator and exited the fifteenth floor. The spirit of evil and Han Fei had the same mind, and manipulated the "Principal" to start the most violent and taboo invasion.

A spike of flesh and blood pierced the ground,

The bodies of those murderers have been fused by the dean, and under the influence of the forbidden power, arms stretched out from hell, grabbing every room on the twenty-sixth floor. Every time Han Fei took a step, the fleshy spikes would spread out in a circle. "Hold the elevator and don't let the living go away."

Pulling out the butcher's knife, Han Fei touched the ghost pattern lightly, and he walked towards the depths of the corridor.

"Victims become toys for killers, tormented day and night, and these incorrect times need to be corrected little by little."

The roar sounded, and the aura of calamity spread around Daxie's body. Han Fei wanted to use the forbidden power to swallow as many floors as possible before the other floors could react.

After the hatred in the building comes over, let the evil spirits delay them, or find a way to kill the hatred.

Paradise Shrine has been absorbing Han Fei's health now, and he needs powerful sacrifices to replace himself with the pressure of the Shrine. "Quick! Keep up!"

After breaking open the doors, Han Fei was the eye of the evil spirit. He led the way for the taboo, and used the butcher's knife to judge good and evil. It only took half an hour to clean the twenty-sixth floor.

"This floor is a buffer zone. The managers inside the building had already abandoned the twenty-sixth and twenty-fourth floors." Ji Zheng looked at the wall of flesh and blood that had been assimilated by taboos. He knew that Han Fei was crazy, but he didn't expect this Young people really dare to be tough with the gods. If the skyscraper is the shrine of the garden owner, then Han Fei is now using the power left by No. 2 to invade the shrine.

There was blood on the ground, like a hell on earth, but Ji Zheng couldn't feel the fear of Han Fei.

When he slaughtered those murderers, he also saved the tortured and inhuman victims, whether it was a seriously ill patient with only one breath left, a collection of living people cut into special shapes, or someone who had lost his emotions.” Meat food", as long as Han Fei finds out that the other party is a victim, he will save such a person at all costs, even if he is the incarnation of the devil, but who would hate him? At least, Juzheng feels that he can't do it. "Player number 0000, please note that the degree of deformity of special resident Li Rou has increased to 79%, and the assessment level is dangerous.

The deformed body absorbed a lot of blood, and Li Rou, the half-deformed ghost, broke through quickly. She became more and more beautiful, and she lost the breath of a living person, like a carefully carved corpse.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Li Rou has far surpassed nine lives, and this is only the ordinary form of a half-deformed ghost. She fully activates the blood of sin, and her strength can increase again, but a person will also become a terrifying monster.

How beautiful and mysterious it is now, how ugly and tyrannical it will be after the distortion.

"Sister Hong, I have already helped them deal with the injuries of these victims. Please settle them." Han Fei watched the murderers' flesh and blood being eaten by the "Principal", and the walls on the twenty-sixth floor were under the influence of taboos. , is gradually becoming the same as the twenty-fifth floor

"It's time to go to the twenty-seventh floor." The elevator has been blocked, and the entrance of the corridor is the focus of the evil spirits, and there are very few people who can escape. "The 27th to 30th floors are the rearing floor. These three floors are responsible for keeping and collecting special items from the next 30 floors and sending them to higher floors." Ji Zheng knew that he couldn't stop Han Fei, so he simply did it completely. Join Han Fei and inform Han Fei in advance of the precautions to be taken at every level before taking action.

"Feeder layer" "For example, you must have heard of meat food, but you rarely see it in the building, and occasionally you encounter inferior meat food with poor quality, real good meat food and special ingredients. There are special people to train them, in order to obtain a better taste, they will also build a suitable 'growing environment' for the meat food." Ji Zheng sighed, "The meat-eating day is coming, and you are destroying the feeding layer now, and it is easy to be attacked by various forces in the building. At the same time, I suggest you go up to see the specific situation first, and then make a judgment." "Go upstairs.

Han Fei made contact with Soul of Evil, but the speed of flesh and blood expansion did not slow down. Several people re-entered the elevator, and every time the silver-gray elevator door opened and closed, a gust of wind would blow. On the twenty-seventh floor, it was not a member of Rusty Ladder who was standing beside the elevator, but a blind businessman.

Unlike most blind businessmen who are thin and dirty, this blind businessman is fair-skinned and eats very fat. Although he can't see, he always has a smile on his face and looks very happy.

"A few of you came downstairs with such a bloody smell, you must have gotten a lot of good stuff." The fat blind businessman believed his judgment very much. He smiled and leaned over to Han Fei, but he didn't wait. The next sentence he said, he felt a tingling pain in his neck, as if an extremely sharp knife was pressed against his shoulder. "Please explain to me, what counts as good goods"

"Good and good goods are goods with better taste, or relatively special characters. For example, some diners like the little princess. The flowers in the greenhouse are beautiful and willful, and they are the most delicious when they are placed on the dinner plate." The blind businessman felt his neck It hurt more and more and his voice started to tremble

"It turns out that the goods you are talking about refer to the living people from the lower level." Han Fei slashed it down with a knife, and the chubby head rolled around on the ground a few times before falling into the corner: "Before the rebirth knife came close, your neck was pierced. The sword light pierced, how many people did you kill the smiling tiger to throw away the body of the fat blind businessman, Han Fei pushed open the door of the elevator, and opened the thick curtain.

The twenty-seventh floor has been artificially divided into different areas, and different meat and food are kept in captivity. Many victims on this floor do not have their own names, and they are branded with serial numbers.

Ordinary meat food can't be sold at a price, but some meat food is very popular on the 50th floor, such as living people with beautiful appearance, and criminal detectives with a sense of justice in their hearts.

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